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Messages - GetInThePuma

That's amazing, so you can't stay in NPR if the program stops? Also, how much would it help a beginner if I have never had a conscious projection? Would it make a huge difference in familiarization me with the process or serve only to become a crutch?
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Remee
July 21, 2012, 22:04:04
I am a backer for this project, I will def document my usage of the mask once I receive it if people do have an interest in that type of data, i can take screenshot of it and document how comfortable it is while I sleep. Let me know  :-D
Right on dude, I know where you are coming from I read a lot on these forums as well, thx for the advice and congrats I hope you get a lot further next time, have you ever experienced slight vibrations that seem to coordinate with muscle tension in the chest area?
WOW thank you for sharing, that was a great read, I myself haven't been able to even OBE whatsoever trying it for almost 5 months now with nothing, but nonetheless you inspired me so much, I could almost feel what you were saying It seemed like such an incredible experience for you, I needed something of the sort, thanks for the inspiration!! Take care.
Thanks for the reply, do you know where i could find a preset for it i use bwgen and others?
Wow that's pretty useful info Szaxx, you posted GOLD to me, I have such trouble with noticing sometimes as you said, my eyes jump at any color or flash of anything that happens I use a blindfold or a shirt to keep the eyes closes easier, do you have any advice as far as how to not move the eyes? or does that just come from practice? Thanks for sharing m8
omcasey thank you so much for the awesome videos, I agree with the rest of the folks here, I find it incredible the progress you are making and am rooting for you, I'm glad that you a growing in the direction you think is most important to your experience, do you have any advice for a newcomer like myself? I would greatly appreciate the input, not to change the topic of your wonderful post of course, maybe literature that made all the difference in your experience? Also I am very curious how long have you been on your journey, and did it take you long to have your first OBE? I wish you the best in your travels and discoveries and enjoy the read very much, take care!

Quote from: blis on February 25, 2012, 14:00:13
You dont need to phase to ask for an attunement. I was just laying there. You should try asking for help with phasing too. There is loads of help out there for the asking.

I feel I should point out, just because I didnt experience anything doesnt mean the golden dna thing is a scam. I might not have been ready for it, I might have already had it without knowing the name, it might just have been really subtle, etc. I would still give it a miss though.

If you want to spend some moeny on that sort of stuff I really reccomend The Pleiadian Workbook by Amorah Quan Yin. Got to be the best book I've ever bought. Theres a sequel too but you need to complete the first book before you go on to it.

Theres a book called Pleiadian Initiations Of Light by Christing Day. Its a short book that comes with 2 cd's and some powerful energies.

You might also try Energy Blessings From The Stars by Irving Feurst and Virginia Essene. It's got seven attunements/initiations you can ask for. They're fairly subtle as far as attunements go but they are the real deal.

I can't thank you enough blis, and everyone else who takes the time to help, I will look into these works, I totally experienced "just asking" like you said this morning, I slept for 6 hours and my meditation seem to go much deeper, to the point where I only could feel the frontal part of my face between the eyebrows the rest of my body unless I focused on it I could not remember that it was there, I have been sexually active much more the last couple of months, would this stall me or drain so much energy that I would not be able to phase properly? I even had bright bright flashes of all colors and sizes, 3d darkness was experienced as well, also is it a bad thing after an hour of being still and focusing on only my breathing pattern that I can move very quickly when I am finished? Anyone who can shed some light on this, I would be very grateful.
Quote from: blis on February 24, 2012, 19:44:17
Tried it last night. Felt something when I did the invokation but nothing strong enough to say someone definately came. I already had a couple other prescences in the room which probably wasnt the greatest idea for sensing a new one.

Didnt feel anything when I asked for the activation. Waited a few minutes and then remembered I've been meaning to ask for a reiki attunement for ages. So I asked for that one and got it. Very strong energy, no mistaking it.

Wow thanks for trying it blis, I agree with all the people who said it was sort of a scam... I mean I never thought about paying it, more was curious as to the affects of it, if i ever get to the point where I can phase I will ask for reiki attunement, there is much for me to discover thanks!!

@CFTraveler much appreciated, your replies are always helpful to me, thank you all for helping me, all your input is most welcome.
Quote from: CFTraveler on February 23, 2012, 22:35:04
Golden DNA activation.  You give them the gold, and they activate their gold card.
I'm with blis- there are many types of attunements you can get for free, like Shaktipat or Deeksha.

I couldn't agree more, thank you for your reply, I will look into Shaktipat or Deeksha. Also i wondered do any of the attunements collide with each other? I mean do some create a negative affect when used in addition to any other?
Thanks for you kind reply blis, I look forward to reading your next post, and I appreciate the time you are taking to venture into this for me, I will definitely look into what you said, but I am fairly new to this and am not yet as sensitive to energy like that.

@Darkion, that's not how it is described, google could tell you better than I, but it is an activation of your DNA as it is explained, and they are linked to your chakras which in tern are linked to your spirit body, creating a greater connection to your and enhancing the non physical, but that is only my interpretation and I recommend you read it for yourself m8, not at all having to deal with mutation of DNA.
I apologize if this is the incorrect section for this, but has anyone heard about this? I tried a google search but it's a bit random, anyone have any information or idea about this?
You know I have heard of this before, my step mom has these experiences, she describes it as she can see a dark entity rubbing its face in her chest like snuggling with her, she says she gets desperate and cannot wake up or move even yelling at her partner in bed to help her out with no success, she also describes that she can break free slightly but then the entity goes back to do the same thing, I'm not sure if these are related but if anyone has any input it would be great, I would like to help her out as well.
Wow Lionheart, thanks for sharing m8 that is quite an experience, I'm glad that you have overcome all your strife and hope that I din't bring back too many bad memories, now more than ever I see how every event brings me closer to the light as well where I really want to be.
Welcome m8,

I think it is great you want to help others, how long have you been trying? From personal experience I can tell you that time varies for each person, I have been at it for over 3 months and have been close but, no dice, I know I need to keep meditating and practicing, I do it every day sometimes 2 or 3 times a day. There is a TON of information on Phasing on this very site, I'm sure if you use the search bar you can find a handfull in the first search. Good Luck
Quote from: Lionheart on February 18, 2012, 19:10:38
I only knew of one person in my life that I could actually label as "spiritually possessed". But, she got this way from delving in extreme ritual magic and extremely heavy drug use, as of heroin and speed. She messed around with the Necronomicon as a teenage, always trying rituals to better herself, whether it actually worked or she convinced herself it worked, she had to fight that demon for the rest of her life. I fought it for awhile along side her, but was easily overmatched. Today it would be a different story, but that's what learning is all about.

I don't have much experience so I could not say a thing about possession, but I have read a great deal and agree with the people that have had experiences, 100% safe as Tom always says you do not leave the body per say but shift your I/O to something else.

@Lionheart, How are ya m8 I don't post much but I have read tons of your posts and really enjoy your input it is well put together it really widens my view, would you mind maybe linking Necronomicon, I will Google as well, i'm interested in knowing more, why were you over-matched?(of course if it is personal I don't want to pry) and what gives you the confidence to say, "Today it would be a different story."
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: 18-25 AP goers
January 17, 2012, 15:24:58
Hello I'm 23, nice to meet you all, i'm pretty new at this and so far IRC and other places people are very helpful, i'd also like to thank you all for sharing your experiences I know for some people they are very personal. Safe paths...
Quote from: Greytraveller on January 16, 2012, 23:37:55
Greetings Puma.
Experience with lucid dreams might well help you in getting out of body. Lucid dreams and OBE Do have similarities although there are also important differences. Just so you know - it usually does take first timers longer than a week to induce an OBE. So try to stay focused and positive and hopefully something good will happen.

Good luck  8-)
Thank you everyone I appreciate it, I will try that and see if it helps

@Greytraveller: I've read somewhere that depending on the person it can take from 1 week to 6 months, I guess it's person specific.
Hi everyone I'm Puma just saying HI, I'm very new at this and have actually had some experiences where i have been aware on a lucid-dream awareness, I have read and seen a lot of material on practices with no success, of course it's only been a week or so, if anyone has 2 cents about anything that helped them please don't hesitate to post them, these experiences are incredible and I hope everyone grows plenty from there travels. Cheers!