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Messages - Taoistguy

Welcome to Dreams! / Re: What to do in lucid dreams
December 29, 2012, 20:44:06
I too am ashamed of myself after having lucid dream sex. What I really want to do is explore the environment. Touch and dig and see what stuff is made of. See how it all works and investigate it all.

I'm now finding it easier and easier to 'notice' much quicker. And the vibrations come at a faster and more frequent pace too.
Last night, I had an interesting experience. After a short time after starting to notice, I started to see really clear images as if I was watching a tv. It was of travelling through some sort of valley or desert environment. Occaissionally I saw odd images of other things along the way, or superimposed over it, like strange bone people, and I also saw a lizard, but that seemed like it was part of this environment and not superimposed.

Before all this started, I had the intention of going to see a friend on the other side of the country.

What are your thoughts on this?

For me, I first got there from having relaxed with my eyes shut. I 'noticed' all the activity that was going on with the patterns and coloured 'blobs' and all the time I was focusing on a tiny spot in all of this. Eventually, it seemed to change to a coherent pattern of symmetrical rectangular blocks of whitish yellow and then suddenly I was 'there' - in this black void where there where these 3D blocks lying around. I remember the feeling so strongly of being in this environment for real, and the most amazing thing was that the whole place was just imbued with a tremendous and lovely feeling of peace.

I never got beyond that though. Or if I did, I don't remember.

Good luck to you and keep us informed of your success.
Thanks, folks. I am working on it. :)
Well, this morning, I had a very successful OBE after about a year of trying to get beyond the vibrations and 3D space.
I had decided to try asking 'Guides' for help and for a memorable OBE I can remember afterwards.
What happened was the vibrations came and I had a bit of a 'struggle' to go further and then I found myself in a sort of town centre that had a few other folks wandering around.
I remember trying to fly and succeeding, but then failed at that again. LOL. However, I 'knew' I was having an OBE and this just seemed to be and feel so obvious.

However, I found myself being quite a bit 'negative' and then felt myself phasing as if I was in the physical world trying to start an OBE. Next, I had a sort of false awakening where I woke up in bed and then left to go to the toilet. But outside my room, I realised I wasn't in my room but in a strange house. There was a party going on and people were being quite selfish and untoward to each other.

I went outside and things were even worse and I had to fight off 2 nasty people.

It was an interesting experience. My own thoughts are that I blew the initial experience by being negative minded and so I was automatically shifted down to a location more fitting for me.

It's hypothetical. I would not take POW's. But, then again, there are other ways to get them to talk without torture.
Welcome to Dreams! / Recurring childhood dream
October 21, 2012, 19:24:41
As a child I used to have a recurring dream. What I remember of it is there was what I would call a big spaceship that had landed in a field I was in. Loads of people came out who 'someway' looked like me. They told I was part of their 'family' and they'd come to take me home.

Anyone have anything similar to this or reasons as to why I did?

It's all just Consciousness. Or different states of it. Is this physical world real? It's just another state of Consciousness.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Re: Future of humanity
October 20, 2012, 04:33:55
Thanks. I'll try get a copy.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Re: Future of humanity
October 19, 2012, 23:26:27
What is the name of the book by Monroe where he talks about this time travel/future experience?
I have no idea what you're on about. :|
Never heard of that. Thanks, I'll look for a recipe and make some this year. :)
Yes. That's where many of us are heading. :)
I love the Day of the Dead. As my daughter was growing up, we used to make little skulls made of marzipan and coat some of them in chocolate and decorate them in coloured icing.

I much prefer it to Halloween which is a really dark and fearful and morbid affair.
Welcome to Dreams! / Dream Homes
October 17, 2012, 20:57:22
I've had dreams where i seem to have been in a place before. By this, I mean when I'm in the place, I remember that I have been there before in an earlier dream. It's like a sort of 'being home'. I remember that one place was a wood I was walking through, and I remember, (looking back to the dream), that I suddenly remembered that I 'knew' the place well and had been their before in my dreams. There was such an overwhelming feeling of 'knowing' and remembering and recognition.

Another time was with a house I lived in. Another time was me living in a block of flats.

Having read what I have about dreams and OBEs, I'm inclined to think they may be places I've created myself in the Astral realms, but why would I have so many 'homes'? And why would I choose to live in a high rise and use a lift?

Any thoughts?

Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Dreams of future events
October 17, 2012, 10:55:08
Interesting. Was she tall and thin?

Welcome to Astral Pulse Island! / Re: Focus 3
October 16, 2012, 21:13:23
LOL. Gosh. Thanks. :)
Thankyou. folks, this clarifies it better for me. :)
Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / Re: Crying
October 16, 2012, 11:55:13
You are not alone in your feelings, there are many more like you. Have you tried contacting any vegan groups or similar in your area? Contact me by PM if you want saying what your hometown is and I can find your nearest group you can contact. In the meantime, I advise you what Xanth says: talk to a doctor, or failing that, a trusted friend, colleague, someone. :) Much love and peace to you. :)
So very true. We can give all the help and advice we can, but if someone isn't listening or has only just learnt to count then why explain algebra to them?
We have a duty to ourselves and it's a 'blessing' when we happen upon someone at the same resonace as ourselves.
Just read your book. Thankyou, it's very, very good and I love the fact it's no-nonsense and matter of fact.

I also found it interesting towards the end where it starts to turn philosophical broadening into meditation and conceptual thought. Great stuff.

Welcome to Astral Pulse Island! / Focus 3
October 16, 2012, 08:37:42
Am am still a beginner in OBE's, and I have a question.
Has anyone actually met any aliens in any of these Focus realms? If Kepple is correct, then all beings in our 'universe' will be in one of these Focus realms.
I've heard someone mention Greys in the lower reaches of F3, but has anyone seen Nordics? Blue horse people? Any other of the myriad races that must exist?
And what about people from different times? Say people from 3000 BC or 1645 or anyone from the future?
If all time and space is happening at the same time, then F3 must be full of many people from the 'normal' past, present, future, places in the universe?

Ok. first of all let me say I am not slagging off Kepple. It's just that I was re reading his article again the other day and I came across something I didn't understand.

He talks about energy levels and vibrations, saying that those with higher vibrations are attracted to the higher levels and beings and have greater 'freedom'. Yet he also talks about seeing lower beings and energies and to keep away from them.

My issue is: How can we get close to those negative places and entities if our energies are at cross purposes? Surely we would have little contact with each other? I mean, if we can enter their areas but they can't enter higher ones?

I followed the technique of relaxing then noticing in the closed eye phase. I sudden;t got the vibrations and then found myself in the 3D blackness. It was very real.

Let them have their opinion. In time, maybe they will change. Just concentrate on yourself and believe in yourself.