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Messages - smooth

Thanks for the quick answers!

It's ironic, personalreality, that you bring up sleep apnea because 2 nights ago I brought it up to my family that I believe I might be suffering from a small case of it. I often times wake up gasping for air and if I take too big of a gulp of air I start coughing (I'm also not a smoker). I also have a horrible sleeping pattern, I don't have any real schedule other then waking up at the same time every morning to go to work. I go to bed anywhere from 11pm to 4am, just depending on what I'm feeling that night.

I have different sorts of fears when it comes to leaving my body, I have done it countless times and id say most of those I run into someone while out. I've only felt threatened once but it didn't last very long, I just wish when I left I wouldn't have anyone bothering me. I know growing up I would see many spirits that would bother me in reality and dreams. Maybe they are just attracted to me in some way, possibly because I'm mentally telling myself I'm going to see them when I leave my body and that may be the reason why?
I seem to be waking up 3 times a week or so during sleep paralysis, every time I feel very strong vibrations and can "leave" my body with little effort. I have been fighting this though, I love having an OBE but I fear it just as much. When I eventually get myself out of sleep paralysis I have to stay up for about 30 minutes or my body will literally fall back into it within seconds of lying back down. Last night was the worst, I felt like I was being forced out of my body. I felt so drained fighting it so I gave in and its like I wasn't in control and was being forced up stairs and I started fighting it even more to get back. Lately I feel like something or someone is making me leave my body, for what reason I don't know.

Is there any way to reduce having sleep paralysis because over all its just draining and I have restless nights because of this? Also why is it I was being forced upstairs, like I wasnt in control?
Wow thanks for all the help! Its funny you say that trying to talk will bring attention back to your physical body. I was lying in bed with an ex girlfriend and I was trying to speak while out and she woke me up and said i was talking in my sleep. There has been maybe three times where I've returned back to my body while trying to talk. I will give all your tips a shot!
Quote from: Firmitas on November 08, 2010, 23:31:57
Hi Smooth,

Im sorry but I haven't had any luck with an OBE yet so I dont have any helpful advice.
What I read was that people dont communicate verbally in the astral though, but mentally. Maybe thats just at a different focus though.

I wanted to ask though, which method are you using to project?


Your probably right, now that you've said that I remember reading that somewhere also. I'll give it a shot next time for sure!

As far as my method, I'm not using any text book methods that I've read before but I'm sure there are plenty that are similar. I find that trying to have an OBE before I go to bed is very difficult because I usually fall asleep. But I have had plenty after waking up during the night, usually I wake up during sleep paralysis for some reason. What I found works best for me is to take a nap during the day on my couch. This way I'm not super tired and with me lying on the couch I'm not as comfortable as I would be lying in my bed. I lay there with having an OBE on my mind the whole time, I "mentally" start swaying my body left and right and you will start feeling it after a couple minutes if you're really concentrating.  I will more often than not fall into sleep paralysis and from there its very easy to leave and the best way to describe it I just roll out. Also I should note that 70% of the time I fall asleep and wake up to strong vibrations while in paralysis.
Hello all, its been a while!

So I've found a method that works the best for me to have an OBE and I've been doing it more often because of this. To my frustration, when I leave my body I can't speak at all. When I start talking my mouth feels like its glued shut and it sounds like I'm mumbling. I've "ran" into a few entities while out and I was told to try and speak to them and find out who they are but I can't speak! Last week I had a little boy in my room that ran up next to my bed as I left. I tried asking who he was but he looked extremely nervous and ran away. However a long while back a man was next to my then recently deceased dog and I asked him who he was and he pointed to my dog then smiled at me and gave me thumbs up. It was like he knew what I was trying to say or I wanted to say with his expressions.

Any pointers would be awesome!
Have you ever tried to OBE while napping? I found that if I try to leave my body at night before I go to sleep I just end up passing out for the most part. Almost every time I take a nap I have an OBE, most of the times without even trying now. Also when I do have an OBE in my room there is a little boy that is there almost every time so now I feel more comfortable doing this on my couch in the living room.
Hey all the forum looks good, its been a while since I've been here but it looks like there are alot of new members so thats good!

I've asked this before but with now answer so I figured I would give it another shot. About a month ago I woke up during sleep paralysis again (this is very common for me). Every time I wake up during this I have very strong vibes and generally leave my body with little issues. Well I woke up during this state and was having issues leaving, when this happens I ask for "assistance" and it works often. I do run into random entities that I'm not familiar with but so far I haven't had any "dark ones" (excluding past experiences). Well this "person" that helped me was made entirely of light. I've never seen this before, I took his hand without even thinking about it (like ive been doing it every night or something ha). When I left my body this person disappeared so I didn't get a chance to talk to him.

Has anyone experienced this before? Ran into someone that was made of light, I'm not saying he was made of light but he definitely had light shinning off of him. I say him because for some reason in my head I think it was a man but whos to say, I just go with my gut feelings on these things.
I haven't been into the OBE thing much lately because of a bad experience I had that freaked me out, but I still have one about once a week but I force myself out of it. Last night's was odd though, I heard someone saying "come with me" over and over but with a slight pause in-between them. But for some reason I grabbed this "persons" hand and they start pulling me and I could feel it. I didnt even think about it and did it, almost like I've been doing often (a natural reaction). I could only make out the body, but it was made of light. That's probably the first time I saw a body made of light while in an ap. Now I'm not a trusting person while "out of my body", I would rather not talk/see anyone while out so thats why I find it odd that I just grabbed his hand without thinking twice about it.

Any thoughts?
lol, I've heard this a few times on here before. I think it would be very hard though, because say once you get there it would be hard to keep focus on minore thing that may be important. But hey thats just me, but I can only OBE 2 times a week some times more sometimes not at all.
Well I've been having alot more OBE now that I'm back into it, at least twice a week. I'm still having a hard time controlling my vision, sometimes I get lucky and can see right away sometimes I cant see at all. Last night I had three OBE and the first one I couldn't see, but was "flying" straight up. I could feel wind around me and lights swirling(almost looked like those pictures of traffic at night with the cars flying by) around me but couldn't really see. I've tried asking for light but with little success.

This is where it gets really weird, my second OBE I went to my family room (I could see) and saw my mom sitting on the couch. I looked at her and smiled and she looks at me and says "So can you fly yet?" and I respond to her question by jumping and floating downward really slowly and I say without even thinking about it "still working on it". We both started laughing, so I just continued trying to fly. The weird thing is that it all felt so normal, almost like we have been practicing together or something. It didn't feel strange to me at all at the moment but thinking about it after waking up I think its really weird. My mom use to practice OBE when she was younger but had a bad experience and doesn't do it anymore. I asked her about it and she just smiled and said "I have no idea, try asking me questions next time" ahha.

Is this common, to run into family and actually carry on a conversation with them? The weird thing is, the fact that she doesn't remember anything about it or even having an OBE for the past 20 years.
I've smoked salvia many, many times and have never had an experience like that. I actually just signed up in a salvia forum and asked about how they are linked. Many people go into it with the hopes of having some type of spiritual experience so I believe their conscience applies that to the trip.

I am in no way doubting you, but i've heard of people achieving an OBE though salvia. But I believe it would be way to hard to keep focused.
Does this only happen when your laying down or is it something more spontaneous like your cleaning (or doing something some what productive) and all of a sudden its 3 hours later and your on the floor or something along those lines? Because if your laying down it very well could be your falling asleep, if this really starts to bug you, you could buy a camera and set it up somewhere where this often happens.
I just used the "floating" technique where I just layed there picturing myself rising up and it worked perfectly. While you feel like you are floating up just think to your self "I can see" or something along those lines and it will give you vision. Last time I just thought about opening my eyes over and over and then they opend. Good luck
Thanks again for all your help, I've always been a open minded kind of guy when it comes to this sort of stuff. For now on I'm just going to take these OBE as they come and not force them away like I've done in the past. From what I gather if this is real or fake (our minds playing tricks on us) either way these experinces have brought alot of people together and it gives alot of people "more meaning" to life you could say. I'm happy with this either way and will continue with this, now knowing that these "people" arent all out to get you.
Thanks for all your help, I just want to know if this was common wasnt sure if I was doing something right. Maybe your both right and he knew what I was trying to say and thats why he just smiled and gave me the thumbs up. I guess with more practice I will learn how to control everything much better. I find that I have a hard time having and OOBE before I try and go to bed, I fall asleep most of the time. I sleep at really weird times though, I go to bed at around 6:30-7:00 am and wake up around 4ish. Maybe 75% of my OOBE are from naps, maybe because I'm not tired at the time.
Well about 30 minutes ago I had two OBE and have a couple questions.

My first OBE I had very strong vibrations and was building them up and felt myself "floating" up words. During this floating sensation I wasn't sure if I should open my eyes or not but when I thought of that my eyes just opened. I was just floating there in my family room looking around, to my surprise nothing was off. So I wanted to see myself laying there, I've always thought that doing that would be a bad idea because I would be "forced" back into my body like some people speak of. So I just stared at myself laying there for maybe 20 seconds but all of a sudden I was back in my body with very strong vibrations still going.

The second OBE I asked for assistance not really knowing if anyone was listing or even knowing what/who would be there. All of a sudden I felt like I was thrown out of my body backwards into my kitchen (kitchen/family rooms are linked) and I felt dazed. So I was floating there in my kitchen and look into the family room and there was a Man standing there next to my dog (that passed away while I was at boot camp a couple months ago). I didn't recognize this man at all but he had a very good vib to me, I knew nothing bad would happen with me being there with them. I looked at him and tried to ask "who are you" I tried maybe 3 times but I couldn't speak. It felt like my mouth was forced shut and i was mumbling. He looked at me with a huge smile on his face gave me a thumbs up. Then after that I was back in my body and jumped up right after so I would remember this.

My questions are

1.) Do you just open your eyes while have an OBE or do you just think about them opening and they do? I was scared that I was still tied to my physical form and didn't want to open my physical eyes.

2.) How do you go about speaking, I've had these experiences before but I've never tried to speak to someone and I found that I had a very hard to speaking? I just couldn't, it felt like I was mumbling with my mouth closed.

3.) Have you seen any animals that have passed away while in a OBE? I was always close with this dog very close, I ended up enlisting with the Marines and was at boot camp for 14 weeks. I ended up being discharged because I really hurt my foot and was told I would suffer with this injury the rest of my life. But during this time at boot camp my dog became really sick and they put her to sleep. It hurt coming home and hearing that she wouldn't be there waiting for me not to sound corny.

Sorry for the long post, just looking for tips on those couple of issues I have.
Thanks for your reply, it really makes alot of since when you put it out there like that. I took what you said and today (about 15 minutes ago) I had two OBE. My first one I just kinda floated there looking around and wanted to see myself laying there and when I did that i just stared for like 20 seconds and all of a sudden I was back in my body with the vibrations still going strong. The second time I asked for assistance not really knowing if someone would be there, I felt myself sort of ripped out really fast and backwards. It felt really weird and I felt almost dazed after that, I saw a man in my Family Room next to my dog (that just passed away). I just stared at him for a little bit and tried to speak to him "who are you" I tried to say but I couldn't speak, it almost felt like my mouth was forced shut. After that he looks at my dog and looks at me and smiles and gives me thumbs up. After that I went back to my body and jumped up right after so that I would remember. This may sound weird but when I got up I felt happy, I feel different. I've had many OBE but none where I tried to communicate. I may not have had a convo with this man but I felt peace with this man. Thanks for your help, It really made me step up my game you could say lol. I'm actaully going to post this experince because I have some questions about it
Thanks for the reply, to tell you the truth I really dont know how to take your comment (if you believe me or not) lol. I'm really not sure why I let fear over take me like that, It may be because I really dont want any extra stress on my life. A couple nights ago I believe i had an OBE with out even relizing it. I remember looking at my room and it being full of trash, like i had clothes piled up and i thought at the time "I dont remember my room being so messy" and dont remember anything after that point. I woke up and looked at my room being clean and was thinking "wtf". It may have been a dream, but it seemed so real it felt like i just sat up in the middle of the night and saw my room. It felt like past obe that ive had only i had no idea that I was having obe.
I was actually home alone, thats why it freaked me out a little bit. The ony thing that weirded me the most is the fact that this "voice" knew my name. Part of me regrets not trying to communicate back but all i need to do is project and have someone in my house chilling there next to me. Ancient_one after reading that it really makes me wonder what/who was calling my name and I wonder if this presence has been the one "Bothering" me the whole time. I've had a lot of experiences and It always sounds the same as far as the voice i heard. One time I just hear this woman breathing very heavily next to my ear, almost like she went and ran 3 miles and stopped by my house to breath in my ear haha. I think I'm going to just go for it, I'm sure whatever happens to me cant be worse then what has already happened in my life time.
So I've been off and on with OBE the past few years, most of the time I stop trying because of something that freaks me out. Ever since I can remember I have seen spirits but when I was 15 (20 now) I went to a church with my mom and they told me to pray for it to stop and it did. The thing is, when I start getting vibrations and can feel myself coming close to leaving my body something really weird happens.

For example my last time, I was laying on my couch and dosed off I was suddenly awoken to very strong vibrations (this would happen maybe 3 times a month) and was thinking "well lets give this a shot" but only a few seconds into the vibrations I felt a presence kind of kneeling next to me. Dont ask how i know that she was kneeling i just know for some reason almost like i could see her but with my eyes closed  :? . Well this presence was saying my name in my ear "Chris, Chris, Chris" just over and over. The more I heard it the more intense my vibrations would get. I ended up thinking "f this" and forced myself out of it that took over a minute to do.

I know that you cant be hurt, but i would really love for once to be able to do this without being bothered by a presence. I have had one oobe where I left my body without anyone "bugging" me. Is there something I could do to maybe get over this fear, what helped you guys? I almost want to just go for it and maybe confront my demands per say. Just hard to get over my fear
if you "posses" someone, what happens to their soul? Do you kick them out, or just share the body?
well thank you, now its just finding the best way for me to leave again.
Well, a year or so back i was really into obe. It all start when i woke up one night and i couldn't move at all, and it felt like i was being pulled out of my body. After that i did some research, read a couple books ect ect. The only way that i am able to "leave" my body is when i have that mind awake body asleep thing (forget what you call it). I can kind of force it on myself i guess you could say. I sorta slipped away from the whole obe thing after a couple creepy experiences i had.

Well, lately i have been getting back into it. Now that i work mornings and have the afternoon off i figured it would be the best time to try to obe. Its very odd, every time i start to think about obes a day or two later i have one or start to have one. Well on to my point, today when i arrived home from work I gave it a shot. I laid down thinking to myself about obes, and didn't really do any methods but only thinking about obes. I woke up and couldn't move, and had that feeling like im being pulled away from my body. At this point, i can easily leave my body. The only problem i have with it is im scared at what i might see, spirits or anything in my house. The fact that they are in my house is creepy lol. Well when i started leaving, I thought to myself i won't get hurt, being scared is the worst that can happen.

When i left my body i saw a face strait to my left, it was a solid black face. It was almost like i could see the outline of the face, but it had no color. It was saying something, but i didn't stick around to find out what it had to say ha. So i went back to my body, but still had the problem where i was stuck and couldn't get up for about 5 minutes. The only way i can wake myself up is by breathing really hard so i can stay with reality in a since. All threw that I was banging my hands and legs, but not my physical ones. Just felt like it.

Would you guys recommend trying to communicate with this "face". I remember reading before somewhere not to communicate with anyone on the other side unless you dont mind making a new friend that will stick around and wait for you. What's your opinions on this?? Sorry how long this is also!
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Too Tired?
November 01, 2006, 22:36:20
Well im a very busy person. I wake up at 6 am school till 230- 3-8 i have work. When i get out of work i have h/w and other things that i have to take care of. This is what i do every day. So when i go to bed, i pretty much pass out. There isnt nothing that will wake me up. I try to ap but i fall asleep every time.

Anything you can recommend doing that might help me out?
That is very freighting. Did the tour guide look familiar, as if you have seen her before?

Also are you sure it was an obe? It almost sounds like a lucid dream to me, but its just my thought.