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Messages - NightFalcon43

I've been having trouble posting. So it seems that Robert Bruce isn't the most popular person on this forum. I really do appreciate all the advice you guys are sharing. Keep it coming. I'm mid way through the second week of the course. I haven't read anything on the negative stuff yet. Perhaps that was mostly in his other book, or maybe I just haven't got to that part yet. If anyone has other suggestions for a learning course I would like to hear about it. I looked around at a few different places for instructions on this subject, but most of the instructions are 5 min how to instructions, or 12 hour guides meditation. Neither of those methods appealed to me. I had hoped there would be more chatting on here, but I too have limited time to spend online chatting. I also anticipated more beginners to talk with and compare notes kinda thing.

I have been noticing small changes in daily life. Maybe "Intuition" type feelings. Also, things seem a little different. I feel more awake. Is this common?
Wait! Can you really have sex during an OBE? (serious question, I'm new here,lol)
Hello EscapeVelocity!

Thank you for the kind words. I hope to one day understand more deeply what you are talking about. I'm on day 5 of my journey and am still struggling with remembering my dreams and staying awake during breathing exercises, lol :) I'm very excited about everything I have experienced so far. I seem to work best with step by step instructions like in this manual, or a similar style. The stuff I've seen on YouTube seems very fast and undisciplined. I'm sure it works for some, but I really want to learn everything correctly and thoroughly. If no one else has gone through this particular guide or is going through it currently, I'll just rely on the experienced people here for any help or suggestions I can get.

Also, if anyone has questions for a newcomer, I'd be glad to help in anyway I can.

Today, I had trouble remembering my dreams. I know for sure I had a dream last night. I somehow knew it was long (or seemed long relatively speaking). As soon as I woke up, I stayed still with my eyes closed and tried to remember any detail I could... nothing. The same thing happened the night before last. However, on the other 2 nights I was able to recall a good bit of the dreams. I write down some key words at first, and then go into more details in my dream journal.

I've been doing the exercises in the book. Today, the energy body stimulation went very well. I can feel something going on in my body. Descriptions are difficult, but I do feel something. I guess that is a good thing. It does seem to linger during the day as well.

I also have trouble with the breath work. It is hard to keep thoughts from my mind. I try to focus on the breathing, but random thoughts keep popping up. I hope this gets easier with practice. When I do get going and keep my mind clear....zzzz. I drift in and out of sleep. I will persist! I wonder if anyone else has the same difficulties?

I would like to keep posting if anyone is interested in discussion. I hope to meet some like minded people and become part of the community.

See you out there,

PS- is this the right area of the forum for this post?
Hello All,
     I would like to introduce myself and say hi to all those here in the forum. It's my first day here! First of all, I'll give you a brief background on myself and this subject. I became interested in lucid dreaming about 10 years ago. I read a few books on the subject but had trouble finding time to work on the skill. I've had two or three lucid dreams but nothing recent. I thought astral projection was absurd and people talking about it were looney. I now understand there is more to things than I thought. I came across an ad on fb, out of the blue, and it was something about astral projection, so I decided to read a little bit about it. Now I am extremely interested! I'm a very private person. Talking about personal things in my life is not something I enjoy doing with strangers. This topic is very uncomfortable for me to talk about because everyone has contradicting beliefs about it. However, I started reading the book "Mastering Astral Projection" by Robert Bruce, and feel like I have to talk with someone about it. My wife listens and tries to talk with me, but she has her own beliefs and doesn't find the subject as interesting as I do.  I'm not interested in trying to change her views, I love her for who she is. So I need to step out of my comfort zone and get to chatting with like minded people. I was hoping to find someone who has read the book and gone through the 90 day guide, or has just started and wanted to discuss the journey. I'm currently on day 4 and have a strong resolve to complete this training. There you go. I look forward to learning and growing with you guys and hope to some day help others myself.

See you out there,