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Messages - nrishiraj

Welcome to Dreams! / YES I DID IT! MY FIRST LD! :)
January 07, 2005, 12:04:56
I was in a big theatre type of complex and I was walking in and out of rooms through those flap doors you get in cowboy movies. As I was walking though them suddenly out of thin air beautiful sexy girls (blonds, latinos, brunettes) were popping out, so I grabbed two of these girls and made them walk around with me (at this point I think I did feel I was in a dream because I had the confidence just to grab the girls and make them walk with me), I had one each on my arm like a real pimp, hehe. As we were walking a waitress walked past me and I asked her “Excuse me, can I have a barcadi breezer” and she gave it to me in glass and it tasted so real. We then approached another room and when we entered it I noticed people ticked and having a good time, I looked around thoroughly around the room and I could see cases and cases of alcohol, food, chocolates and popcorn was for FREE. Another waitress walked past me and this time I asked for a beer and again it tastes so real. I also noticed people going into a cinema so I thought why not go in, I approached it and before I went in I said to a guy “hey, do you realise I’m in a dream” and he started laughing. Then I got excited and woke up and said to myself “I DID IT”.  

What I thought manifested and seemed to appear i.e. girls, alcohol etc…this reminded me of the movie “Vanilla Sky” towards the end of the film where Tom Cruise is at the top of a building and he thinks of that physiatrist (Kurt Russel) and he walks through the door.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Perception & Illusions!
August 30, 2004, 04:56:15
I have managed to download a documentery - called "Secret beyond matter".It has opened my eyes AND I am amazed how this documentery explains how we see things in our brains. Its all an illusion - !!!

You can download the documentary and ebooks for free at:
Can anyone spot the subliminal message in here and if so what is it? [:D]
As you all know I have been reviewing my hypnosis sessions in the other thread. My hypnotherapist recently made a confidence hypnotic CD for me and I she told me to listen to it everyday, and I really do believe and feel the difference.

For the past few days I have truely noticed an improvement with my confidence, example I had a job interview today and I was full of extreme confidence even the interviewer said I'm very confident. The confidence just comes naturally.

I know this takes time, it doesn't work overnight. You must first learn to walk before you can run.

This is amazing.

My thanks to Frank the hypnotist for his support and to the phenomenon of hypnosis. :)
Everytime I meditate or try to OBE I get the vibrations and then I start to see these sort of stars, it feels like I'm moving, then I loose concentration. I must admit it's a nice feeling.

Anyone know what is it? Am I close to OBE?

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Is life a movie?
August 02, 2004, 15:33:25
Could life all just been a movie? Think about it, we could be all actors and actresses (there's police officers, teachers, crime, action, sex etc). Just like in the movie "Last Action Hero" ( A boy discovers a magic ticket which he can be in any movie and interact with the actors and actresses. Well, since we are multi-dimesional beings maybe we can choose which movie to be in. But the movie would be called a world, when we dream, astral travel etc, isn't that going into different movies a.k.a worlds?

So if this is the case, perhaps when we die we can watch our life back as a movie and think "oh it was only a movie, it isn't real."

Also, the directors are The Illumaniti / Freemasons?

Do we have free will? Yes we do. I'm taking about how we perceive this world.

Perhaps we believe this world is real? But in truth it isn't real.

What is real? How do you define real? If your taking about what you can feel, touch, smell or taste, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain?

Did you know that when information enters the eyes it's 2D and upside down? it's then passed through the brain and when it hits the visual cortex, stuff is taken out and stuff is put in based on the person's belief?

This is mainstream science too.

Your thoughts?
I had a dream lastnight, It wasn't lucid though.

I and a group of people were involved with some sort of activity with Derren Brown ( He was doing some spraying thing on a blackboard. I told him that I came to see him perform live in my city, but didn't seem to interested. He then asked me to come to the blackboard and see if can pick something out in my mind. I'm not sure what it was, it looked like some sort of puzzle. As I was working it out, Derren was standing behind me and he said "Deeply relax!" "Sleep!", I then noticed my head getting really heavy and sinking down instantly. I think he then said "When I click on my fingers you wil wake up and think you are flying". I woke up and really did feel as If I was flying over a city. It felt so real and great. I was physically flying across the room, but in my mind I was over a city. Then Derren unhypnotised me and I came back to full waking consiousness. I shook his hand and said "Thanks, I always wanted to know how it feels to by hypnotised." He then just looked at me with a smile. He walked off and went outside. One of the other guys in that particular group was also about to leave. I asked him "have you got a digital camera" so I could take a picture with me and Derren, he said "nah".
I just got back from my first hypnosis session (since this is my first session, it was only a relaxing and self esteem one, next week I will work on my fears etc.) and I have to say it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I felt really deep, relaxed and pure bliss. This is a total different state of consciousness compared to sleep.

I had to visualise a star above my head and taking me to the universe, I felt calm. My visualisation is gradually improving, I noticed that my body started to itch, this is normal. The conscious mind is saying "What is going on?, I'm in control here not the subconscious". hehe.

I'm thinking of perusing this into a career to become an hypnotist. My hypnotherapist also said some people either have it or not. It's like a gift, she has seen this from her own experience and she said that I probably have the gift. I know I have to have a care for people in this field, which I already do.

I noticed that as soon as I woke up I felt this rush of energy going through my body for a few seconds and it felt great :).

I still feel calm and positive writing this now. :)

I have another appointment next week.

Narinder :)

I'm not sure where to post this.

Anyway, as you all know I've been a member since April and I post frequently. Ever since I joined this forum it's really blown my mind and still is. I haven't had an OBE, AP or LD yet and I think I should pause it for a while. I'll explain why...As the start of next week I will be starting a hypnotheraphy session where I want to boost my confidence, improve concentration while reading, improve positive thinking etc...I feel I am pushing myself to much if I try AP, OBE and LD as I have been for the past few weeks. I feel I'm taking a big leap and missing out on the basics. I first need to work on myself and then everything will happen naturally. After this self development I will start working on AP, OBE, LD and many other natural powers including NEW. I have to take it one step at a time and I think I'm going too fast and my mind can't handle it, I'm getting overwhelmed.

Don't get me wrong I will keep on posting here and reading all the theory stuff until I really practise it. When I achieve my first OBE or LD I know I'll never forget the first time experience.

So it may take a few months.

Thanks everyone for reading.

Narinder :)
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Love an illusion?
July 19, 2004, 04:58:25
What is Love? I mean, if you say you love with wife, mother, girlfriend etc...You really love them for how they make you feel. You may not love them as a person (does that make sense?). Is love just an emotion / sensation that you can create even without having a mother, girlfriend, wife. As the mind is that powerful I'm sure you can create those LOVE feelings.

Just a thought.
Not sure if this is the correct post to type this.

Anyway, for the past few weeks I've been studying the subconscious mind. So far I'm astonished with it's infinite intelligence.

Is it true that the universal knoweldge is within the subconscious mind. All the infinite knowledge we know is within us?

I have noticed when people get hipnotized that they can speak a certain language fluently even though they have never learn't it before getting hipnotised?

Since we are all connected with each other, and our real communication is telethapy we can access each other's knowledge and wisdom?

Look how a the Internet is setup. We have a mainframe (server) computer serving information while the clients have access to it.
The Mainframe can be consiousness and clients are us, we have access to that energy. Nobody is left out.

Is this all true? I'm not sure I've read this in spirituality and learning about the power of the subconscious mind so far.
Is there any option where I can search all posts by one particular member?
Welcome to Dreams! / What does my dream mean?
July 10, 2004, 08:40:04
I'm starting to record my dreams in my dream diary. This is the one I had last night.

Date: 10/7/04

Time (woke up): 7:41am

What happened: Coming back from University in Bradford. I went through a back alley shop to go home. There was a bit of a fight between a group of asian guys and a white guy. As I was walking one of the asian guy came up to me and said to me "bro, when you walk down there tell them that you don't know anything" I replied and said "ok". As I walked over a white guy was throwing a bottle to the same asian guy and then to me. So I ran back to the shop where I came from. The white guy then followed me. As I came to the door and into the shop. He shouted behind me "Look I can't allow cannabis to be brought in here." I then said "I know" and walked to the front of the main entrance shop thinking trying to forget what had just happened.

Feelings / Emotions: fearful and anxious.

How vivid was this dream: I can't remember how it started or ended. But It was very vivid.
Is the mind one level of Consciousness?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / HypnoBirthing
July 08, 2004, 11:37:24
Do u know what hypnobirthing is? I watched a program about it and amazed me.

They use hypnosis for pain free birth.
What is HypnoBirthing?

HypnoBirthing is the use of hypnosis to achieve maximum relaxation, comfort, and relief during childbirth.

The HypnoBirthing method is based on the work of Grantly willy-Read, MD, the English obstetrician who wrote Childbirth Without Fear in 1944. According to Dr. willy-Read, use of hypnosis during labor helps laboring women break what he termed the "Fear-Tension-Pain syndrome" which makes labor more difficult. He believed the syndrome actually caused blood to flow away from nonessential organs such as the uterus to large muscle groups in the legs. He theorized that relaxation achieved through hypnosis would prevent that from happening.

Marie F. Mongan, Director of the HypnoBirthing Institute, says that with the aid of hypnosis, a woman can bring her body into a state of deep relaxation in which the body's muscles can work the way they're meant to during childbirth. She says it feels similar to daydreaming, or the feeling you get when you are lost in a book or movie. People who've used this technique report feeling relaxed, calm, aware, and in control.

How Does HypnoBirthing Work?

The process of HypnoBirthing is based on the power of suggestion. The laboring woman uses positive affirmations, suggestions, and visualizations to relax her body, guide her thoughts, and control her breathing. She can either do this herself (self-hypnosis) or receive assistance from a hypnotherapist. Sometimes women work with a certified hypnotherapist to learn self-hypnosis. They often play a tape of verbal affirmations that help them enter a calm state of self-hypnosis. Alternately, they might use a visualization — such as a flower opening its petals — to picture what's happening to them, and achieve relaxation.

A hypnotherapist may or may not be present during the birth, depending on the needs of the laboring woman. For some people self-hypnosis is easy to achieve, while others respond better to the assistance of a therapist.

The Benefits of HypnoBirthing

It's a natural form of pain management. There are no medications with potential side effects for you or baby.
It can provide comfort, relaxation, and relief during labor.
It can decrease stress and fear during childbirth.
It allows you to remain alert and awake.

Common Myths Associated with Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a form of mind control or brainwashing.
Hypnosis puts you in a deep sleep.
A person who's been hypnotized has no free will.
You can't perform usual tasks and functions if you're hypnotized.
You're unaware of what's going on around you when you're hypnotized.
If You're Interested in This Method...

Ask your family doctor or obstetrician for a referral to a trained practitioner.
Contact your hospital or birthing center to ask if they've had HypnoBirths and if they can provide you with a list of hypnotherapists specializing in childbirth.
Once you've found a few practitioners, ask for patient referrals and follow up.
Share your birth plan with your hypnotherapist so she understands what you envision for your birthing experience.
Welcome to Dreams! / Video Game Lucid Dream?
July 07, 2004, 10:40:43
Has anyone had a lucid dream experience where they have chosen their favorite video game and interacted with the characters?

David Icke will be coming to NEW YORK on September 11, 2004 by POPULAR DEMAND!


People... we are at the edge of the cliff hanging, willing to jump, however, somewhere "out there" is our parachute!

On this Sunday, the 4th of July - INDEPENDENCE DAY... let it ring out a NEW MEANING of Independence. Our FREEDOM is in the palm of our hands, we can touch it, taste is being offered to us with open arms. Let us seize this opportunity RIGHT NOW, together, to shed the light upon this country called AMERICA and its people, which will then raise the shadows it holds across this world lifting us, and the planet, into light. TRUE FREEDOM!

Never forgetting the wars of the worlds and its losses.
Never forgetting the fodder and the barren crosses
laid out upon this land crying for peace
the little ones, the children being ripped apart
homelessness, poverty, and so much more
please open your heart....

Eight weeks to go for New York and we need up front capital to make it happen! These events are well planned, well organized but not well funded! We need your support now! The funds needed must be in no later than Friday July 9th when a very critical decision will have to be made regarding September 11th!

YOU can help make the difference in our "shared" world.

Los Angeles was a success on many levels however, people need to realize how much it takes to get an event of this magnitude off the ground. There must be someone out there who can send us a (tax deductible) grant for the cause of FREEDOM?!

We have "all together" started something, the energy is building from the West Coast of Los Angeles sweeping across AMERICA towards the East Coast in New York! We cannot let it stop now! Over the next FIVE DAYS (July 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9) get committed! 5 DAY CHALLENGE TO MAKE NEW YORK HAPPEN!

Many thanks to all of you who have continued your support....
You will be remembered in the pages of time!

We would like to see how many people are coming to the event from this website so show us your support by emailing us on: giving us the number of tickets you are requesting. Put TICKETS in the "subject" area.

The planet's most controversial and challenging speaker reveals:
* Who really controls our world ?
* What really happened on 9/11 ?
* The interdimensional connection
* What we can do about it!

If you think Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11" is an eye opener then you won't want to miss this "riveting", "truth and reality exposing" event! Michael Moore is only giving you a fraction of the story!

Take it to the next level and truly free yourself! Seven and a half (7 - 1/2) hours (ALL DAY!) filled with over 600 illustrations that will move your very soul, touch your heart, blow your mind, and make you laugh leaving you filled with love, compassion and empathy and most of all in complete awareness of just what this shared dream we call "our world" is all about.
(Don't worry...there are breaks including a lunch break, not that you will ever want to leave your seat!)

The Los Angeles event has opened up more hearts and minds including many well known, high profile people in attendance who can help us take this information to the people on a massive scale. The offers are pouring in for the rights to movie and television deals, interviews and guest appearances!.

Our time has come people!! Don't miss being a part of the revolution and make your appearance in New York with us! Take a stand and be counted!


"People are always blaming circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get ahead in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, make them". ~ George Bernard Shaw

We now need your support and help to make New York happen!
How you can help?


The plan is to "Use America to Break America!"

Anyone know the artist and title of this tune. I heard it on the radio.
This guy is good, he approaches the medical industry from an alternative way.

My brother told me about him after listening to Talk Sport UK Radio.

He says that conventional treatments sometimes don't work, conventional methods treat the sympton while alternative (natural) methods treat the cause (go to the root of the problem).

I have two of his books and they are excellent and informative.

Check it out, tell me what you think?
I'm a newbie and I have not had an OBE yet. I'll be honest with you, I'm a little scared. Is that normal?

1) When you are in the astral or OBE, what do you actually see? Are you alone? Do you see other astral travellers? Do you feel any loneliness emotions?

2) When you are flying and when you look at yourself, do you see your actual body?

P.S. I apologise if this question has been answered, I can't seem to find it anywhere.

I just meditated for about 15 mins, within 10 mins I felt my head getting a little lighter and I couldn't help my head rotating, like going in circle, round and round (also felt as if my head was sinking back). The thing is I did feel sleepy before I started the meditation.

I'm not sure if it was the sleep feeling that caused it or was is the meditation? I also noticed that for a quick second I felt like my head just was gonna fall to my left side.

I did feel calm after :)

Any thoughts?
Welcome to Dreams! / When we dream...
June 28, 2004, 18:12:25
I apologise if this has already been answered.

When we dream does our soul / spirit leave the physical or is our subconsious doing it all?

I'm a little confused.
Can someone please give me a link or an guide by Robert Bruce to start astral travel? The thing is when there is so much information and links my mind gets overwhelmed and excited and I don't know where to start? All I want is simple start guide to astral travel for a novice such as me, I'm really eager to learn and practice it.


P.S. Sorry if I have posted in the wrong section, not sure where this comes under.

Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / 2 questions?
June 06, 2004, 18:26:05
hi everyone,
           I have been a member for a few weeks and I really love this forum (I really do). I'm learning a lot.

I'm not sure if this is the correct a place to post the topic, move it if it isn't.

Got 2 questions:-

1) Could it be possible to keep the memories in this life into the next? Maybe nobody knows, but what does it say in spirituality?

2) This is quite basic, sorry if it has already been answered. Is the consciousness the same things as the soul?


anyone know where I can find some good Spirituality pics that I can use for my desktop wallpaper?
