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Messages - Robin

Pilot's wife had premonition of death

The wife of a New Zealand pilot killed in a plane crash off the Californian coast says she had a premonition just hours before her husband ditched into the sea.

April Stark says she and her husband Kelvin shared such a close bond that when she was jolted awake at 3am on Saturday she instinctively knew the experienced flyer was in trouble.
Tennis player Mark Philippoussis described watching himself winning the Davis Cup for Australia...,5936,8083062%255E2764,00.html

I felt as if I was standing on the sidelines watching play rather than actually being on the court myself.

He recalls a story that Australia's Golden Girl sprinter Betty Cuthbert told him about an experience on the way into the stadium for the 400m final at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.

It was like a time warp, she told him. Somehow I knew that I had won, not that I could win, this event.

This happened last year but I wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this...

An OBE thru a rain storm....

At a mall/work place and it started to rain really poor down and thunder. I ran out the door and started to fly and skim along the road surface and I felt the rain...and had no fear. It was so fun! I flew high through the heavy rain with so much joy .I felt no aches or pain just pure comfort and thought and movement. I saw people running in fear to there cars from the storm. The astral dimension is so close to the earth's reality. It hugs it in a away. I though the people might see me so I flew high over them and trees. . The flying part was so lucid... I felt all the rain--It went through me..

Neil Primrose had a swimming pool accident that almost cost him his life. Convinced death was near when he saw faces of family and friends flash before him as he began to drown.

"I attempted to move but my whole body felt floppy and paralysed. The seconds ticked and I started to see a tunnel of yellow light appear in front of me." He continued: "Then, I saw a kind of slide show and there were hundreds of faces flashing past me of people I knew at school who I hadn't thought about for years. I saw images of family and friends and I realised I was coming face-to-face with my death.
'He's a miracle' Area teen gets second chance at life

During his coma, Michael said he witnessed a near-death experience. "I saw this bright white light," he recalled. "And I kept on hearing, 'Come here.' I said, 'No, I'm going to my mom first.' "
For musician, new life began at death

Bernadot described an out-of-body experience where he was positioned above his body and witnessed the doctors working on him. He watched his children come in and out of the room to see him. Even more amazing was meeting with his wife and daughter, who had both died separately several years before him.

Bernadot recalls the event, "I remember them both coming toward me saying welcome to me. I talked to them and then I said 'I've got to go back.'"

Brunswick couple finds blessings in recent spate of health challenges "Just about the only thing Bob does recall is that sometime during his coma he "saw the angels" ­ his mother, her parents and many relatives on his father's side."
Oregon woman who was hurt in a fall while hunting and lost both legs to exposure, credits her survival to angels

The former home health worker says that during her struggle to survive, to angels appeared and remained with her, radiating warmth and keeping her from dying of hypothermia.

"The best way to describe it was two golden bright lights, just in the shape of two people," she said. They appeared on the second night after she began to pray for help, they never spoke and disappeared at daylight, but they were with her every night until she was rescued, she said.

His throat slashed by a vagrant, this pastor found himself standing before the judgment throne of Christ. His life flashed before his eyes and he saw his life and ministry, and what it could have been...
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Why?
February 12, 2003, 07:35:39
Why is it that some people like myself have experienced so many spiritual things and yet many others don't? When I was 9 I saw a movie at the theater about near death experiences and it was at that move that my heart was in my throat I really was moved. Is it that my soul wants me to have spiritual experiences to keep me in check sort of remind me of where I come from and that I will have to answer for how my life touched others? Am I not a very evolved soul and this is why I naturally enjoy spiritual experiences (obe's, dream communication, divine inspiration/love...)  to always point me in the right direction which is to love? I know people who live 9 to 5 jobs and are so happy with TV time, media, could care less about anything spiritual, and also are very loving kind people. Maybe they new they did not need to connect with our true being to finish there lessons because there souls are more evolved? I never stop searching for answers is this my souls nudging or just human curiosity? The worlds a stage for many things.Why is it that out of all of my experiences my souls aches more for the divine experiences then the astral, and all other experiences?
Welcome to Metaphysics! / 9 11 dreams
September 13, 2002, 07:30:03
I had two 9 11 dreams that came true. You can read them they are marked I wanted to know if anyone else out there had dreams of 9 11 that came true?


Interesting lucid dream last night..

I saw a really scary looking leprechaun type thing and I could have just passed him BUT I saw his black teeth and made the sigh of the cross to him twice. Then he was blasting me with energy so I said Jesus Mary Joseph twice and fought back with blue energy then I forced myself awake and still felt the energy. It was very lucid I even woke myself out of it. Next time I am going to mind my own business. :o)

I didn't feel intimidated or threatened sort of just reacting the best way I could which was to call Jesus/May/Joseph. I worked enough for me to wake out of it.

Welcome to Dreams! / being blind in a dream
August 14, 2002, 12:22:39
Anyone experience being blind in a dream? I dreamed last night that I was driving my car and suddenly was almost blind I could only see a little at the bottom of my vision. There was not much to the dream but it was strange going blind to the point where I could not walk anywhere..

While falling to sleep I often hear water running see people place and some rare times see through my closed eyes I guess you would call it astral sight.

But the other night as I was in this almost sleep state I clearly felt a hand holding the side of my right hand and my pinky. It was ever so gently done and I was to far gone to do anything about it.

Anyone ever have this happen?

Jesus dreams, visions, encounters with a Christ consciousness anyone?

I posted this in the OBE section because it is when I am OBE when I have see Jesus myself. I am asking if anyone has ever seen Jesus in dreams obe's or had encounters with a Christ consciousness?

I am collecting encounters from the net, e-mail, conversations. If you would like to share your experience please do & let me know if I can post it on my site.


On 06/06/02- I had a very cool OBE thru a rain storm....

At a mall/work place and it started to rain really poor down and thunder. I ran out the door and started to fly and skim along the road surface and I felt the rain...and had no fear. It was so fun!  I flew high through the heavy rain with so much joy .I felt no aches or pain just pure comfort and thought and movement. I saw people running in fear to there cars from the storm. The astral dimension is so close to the earth's reality. It hugs it in a away. I though the people might see me so I flew high over them and trees. . The flying part was TOTALLY COOL and LUCID! I felt all the rain--It went through me!!


What I got most from this experience is that the astral is very close to our existence. It HUGS all around us we just are not aware of it.

When I saw these people running from this thunderstorm I felt there fear as they ran to there car. I was a 100 feet about them..just floating there.

Then I felt so safe and in a place of pure comfort (right above them/the astral)

I remember running fast them flying into a unsidedown flip (having so much fun) and flying a back to the same spot I was at above these people.
If it were Tinnitus the noise would not be just at night. I have heard buzzing and even the sound of a roller coaster rails screaching before I exited my body.
Well for this woman it was angels. Or as she says "The best way to describe it was two golden bright lights, just in the shape of two people,"
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Jesus Christ
June 06, 2003, 02:55:24
I have seen Jesus.

I know I will see Him again.

First I was paralyzed by His eyes then to look at Him was mind blowing!

First a oval frame a gold stars burst above me in the night sky, then a burst from a billion stars formed His BEAUTIFUL face and He turned and looked at me.

He is real.

My being ached to honor and love Him I was so humbled.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Why?
February 12, 2003, 14:13:14
sublime yes I can see what your saying. I guess were only take on what we know our soul can handle. It just makes me wonder... maybe in a past life the shoe was on the other foot and I wanted to feel spiritual this time around. Possibly to touch someone life in a positive way.

Tom Appearances are just that is right. Function of the words are as important as they mean to you.
Yes I saw my clear blue projected double (but a mans shape)roll left then right and roll out of my (female) body and I ended up floating on the ceiling for a moment and thought is was so great to be where I was then I woke up. I guess my soul prefers a male astral body?!

Kind Regards, Robin
Nerezza Hi,

The life of Anne Catherine Emmerich is really good here is a link to a part of it to read and see if you like it.

I think with no subtitles it really makes you uses your other sences to relive His Passion. I am sure it will touch your heart/soul ..Amen

Kind regards, Robin


Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.

How beautiful!

Kind Regards,

You can read lots of books from 20 different types of bibles to the Nag Hammadi Library and what it boils down to is "LOVE"...

You answer for your life.

The more you love the more you've grown. Also I have found learning about Christ' cross has helped me greatly.

Kind Regards, Robin