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Messages - Archer

Hello all, I'm new at posting here but I've been lurking for a while.

Anyway . . . a few months ago, a very close friend died, and I basically lost all my focus. Couldn't concentrate on anything at all, let alone meditation or energy work. Over the last couple of weeks, though, my focus seems to be coming back. Last night I was able to do proper NEW-style energy work as I was falling asleep (I have various sleep problems, I find energy work is a great way to help).

After I had some very soothing energy pumping round my body, I got uncomfortable and had to move to my side (I also have joint problems, staying still can be painful). I decided to stop with the energy work and just drift off to sleep. After a little while, I noticed I was actually seeing things in my room - all from the same place as my head was, but mainly from different angles. I thought at first my eyes had opened without me realising, but they were definately closed.

I think it was some kind of "sight out of body" experience, in which I was seeing through some energy equivalents of my eyes without entirely realising it; has anyone else had similar experiences?
Yes, in depth. To get back to your question of why shadow people exist in the first place - I don't know, but then again, I doubt anyone here actually knows why anyone exists in the first place. Would you prefer it if there was a simple, straightforward answer?
Why does *anyone* exist in the first place?
For every person who has a bad experience with a shadow person, there is someone who has a good experience. They are most certainly *not* all evil, any more than humans are all evil.

For example, when I was younger, I had fairly frequent visits from two shadows in particular. One tried to give me nightmares by putting horrifying images into my head. Just his presence was enough to paralyse me with fear. The other is a kind of guardian to me, and would do what I call singing me to sleep . . . he would project feelings of calm and protection. And on top of those two, and various others I've interacted with, I have also seen a lot who didn't appear too interested in interactnig any way. Just going about their business, as it were.

Yes, it's true that a lot of people react badly to shadow people - there are many more stories of people being *scared* by them than actually *harmed*. Then again, many people react badly to snakes, spiders, and bats - does that make snakes, spiders, and bats bad?

For good reason, humans tend to be wary of things very unlike them and things they don't understand. I think a lot of fear of shadow people isn't down to them being malicious . . . it's just an extension of fear of the dark. Being wary keeps people away from them, just in case.
A couple of months ago, I fell asleep doing energy work, as I often do. At some point in the night, I woke up and found myself paralysed. I became aware of a "presence" in my room, it felt intelligent and very negative. Something then took hold of me; not physically, more like being held telekinetically. It felt like I was being pulled out of my body, and I was unable to move either my energy or physical body.

I was able to will myself back into place, and it took a lot of effort. I think it happened three times, the third I was able to physically move - and as soon as I did that, the sensation of being pulled stopped, and the presence near my bed vanished.

I was fully awake by that time, and as I turned around I saw a shadowy figure standing by my doorway. He was wearing clothes, but his skin looked like it was made of darkness. He felt safe to be around, and I got the impression he had been watching. He kind of nodded at me, and was gone.

So, anyway - I don't know if it is possible for something to force you out of your body, but based on my experiences, it's possible for something to try.