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Messages - NickisDank

A lot of you are crazy/confused.. DMT Is a forced OBE at a decent dose..

Call it a "drug" or whatever you want, we release a certain amount of DMT every day of our lives during sleep.
So this is something we all apparently have been doing for awhile now. I have a few questions about it

I just finished reading The Secret of the Soul and at the end it states

"reincarnation is a universal reality, it's highly effective method used by soul for the purpose of learning and evolution. We evolve by personal experience, the most effective method to truly know something is to become it, live it, we actually become that which we wish to learn.

So since death is the grand illusion of our reality and once we die we confirm this, we either choose to experience it all over again? Or just choose to stay at the vibrational frequency we are most alike and either advance, or stay.And so really how far does family go, for example my relatives the people I've grown up to love what happens when we all die, sure we can see eachother and help eachother through the passing stage of death but what's It matter if they reincarnate and have a completely different family, AND have no recollection of your past family what so ever.

Someone please clarify with a lot of things lol, why do we not know this while were here in the first place? What makes a person want to do this all over again, do we choose reincarnate at any given moment once we die?

Apparently there are energy beings that never decided to take on the challenges of earth, so they can you know view earth and follow it's span, but what the hell do they do all their "life" as a soul just wondering the universe until they decide to experience earth, or are they free to adjust to whatever frequency?
I'm mind bonked at the moment
Thanx for all your responses guys, I'm def going to try everything everyone reccomended. I haven't had an experience since last so now I'm just hoping for something to happen this week.

Another question tho, Midnight pointed out that my friend could of been a thought form that I created for that experience specifically, is every single OBE always going to be like that or will I ever be able to actually be able to see what's actually in reality for that given moment. And talk to people that WILL remember me talking to them in that state?
Quote from: Summerlander on May 17, 2011, 20:25:06
I tend to use the term "metaphysical realm" to describe what most call "astral plane". Weird things happen there because it is the realm of thoughts. It is more mental in nature and many of the rules that we are so used to during our waking state don't necessarily apply.

i see i see i didnt know they were the same term. thank you

what do you refer to the higher realms to? the higher planes or what?
Can someone respond to my post above and what I have to say in this one?

I became lucid in a random dream last night, I was outside a local supermarket in town and i was walking with one of my friends which I was paying no attention to at the time. I Remember what blis said so I tried to find the nearest thing to walk through which at the time was the supermarket wall, as me and my friend were walking I stated "take me to the beach" and tried walking through the wall, which ended up being solid in the end. Once i felt it was solid I was confused then the next thing I know my friend says "hahaha did you really think that was going to work?" i didn't say anything and ended up opening the door to what I thought was a supermarket, when i went in it was just full of random hallways and a bunch of random people I've seen and some close friends. The experience ended

I also asked my friend if he had any dreams that night, he said he didn't remember.

Thoughts pleaseeee!
What do u mean by metaphysical and why do u think that would happen.
I posted this in my thread, but nobody had anything to really say about it but

ive jumped through mirrors in my home, for example I have a decent sized hallway and at the end of it is a mirror, when I was lucid once i took a running start and jumped into it and experienced a very brief falling motion and could really see anything and then was thrown right out of the mirror to the start of the hallway.

anyone know why that would happen?

and in dreams where im not lucid and im looking in a mirror i never think anythings wrong, but ive had a few instances where i was lucid and there would be times id look in the mirror and not see anything and other times id see my reflection.
Quote from: blis on May 12, 2011, 05:02:50
Sounds like you'll be successful if you just stop thinking it's taking too long.

If you want to speed it up you might try pulling energy through your brow chakra while you visualize it. That often helps me will stuff into existence.

You could try doing it with you eyes open. That way you're less likely to get bored if it takes a while.

You could also try looking at something reflective. Like I picked up a painting once in a dream that had glass over the front of it. Instead of looking at the painting I angled it so the glass was just reflecting light. While looking into the glare an image slowly started to take shape. The more real it got the more I started to get sucked into it. Felt just like phasing but from a dream environment.

You could also try closing your eyes and flying through the nearest wall with the expectation that when you come out on the other side you will be at the beach.

all those sounds great, but i have a question if you do it with your eyes open for example "Take me to a beach, NOW" what is going to happen thats already around me? just shatter and be in a black void for a moment till a beach appears? lol
That sounds like a pretty good experiment to try, I think I'm going to try it

The past 3 nights now I've literally found myself lucid for a minute or so and I was in some really weird situations, so since i ignored totally what was going on in the dream I found myself spontaneously yelling to be taken to a beach. I'd close my eyes and try to picture a senory and the next thing I know I felt like I was being pulled literally inward to the image I was picturing. It felt like a pulling/lifty feeling, I for some reason stopped all 3 events only to the fact of thinking I was taking to long

Thoughts anyone? What should I do
Going through everything backwards? Idk because everytime I've ever walked through something I just go forward with an open mind, that's all it takes right?

Does anyone else have any thoughts about this? Specifically the mirrors, and getting reset on the other side of the object that I just walked through.
Ok so this week has been a great week for me and my nonphysical experiences, dreams and dreams where I became lucid since I'm still practicing a full conscious experience. But all week I've been experiencing the same thing, probably on 4 separate occasions this week I was lucid, so

Whenever I find myself lucid around my house this week I would attempt to walk through any object that was close to me, some occasions it was doors while others would just be solid walls. But there would be times where I'd end up getting through the object and it literally feels like someone picked me up and put me right back on the other side of the object. Then also there were times where I would literally get stuck halfway through a door or wall and it would feel like out of nowhere I would get pulled right back out.

I'm aware your intent has everything to do with it, but i don't know how much intent it takes to fly or walk through a door other than just doing it. Idk what to ever try to expect other then just what's in reality on the other side or just a whole new scene to begin with.

I've also had the same thing happen to me with jumping through mirrors in my home, for example I have w decent sized hallway and at the end of it is a mirror, when I was lucid once i took a running start and jumped into it and experienced a very brief falling motion and could really see anything and then was thrown right out of the mirror to the start of the hallway.

What do you all think?
Quote from: Under_the_Midnight_Sun on April 22, 2011, 23:03:26
you need to break the usual thoughts you're accustomed to in the physical. All is needed is a firm intent to levitate. If the intent wavers, even for a second, the false reality you create for yourself will become the reality. The subconscious rules the OBE unfortunately, and it can be difficult to change. The only thing to do is practice

I see, but the thing is my last OB i just descended from the air without thinking anything. I just want to be floating in the air and not thinking a thing.

But your probably right with the practice, although i didnt think i would need anymore after like 20 experiences. Guess i was wrong  :cry:
Quote from: Contenteo on April 24, 2011, 05:04:28

I had this thought I thought I should share. Isn't it a shame that the majority of people in jail don't know about projection. They could be pros.


ive also thought about creating a thread about this
Tee thank you for your post above, I see what your saying. You got me pretty excited to practice tonight lol
So let's say a serial killer ends up committing suicide upon being caught, what is his transition like once he dies? Does he go to a place that he creates for a little bit? And if so how would he end up realizing he actually died.
Can you automatically experience a higher plane, realm, or whatever by just saying "take me to my higher self" or what?

Because all my experiences have taken part just in my town, close to earth obviously. I'm trying to experience something else soon.

Someone help me! =D
Quote from: djed on April 19, 2011, 06:36:03
Hi Nickis, can you give an example of a falling exercise?, haven't read about that.
Cheers, djed

I usually either picture myself on a cloud that's floating up drastically, or I get a mental image of my body in bed and imagine myself slowly floating above it

Does anyone see a problem with what I do? Since I technically haven't had a full conscious experience, am I just not doing the exercises at the right time?
So ever since I first joined this site I've only had experiences through lucid dreaming, I've had about 20 or so now and I haven't had a weird experience yet, regarding meeting entities and what not. Mainly they consist of me just flying around where I become lucid and I try and visit friends but I usually lose lucidness by that time.

My past 3 or 4 lucid dreams I've noticed when I fly I just can't stay levitated, idk what it is but my next goal all i want to do is stay lifted in the air and just meditate on things going on with my life and see if I can find something cool out I don't know yet. I just want that state of peacefulness and control over my mind. Once I experience this I plan to do other thing like ask to see my past lives or see old family members, and all sorts of other things

But like I said idk I just can't fly very long, my first few lucid dreams I would be flying and flipping all over the place, now I just either slowly float back down, or crash lol what can I do to fix this
So my plan, each time I wake up during sleep I should do a falling exercise for about 5-10 and I should be out? Since I can go back to sleep really quick upon waking up
Quote from: Xanth on April 16, 2011, 13:36:43
Oh it *is* possible, but as Astral316 pointed out a good chunk of people simply just fall asleep.
Those same "good chunk of people" have an easier time attempting upon waking instead.

With that said, Bellend do whatever you have to that helps you keep your mind active.  You repeating those words should work just as good.  You might have to find something less boring though eventually.  :)

Then what would I be doing wrong?

I've tried on countless nights before going to sleep to try and project, I would atleast lay there for an hour shuffling through breathing exercises, falling technique, and noticing something in my vision to change and I just can't get out. Am I not waiting long enough or something
Welcome to Magic! / Re: levitation
April 16, 2011, 17:53:24
i still want an explanation for this lol

So it just isnt likely to be really sleepy after randomly waking up and going back to sleep within 5 minutes and keep your mind awake?
Wow moondreamer that's a very crazy story, it makes me want to ask to see my past life.
How long on average does it take for you all to project after randomly waking up in the middle of your sleep? Because i wake up about 3 times during sleep due to dreams and this morning after I woke from a dream I stayed conscious for about 5 minutes trying to go back to sleep, I felt myself pretty much shutting off and getting close to projecting

So how long do you all lay there for after waking up? And what do you all mainly do to project since it takes such a short while I'm hoping after waking up, just focus on breathing in and out? And boom I should be there lol
Why would people not choose to go into the astral if their mediating. I don't get that, stookie