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Messages - zingos


Hey... About a week ago I had a pretty strange experience, and I'm not sure if it was a projection, or just some kind of "fluke."

Well, I had just fallen into a lucid dream, and was having boatloads of fun until I tried to create a new scene in my dream. I was pressing REALLY hard for this scene, when everything dissolved into blackness. A deep, overpowering noise began pulsating (it seemed like I was being rattled by some gigantic subwoofer), and grew quicker wih every beat. Nevertheless I kept pressing for this scene change and a new sight started to form-- but it wasn't what I'd expected. The noise suddenly went dead and I was drifting about three feet above my body, completely paralyzed. It seemed to last quite a while, but I have little recollection of what exactly happened AFTER I was paralyzed.


...Any ideas?
Salvia Divinorium is not psychoactive. Thanks for your input.

Salvia D. is DEFINETLY psychoactive.
it's because adrian and robert bruce are neighbors. she gets to speak w/ him a lot.

Isn't Adrian a guy?
I accidentally (almost everything I did was an accident [:D]) entered the void about a year ago, before I knew anything about it, and I... did not have an enjoyable time. I didn't know what was going on! I might approach it differently next time, now that I'm a bit more knowledgable on the subject.
mine's ten seconds (pretty impressive, eh?), I did it a while ago on accident, but the whole thing was slightly... disturbing... for me, as I didn't know a thing about Astral Projection! [^]
I have the exact same problem... And even when I do manage to "forget" my eyes, I think "Wow! My eyes aren't screwing this up" and then my concentration returns to my eyes [xx(]Insert

Jilola pretty much hit it right on the mark tho... If you concentrate on things such as the astral, you'll pretty much forget your body.  

[xx(]Insert Lol, well there's always the next LD... Thanks!