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Messages - Irreal

my intention was 100% serious, just n00b. That's what I mean. Sorry, just forget it ;)
The thing I'm writing about isn't about tricks. Yes the clock turns, the digital display progresses to the next number..the headlines say the same thing when focusing on other things. See above note

I'm ever so sorry for adressing you in this childish manner! Please, accept my apoligies. It's just that I'm impressed, really impressed.

What I meant by 'tricks' was the notion that while lucid 'dreaming' some things just don't work(or seldom), like clocks, stable texts. You know about that I think.. have a nice day.

hazel or blue[8)]

Err.. except brown(or is hazel brown? edit: oww dear! I'm so bad with this foreign language).. doesnt everyone has either blue or hazel? (or some fine mixture)
It may seem sacrilegious and presumptuous to reduce God to a few ornery synapses, but modern neuroscience isn't shy about defining our most sacred notions - love, joy, altruism, pity - as nothing more than static from our impressively large cerebrums.

These 'modern neuroscientists' really think they are the excrement. Hey, who wouldn't with their salaries.

Read trip reports of most psychotropic drugs et voila, you know perception has to do with your brain. Let's pump another billion into their research so they can percieve how others percieve. Yeah, really makes sense.

They probably are onto something, but I don't think it is what they hope it is.

Nice article though, but didn't made it to the end. I fell asleep.

edit: I'm such a bad speller.
There is no mistake. Its like getting up from bed! You know its real time. If you haven't experienced real time....maybe you are confused! The minute-hand on the clock should be turning..the cars should be moving up the street, and the people should be waking & talking....all in real time. You check this by quickly re-entering the physical and verifying something you saw. If it verifies...then that's a conscious exit. Stand in front of a moving

Saints, seriously! Does the lucid-tricks work inside this so called 'real' projection? Like.. does the digital watch says anything sensable? Can you read texts, look away, and then see exactly the same text without morphings?

That sounds somewhat too impressive to be true[B)] But really, what do you say?
I guess my biggest question is...

could 100%(or to that extent) of the awareness be intact throughout all stages of sleeping?

Many years ago, I would fall asleep without any weird feelings, hallucinations, nothing. Just feeling tired, scratch nose, bam, away I am. Wake up and remember nothing.

Now I lie in my bed twitching sometimes and experiences weird excrement and feeling my body paralyzed. It just became a habit of staying a aware while falling asleep. I fall 'asleep'(my awareness) much later now in the process... but I don't understand. What is sleeping?!

Many people say: you lose conscious, but I'm like undergoing all sorts of weird excrement attributed to sleep with my conciousness somewhat intact. I guess I think.. with 'training' this conscious can be intact troughout the night(ie. just undergo dreams and nrem sleep, observing it). Or would that be a wrong assumption? Why?
Why was I created (seperated) in the first place, then?

Hmm... you weren't.[8D]
I am such a whimp.[:P]

haha! Tonight I was like: 'Yay dude! I'm just gonna do it, I'm the Astral Master!'

I went trough a few stages, and when I came near sleep and things finally started rolling, the first thing I felt was a sort of vague presence. Then later a sort of sound, although I'm not sure. It sounded like some huge devilish monster was breathing in my room.. slow beastlike breath. But it was just one breath. Damn, I never quit that fast! Away were my astral plans("I'm the Astral Master!" LOL), I turned to my side, pulled the blanket over me and tried to sleep terrified.

lol.. I'm such a whimp..

I can only offer you what I experienced, and I'm quite special with pot it seems. So use what you can from this.

I smoked pot quite a lot of times, maybe I should add I have some experience with Mushrooms too. I'm not the type to stress out and run around screaming I'm dying.

Low dosage: I experience heavy bodily hallucinations, like my limbs are loose and floating to where they want. This I solve by keeping my body moving. I always 'pull a whitey', pale skin, racing heart. This often is accompanied by a kind of stress that's hard to describe. A non-tense stress of some sort. Generally I feel just silent, sick and cold. I never had any laughs on pot.

High dosage: I get deaf, after a while practically blind and I have to lie down. This is losing my mind, and I fully understand the (mental)danger in this. It feels like dying, losing sanity for ever, but I'm okay now. :) After what seems like an half an hour I can walk again and my body is just cold, pale, racing heart and feeling sick. My thoughts weren't deep, I couldn't focus better than normal. My thoughts felt like they are when on the verge of sleeping, still I could process some logic in the 'background', peventing me from going paranoid.

I don't know if this is an enhanchement, doesn't feel like it.. it feels like poisening my body, that's all.

May I also add I react very bad to it. It's not fun you know, all my friends smoke a few blunts and I trip on low dosages. Besides, I'm never in the mood for monkey business while on it.

The body hallucinations however could be interpreted as 'moving energy', that was very easy. I agree. I'm not sure if it means anything more than that your coordination centre is messed. Mushrooms work much more pleasant and higer-leveled on me.

Good luck man[:)]

May I thank you for your brilliant articles.

I read Wake initiated lucid dreams just now and I'm impressed. So much information useful to me, it's dazzling[|)]

The concept of staying conscious while non-rem is huge. In non-rem are phases that you're brain is hardly active, nearing coma-like situations. It speaks for itself that conventional science thinks it's unlikely that you can stay aware if you're brains are nearly 'out'.

Do you sleep conscious every night? (I wonder..[8)] but I don't think so)

Again, thanks for this huge contribution! I appreciate it and I hope many others too.

Originally posted by Renaisance

the only thing affected by the label is our perspective.

You make it sound irrelevant. That's everything we have! :D
Well. To make things a bit easier, if you don't believe in 'God(s)'(or Goddess(es) I don't care really) What do you believe in?

Science? [xx(] Did Science CREATE the universe? Well, then we have a god called science..
No really, that big bang stuff, where did it came from? And where did the source of that came from and etc etc etc.. To me, it's pretty heavy on the head to imagine a 'godless' world. That would mean it came out of 'something' you don't call god. But it might just be that thing everyone calls god, I don't see how one would deny the existence of ANYTHING.

Personally, I don't believe in a sentient God-man sitting on his throne smoking pot and letting us suffer. I believe there is a 'god' but it consists of Life, not of sentient powerhood or something giving us chances and anything. But we all have different believes and in the end it doesn't really matter.

Sidenote:  God: There is no effect without cause. Where did this law sprung from? It just IS? [xx(] I assume to create ANYTHING like thoughts or energy or power or that whole concept of no effect without cause there is an effect needed that had no cause. The first of effects? Know what I mean? What was the first effect? The creation of this Law? And that was without cause?

Or do you think it has no time and all and it's just endless being, a law that never begun, it just IS and never changed and never will? Never born never dies
Hmm.. blueflame is describing something of interest. However, man, I fail to see any response to Dark Knight who brought forward some good points?

I believe one can make the universe listen, and I certainly believe some individuals may be better in this than others.

Blueflame, you make the impression on me as a lone but omnipotent godhead. What happens if we all become like you? If I would ask the universe to get you bad grades and burn that Corvette of yours?

Or would I be under your command only? =)

What seems more plausible, you are very good at reality creation, maybe you found out the edges of physical existence, maybe it's time after you die to move on to higher 'realities'. I don't mean higher dimensions with physical-like attributes. I mean whole total differentness, even 'existence' is not there, but a whole different thing altogether. You think you are finished or something?

Ah well... we still like candy don't we.
If I'm not mistaken, Frank posted something like this somewhere... I remember he could see into the astral and all while awake. He described it as two giant energy systems, astral and physical but under your control both at the same time.
I kinda tried, didn't work.

I always figured green was somehow the opposite of skin colour, can anyone confirm this?
I've hanged around a lot there, I never read anything about causing nerve damage by raising energy.. I remember an article by Peebrain that recommends this. Anyway, I think they mean it's bad when you overdo it. They get a lot of newbies there that wreck their bodies trying to phase trough walls of levitating stones or something... I wouldn't worry if you use your senses, stop when it's enough..
I mostly see green by myself and others too, though sometimes when I'm really relaxed I can see a pink or reddish influence by myself..

I wonder too Mistic-Idan, I wonder too..

I await the wise answers[8D]
Welcome to Metaphysics! / electrokinesis.....
February 13, 2004, 11:21:05
get a degree electronics? [?]
Welcome to Metaphysics! / electrokinesis.....
February 12, 2004, 10:07:42
hm... sticking 1 screwdriver into 1 hole of the socket isn't supposed to do anything, is it?

It's dangerous when you actually get in the touch with both of them I think, I warmhartedly suggest you do not try out.
If life is sea, what is land?
Welcome to Metaphysics! / philosophers stone
February 11, 2004, 09:22:22
People still don't see the symbols?[:O]

The Gold, the Immortality..
I'm completely with JoWo on this.

However, you all seem to talk about different forms of the word 'love'.

"I don't even see love as an emotion but a group of several including happiness and the like. But also including fear or hate. If you love someone you fear losing them and you could easily hate those that might make you lose them." - Zan

I'd say that kind of love is the 'love' expected from animals or robots when they evolve enough. I, by no means see you as a robot, sorry, it's semantics. It's the struggle for words, expressing the unexpressable. But that love is based on conditions and needs, perfectly suitable for beings in need. Social bonds create security and all kinds of pro's.

Unconditional love is a whole different thing altogether and still it's not.. (everything is based on that)

Disclaimer: Just my opinion ;)
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / god: real or not
February 10, 2004, 11:33:22
Originally posted by neo

i was thinking today that so many people in this world believe in god evan though there is not a shred of evidence to back it up. i know this question has been asked for 1,000's of years, and i am certain that i will not get a answer, but i thought it would be a good debate none the less[:D]

i personally think god is not real as there is so much imperfection in our design and what goes on in the world today (i.e. sickness,famine,war,over hunting,suffering etc.)i also do not understand why so many thousands of people follow a very old and out of daye book(bible)

i would love to know what u guys believe, and why you believe it.

How would you proof this Something? You are Existing, isn't this ..... I can't find the words ...

Every argument anyone gives is proof for ya proof-obsessed. It's that easy. I would say the question is the answer. I really love all this different opinions! This discussions are very nice to read.
how do I transform myself into a lotus?