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Messages - Nomesb69

Dream or astral realm and what would they be?

What is about one foot tall, translucent and wears robe like clothing?

I was at ground level in a doorway looking down the hallway in a house that had kids toys scattered about. While picking up toys I looked in the hallway and out of the corner or my eye I saw something move from behind one toy to the other. When I looked there was nothing.

But then it happened again...

So I really looked. And then I saw them again. They were short humanoid creatures hiding behind the toys. If I would shift my visual focus slightly out of wack I could see them. The visual shift felt much like looking at one of those 3D posters that you have to kind of un-focuss your vision to actually see the 3D scenery.

They looked much like a cartoon character that was just outlined with thin lines and never colored. They were completely see through but yet you could see outlines of the figures and there robe like clothing. The outlines was still translucent but you could still see a distortion that was visible enough to see them. Kind of like the predator movie when he was cloaked but when he moved you could see a distortion of his outline.

With a little practice I was able to shift my focus at will and see them. They completely was aware of me and observing me. No one else in my dream could see them no matter how hard they tried.

So my question, what were these little people? This may have transpired in the astral realms or could be just in my dream scape.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Found a calling
June 13, 2011, 03:23:08
Quote from: Stillwater on June 13, 2011, 02:44:01
An... orgonite.... sucker punch???

:lol: :lol: :lol:
yup why is that funny?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Found a calling
June 13, 2011, 01:39:03
Quote from: AstralBlogger on June 12, 2011, 21:21:13
What exactly does this do? I would like to read more information about it.

It's a combination of a orgonite succor punch and a power wand concept. I have more pics and youtube videos on my site at
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Found a calling
June 08, 2011, 15:46:21
I haven't posted in awhile really because I have been busy with a new baby and in between that and my new calling I haven't had time to post much :( but if anyone is interested in orgonite I have found my calling so to speak. Well it speaks to me at least, lol.

I have just completed my new personal powered portable orgonite protection device. I have some pics and YouTube videos on my website I am working on. I am still working on the site so it's not clean or tidy yet.
Quote from: CANNIBALEX on April 30, 2011, 19:04:32
thanks! i took that in southend, back in 2010

You from south bend in?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Law of attraction
May 01, 2011, 17:13:00
I am trying to use the laws opf attractions. I have several phrases that I repeat in my head each day to try and obtain the results by putting it out into the universe. But how much is enough and how much is to much? 20 times a day 100?
Ok after doing research on some of the information given to me via this thread, I decided I am going to wrap this crystal with a möbius coil and then build my own variable frequency zapper unit and tie my self and the crystal together with a 7.5 hz signal.
Quote from: Simo on April 04, 2011, 16:14:33
My question is-Has someone ever found shaped record keeper(Been used by someone)And has anyone managed to get info from it?I guess this is where the Star wars holocrons are taken from :D

Yes I have one
Quote from: CFTraveler on April 04, 2011, 10:11:03
 I don't know what this means.

The record keeper crystal is recognized by a raised (or several raised) perfect triangles(s) located on one or more of the crystal faces. It should be noted that the quartz crystal is not the only crystal which is a record keeper; for example, there are a few rare ruby crystals, from the Republic of South Africa and from the Ruby Crystal Mine in India, which also exhibit this property.

The record keeper is a crystal within which wisdom is stored. When one properly attunes to this crystal, the ancient knowledge and profound secrets of the universe can be psychically retrieved. These crystals have been consciously and purposely programmed by the beings who created the energies which have culminated in the actualization of life on this plane, and by their direct descendants (e.g., the Atlanteans and Lemurians).

The purposes of accessing information from the record keeper are:

To provide one with information concerning the origin of the human race, the human soul, and all that exists or has existed in ones reality;

To facilitate the actualization of each person as a healing agent for humanity and the environment; and

To allow one to incorporate higher knowledge, wisdom, peace, and love into this and other planets.

Only those with open minds and pure hearts can access the information via attunement of the consciousness with the inner energies of the crystal.

The information provided by the record keeper enhances ones light, provides for a deeper access to personal wisdom, and promotes a greater peace to be used in this world.

The "three" of the triangles(s) located upon the face(s) of the crystal represents perfect balance achieved when the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of ones being is aligned with the love and purity of the highest spirituality. The triangular shape, of the "doors" which lead to the records, also symbolizes the third-eye, the creating, and the preservation of the state of perfection which serves as a pathway toward the enlightened state.

The information stored within the record keeper could be relevant or non-relevant to physical life on Earth. One must be open and willing to accept all information (even those concepts which one would judge as inconceivable) and must be capable (as we all are) of processing the information and applying it to this physical life.

The record keeper crystal is usually a personal meditation crystal. Meditation with the crystal is easily accomplished by placing a triangle upon the third-eye. Subsequent to this placement, close the eyes, still and open the mind, initiate circular breathing, relax, and be prepared to receive the information.

Another method of accessing information is to activate the triangle by rubbing the thumbnail across the triangle from top to bottom. This provides the opening. Closing-off the source is accomplished by the opposite manipulation.

If one is meant to experience a record keeper, the universe will provide. The record keeper which "comes" to you contains the information which will be beneficial to your personal development and /or will provide information which will assist you in helping another.

Channelling Crystal

The Channelling Quartz Crystal is recognized by the configuration of a large seven sided face, located in the center front position of the terminated end of the crystal; a triangular face is located on the opposite [backside] side of the crystal.

The "seven" of the one crystal face represents precision within the intuitive realm of the higher mind and the analytical understanding inherent in the mental and physical bodies. It is symbolic of the student, the professor, the mystic, and the seeker of wisdom.

The three-sided triangle on the opposing side provides for creative and innovative verbalization of inner truths.The "three" represents the both prerogative and the power of speech and the ability to both creatively and joyously express the self.

In this configuration, the "seven" represents the accessibility of innate wisdom and the "three" represents the ability of manifestation and verbal communication. The combination represents initiative and the independence between the world of the physical self and the perfection of "All that is".

The channelling crystal provides for a means of channelling and expression truth and wisdom from the inner realms of perfection and the other worlds. It provides for a conscious connection to the higher wisdom which is available from higher-self and/or to the wisdom of experience and enlightenment which is available from the "other side".

The channelling crystal can be used to access the wisdom from "within and without. They can b used to bring forth Light and Love from the most truthful and knowlegable portions of the self. Sometimes there can be an encounter with other entities from whom one can learn; always check the information, given by the entity, with the persons inner knowing.
Well a little more info. I have a record keeper on a channeling crystal and when asked how to access the information within i received a need to physically cause the crystal to vibrate at 7.5 Hz and come in direct contact with it while in that state.
Kinda off topic here, sorry. But I am curious as to how to make a larger crystal resinate to a certain frequency? Say I had this quartz crystal and I want to resinate it at 7.5 Hz, is it sufficient to hold a speaker close to it and generate a 7.5 Hz signal via the speakers or is there a way to directly interface the crystal?
Thanks for the replies. Judging from the responses I will work from the first person only from now on.

Question being when you need to use visualization for anything such as seeing white light flow into your body, moving the light around inside you or sending energy out of your body into something, etc... Does it really matter if you visualize what is happening to your body in 1st or 3 person ? Is one more effective or less effective than the other? Reason I ask is I'm a better, way better third person visulizer than I am first person visualizer. Don't get me wrong I can first person visualize but it takes allot more effort for some reason than sitting back and watching my self from a third person perspective.
Welcome to Magic! / Re: Black mirror
March 29, 2011, 16:40:03
Quote from: Astral316 on March 29, 2011, 16:36:39
Well I meant "assisted by optical illusion" as in your third eye plays off what you're physically seeing. I didn't imply your experience wasn't valid.

Did you find it any easier to get into trance with the mirror compared to more traditional means?

Ah I got ya. No not really. Wasn't easy or harder. I did find I sent about an hour and half but seemed like a lot less.
Welcome to Magic! / Re: Black mirror
March 29, 2011, 16:17:56
Quote from: Astral316 on March 29, 2011, 15:55:28
Interesting... after reading up on this it sounds like meditation with eyes open and focused on the scrying mirror. Instead of seeing images directly generated by the third eye, you're assisted by optical illusion.

More or less I guess so. You do enter a trance like state. I'm not sure I agree what you see is an illusion though. What I saw was very real to me. I can not prove that anymore than what you see with your minds eye is your imagination rather than given information. I will definitely be working with this tool along with traditional mediation. I believe scrying will work more along with your clairvoyant abilities since it's visual.
Welcome to Magic! / Black mirror
March 29, 2011, 15:22:59
Recently discovered black mirror scrying. I tried it for the first time and it was really interesting. I saw my face change into many different human faces even of different ethnic origins. I also saw some human animal type hybrid faces along with a deffinate alien origins. What I like about the scrying is I can actually see this with my physical eyes not my minds eye. But the question is who or what were those faces in my black mirror ? They would constantly change, could only hold onto them for seconds before the next would appear.
Welcome to Magic! / Re: Amulet ... Talisman?
March 28, 2011, 03:47:55
Quote from: personalreality on March 27, 2011, 19:49:22
We sell it at my work and it looks really similar to keys of solomon, but i don't recognize it.  it may be something different.  if no one figures it out this week, I'll look when i go to work.

Thanks would appreciate knowing more about something I am wearing! Where you work if you don't mind me asking?
Welcome to Magic! / Amulet ... Talisman?
March 27, 2011, 15:45:00
Got some stuff in a lot from eBay. This was in there does anyone know what it is? Here is pics of the front and back of it.[/img]


Quote from: Aramar on March 26, 2011, 11:41:09
didnt hitler have scientists working on what i thought was a bell-shaped ufo? and arent most ufologists talking bout ufo's and where they come from? <i heard....i'm sureits false,but i heard that ufo's might be coming from planet x/nibiru>

so there you have it Xanth...hitler has made his appearance. lol

Actualy from what I understand the bell was more of a possible time travel device?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / 1:11, 2:22, 3:33 etc
March 24, 2011, 22:42:09
What is the significance of seeing the frequent recurrence of the time being all the same numbers. Such as 1:11, 2:22, etc? I have been seeing this a lot lately over the last few weeks.
Quote from: CFTraveler on March 23, 2011, 14:18:04
I'm pretty sure it is, however, it may not make sense to your waking mind even if you retrieve it.

Very true.
Quote from: CFTraveler on March 22, 2011, 10:24:45
The transition happened the day before yesterday, and nobody noticed.

I am not sure what you meant by this or if you were even serious but... Day before yesterday when you post this I was off. I woke up and started walking down the hall way and I felt sideways. Like i was in a Fun house. If I turned real quick I felt slow motion movement. It also felt like I was walking on marshmallows. I just kept saying to my self I just feel wrong today, later that night the whole feeling went away.
I had a very unusual dream last night. I was a viewer of a type of war being waged on a planet, unknown if it was our own planet or some other planet. However what I did know was the war was not a traditional war such we know war, it was way more advanced. I was there observing but yet did not physical exist, I was more a point of existance only. I was high in the sky watching these war events take place from above. The last part I remember must have been the most important I guess. From my skyward view I could see different parts of the ground light up in a triangle or pyramid type shapes. The pyramid type shapes were energizing to reach critical mass. I could feel the opposing party did not want these pyramid ground shapes to fully energize and knew the opposing party was trying to stop this from happening. However each pyramid site fully energized and once they did each site released a blast of triangle shaped black matter that shot into the heavens. The war was over and you could feel the energy left in the air.

I was then taken down to ground level to one of these pyramid power sites. I was told these site are the power source for all energy things wheather it is magickal works or scientific or anything else all power is derived from these sites. The energy pyramids 32 degrees has been around since the beginning always. It allows for universal communications and knowledge base access.

I then remember I was left at the pyramid site and placed on a floor made of crystal which had a person inside the crystal sheet. The person was more like a computer based avatar than a real person. I asked the person questions and there was never a response. The only thing that happened was when I asked the questions the computer avatar would flicker, pulsate and vibrate to my voice during the time i was talking. I remember trying to get knowledge from this crystal sheet but couldnt do it. I even tried grabbing handfuls of information a trying to place it in my head. Nothing worked.

This dream was very real and it stood out when I woke up. The only thing I lost in wake was understanding. When I was being told about the universal energy that is available from these sites and how it powered all things magickal and science alike, I did fully understand at the time. I remember the feeling of , "It all make since now". However in my waking state I did not retain the understanding of what was told to me only the fact that it was explained to me and i did understand at the time it was explained to me. Maybe somewhere deep in my subconscious the information is still there.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Destruction of souls
March 12, 2011, 23:50:52
I have been noticing it being mentioned a lot lately that a soul can be destroyed. This seems a contradiction to everything I have read and or been told. It was my understanding that energy can not be created or destroyed only transformed. I also been told that the soul or our spirit side of our physical existence is ever lasting. So how can a soul be destroyed? I also been told you are completely safe doing whatever you want while obe. But it seems that if a soul can truly be destroyed then you are not as safe as people are saying while obe. So what is it?