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Messages - Magamba

We are going to Peru to hike the Inca trail, see Machu Picchu and spend some time in the Amazon rainforest. We are considering participating in a 2-3 day Shaman ceremony involving Ayahuasca (made into a tea). I have done a lot of reading about this but am wondering if anyone out there has actually tried this with a Shaman in Peru and what their experiences were.

Thanks for any insight...
Welcome to Dreams! / Experimentation
December 15, 2004, 02:31:54
QuoteVery Interesting !So you guessed the right card then? Do you usually
get it right or not?

The first time I tried this experiment, I guessed the number and suit correctly and the second time I got the number correct but the suit wrong. I believe this could be due to the fact that the suit is more difficult to decifer for some reason. Also, the second time I stared at the queen for too long before reading the suit because she started to come alive and move her head and this distracted my concentration. The reason that I have only done this twice is because I am not very proficient at lucid dreaming / OBEing regularly. Sometimes the card sits for months before I get to it. Both times, I have not been sure if this is a lucid dream or OBE since I do not have conscience exits.

Quotegreat point, experimental.... does a failed card experiment simply
mean you were experiencing a lucid dream ?!!

I'd like to throw in one more point.....does the fact that you
correctly identified a card, prove that you actually physically
left your body ?! hmmmm.....

A failed card experiment could mean that you just stared at the card too long and it started to morph according to your expectations.

I am still trying to figure out if we perceive things because we are actually there or if it is a universal consciousness. Maybe there is overlap with dream / astral projection dimensions.

One other point - maybe dreaming is meant to be a training ground for learning how to control our thoughts since in the astral world thoughts instantly manifest things. Thus, we can learn to do this in our physical life to manifest  things here.[/quote]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Pets
December 15, 2004, 01:08:39
I have a rare dog named "Giza" who is a Pharaoh Hound. He looks just like the dogs you see in Egyptian heirogliphics with the big ears and Anubis - God of the underworld.
Welcome to Dreams! / Lucidity experiment
December 12, 2004, 19:49:31
I have been experimenting with this for a while now. Each time I find myself in the so called RTZ to look at the card there are reality fluctuations and I am never sure if it is a lucid dream or OBE. Regardless, I am able to guess correctly. My instincts tell me that there is dimensional overlap and possibly that I am not actually reading the card but accessing the information psychically. For instance, there were other cards and objects there that were not really there. (Possibly fingerprints from another time?) I did not know which card to look at and then I noticed there was a box. Inside this box was only one card so I figured that this must be it. It was as if I just knew how to sift through the other stuff. Before reading the card, you must consciously blank your mind from any expectations and glace at it quickly or it will start to change according to what you expect to see. Also, there can be metaphors that your unconscious sets up. Another time there was no card at all but there was a note that said, " Happy birthday Giza". BTW, Giza is the name of my dog. I did not understand this at first but upon checking the card, it made sense that it was a 5 and my dog is 5 years old. My next experiment is to materialize the card in a lucid dream from wherever I am rather than trying to go  to the card location. If this works that would mean that I am accessing the info from some sort of universal conscienceness.
Thanks for the wealth of information. I just checked out the site. I did not realize there were so many. Which are your favorites or which do you find the most interesting?
The Celestine Prophecy is supposed to be released in January. If you have read the book, it is long overdue and is the grand mal of these topics. Loved American Beauty - seemed to have really touched something in me. Did you know that the Wizard of Oz was completely derived from a dream the author had?
I have not read that particular book but I have read Leadbeater's book called "The Inner Life". This book touches upon all subjects of the occult and is absolutely facinating. He even talks about dream work. He is a brilliant clairvoyant who combines science with sprirituality and experience. I owe my interest in these topics to this "bible" of the unknown. Has anyone else read this?
I was just wondering if anyone has any suggestions or experience with fertility in relation to energy work. My husband and I are trying to get pregnant and do not want to have to resort to medical fertility treatments such as IVF. So far, I have been trying to practice good nutrition, excercise, meditation, healing and running energy (NEW). I am capable of lucid dreaming but not OBE as of yet. I am considering accupuncture and/or kundalini yoga. Maybe there is some sort of blockage? The doctor certainly cannot find anything physical. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Hi all,
I am a newbie and this is my first post. I had a bizarre experience last night that may have been an OBE but since I have never had one, I thought I could get some feedback. FYI, I have had lucid dreams all my life but have only started practicing meditation / energy techniques for about 1 month. My lucid dreams have increased to about  3-4X per week and this last week I think I may have OBEd into my bedroom twice but since certain things look different and I was not fully conscience at the exit, I thought it could be a lucid dream.

Last night  after projecting into my room I decided to try to do something to validate whether or not I was in the RTZ so I looked around and found a deck of cards on my desk. I  consciously  memorized the bottom card of the deck  to be a 2 of spades and then randomly chose another card out of the deck by placing them on the floor and spreading them out a bit. I  chose a 3 of spades and proceeded to place this card on the desk. Then I noticed there were already 2 other cards on either side of the desk that were both fives. (I did not take notice of the suits.) I did not understand why they were there because I did not put them there so I just ignored them figuring weird things happen in dreams. I left the 3 of spades on the desk inbetween the fives and put the rest of the cards back in the box and put them away. I then thought I would try to go through a window and walk around outside but I could not got through it. After several frustrating attempts, I decided to use the door but my dog nudged my physical body so I woke up.

I immediately got up and went to the deck of cards to check them. The 2 of spades was not the bottom card but the second card from the bottom. (I thought I may have slightly mixed them up when I spread them out on the floor before putting them back in the box.) I then proceeded to look for the 3 of spades and there it was, in the middle of the deck wedged between 2 five cards! Coincidence? Has anyone else tried any experiments for validation?
I have not had that particular feeling but I often wake up after dreaming and my solar plexus area feels like it is on fire. The more vivid or lucid the dream, the hotter this area is. Sometimes it is prevents me from being able to fall back to sleep because the rest of my body is cold but I cannot tolerate the blankets. Also, I sometimes wake up extremely drained of energy and with a headache. This has only been going on since I have been meditating and running energy on a daily basis. I wonder if there is a connection?
I just tried it last night and it was very interesting. It reminds me of some of the background noise used in the game "MYST". It has a windy, cold, desolate feel to it . I could not get into a trance because I could hear a crackling soung in my left ear that was very distracting. Could that be a short in my headphones? Also, I tried to concentrate on the sounds while meditating and running energy but external thoughts still kept filing in. I had hoped the sound would help drown out any thoughts and help me relax. I guess I will just keep trying...
We have had some tests done and are going to do some more but nothing has really turned up as a problem. My husband has good count but slightly low motility. My tubes are clear and hormone levels are good. I've been monitored with untrasounds and everything is normal. 30% of infertility is never diagnosed. It is probably age related. I am 39 and my husband is 41. The egg and sperm quality is not as good, etc... Also, I have a mild case of endometriosis. I guess we should continue with tests such as a laporoscopy, post - coitus exam, see a urologist, etc... It has been so depressing and frustating. My husband just got layed off and so we cannot afford some of the tests / treatments since insurance does not cover it.
Thanks for the great suggestions. We have tried doing some meditaion / energy work beforehand but have not been consistant. I checked out the links and yes, we have been using the ovulation predictors but it has not helped so far. I think we will order the kundalini video and book. Do you think a class would be better? A class is certainly not as cost effective or convenient.
I just recently read a couple books on the crop circle phenomena and there is a lot more to it than you would think. The media has not covered this topic acurately so most people do not have enough info on the subject to form an objective oppinion. It also does not help that the hoaxers, Doug Bower and Dave Chorley, created on onslaught of other hoaxers that debunked any supposedly real crop circles. Here are just a few points to think about:

1. Reputable scientists have drawn many parallels between some of the real circles and subjects involving sacred geometry, DNA coding, physics, ancient symbols and languages, Koch fractals, astronomy, acoustical alchemy, etc... It is doubtful any one can be that well versed on so many topics.

2. The real crop circles are not only too perfect in mathematical proportion but the way the wheat is layed down in waves, circles, layers, ect. is too complicated to do with a string and has never been reproduced to acuracy by humans when asked to replicate them. There are many who believe Doug and Dave were hired by the military to take credit for them in hopes to steer the public curiosity away from them.

3. Many witnesses have been able to narrow down the time frame of formation to a matter of minutes or even seconds. Small spheres of light are also usually seen in the area just before hand. Human demonstrations are always imperfect, have points of entry and take hours to achieve even the smallest, simplest formations with several people.

4. All real circles have electromagnetic fields which have been felt physically and proven scentifically with instruments. They are somehow lined up with the earth's electromagnetic grid system and usually over some sort of water source.

5. The fake crop circles have messy, broken stems which kills the plant. The real ones are all bent at exactly the same point in a strange way that still allows the wheat to be harvested. Testing shows the plants have been changed at  the molecular level.

Reasearchers studying this phenomena do not know how the circle makers make them but believe that they are a form of communication in order to teach us advanced theories. I find it interesting that in 2000, there was a crop circle made on Golden Ball Hill called the "Lotus" which is very similar to the illistration on the cover of the book "Astral Dynamics" which represents the gateway to the other planes...
Exactly - since I am new, it would really help to get some proof for myself so I am going to keep trying the card trick. I had my husband put one somewhere for me out of reach so that I have to float up to see it. By the way, how did you manage to go through the wall? I can never seem to do it even though I know it is possible.