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Messages - Potatis

I also still wonder where Frank is.
Quote from: Selski on April 15, 2007, 05:56:06
Testing testing 1 - 2 - 3
I like biscuits with my tea.

I'm the complete opposite. I like tea with my biscuits. :)
Well, I think we have found a niche for the "Dummies" book series.  :-D
I am kin 150 - White resonant dog.

I channel in order to love
Inspiring loyalty
I seal the process of heart
With the resonant tone of attunement
I am guided by the power of spirit
I am a galactic activation portal   enter me

I know nothing else.
jub jub: Classic! lol
Thanks for posting that, Upstream, I found it very interesting. :)
I don't know what the cloud is. I used to have a recurring nightmare as a child about a black cloud always being after me. I've hardly had a nightmare in my life (32yrs), but that one I used to often get when I was between 4-5 years old still sticks in my mind. Now that I think of it, it's interesting that I can remember those dreams quite clearly after all this time.

I'm not sure if a black cloud is a significant symbol, but I hope someone knows. :)
Just over 1 year. There was a bit of a break though in that first year because I got bored of failing. I did get vibrations and lucid dreams though which kept me interested and believing that OBEs could be real.
Strange you felt angry, especially since you know you were projecting. Thanks for sharing. :)
I can endorse the spinning technique. Even as a beginner at lucid dreams, I had 13 dreams in a row one night, and could remember them all with clarity the next day. Whenever I felt I was losing the dream, I'd spin myself around, and find myself somewhere else. It was so much fun.
Something that didn't resonate with me though was Elias saying that your pets won't be with you in the afterlife. I believe this is false.
There's so much info at that website, it'll take me YEARS to digest it all!
That PDF was a good read, kiwibonga! You conclusion is hilarious.  :lol:

Well done for sharing your method with others too. :)
I'd like to sign up, it looks great. Why do you need my phone number? :) Also, I don't have a company. It seems this field is required.
I have had the buzzing in my body as people have described here, but there is a different kind of energy I experienced 2 nights ago, and I have felt it ever since. Even now I feel a kind of shiver in my back. It is kind of cold.

After my experience, 2 nights ago (a failed retrieval, I stuffed it) I was woken by my partner at around 4.30am to ask what on earth was going on. I told her of the incredible detail of my experience, and for more than an hour after that, lying in the dark, I had this shivering energy flowing up and down my body, or just moving around. I wanted to fill my body with it so I could have another OBE, but it moved around like a wave, whenever it wanted to. I couldn't consciously control it. Ever since, I have had this icy shiver in my back, which sometimes surges just for a second. In fact as I write this, it surges when I focus on it. Interesting it hasn't subsided even after a couple of days. It was fairly intense when I came to after my OBE.
My first OBE I was completely blind. I guess it is not uncommon.
Hi Alu.

I don't know about your guides. I personally don't think they exist, but that's just me.

What is this business these people you meet go about doing? :) I mean, what do they do with themselves each day?
I wonder what these people do when we wake up. lol

One minute, they are talking to us, or showing something, and we just disappear. hahaha It's happened to me, probably has happened to everybody. :)
Interesting experience, Sarah.  :smile:  I wonder where Frank is. I wouldn't have imagined he would be at a construction site.  :smile:
Strange it crashed the browser.

It's not a commercial advertisment. All the recordings are free for download. They are recordings of the Leslie Flint direct voice medium seances. Hundreds of interviews were recorded with the deceased, describing many of the spheres where people live, and the things people do.

The recordings reveal a great truth. Many people on this fourm, who don't know that these recordings exist, will be interested in that link. Especially when many of the things said in those recordings verify what many experienced OBErs write about in this forum. Even though many of the recordings are 40 years old.

All the information on the afterlife you need, from those who have already died.
Please don't feed the troll. Ignore their post.
LOL your classical guitar teacher??? How did this subject come up?? hahaha I'm a violin teacher, I would never talk about such things to students. :D

Thanks Major Tom, Frank and Nay for your replies.

Major Tom, I tried the phasing again today without luck. I had more than an hour of staring at 2d black. :) I was extremely relaxed though. I'm good now at quickly getting to Monroe's f3 with the noticing, and brain relaxing method. I got lots of other imagery, but no swirling colourful clouds, or stars. I've got more reading to do about phasing. It sounds easier than it is. Staring at 2d black for an hour believing sooner or later the swirly colours would come was a bit much, when nothing ended up happening. My body went to sleep, I could hear myself start to snore. Perhaps my mind was TOO awake? Sometimes though, my mind wandered off with the occasional imagery and then I'd snap back to fully alert again. Great, more 2d blackness to stare at again.

Nay, you know I'm always wanting to read your experiences. What's happened recently? Get posting! :D

Sarah, I'm a long way from being a natural! lol. I read about people who have a hard time stopping themselves having an obe, and others who have just always had obes since childhood. No methods, no practicing. I'm so far at the opposite end to that, I'm amazed I got anywhere. I'm proof that nobody should think they can't do this. When I didn't get put off from being in the wrong house, it was because I just wanted to keep moving to experience as much as I could before I got dragged back. There was no time for "Hmm.. that's odd..?". Like it didn't seem odd that I was flying around this dim room bouncing off the walls. It was a funny thing that it did seem I could easily control my flying. It must have been my limited practice in lucid dreams. :) It's nice to be back, thankyou.

I felt old fashioned writing my post, since everything seems to be about phasing now. While everyone else moves on, I'm only just getting to the RTZ, let alone to the area people call the "astral". No guides, no people to talk to, no dead pets, no standing in the middle of the road letting cars drive through me. I'm right at the beginning. The difference is, I know it's real and I know I can do it.

Stookie, that's why I wrote this post. It's not a far out experience compared to many you read here. But many times I've read about experiences that only seem to happen to OTHER people. You begin to wonder if you'll ever be able to do it. So eventually I was able to do what I've read other people have done, and eventually you will too. I've tried many different techniques, but moved forward significantly after trying the noticing method which quickly relaxes the body so you can barely feel it, then I start the rundown. Usually I fall asleep because I only have time to try it at bedtime, but when I tried it yesterday in the middle of the day, it worked first time! :) Keep trying!

I forgot to write in my first post that although everything was dim in this house, one thing stood out. A digital clock, the kind you have by your bed. It had large, white flashing numbers 0:00 (no time?)

Don't anyone give up!
