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Messages - GothicDragonX

Welcome to Astral Chat! / The Omni Dragons
April 21, 2004, 14:18:19
A few months ago I posted the topic "A Rise to Action." I recieved some contacts after that it was posted.  I would like to say that I have successfully started a group that is preparing for anything that could happen in the future.  We have discovered many things that link up the past and the present.  Were not sure that anyting is going to happen, but we would rather be ready than to just be sitting around.  I'm asking today if anyone would like to join our efforts.  I you are interested in joining or contacting me about my group my email is  I would appreciate any help.  I would like to gain more members and alliances.  It's your choice whether you prepare or not, I'm just here to help get those who want to fight organized.  Contact me if you wish.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / A rise to action
January 04, 2004, 21:05:01
I've been training in ki for a long time now.I've read alot about the demon war of 2012, and the new planet approaching.I do sense something drastic is about to happen in our world.You can believe me if you wish,i do not want any sarcasm or to be ridiculed. The only main things i do know is this, i have mastered many of the techniques i ki and i have done astral projection and i have done many obe's. These visions many of you have had i have also had.I have come to say that i'm not going to be beaten by a bunch of demons from hell or from the astral plane or from another planet.I am starting a force to stand against this,not to sound arrogant,but my knowledge of this is vast.So if you are interested in the offer to join this force or at least be noticed,contact me at,if this information is not enough to make you believe me,trust me what i say is what i can do.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / The Omni Dragons
June 18, 2004, 14:43:52
I am back after a long break, I am sorry for my absence.  If anyone like to help me in my efforts ,please contact me soon.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / The Omni Dragons
May 26, 2004, 13:13:09
In any case I will be ready for the future, all I'm asking is, is there anyone willing to help me?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / The Omni Dragons
May 22, 2004, 18:24:21
As far as anything goes, I'd rather be prepared for a worst case scenario instead of just sitting around.  If nothing does happen, at least I have learned many things.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / The Omni Dragons
May 18, 2004, 13:56:14
I would like to know if anyone has any information on the demon wars of old.  If anyone does please contact me.  Also if anyone would like to know about my group or would like to join contact me please.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / The Omni Dragons
May 05, 2004, 14:47:59
Thank you all for your posts.  I would like to know if anyone would like to join my group.  If you do contact me as soon as possible,thank you.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / The Omni Dragons
May 02, 2004, 02:49:44
I don't see why the mod has to be a jerk to me everytime I put on of my group posts up.  He has done it before, they can ban me all they want, all it proves is that there blinded by there own ignorance.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / The Omni Dragons
April 27, 2004, 14:54:30
James, I pity you.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / The Omni Dragons
April 25, 2004, 01:12:32
James one thing I don't get is that you say that this website was created to study spiritual growth and energy development.  Well first off this is a study of energy, even if it is recruiting.  You make it like I'm forcing people to join.  Well I'm not!  I'm not trying ot be mean, but look I've made a post about  this before and you locked it down.  It's an outrage to see you act like this.  I don't come in a subject like astral projection and sit there and say its a load of crap, I don't say its a waste of time.  Look at you, you come in here and bust down on me just because I'm searching for some people who share my beliefs.  This is the part you deserve,  instead of bashing on my beliefs, maybe you should take some time to think about how it feels to have someone come in and say alot of crap about your beliefs.  Did you ever think about that,  your a moderator,  you should know a thing or two. One of the main problems with this website is not the people who post, but the people who are at high levels such as moderator who think there opinion means everything and will go an post a bunch of crap just because they don't like what the other person is doing.  Everyone has there beliefs, respect that,  I respect that you have beliefs. One thing I don't respect is the fact that you bust down on mine.  IF you really are like that , I pity you. Seriously I do pity you.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / The Omni Dragons
April 24, 2004, 00:40:13
NO more ridicule.  Were not a cult, were not an after school club.  As of right now were a group of friends who share one common belief.  We get together and hang out just like regular people.  We hang out and have parties, fun, go to the movies, play cards, and fight negative astral entities.  Call us what you want, but if you want to ridicule us then you might as well take a long look in the mirror and realize your just like the rest of the sheep.  One thing I cant believe is as soon as I make a post about my group at an open-minded website.  I get doubted and ridiculed the same way I would be if I were talking to a bunch of skeptics.  I mean think about it.  that's basically what some of you are doing.  I'm only asking for new members to join if they wish.  If you don't want to be in it, then don't bother wasting my time with your senseless rambling.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / The Omni Dragons
April 22, 2004, 14:04:10
The post i recently made was about the possibility of a demonic war happening in 2009 or 2012.  I figured that it would be better to be prepared in case it did happen.  So i started working on a group to prepare for it.  The last time I made a post about this i was ridiculed by certain people.  I only want serious posts, no  jokes, no sarcasm, please only serious posts.  I'm asking if anyone would like to consider joining my group.  If you just want to ask about it,I'll be select with my information.  If you want more details,just post the question that you want to ask, and I will answer.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / The Omni Dragons
April 21, 2004, 14:20:06
The name of my group is "The Omni Dragons." My name is Omega.  If you wish to join or talk, contact me.
Okay people I'm back.I don't care  about any fights among the moderator and the members.In my opinion the moderator made a huge mistake,but oh well.WHat I'm here to say is,is that if anyone who still wants to join in my "Rise to Action".Please send me info about you,and I will answer any questions you want to ask.I need all the help I can get.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / A rise to action
January 07, 2004, 14:29:39
Alot of you fear the fact that if the war is on the astral plane not many will get and on earth we won't be able to use our astral body.Maybe there is a type of fusion of our astral and physical,like in sleep paralysis.Nothing is impossible there could be a way.Maybe it could be the ultimate transcendence.Think about it,it has to be possible,if the demons from an astral plane can come to a physical plane maybe its possible for us to fuse with our astral body.If anyone has any opinions on this or info,contact me.Also if you support my offer to fight with me post it!
Welcome to Astral Chat! / A rise to action
January 07, 2004, 14:22:40
Even though the earth may not be prepared we can still prepare,we can try to get as many people as we can to help us,if you are with me tell me on a post,i need to know if your going to take action or just sit there and talk about it.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / A rise to action
January 07, 2004, 14:06:32
I appreciate those who support me,those who don't believe what you want.I don't want to spend my time trying to convince everyone that it will happen,it may not who knows.I will tell you one thing I am going to keep training in preperation for it.It could be astral or hell i don't it could be both,but i'm in strong belief that it is astral.We must prepare for it either way,some of you say that we won't stand a chance,WE WILL!!!!!!!!!!!,I WILL NOT FALL AGAIN!!,help i beg those who believe,we must come together,we must unite,we can take them you just have to belief.All of those who are with me post this statement,I WILL PREPARE FOR WHAT MAY COME!!!
Welcome to Astral Chat! / A rise to action
January 06, 2004, 14:54:59
This is what most of you have been waiting for,i'm going to tell you the information you want to know.Ever since i was young i have always had an urge to protect people,(i know it sounds like basic super hero b.s.,but its the truth)Everyone I tried has come easy to me,i have an ability where i can adapt to any situation fast,you can ask my friends and family if you do not believe.Any ways in 1998-200- i became very interested in ancient prophets and prophecies and the strange occurences in this world.I was also a big fan of dbz and many other anime.In the summer of 2000,me and 3 of my friends started a very long game of d&d(dungeons & dragons)bUt we added a dbz twist to it,we built characters based on things like energy adn techniques.The game evolved in many ways,we would to hard physical adn mental training to give our characters a power level increase.After a while i brought up the subject of how it would be if it were real,i had known of ki and jing for a long time.I just never really sat down and thought about it so i started to train as it were real,then many strange occurences of our own begin to happen,there were an increased number of deaths in the family,my cousin's that were in it began to see many wierd things,then i sat down and thought and i noticed the irony of how life is,this i guess you could say was the true beginning of knowing the path i have chosen.In the last 6 months i really got serious in ki training,and i have increased so much.Then as i trained i began to have strange dreams and sometimes i would pass out and see many things,i kept away from my parents my secret life of training,then i studied astral projection adn lucid dreams,i had many occurences with those adn seeing a war between humans and demons,i also studied the culture of the navajo indians,they tell of story of a generation of humans who were advanced at there time,took the earth for granite and they were condemned by by the earth,there own tools came to life as if possessed and began to kill them,then it has a warning of of another occurence like this,except it had a date of when it would happen,it stated that if by,the winter solstice of 2012 that if the current generation did not give back and thank the planet that it would be cleansed again.Also if you study the mayan calender and the heiroglyphics in some ancient egyptian texts they tell of the end of the world sometime between 2012 adn 2014.ALso Nostradamus spoke of the same years,and if you have ever seen bible prophecies on tlc you would have heard that the bible can be used as a book to tell the future,it would have to be in the context of metaphors however,translated it stated that something would big would happen in 2012,sometime in between 2016 and 2024 and again in 2050,they also discovered that the bible only wnet as far as 2053.These are some of my sources of info the others come from what i have read by other teens adn what they sense i also have my owen notions.i know is you were to train fo the next 8 years yould be a waist of time if nothing happened,but just imagine if it did happen,i'm  not saying to drop everything for the next 8 years and go live in a cave and train,just live out a normal life and train,but don't stop training all together.You can choose what you want to do,it your choice to train or not.if you are ineterested in preparing i suggest you contact me,i will answer any question you wish to ask,the current number of members is 12,we need more.If i had my original group we would already be up to about thirty,but people change,sometimes for the worst.I don't appreciate ridicule or sarcasm,if you don't believe in this and don't care for it,don't contact or leave a post,we have no time for jokes,this war may happen it may not,it could happen a long time from now but i don't think it would hurt to be prepared,it could be like terminator,sarah connor stayed alive long enough to htink she stopped judgement day,but in the end she only postponed it,lets prepare to meet it head on,BECAUSE I WILL NOT FALL AGAIN,I WILL NOT STAND BY AS AND LET THE SHADOW OF DEATH CREEP UP ON US SO EASILY,I'M NOT GOING DOWN WITH OUT A FIGHT,NOW'S WHO'S WITH ME IF YOU ARE,CONTACT ME ASAP.ALSO I FOUNDED THIS TEAM OR FORCE FOUR YEARS AGO BUT ONLY AS A GAME NOW ITS A REALITY,A WEBSITE WILL BE MADE TO TELL MORE ABOUT IT SOON.JUST KEEP IT IN MIND.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / A rise to action
January 05, 2004, 20:16:57
It's people like mattrox that have no faith,he knows nothing.He is to blind by modern science and what the conformist government has put into his mind by the use of propaganda.For that I pity him.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / A rise to action
January 05, 2004, 17:13:09
If anyone has read what i wrote and is interested in the offer im me or email,i will answer any questions you want to ask.You ask me info then i will ask you info.