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Messages - galacticsurfer

Usually I hear of visual and audio hallucinations as signs of schizophrenia. I mention this becausesome years ago this happened to my mom (now 74 years old)and now she takes pills from the psychiarist and has had no recurrence (always hearing radio news everywhere and seeing worms and stuff where there were none and believing in conspiracies, etc.). I think now these are signs of unbalanced energy body or an unbalanced kundalini awakening. this is probably some reason most insane people are insane only they do not know what is really going on with their energy body and nobody else does either. In our "new age" mindset Kundalini and energy body become a legtimate explanation or a new "scientific model" of what is going on inside of us.  

I didyoga for years efore learning about direct energy development tecniques and ate vegetarian and did not drink and was introverted. i  think having a lot of stress in life and then getting directly into NEW or simialr energy stimulation/OBE before you learn relaxation techniques(yoga, meditation)is a bad way to go. Life should be relaxed and controlled generally first before messing with your basic energy body as it will feed back in a negative way. This is Is presume what has happened to Imogen here.

When I am stressed it helps to concentrate on something very simple and physical and relatively boring(reorganize or clean up the house or take a long walk but avoid reading, music, TV, talking or lots of contact with people).
yoga stretching spreads the energy around the whole body evenly so that you do not just feel it in one chakra but everywhere thereby dissipating any pain in oneody part. For example with the splits the energy goes downward or with the headstand it goes to your head and the plough opens your stomach chakra. A balancedyoga routine gets the enrgy you have currently available distributed properly to all your chakras. I do 3 x 1 hour a week yoga on  monday, wednesday and Friday and by Monday after a long weekend I get more headaches because I have a lot of energy stored up through a couple days without yoga and it goesto my head. Ater doing yoga it is spread much better and I feel a lot more relaxed. i think this is the best way to deal with Kundalin(or whatever you want to call it). Since I have been dealing with this stuff for some years in a gradually increasing sort of way I think my advice should be useful.
I have been doing Tai chi at home a couple times a week the last several years and also other energy work and yoga and meditation CDs and basically it all helps.

After doing 20-30 minutes of Tai chi yesterday for example I could really feel my whole chest around my heart chakra as very warm. TheTai chi routine also sends the energy from the trunk over the shoulder and hips to the legs and arms.  I would like to take a course where I learn to "fight" against people of course to test martial arts out more thoroughly although I realize the internal stuggle is the most important. Of course using th delveloped internal energy to increase the physical energy in the fight as described by archdragon seems quite interesting. Similar to Reiki, etc. in healing arts transferring energy directly over hands, etc. to other people or objects(sword or stick in martial arts) is something i would likeot be able to learn having already a very well developed energy body. I have read that in the indian martial art Kalarippayat they learn healing powers as well as fighting to help heal people's wounds and bruises after the fight. Basically the same energy can be used for seemingly contradictory purposes.
Those experiences sound really cool.  That you put together your own meditation then got all sorts of psychic overload. Wild! I am sure it is pretty scary and exhausting in the end. You must be pretty sensitive from the start. My wife, who otherwise seems to have no spiritual interests told me that years ago she would just lie there in bed visualizing her being one with the sun or something and just "float" and be filled with energy.  Usually I just follow the rules from books and have at most lucid dreams. I read a lot of such experiences (ecollie, kundalin sites) where people got so super sensitive they cannot go out at all where lots of people are or the light bulbs burn out or the radio goes on and off or the neighbour's house burns down, etc.

I do yoga to ground and relax myself and keep the energy flowing evenly through the chakras. Do what works for you and stay aware of what you are feeling.
I read Robert Bruce's description and it sounds like a lot of what is being said in many places about a sudden explosive experience with audio-visual manifestations and heat etc. I always wondered why I did not get that. I  seemed to come on to it much more gradually and without any big sudden surges like he described. First I did hatha yoga for some years and knew nothing about kundalini but sometimes sitting still afternoons in the office would feel strange in my head as if it were somehow lighter or separated form my body(sitting upright for hours is probably like in meditation stimulating upward flow of energy I presume) and I had a quiet feeling in my heart chakra from saying mantra Soham(I am this).  Later on one day when doing deep backward bends where I could pull my foot all the way to the back of my head I felt my 3rd eye for the first time. some months after this I started in on Kriya yoga pranayama(energy raising breath techniques) and kept that up for a couple of years. This increased slowly day for day the feeling of energy throughout my body. As I started getting overload, headaches, etc. I stopped this practice. In the last year or so I tried some other energy practices like N.E.W., Sufi Heart rhythym meditation and tibetan dream yoga (concentrate and thereby stimulate chakras before falling asleep and do lucid dreams).

In the course of my practice of pranayama for example my hand and feet chakras opened up suddenly one dayupon waking. N.E.W. for example helps to spread available energy away from the body trunk towards the limbs thereby dissipating energy and reducing headaches, etc.

I tend to the belief that there are various techniques or schools for raising kundalini. Some are possibly into big experiences and a sudden energy rush and others (like kriya yoga or NEW) are extremely gradual where you notice slow changes in your energy state from day to day and month to month until you just have tons of it but no big shock and no negative consequences. Maybe the big explosive stuff comes from not being cleansed through years of yoga and similar so that K has to break through barriers. I cannot really say. I would have to have a large number of experiences of people before me to evaluate their spiritual habits beforehand and their experience of the energy over time in a sort of quasi scientific study. This however seems quite difficult to manage because people tend to keep such experiences private.

It is even conceivable that(presupposing a belief in reincarnation) if one was somehow prepared through good moral behaviour or meditation, etc. in previous lives then an easy, gradual painfree K awakening could occur in this life. I learned a couple of years after my first K experiences about Jyotish(indian astrology) and to my surprise that my horoscope predicted in the time frame (1998-99) that I actually experienced my 3rd eye opening and started Kriya yoga pranayama course that I would likely activate my kundalini. This got me to thinking that it was just my fate in this life to make some better spiritual progress and maybe it is just not for some people now(like nobody I know at work, family,e tc. for example). I think I was always an overly spiritual type of guy anyway as I see old family pictures where I look like a monk or a rabbi (full beard) or my brother laughed at me earlier as having been like in a trance through going to a pentecostal church as a teenager. Obviously people reading this and coming to this site are here as they are interested in this stuff and this is due to their karma, so probably K is for them.

The development never stops however.
In the last few days I had throbbing in all the roots of my teeth so that eating was even painful. Now I had to slow down on some energy work(throat and  forehead chakra probalby the culprits here). The only time I had pain in my teeth in this way before this was when with my now wife and before we had kids we were making love every day for a week or so which sadly overstimulated my K (before I knew it even existed). At least I do not get headaches from K now anymore thank God.
Welcome to Dreams! / Flying in a Lucid dream
November 25, 2004, 08:48:28
I flew again night before last in a lucid dream and tried to go through walls but woke up. In the next dream I thought I was awake on the way to work and was flying but thought it would be good to practice flying in real life so I would be more easily lucid or able to fly in my dreams. I always think I am different or special when I fly in dreams nonlucidly and nobody notices me flying and nobody else ever flies with me. everybody but me is normally walking. In the 3rd dream I was very lucid but did not try to fly as I was completely focused on examining my parent's house and being with my family(I do not live there anymore). I even told my brother he was sleeping and clapped my hands before his face a couple of times. Who knows? I should ask him if he remembers being in such a dream with me where I clapped my hands. Maybe he did wake up just then.

About the universal language. I read a little while ago that many of the 3000 languages on earth are dying out. Every few weeks or something like that another one dies out (or 3 per week I forget) as only a few old people speak it. So maybe some sort of universal language will be there by default in a couple hundred years.
Welcome to Dreams! / online dream journal for free
November 25, 2004, 08:32:12
I posted a dream there just now about my lucidity in a couple of dreams a couple of nights ago.
I was a vegetarian for 7 years(lots of grains and salads) then switched to eating meat and lots of vegetables (salads,etc) the last year or two and leaving out the fruits and carbos (like all the anti carb diets now suggest). Recently I have started with home made Kefir and green tea and an apple before going to bed. I also drink a raw egg daily. I noticed that I am sharper mentally, less drowsy on my meat/raw food diet than when I was a heavy grain/potatatoes type of vegetarian.

Can anyone say if green tea (supposed to be healthier for brain) has a lot of caffeine compared with coffee, black tea or soft drinks (all of which I never touch)?

The effect on my Kundalini of all this God only knows.
I find when I am really reading seriously a lot or going to bed late and getting up early and in general not being completely relaxed I don't remember as many dreams. It actually takes a lot of effort to relax to notice dreams. At first when I started a journal that was easy because I was really interested then I got bored with the whole thing and not getting as much sleep so it dropped off. Waking up 4 or 5 times takes away some sleep time 1/2 hour or more toal so an extra hour in bed might be called for which means losing time with family or watching movies or reading late. Of course for seeing the crazy private movies in your head it can be worth it.

I get theme nights. I was listening to some music I used to listen to in college and then I had several dreams in the same night where university was a theme although they were otherwise not directly connected. It just seems to be whatever is on my mind dominates the dreams for a night.

LDs come out of constant journaling. For example the other night I dreamt something that was completely illogical or impossible and was probably about to go lucid due to this but I woke up then and was sitting on my bed writing down the dream but that was a dream too(dream voices in my head, radio turning on by itself) and then I really woke up. The more you are conscious of dreams the more likely you are to notice you are dreaming but it requires constant work.
Thanks for the comments. I am more concerned that I am afraid of the unknown, which after one is familiar with it is then not scary anymore. I had a thought the other day that dreams are like movies where the subconscious desires and fears are expressed. Sometimes we see horror movies or dream nightmare and sometimes other types of movies depending on mood.

Generally the supernatural abilities(like the shape changing I tried out in mentioned dream) can be seen as unknown or scary until we master them. Once we know how to fly in a dream for example it is fun but if we are against the idea or do not believe in it then we
can be scared by other biengs inhabiting astral realms or our own subconscious fears of the unknown which we must confront and destroy. Suppose you fly for first time and say "oh wow" and then a big flying dragon attacks you and you wake up in a sweat and are afraid to try flying in a dream for a couple of weeks.
I dreamed I had 50,000 in the bank and got another 5,000 making 55,000 and when I got up my wife said at 5 minutes to 5 whe was woken up ( she said later it was a mistake and she had really been awake at 5 minutes to 6). I guess this would be called synchronicity between me and my wife.

For the Chinese  being born on 25th of month is very lucky as product of 5x5 which is number of life. Numerology is very fun but can be quite complicated. Mostly I add numbers from dreams to get their sum and then interpret that but 5+5 =10 and 1+0 = 1 whereas 5x5 =25 and then 2+5=7 which is only lucky in the west.
I can activate my chakras more when I just concentrate on one of them. I learned this as a lucid dream technique to make a certain type of dream dependent on which chakra used. I concentrate on one or other of my chakras before falling asleep and it gets a lot warmer and the tingling circle around it and pressure on it grows. Like my whole chest is my heart chakra or my whole head is tingling or the sensation covers my whole throat area, etc. It seems that once they are "opened" or active one can consciously increase the activity or energy of a chakra willingly and purposely and practically without limits(up until you get headaches or similar).
I had a very short dream a few days ago where I was telling and showing another couple of guys how to alter their shape some way and thought I was really cool and smart knowing how to do this. Well then another guy who obviously was a lot more "advanced" in magical technique frightened me by slipping by me in the form of a black shadow like a ghost and I woke up scared.

Now I never had a dream where I purposely used magical powers or similar(besides flying) before.  I guess in astral plane that might be considered normal. I also think that when we learn or see something new in dreams that is completely unfamiliar it can be frightening(like flying) whereas with practice it could be done lucidly/consciously and help our development. Obviously I seemed to have a problem with my pride here too wehre there is always somebody around who is better whatever skill we might think we have(OBE or whatever)
Often something triggers awareness of the dream state and makes you lucid. Sometimes even the weirdest things are just accepted as being incredibly odd. I had a dream last night where I had a long drinking glass in my hand that started to spin on its axis as I was holding it. I gave it to another guy and it did the same thing in his hand and then continued to spin in the laundry basket when we put it there. I tried to figure out was it just me or was it human contact that accounted for its spinning. Giving it to the other guy and putting it in the basket were tests. Afterwards(during the dream) I thought that I would never forget that glass spinning as long as I lived but that I was dreaming just did not occur to me.

I guess it is because I have been slacking off on my dream journal recently and have to get back into practice.
Welcome to Dreams! / Flying in a Lucid dream
November 09, 2004, 09:07:15
I have had some LD flying experiences. Recently I was floating around inside a house/building and doing interesting maneuvers(turning easily on my axis). This was during my vacation where I was always in the swimming pool an hour or two every day so I was used to "floating" and moving like an astronaut in space. This is an Interesting variation actually on the usually flying feel.
Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras / NEW
November 09, 2004, 07:24:24
Once the enregy flows freely it cannot be stopped again and so it just spreads through the parts of the body depending on your thoughts or feelings or physical factors(sitting up straight/lying down, etc.). When you do special energy exercises that of course sends the energy consciously to that specific body part but once you have opened those channels through enegy exercises it will flow there all the time on its own anyway as you have increased the amount of energy and cleared the channells through the new techniques.

If you do not have any big physical pain I would not get too worried about it. If you do get pain just lay off the NEW technique till your body gets used to it again before you increase energy again.
I have been trying a direct OBE with rope without too much success. However I do lucid dream quite a lot and am getting much better in controlling my environment.

This morning I got caught up in what was obviously astral wind during a lucid dream. This pulled me very quickly from behind for some time and then dropped me off by a building next to some trees. I practiced there for the first time going through the walls between the various rooms. I could not go head first through the walls and had to turn around and go backwards. Anyone have experiences with this wind?

DOes it really matter if I do an OBE from a wake state or just lucid dream and then go off into some astral plane? the first thing I thought of as I was being pulled by the wind was going at 45° to escape the "real plane" or "earth" where I presumed I was to get to the astral planes but maybe I was already there or are dreams not in an astral plane? I find this confusing.

Since working on this for 2 months now I see it is like training in sports or something where I am slowly learning basic skills which then build up and make together more until I am ready for something bigger like the stories many tell here of going to various realms or something. To do this however it is necessary to consciously control more than just the act of lucidity/OBE itself to expanding to visualizing/flying/manipulating environment/walking, etc. Like a child learning to walk/talk/dress itself, etc. slowly my skills are becoming learned and eventually I will be able to explore more generally what I want to or plan what I want to do when I realize I am in a dreascape/astral world.
Welcome to Dreams! / Celebrities in dreams
May 07, 2004, 01:45:07
I have noticeed since starting ot write down most of my dreams that I meet a lot of famous peoplein my dreams. Just last night I saw Prince singing and took a course with Sandra Bullock and flirted with Goldi Hawn. The night before I talked with Robert Redford. In the last month since I have started writing down my dreams there have been many more. They all seem to fulfill their stereotypical role in my dreams as they are in film or life. The Robert Redford dream was cool, relaxed and intelligent. andra Bullock was like the girl next door and Goldie Hawn flirtatious and fun.

My wife told me earlier how she dreamed soemtimes of Michael Douglas and even made passionate love to him.

I think these people are standard Archetypes to us and are very useful in dreams as a asort of shorthand.

Any thoughts anybody?
Welcome to Dreams! / Lucid dream rhythym
May 05, 2004, 05:28:20
I have been having some lucid dreams in the last month and they are pretty intense. Afterwards I get pretty excited and flipped out the next day and think a lot about it. After this I keep trying to get lucid dreams and intensify my concentration,etc. Basically I get all uptight and end up not having any lucid dreams again for a while(like over a week) until I do not expect anything and am not really trying anymore to be Superman(I like flying) and am really relaxed. Then I get it again.

I know reality checks and concentration on everything is a good way but I think if I am too uptight I get nowhere as I need a certain state of mind= relaxation to really acheive lucidity in a dream.

Similar thoughts anyone?
I started doing NEW techniques a few days ago while reading the download from astralpulse. I also read about healing techniques and Aura reading and have now ordered the book Astral Dynamics at Amazon and it should come in a few days. I found it great on Monday doing the NEW techniques as I was reading the text between telephone calls and whatever in the office. As I already have a well developed energy body(yoga, Tai chi, Kriya Yoga) I was open to the idea but it seemed too easy and obvious. The fact that it worked so well after only a few hours practice is amazing really because it is a "no brainer". You do not need a guru for this one, so to speak. I am surprised nobody thought of it before. Usually when I try a new energy method I have to be careful because I get fatigue or headaches. What RB said in the text about the reasons for this were the first time I think I read that. Usually they(gurus/teachers) do not say much about possible negatives or why the body reacts as it does as RB mentioned these problems and their reasons in his text. I did too much too fast and my energy body/nerves were too fragile to handle it. i.e. energy overload.

I have somthing else to add to the NEW bag of tricks. I have noticed since doing NEW technique that after I am well warmed up just sitting quietly and still that my crown chakra turns around like a top/lighthouse light,etc. every couple seconds. This effects my whole body in the way that it feels the energy coming from above at each "pass" of the strobe and invcreasing the energy in each slice of the body at each pass. You could also see the chakras as a slowly turning(clockwise from above) pole going through the middle of the body from 1st to 7th Chakra. The good thing about this is just by being physically still I can get really warm and trancelike and do not get any negatives like headaches(because energy gets distributed evenly over trunks, arms,legs?). This Strobelike motion can go on perpetually. With the full body storage circuit I get similar results with warmth, relaxation but I need to synchronize my breathing. The full body storage circuit or at least arm and leg warmup and bouncing daily seem necessary to get me to where this crown chakra strobing works correctly and effortlessly. At any rate the full body storage sircuit before bed has improved my peace of mind by carrying the energy flow/circuit over into sleep.
I started doing some techniques from a book by a Tibetan Lama to stimulate lucidity in dreams. Instead of reality checks during the day one should see the dreamlike quality of life around oneself. In the night you are supposed to wake up 3 times(ca. 2 hour intervals) and concentrate each time on a different chakra with a visualization. You start with mild dreams because of this and it goes towards brave dreams and then wild dreams at the end as they correspond to the various chakra energies. I actually had one dream where I was fairly lucid and "wild" and flew away. I have also been writing down my dreams every day faithfully since a few weeks now.

More important is I think that there is the effect of stimulating chakras during the night gives the effect of a night meditation which increases astral body energy similar to the NEW techniques from Robert Bruce(excellent by the way).

I have been having a lot of success in remembering dreams every night and even interpreting them. I see that I make reality checks to a certain extent in the dreams(I notice odd things happening) but I do not seem to really become lucid in the dreams as I do not "get it".

One example of how stupid I really can be but which also shows a deeper progress in technique. I was trying to do visualing before going back to sleep early in the morning a couple of days ago but I really fell asleep instead of being able to go consciously over into the dream as theoretically should be possible.

In the dream I am lying on a bench in a room with a lot of people and trying to do visualizing and thinking "nobody knows what the hell I am doing". I actually got a really good visual image of a beautiful nature scenery and after several seconds it whited out again. I was disappointed that I was not able to jump into it or hold it longer but tried again and closed my eyes and saw people comiing into the room in my visualization. Then I noticed no it was not a visualization but  part of reality(actually my dream). So you see some people are so vague they never understand they are dreaming. On the other hand in Tibet they say doing a technique in a dream is 9 times more effective than in waking state and I found that to be true with the visualization. It was perfectly real, not like what I visualize from waking state.

Maybe it is unimportant  if my physical body is conscious that it is sleeping. I mean what if I obtain lucidity at a certain "energy level" all the time in my dreams where I can do certain things but not others and make no progress in this sense and then get bored with the whole thing. This would maybe not be so good as when I would make a lot of energy/astral body progress with very clear progress in my dreams in such techniques or meaning in my dreams although I am not at all lucid. I would always be just under lucidity but always on a higher level so that my conscious mind always has to play catch up as the sign posts are always changing due to increased energy increasing my innate abilities.

I just seem to see that the more I learn the more my mind tricks me on the lucidity point. My energy through NEW has really increeased and my base consciousness (waking self) has become more lucid about waking reality. This seems to be the critical thing and not just experiencing things at always the same level and getting stuck on a certain level in those experiences( lcuid dreams) or in the waking reality for that matter.


I would say go by your own experience only do not worry about others as that is wasting everybody's time and we all have to die sometime anyway and don't want to really waste it. If you don't have anything good to say be quiet is a standard advice for children. it fits us adults as well. My hobby is esoteric nonsense or occult as I find it interesting. I of course would also ridicule some guys trying to say they are levitating by hopping(TM practitioners I think?) But I would not go to their chat forum to screw up their minds. that would be impolite and just show my low self esteem. If you are truly interested in something else then go there and don't hang out here.

I try to be a true skeptic/scientist and only believe my own experience but I like to ground it in a general framework which makes some sort of sense(scientific theory or occult theory whichever seems better at the time). I have not had an OBE but only lucid dreams which can be quite interesting. I am uncertain therefore if OBE is in any way true as Robert Bruce describe it from  my purely personal experience. this is the only practical way to determine truth through rigid personal examination or observation. Scientific theory can be as little trusted as new age or occult explanations. Seeing is believing is the ultimate rule. Only personal experience counts. How you interpret that in a framework is then a matter of argument which can go on forever and is a pure waste of time. I do not accept gurus unconditionally but read their ideas and take them with a grain of salt until I can determine whether or not through personal experience what they are saying is right or wrong. I however give them the benefit of the doubt when they at least believe what they are saying and their ideas are not so far out of the entire societal norm that they should quite obviously be put in an insane asylum immediately.

I am now reading a free to download book from a man at the following site where he attempts to fuse science and the occult. I mentioned this on the end of the last thread you started. He was a believer in OBE explanation and then decided regarding OBEs that the lucid dream concept was correct. the future in his eyes lies in a very sophisticated fusion of both holistic occult concepts from India, etc. and modern scientific concepts.

Be that as it may. Theories are only ideological constructs to explain reality but nothing more. Absolute truth is absolute and therefore not to put in words.

This is essentially the mystical attitude. The OBE stuff, chakras etc. are occult ideas which you can attack at will and are ignored by many advanced gurus in India as nonsense or just useless. Mysticism is the search for pure absolute truth which is almost unattainable and perfect. This is basically the same in all religions, the concept of unity with God. Go to church or whatever religion you have and get one with god. Especially if you think occult is a waste of time. Ultimately it really is , just like science.

No you can't get my goat. I am not hung up on this stuff. It's all just mind games.
I have noticed since first reading and responidng to this topic how much sex/relationships with the opposite sex are in my dreams and in relationship to my moral feelings in the dreams about it. It  seems that most of my dreams have something to do with relationships with women or my wife in some way or other. Sometimes seeng nudity or touching or sex as such are involved. Sometimes the thought is about the realtionship and the emotions and responsibilities involved. Mostly these overlap just like in real life. Just having sex or purely platonic relationships are rare. the things just don't work that way really. I am always interested in love and affection when I make love or talk to a woman in my dreams. The more I concentrate on this the better my concentration on the depth of the relationship within the sexual context becomes enhanced in the dream. Without this depth of emotional intimacy I do not believe I personally can really "get into" astral sex. I wake up too quickly before it really gets to the climax emotionally or "physically".
Yeah right, i agree

I noticed in a dream this morning that it seemed to take a long time but I was not so long in sleep so I think dream time is really different subjectively than physical time. Maybe in dreams we could cover as much or more ground than in waking time(do we dream 2-3 hours total at night) Ultimately time is subjective of course and I guess it just disappears at some level as suggested above.
I read an Edgar Cayce book and Seth speaks(great channelled book). I also read how that Nostradamus though an astrologer was so good at predicting events that obviously he was not just talking of possibilities based on planet configurations but must have seen them through Akasha records like Cayce. Seth speaks similarly about probabilities in the future branching out and becoming impossible to follow after awhile as too complicated. Even now we have according to Seth all sorts of parallel existences where we decided to do something else in another plane of existence and these existences and possibilities are pretty much infinite.

Generally about some life plan our horoscope is a basis. Some Indian astrologers believe they have it down to a science as to what will happen to us at any given time. As Jyotish(Indian astrology) can be so complicated maybe they are right. It could be wishful thinking however. Transits and life cycles for individuals can be standardized according to various planetary cycles( saturn, Jupiter, etc.) so that what you are doing at 30 generally is pretty similar to everyone else who is 30. Of course that is just common sense really but as a predictive tool to find out whay you had some sort of emotional or financial, etc. crisis sometime in the past and to predict the same thing in the future it is a valuable tool and you don't need akashic records or a crystal ball for it.