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Messages - nightflier101

Hello everyone,

When I'm laying down, going through my routine to OBE,
and the feelings are building up. I'll sense that someone
has entered the room and is standing close to the bed.
I know someone is there, and it gets scarey, so I'll open
my eyes and look around. I can't see anyone but there
will be a thick layer of black fog along the floor next to
the bed. It seems to be a nasty spirit hiding just out
of sight.

I'll close my eyes and try to forget it, but things in the room
will creak and shift around enough to cause noise and stop
me from getting to my deepest concentration.

I've tried it with the lights on things still move and make noise
when my eyes are shut. And I still sense the presence.

Are there any affirmations to quiet the room and keep away
unwanted guests??

This is a major stumbling block for me, I've projected many times
in my teens and twenties,  so I do know the process.


In my teens I was a happy little Astral Projector. Up until I was 22, then I
found enhancers like "mushrooms and canebinol". I found a way to bring back energy and used it for all the wrong reasons, like levitation, and
manipulation of other people. One night I was collecting energy from two
blue neon bands of light,  and using the energy to crush beer cans in front
of my friends. Needless to say they were shocked but were entertained at the
same time. The next night something disturbing happened.

I went to bed, and immediately seperated into a weird clouded area near a forest. Out of the fog a tall Black Night like from the king arthur era came
at me very quickly. He threw an iron cage over me, which pinned me to the ground. I awoke back in the physical and opened my eyes, I could still see
the faint outlines of the iron bars as I refocused my eyes.

After that I've never been able to do any of this stuff again, It all came to
a sudden stop. I couldn't find the energy areas, or store energy for later use,
I couldn't hear what people were thinking, or make things move anymore.

It's been 11 years ago that this occured. I've been clean ever since.
Taking the good road instead of the rocky short cuts.

Does anyone know of a way to tell if you've been banished or restricted?
Is there a way to come back and have your talents reissued to you?

I've matured spiritually, and have been a good boy!
Who do I talk to?

I'm asking only to be able to OBE again to gain enlightenment, not for the
other things that had no real value.


Hi everyone,

Today after work I was very tired. I layed down and closed my eyes.
A scene opened up, a backyard garden, with a pond, a bridge, all
kinds of foliage, and patio furniture.  I percieved it like looking through a
long tube, I saw every detail of the garden, and moved across the little
bridge onto the back porch. And then it faded out, total time was about
20 seconds.

Other times during these experiences I'll be over a small village, about
a hundred feet up and moving across in a straight line.  Or inside a
house, or moving down a street.  These episodes never last more than
30 seconds, are always places I've never been to, and I never see people.

Does anyone know if these are true remote viewing experiences?

Does remote viewing just happen by itself without controlled thoughts?

They do seem different from dreams, the sight perception is different.
And some of them seem to be places that are long gone.

Just curious :)



In the last few months I've been having these dreams where I get into a truck or car and drive around. I'm not lucid, but just driving around the streets calmly, obeying all traffic laws.
But what I noticed is;
The vehicle shakes or surges just like the vibrations or when separating from the physical, as when having an OBE. And it's not just the car, I'll feel it in my dream body too. And a few minutes later, while still driving the car, I'll
wake up and have the buzzing sensations like I just reentered my body.
I know I'm projecting while having these driving dreams, but I can't remember
this when I'm in the dream, only upon awakening.
I've never used a dream to project from, but I think I have a good chance at
this now.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to become aware and change the visual
from dream to what the astral is seeing? And thus be consciously projected?


In my heyday of having many OBE's ( in my twenties), I'm pondering a question.
I lived in California, and visited the amusement parks alot. I was a rollercoaster fanatic, loved to feel the G-force upon the body. I also
rode a racing motorcycle for several of those years, feeling the ripping
speed and wind through my hair.

Now in my thirties, I have a family and drive a mini-van. I live in Arizona
where there are no rollercoasters. I don't project so easily anymore, I
believe I've lost those G-force feelings and this is hampering my ability
to bring about the onset of the vibrations and the concentration of sensing
myself moving upward.

I remember laying in bed and still feeling like I was on that ride, or still feeling
like I was riding my motorcycle. And this helped me to induce the OBE.

Has anyone else felt that these things help them to achieve OBE?


I think it would be helpful to others,  if we all share how we release.
As in what part of your body seperates first? Which part is the last?
Or do you lift out all at once?   To show the different possibilities...

I myself, peel out feet first. Like doing a backflip, my head is the last
to go. On a few occasions I did pop out quite quickly all at once. But that was rare, I always project into the real-time zone.


Would like to hear experiences with trying to project while under an electric blanket.
Do these electric fields prevent OBE's ?  Do we get stuck to them?
How about ceiling fans above the bed, or electrical wires in walls behind the
headboard.  I moved into a new house and the bedroom has 480 volt circut
breakers just 10 inches from my head, on the other side of the wall.

If anyone has experiences with electric or magnetic fields, what do they do
to the astral body?  Do they attract or repell us


I had to come back to say,"What a mess this forum has become".
In the beginning, there was an excitement, an aura that I'm sure we
all felt. We all closely shared our experiences, and got to know one another.
Sure, there were trips and spills along the way, but we endured for the
better of everyone. We became a family, and conversed easily with the
new comers.

Now it seems everyone is fighting this "Machine" the forum has become.
The close personal ties have become distanced by the time spent arrowing
left or right to see the whole screen, the quizes and randomly placed
surveys, all the extra riff-raff and what-nots that lead to forgetting what you
logged-on in the first place for.

It seem we have been stung by the government or corporate world at large!
The influence has taken over the wonderful spirit this forum was thriving on.
It has become a real pain in the butt. And who wants that?
This forum feels like an empty shell. The life has left. So why do I linger
around? I hope the marvelous energy will someday return...



I verify your descriptions of seperation.  It also was easy for me at an early age.  The intense pulsations and light show under my eyelids would culminate.  And from the bottoms of my feet a sharp buzzing or tingling sensation would rise up my legs, through my chest and out the top of my head, taking me with it!  After a second or two I would gain vision, usually an upsidedown view of the wall next to my bed.  And if I didn't will myself to the other side of the room, I would be gently pulled back into my body. And then lay there feeling weightless thinking "Darn it ! Messed up another opportunity...

Good luck everyone!

It's ok to feel as though you are smiling from ear to ear. And listen to the sounds as your moving inward, the swooshing and pulsing can keep you calm. I used to try to frown, so I wouldn't get all excited when things started to change. But I think frowning turned into an emotion, so now I just let it go like a leaf floating with the wind. Keep the rush of emotions behind you, keep your conscious quiet but alert, and just enjoy what happens.

good luck....            

I have the same kind of disorienting dreams too. that awkward vision
trying to focus while you seem to be caught in this battle not to faint.
Almost like being drunk and this happens while something important
is going on in the dream, and you fight to stay in control. It's very

to me it seems as though while dreaming, I having an unconscious OBE
at the same time. And I'm splitting myself between the two, wanting to
stay with the dream but feeling what my astral is doing. thus affecting
the dream, when I move more towards the OBE I lose my vision and
control of the dream, which is when I get the drunk sensation and the
lopsided vision.

I don't know if this can shed some light,  but you're not alone.


I found myself in the void more than a few times. the first couple of times
I thought I had projected and didn't have my vision yet. But I can reach out,
and kick my legs and never feel a wall or furniture as I can when projected.

It then hit me that this was different, a type of inner point of consciousness,
deeply set inside the brain. this must be why I felt so safe in all that
blackness, like I was inside myself.

I would get there by telling myself before going to sleep," when my body
falls asleep my conscious will awake and I will be aware of it."

....Just my two cents...


Welcome to Metaphysics! / Telekinesis
August 18, 2002, 18:13:39
I had help from some sort of energy or spirit. So I can't say I was able to
do it alone...

I used to sit on the couch, with an object on the coffee table, like a
bottle cap upside down or something made from glass. Look at your hand
and slowly touch your thumb and middle finger together. Repeat this very slowly and an arc of light will stream between them. My hand would get
cold almost frozen feeling, and the arc of light would turn orange.

I would sit back and look at the object to be moved, I was not close
enough to touch it. I would imagine the object being between my two
fingers and the stream of light punching a hole through the object.
I could feel the object in my grasp, even though it was four feet away.

then a slow motion of my entire hand would make the object slide
towards me until it fell off the table.

And don't forget to have a witness, someone who you trust.  to prove
to yourself it's really happening. Otherwise you might have doubts
and dismiss the whole thing as a subjective hallucination.

telekinesis is real...  but is weak in strength.
Unless you can usher in help from an outside or inside source.


I bought the original Gateway series tapes, back in the seventies.
And they do work over a period of time, seems like Monroe unlocks
certain types of barriers that can hold you back from OBE's.

After a while I could do it on my own, without the tapes.
Now, 25 years later, I dug out this set to try it again. 10 minutes
into the Focus 10 tape my tape player ate it, Really Badly...
the set of tapes only cost 75 dollars way back when, I just
don't see how they can charge over 300 dollars now...

I found it cheaper to write down my dreams in detail. Doing this
I find that I have become more conscious in the dreams and able
to project from there. the moment I fall asleep I also have been
waking up in focus 10 also.

Sorry, just wanted to say that Monroe's stuff works....


Answer 1...
  The Obe started randomly by itself. I was 12 and couldn't control what
was happening to me. Only after trial and error, I was able to learn how
to direct my thoughts and motions in this new world. Curiosity and the
excitement of this strange experience benefitted my whole life since...

Answer 2...
   I have found that being on the outside gave me a sense of the great
power and energy that flows around all life. Being consciously away from
the physical body, you can feel the freeness and the movement of energy,
as you are surrounded by it and absorbing it too. That rush feeling of
adrenaline upon returning to the body is the recharge of the etheral.
   I now know there is a second underlying existance, it is there for everyone
to experience. Centuries ago we probably all knew it existed, and used it
often to learn and gain knowledge from.
Ok, now I'm rambling....


Welcome to Metaphysics! / The Meaning of Sex
May 24, 2002, 14:21:24
Nope, I wasn't going to reply to this topic.
But it won't go away!  So now I find myself
caught here typing anyway...

I think the whole sex thing is overated by the media
and fad followers. Like you have to get some, and get
it nightly, or else you're a loser!   If you don't,  you have
a problem.  

Yes, I used to be in my twenties. Scoring my nightly
outtings by how many different women I was getting.
And partying and being Mr. Cool.

Now I'm 38 and I think back, I wasted all those years...
Hurt all those women, blew all that money, drank my
life away, and did nothing to better myself.  Caught in
that trap of being what the media and movies show as,
" This is what everyone else is doing, you should be
doing the same".

I believe random sex with just anybody, does nothing for
spiritual enlightenment. It's only a lower-form of our past
human-animalistic habits, to reproduce with as many
females as possible.

Thank God I found my way out.  I'm drinkless and drugless,
married a beautiful woman, and now understand what life
is all about.

It's not about the sex.  It's about connecting to someone
and finding the inner bond of Love and Friendship.  Feeling
totally free to be "just as you are" with that person. I know
her and she knows me, we look together at the stars at
night, and hold hands while walking along the sand.
We are best friends...


 Ok, now I need a nap...

Hey Frank,
I don't think there are any lions around. And thank you for the
nice comment. I always respect what you have to say.


My mom thought I was being silly. My sister didn't care, my dad left us before I was 11. But I still kept it quiet until everyone was asleep. Which
was good, because I wouldn't be disturbed.
I would read my books for an hour, then try projection. Write down my experiences, and revise from what I learned. I made peace with myself that
I didn't have to share my experiences. I figured mom and sis weren't ready
for this enlightenment, maybe in their next lifetime, or the one after that
they will seek this knowledge.
I did confide in a close friend whom I trusted, and he helped me with experiments and got to read my journal.

Make time for you, when you will not be disturbed. Not as hiding it from them, but as respecting their beliefs. 3 years isn't very long, and then you'll
be out and free to do whatever you want.


I like the word Loner, instead of hermit.
I love being all to myself, it doesn't bother me at all. I get claustrophobia
being around groups of people. It's annoying, especially trying to fit into
their world or taste.
I projected frequently during my loner years. Then when I was 30 I met
this lady with three kids, and my life has been scrambled ever since.
We got married, its been about 8 years now, and I'm very happy but
still need alone time. Which I only get a few hours a week.
I can't OBE consciously but a few times a year now, but sponteneous OBE's
happen around once every few months. RATS!!!
I've lost that feeling of being in-tune with my inner workings, stress and continual distractions have kept me in a fog.

But it's something I have to learn to deal with, a challenge of sorts...


The 2nd vibrations could mean the difference in shift. For me they start off
slow keeping pace with the heart beat, like a shaking or rocking feeling.
Then they wind-up like a sewing machine going at high speed, which is
a very cool feeling, all I do after that is concentrate my vision upwards through
what I am seeing. And the rest happens by itself...


Geez Tisha,

Turn off the air-conditioner!  ha ha..  

Yes, I've felt chilli after coming back, but more in the chest area. This doesn't
happen as often as returning and finding myself now "left-handed" for a few
hours, until it wears off.
I had the misfortune of jumping off the bed immediatly after returning. And finding out that my legs couldn't hold the weight and collapsed into a book shelf.
I think if you wrap a small towel around your head or adjust your pillow you
may find relief. But just as a pacifier, I think the chill is not actually there.
It has to do with the body restarting its normal sensory functions, sometimes you get a glitch that may take a few minutes longer than the rest of yourself.
So when you return, gently move your arms and legs and sit up on the edge of the bed, stretch and move your head around. This should bring everything
back to normal.


Hi Tisha,

There are many different things that you could experience, multiply that by
all the people in this world, and the options seem endless.
When the vibrations have passed, and you're totally relaxed and feel light
on the bed, it is a good time to start raising energy. Like powering up for
flight. If you're seeing elements of light in your room you may be close to
projection, and just need to focus more on the brow center.  I've brought
the vibrations back after having them fade out.  I'm not an expert on raising
energy, but my breathing seems to do the trick.

I've layed there too, looking around quietly,  a couple of times my room turned
into a flat screen. It went from a three dimensional visual to something like
looking at a photograph. I could see everything in focus, all at once, like a
5 by 7 picture of my room was right in front of my face. ( facinating...)

Take care,

One option is;
When I lay there and I'm getting too tired and nothing is happening,
I'll give myself an order.
I'll say," When my body falls asleep my conscious mind will awaken". Then
I can just roll over and go to sleep. This worked more times than it should have!  I'd wake up in the big black void, just floating there, or wake up totally
unattached to the physical and lift right out.
Rate of success for this was around 15% of the time, but heck, that does
increase your chances of having an OBE.
I guess it's sort of a self-hypnosis thing, but it worked for me...
It will give you some awesome dreams too, only an hour or two after going to sleep.



I've never had the notion of needing protection. After getting over the initial fear, which happens with the first OBE experiences, it has always been quite calm and peaceful. I don't have things lurking about, waiting to pounce on me the moment I project.  I guess getting over the fear, and becoming confident and trusting with the experience, could give you all the protection you need.


Hello Tisha,

You should feel blessed...
I too went through the same thing at the age of 12. Just out of nowhere I started waking up seperated and paralyzed. The first week of this, it happened 4 nights in a row. I always fought it by lifting my shoulders, I could never relax, due to the fright. It took 3 years to finally find out what it was.

But it changed my life, to experience what it's like removed from the physical.
25 years later, I still have spontaneous projections. But I'm further away from my body and don't get the paralyzation effect anymore. It's getting harder to do it consciously now, I think due to stress.

So enjoy it !!  It's wonderful and exciting...
