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Messages - Lezi

Exactly! That could explain why we can relate, but on the other hand, not everyone is capable of relating to somebody else. However, reincarnation could explain why we can relate to some things and not others. Good point Bedeekin. I didn't think of that.
I'll definitely try that if I can wake up around that time 8-)
Name: Medica
Meaning: derived from Latin for "healer"
Inspiration: I've always loved anything that has to do with healing.
Description:Goddess that can be invoked for healing of all sorts. From psychological diseases such as depression to physical diseases such as the flu, Medica can be invoked for her healing powers.
Appearance: Tall and slender with a plain face and beautiful green eyes. Her skin is the color of the moon and she is very graceful. Medica is usually dressed in white, grey or green robes. She has a calming pressence and a soft voice.

That was fun actually. You're not crazy, you're just creative. You could write a good novel I'm sure:-)
How do I know that my experience of consciousness is not the same as anyone else's. What makes us think that our experiences are all separate and not part of a collective consciousness? Perhaps we are all experiencing the same thing at the same time on different parallel planes. What do you think?
Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / Re: Sonia Barrett
November 23, 2010, 17:05:15
Hmm..never heard of her but I'll look her up and get back to you 8-)
Quote from: personalreality on November 18, 2010, 11:19:27
oh it's not set up by a human, it's channeled......

Hey, be nice! :-D Anyway I believe in channeling, it's not a far fetched idea. I like the soul age setup and it explains alot. Though I don't believe in all of Michael's Teachings, some of it is pretty good 8-)
Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / Re: Define love?!
November 17, 2010, 17:01:48
Quote from: Taoistguy on November 17, 2010, 12:32:36
Rpmantic love is very close to insanity. The brain patterns and hormones are similare to someone with a brain disorder like schizophrenia.

Which is akin to quodrophenia! ;)

I know, everytime I see a couple in love I can't help but mentally chuckle at how much more sane I am than them. Just kidding but it is strange what love can do to someone.

Quote from: Pauli2 on November 17, 2010, 13:40:35
The oldest person in Monroe's I-There is 150 000 years old.

I hope I'm at least 3000 years old...

So awful much to learn otherwise..

Couldn't agree more :-D

Quote from: horaciocs on November 16, 2010, 15:44:08
Well, that's a rather simplistic approach, isn't it?

Simplistic how? Must everything be complicated? 8-)
Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / Re: Define love?!
November 16, 2010, 15:09:25
Quote from: personalreality on November 15, 2010, 22:39:26
love is an experience that is no different than any other.  it's importance is neither greater or lesser than any other experience.  it's definition is as abstract and subjective as any other experience.  i don't know about anyone else, but i don't like another person telling me what my experience should feel like.

I'm not telling you what your experience should be like. I'm just offering my opinion. Take it or leave it. Doesn't matter to me 8-)
Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / Re: Define love?!
November 15, 2010, 21:18:55
I believe that real love is the best kind, unconditional love. Of course there is a lot of "love" in the world but alot of it is based on lust, infatuation etc. Love is real when you can watch the one you love go to pieces and still love them.

Love shouldn't have limitations or conditions. Like for instance, if your significant other has to buy you expensive gifts to recieve your love or affection, then it isn't love. Unfortunately this kind of love is rare anymore :|

I didn't have time to read all the posts yet but I'm just itching to add my 2-cents. I think that we are here to learn from our suffering and also from our happiness. Someone said that we can't learn and experience certain things from the astral etc. so we must experience all that here. There is so much to learn and I think it takes many life times to do so.

We all can tell you what we think our purpose for existing is but in the end it is you who must find out for yourself. Cheers! 8-)
Quote from: Naykid on November 15, 2010, 17:37:15
:lol: I'm so lost.....  

I second that 8-)

Quote from: Taoistguy on November 15, 2010, 17:19:06
Why do you not agree with him? Surely that supposes you think he's wrong?

Well, I could in fact be wrong and he be right or vice versa. I don't want to be too quick to say that he is wrong should it turn out he's right.
Well, I wouldn't go so far as to say he is wrong, I just don't agree with him. 8-)
Quote from: Taoistguy on November 15, 2010, 15:40:12
Where does this wisdom of choosing what our next life is come from? Are we suddenly imbued with Wisdom when we die that we can make that choise? Or do we still hold the same values and judgements we have whilst alive? Or is it all random?

I don't think its random. I think our higher self or perhaps even a spirit guide discusses this with us. 8-)
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: Death?
November 14, 2010, 22:11:37
Quote from: Xanth on November 08, 2010, 12:59:12
I've actually been taking some time during my Lucid Dreams and Projections to just stand and look around... take in as much as I can.
And I'm always amazed at just how real everything is.  I KNOW it's non-physical... but it's as every bit real as this physical reality is.

I have noticed this. I had a lucid dream not to long ago and was very suprised to look around and see just how real everything was. It was amazing!
I for one believe in karma. What Karma means is different to each individual but I personally believe Karma goes a long the lines of this: Say somebody beats the heck out of a hobo. Well, rather than being "punished" by karma they instead must go through what that hobo went through in a later life or so. That is what I believe Karma is. Karma is not there to keep somebody in line, but rather to help us have a better understanding of others and to help us learn from our mistakes 8-)
Has anyone ever read "The Freedom of Choice" by Thomas Chalko? It is a really good read and I would love to hear other's opinions on it 8-)
According to Robert Bruce it is. He has stated that the astral plane is made up of  "mind stuff" which includes all thoughts and emotions etc. But since I have never had conscious projections (all of mine were spontaneous and short), I am not an expert on the topic. It's intriguing but also scary at the same time to imagine that other people might be able to view another's dreams because they can get pretty personal :|
Is it possible to see what someone else is dreaming while in the RTZ? Can you project into their dreams and communicate with the dreaming person or maybe even change their dream? Can you see their memories, hopes and dreams? It's an interesting idea and something I will definitely try once I consciously project :-o
Honestly, I believe that everyone has the capability to be psychic. Why some people are born psychic and others are not, I do not know. Psychic ability isn't like physical beauty where if you are born with cool, and if your not then you just don't have it. Keep working on them and I think you'll get somewhere 8-)
Welcome to Dreams! / Color or Black/White..?
November 14, 2010, 00:13:33
I was wondering how many people dream in color and how many people dream in black and white? I always dream in color and I can very often hear and feel things. Is this common and why is it this way :?

This might be a stupid question but meh..I have an inquisitive mind..
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: My Lucid Dream Last Night!
November 07, 2010, 17:37:27
Interesting. I still await the day I have a lucid dream that lasts longer than..well, a minute at least. I tend to lose focus to easily :|.

Keep them coming though lol
This is the way I see it. Many people say that the purpose of dreams is to bring whats going on in your subconscious to the conscious right? Well if you obsess over something then it is already in your conscious, hence there is no reason to dream about it.
Welcome to Dreams! / My Lucid Dream!
November 07, 2010, 16:10:53
I was having a dream that I was at school again and I was around inside the halls. It was a strange dream I remember because I was skating around the school in roller blades :-P. Anyway I was skating around nonchalantly and all of a sudden I come to this realization that I am dreaming! I am in awe at this and as I look around it is as if everything is so real but in a weird way. The walls and everything looked solid yet I was still in a dreamlike state and knew it wan't real. Everything in my dream was still going on though as if the dream itself didn't even realize that I knew it was all a dream. So now that I realize I have full control of my dream I skate half way through the school within seconds and visit an old teacher. Then I think I lose control of the dream and it changes into a different sequence.

I would love to hear anyone's opinions or their lucid dream experiences :-D.