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Messages - faxman

I am impatient to read the updated ebook.

I remember this very interesting video. It's nice to see that it has been updated by its author for more new insights.
Glad to have news from you after such a while.

The price of your ebook is totally accessible and I am glad I bought it. I am now impatient to see the forthcoming updated version.

Keep up the good work.
Absolutely Lionheart.

The first answer in video 4 is brilliant. Tom talks more about clear intent.
I also love the fact that he wants to share his experience, wisdom and discoveries with as many people as possible. That's very rare.
I have seen the first three parts. I am impatient to watch the 4th.
Thank you Xanth for the link. Looking the video right now :)
Excellent ! Patience is always  rewarded.
Thank you guys for your advice.
Quote from: Astralsuzy on November 16, 2012, 02:39:43
You are right Lionheart.  There are times when I am already there when I see things.  There are other times when I see things, it is usually a person I see but I am still in my body.  When that happens that is when I get out of myself. 

Unfortunately this is where I fail my phasing practice. I set the intent to join the scene but it doesn't happen, the images keep being separated and I look at them as on a screen.

Any idea Lionheart ?
5 attempts and yet no exit. I'll continue anyway :)

SSILD is then an induction method, which is very useful ;)
I don't treat SSILD as a WILD, but I think I was more influenced by M. Raduga on that particular issue.

So I'll do as you advised.
Cosimic.iron, as you know the LD world well, you know that with DEILD you are not supposed to move after you wake up. Is it the same with SILD or can you move a little ?

I did it during the night and what is curious is that I had trouble going through the circle of the 3 "non-focus focus". I used to forget what I had to do and this morning I felt terribly tired.
So good, maybe we now have here a new phasing protocol, which looks very good and logic to me.
Thank you cosmic.iron for this method, I already tried this night but nothing to report...yet

Lionheart : do you mean that you did the SILD fully awake, not after a few hours of sleep ? your experience and where you landed are amazing.
Thanks Contenteo. This is exactly for me as recently I always reach F10 and the novocaine effect, but can't go any further.
the galaxies and planets for sure and also, worlds invented by writers if that's possible.
Thank you for the link
I also have Tinnitus, a light one, but present anyway, in both ears. I guess this is because I have been sleeping with earplugs for a really long time.

Using it for phasing is a very interesting suggestion. Let's use this boring problem as a tool ;)
No doubt, you are certainly right.
I think you posted in the wrong forum.
That is very interesting Light487.

Thank you especially for having detailed each step of this phasing experience.
This video is more than gold.

Thank you Ryan for sharing this link with us.
Is it possible to find this interview in mp3, with all parts joined ?