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Messages - astralc

I just answered Ides315 thread on child development when I thought of this topic.

There is some research that suggests a link between people who have experienced trauma in their lives, especially childhood trauma, and have well developed psychic abilities.

PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is akin to 'shell shock' - when someone experiences a trauma, for example a child watching dad threaten mum with the shot gun, or being violently attacked. It could be a one off or it could be years of abuse. Having an alcoholic parent or a parent with a mental illness is a comon cause.

This produces some very devestating and long lasting symtpoms - confusion when confronted with stressful situations, anxiety and panic attacks, depression for no apparent reason, flash backs (images or sounds from the trauma), sleep disturbances and an inability to handle low levels of stress of any form. It also screws up relationships.

The symptom I am interested in is that many sufferers also have a well developed ability to enter trance and visualise. They go under easily (I am also a registered clinical hypnotherapist and psychologist) and can do all sorts of amazing things while in trance. They also have interesting psychic experiences. These people, more than other sections of the population, are natural psychics.

What I am seeking is if you too have had a traumatic childhood, and if so do you also have well developed psychic abilities? Thanks.


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The marriage of the ancient arts of astrology, taoism, tantra and the modern science of psychology."
Justine - go girl! You are a great inspiration for astrologers, and courageous to boot. To those who know little of astrology, why not visit the sites Justine mentioned?

To those who hold astrology in contempt, how long have you studied astrology for? A judgement based on someone elses opinion is nothing more than a value judgement, and therefore baseless. Those who have studied astrology will vouch for its value to humanity, it works.

It is unfortunate that the sun sign columns in the newspapers and magazines put astrology in such a bad light. Astrology is just not meant to provide answers to all 5 billion people on the planet from the one weekly chart. I agree with anyone who says that sun sign astrology is crap, they are absolutely worthless.

But a personal natal chart reading gives insight and the answers many are seeking. A personal reading, by a professional astrologer, takes about 6 hours, based on the person's exact time of birth, place and date. An accurate birth chart is of inesteemable value in our journey through this life. It is such a pity astrology, a true science and art, is held in such low regard by the intelligencia, intellectuals in academic gowns. If they studied astrology, as some have done and been converted, then maybe the world would be a better place.

Carlos was an old friend for some years, like all the responders I too loved his books and couldn't wait for the next one. Fact or fantasy? who knows for sure, but what a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Hmm, Alister Crowley?

There is a book about his life, I don't know if he or someone else wrote it, I seem to remember that it was Colin Wilson? or something like that.

Anyway, it must be one of the most interesting books I have read, a life that was full of adventure and psychosis. His knowledge was legendary but his outrageous behaviour put him off side with a lot of people. But he had something, he was not afraid to follow his hunches, and this made him stand out above the crowd in the early 1920's. He put 'magic' on the social map and paraded it before the multitudes, especially for the socially gifted, the upper classes of England. They were basically staged performances and he was the choreographer and performer all in one.

I would recommend this book above any of his others on magic, they are stoggy and out-dated, a bit boring actually. But his life story, wow, what a crazy guy!


It took me about 15 years of working at relaxation to be able to switch off when I meditated. Now I can meditate easily most times, unless I am distressed, then I have to work on it and use various releasing techniques to come back down and let go. So maybe you just gotta keep doing it until it does for you.


just keep doing it when you can, my home was like that too at one time but when I left I had greater control over when I went to bed, who was over and that sort of thing, being away from my parents was the best thing ever, but it really was tai chi that started it all and that was after I was married.


what I think was that the tai chi must have centered my energy. We meditate on the tan tien, at or just below the navel, and then try to imagine that we can breathe through it. By doing that diligently every day along with the tai chi exercises must have made it happen.

To answer your question, I imagine that it takes a lot of energy, but it is already there, we just have to learn to relax enough to let it flow. And I spent 10 years solid meditating as deeply as possible, really deeply, and I think that paid off too.

Your falling experience is exactly what I feel when I astral travel, but most of mine are while I am alseep or unconscious (in meditation) so the falling feeling is usually part of a dream, I dream that I am jumping off a cliff, then realise that I am dreaming and then away I go exploring and flying and haveing a ball.

The falling feeling is the kundalini surging through your body as it starts to separate and take off. I suppose that you could learn to let it go and relax more, as you already have it trying to happen for you, just let go and fall asleep and see whether it keeps happening, one day you'll be there doing it. And don't forget to have fun practicing too.


I took up tai chi when I was 25 years old, I am now 47 years old and it was the best thing that I have done in my life. Six months after starting I began to astral travel, it was that good. Good luck on your decision, may it be the right one for you.

Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras / Itchy legs?
November 05, 2002, 14:59:27

interesting that you should describe itchy legs. When I come back from astral travelling I have the most itchy legs imaginable. It doesn't happen at any other time, just when I come back to my body. I suspect that it is because the kundalini is so strong that it just makes the skin shiver???? As for what you are experiencing, is it after meditation or when ?


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The marriage of the ancient arts of astrology, taoism, tantra and the modern science of psychology."
Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras / Kundalini
October 29, 2002, 20:14:26
Hi all - a great site with information and forum on taoism and kundalini with useful articles can be found at


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The marriage of the ancient arts of astrology, taoism, tantra and the modern science of psychology."
What if the frequency of the brain has nothing to do with astral projection? What if it were some other factor?

The masters all trained for many years to be able to achieve these trance states, what if they used methods other than deep brain relaxation? What do successful 'travellers' do that is not just relaxation?

I suspect that astral travel and OOB involves increasing ones chi or kundalini, raising ones vibrations to a higher level. Does that mean that their brain emitts theta and delta frequencies or does that involve beta and alpha or a mixture? What if it involves increasing chi to the chakras instead? I just don't know.


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The marriage of the ancient arts of astrology, taoism, tantra and the modern science of psychology."

yes, there is hope for the psychology and other medical professions, I think. I have been in the habit of having lunch once a month with a fellow psychologist who works in town. He seemed to be interested in spiritualism and meditation and a bit of Jung. After about a year of this I thought that I knew hiim enough to tell him a few of my personal psychic experiences, I thought that I could trust him to accept my truths.

Darn it, he cut me off short, finished his lunch and left. Now that was pretty beflating I can tell you. Maybe I should have acted on my intuition, but that is life sometimes, back to being the hermit and keeping my inner life to myself (and this forum) for awhile longer.


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The marriage of the ancient arts of astrology, taoism, tantra and the modern science of psychology."
Mobius and Koshka

great discussion, good input. I might add that there has been no debate whatsoever in the media about gun control in the US, why is that? When we had the Martin Bryant masscre in 1996 it was everywhere. You couldn't pick up a paper without reading about gun control.

Why has the Amercian public allowed the censorship of its rights to an existance free of the threat of being gunned down by a punk who just went out and bought himself a gun that afternoon? This is plain crazy, guns are a privalage not a right. And for the average American to fear being popped off by an angry motorist for cutting across in front of him on the street must be a violation of their personal rights too.

Gun control for the yanks, take money off the gun manufacturers and put it into welfare for the starving street sleepers in New York where it is needed.


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The marriage of the ancient arts of astrology, taoism, tantra and the modern science of psychology."
I reckon that it is not the work of a serial killer, they usually want to know just how good they are and enjoy watching their affects on TV. For them it is an ego trip as well as a release of their internal tension. They make mistakes and rarely use accomplices like a driver.

But if it were hired killers, paid for by terrorists (or the CIA, NRA) then it could be professional hitmen. If so it will be far more difficult to find them.

If it were terrorists, then they will make mistakes, devotees to a spiritual belief system I don't think have the professional approach that a hitman has, they will be caught.

But then again, are we sure it is a 'him'? Could it be 'catwoman'?


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The marriage of the ancient arts of astrology, taoism, tantra and the modern science of psychology."
lucid dancer

there are some interesting and powerful thoughts coming out of this thread. I have worked as a hypnotherapist for the past 10 years, I don't do it as much now but I still use trance for healing emotional issues.

I would like to say that 'trust' is the first element in choosing a therapist, if you don't trust your therapist then you shouldn't be there. Hypnotherapy is different to stage hypnosis, a lot of damage has been done by some of the stage guys who have no repsonsibility for your wellbeing but just want to provide entertainment.

I studied hynosis when I worked as a meditation teacher, I put people into trance and did strange things with them but soon decided that I needed to know more about what I was doing in case I did something wrong. When I finished my hypnotheray studies I realised that I still knew very little about the workings of the mind, so I went to university and got my psychologists qualifications.

Now as a psychologist I still don't know enough, but I won't be going back to uni for that! I think we learn best by doing it, after we have the theory we have to put it into practice.

I have practiced self hypnosis for years, in combination with my tai chi, and I would recommend everyone go and learn it. Choose a trusted therapist, someone trained and qualified and registered, and that will give you a head start to going into trance and astral travel. Make sure you go for at least 6 sessions, don't expect the BIG BANG in the first one or two, you need to train to get to that stage.


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The marriage of the ancient arts of astrology, taoism, tantra and the modern science of psychology."

what a great comment" border=0>, yeah, what about gun control? If you give a guy a gun then you need someone else to have a gun too to make sure that first guy doesn't use it. Now this is typical Rifle Association thinking, a justification for the First Ammendment for everyone to have a gun in their house." border=0>

What I think is that the DC sniper is not just one but several nutters who have jumped on the band wagon. You can just hear their thoughts when they watched TV that first night:

"What a great idea! I think I want to go out and do that too! I want to be on television!"

Then you have the terrorists who want to have a go too, and they get together and plan it properly, as good role models should, for the other nutters. Soon we have snipers all over the state, and country, who all think that this is a grand idea.


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The marriage of the ancient arts of astrology, taoism, tantra and the modern science of psychology."
Blue Light Mystic

thanks for chatting, and I will try to answer your questions. Tai chi raises ones kundalini, slowly and safely. It teaches you to earth and disipate chi / kundalini out through the hands and feet before you begin to push it into the head and out the crown chakra for astral travel etc. This takes a while but it is better than the side effects such as panic attacks, delusions, headaches, paranoia etc, of too much uncontrolled kundalini. Kundalini surging out through the top of the head when beginning to OOB can often be painful too.

Trance work with patients is hypnotherapy, yes, much the same though I no longer induce a hypnotic state, I just get them to 'imagine' then away they go. Hypnosis proper takes a lot of time and practice, so I use 'trance work' as a faster and more direct method for therapy for accessing past trauma and then to heal it. It is not as deep as hypnosis but is more effective for healing.

Personally I meditate lying down, it stops the head jerks and waking back up. It may not be fully kosha with some schools of meditation, but by heck it works for me.

As for the farm ghosts, I think that they are the victims of abuse, over a number of generations. For some reason they have resisted the prayers and meditations and 'sending to the light' of several meditation seers in the past months. Some did leave, but the rest, as I said, about 8 or 9, there may be less now, have decided to stay, I don't know why, they just don't want to go.

Your advice is good, I have 'been out' there working with spirits by myself before with no side effects, but I am a bit more careful with this lot. So I will take your advice and do it with a friend. I have seen them when in trance when I was there, but as I said I couldn't stay longer than a few seconds, they dumped me out each time.

The 'ley lines' or 'Earth rays' are energy beams I suppose you could call them, that penetrate or originate from the ground and rise upwards. They are what dowsers feel when they dowse for water. It has also been found that ley lines can be dangerous if slept over as they over energise the body eventually leading to ill health. It is like being exposed to too much electrical pollution, too much is bad for you.

What I felt was through the L rod I made from a wire coat hanger when I got there. The rooms that were most often visited and affected by the ghosts also had the highest level of earth rays, very strong, maybe this made it easier for the ghosts to manifest in those places. I dowsed the house and yard, and two lines intersected in the kitchen, and each line was very powerful. If you want to know more about dowsing there is an American Dowsers Society somewhere in the USA, I am sure that they have a web site.

Take care guys, see ya out there...


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The marriage of the ancient arts of astrology, taoism, tantra and the modern science of psychology."

this may be caused by energy stuck in the base chakra. I have a friend who has had this problem for many years too. When he learnt tai chi he was able to release it by breathing his chi from his base chakra out through his feet.

It is also caused by stuck sexual energy, by stimulating and then earthing or breathing the resulting energy outwards down through her feet your wife may gain relief. Good luck.


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The marriage of the ancient arts of astrology, taoism, tantra and the modern science of psychology."
Windameir - well done so far, just 'keep doing' is about the best advice you can get.


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The marriage of the ancient arts of astrology, taoism, tantra and the modern science of psychology."

sure is nice to have a few others here, good thread idea mate. OK, Tai Chi was my awakening, after I had done this for 6 months I began to wake up in my dreams, and was that weird. My experiences led me to experiment in meditation and when teaching others to meditate. I then studied hynotherapy and then eventually psychology.

Using trance in therapy is the best way to deal with emotional isues, far more powerful and succesful than any other method.

Anyway, I wanted to tell you about an experience I had a few months ago. A lady rang me about a haunted house she was living in. Her children were spooked, she was and so too were her friends. I agreed to drop in and take a peek though I was not normally consulted to do this sort of thing by any stretch of the imagination.

I went and looked around the house and yard with her, she had already left with the kids to live elsewhere. Some very strong earth rays, ley lines crossed her kitchen and bedroom, where most of the things happened. There was an attic where they basically lived, it was locked so I didn't get to look in there. We were scheduled to visit the next night to experience them in the dark, I must have been mad! But she pulled out.

Anyway I meditated every night to work and connect astrally with the spooks in the house. I had done this several times before, spontaneously. Each time I got there I was dumped out again back into my body. I got the impression that there were about 9 people / ghosts. And ther was an element of abuse, cigarette burning, arms slashed, ritualistic abuse of some sort. The farm house had been a rental for almost a century, in a farming area away from prying eyes.

I went there once and heard a little girl say in my ear, "Hey you!" and then I got a smack on the back of the hand, I came back to my body. I also got pushed back to my body by someone and pinched on the arm too. I was disappointed that I couldn't stay there and tell them to buzz off, they deliberately stayed there despite being aware of their plight.

It has now been some months, and I have given up. I have the feeling that I shouldn't be going there, but....


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The marriage of the ancient arts of astrology, taoism, tantra and the modern science of psychology."
Blue Light Mystic

nice thread, too bad noone has commented on their experiences yet. Like you I get out there and fly fly fly, most of the time. I have had people ask me to take them with me when I astral travel, I have on some occassions, but they are usually too spaced out to do anything constructive, they just don't have the conscious ability or experience. So I limit my experiences to my own, and only seek others if they drop in on me when i am already on the astral plane.

As for going to specific places and people, that sure is hit and miss, so I agree with your comment that it is not so easy to do specifics.

I would be interested in hearing from others


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The marriage of the ancient arts of astrology, taoism, tantra and the modern science of psychology."

in response to your comments I think Robert is saying that raising kundalini has side effects that need to be considered. I have had these experiences for over 20 years and sometimes, when I am not fully grounded emotionally myself, I fear having my kundalini awakened.

The side effects are emotional / physical and include panic attacks, anxiety, heart palpitations, dizzyness, confusion, sleeplessness, the works. So it is just not safe to go out and 'do it' without first preparing the foundations first. Good luck.


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The marriage of the ancient arts of astrology, taoism, tantra and the modern science of psychology."

this has happened with me a few times too when my father and a close friend died, in fact quite a few more times with other people. It seems that we are strongly connected by love or whatever to those who do graduate to the other side.

As to your questions, I think a lucid dream and astral sight are much the same, they both feel similar but one is a little closer to consciousnes (astral sight) than the other (lucid dream). Just do it and enjoy it, the more you practice the more you will understand. Thanks for sharing yor story with us.


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The marriage of the ancient arts of astrology, taoism, tantra and the modern science of psychology."

I have been enlightened many times through meditation and you know what, it is all about personal awareness. OK, sounds like the big Freudian ego trip here but I believe that enlightenment is much misunderstood in our western world.

Our fellow posters on this thread same the same thing, it is momentary awareness, not about the meaning of life but about what is stuck inside ourselves. It is personal, about you. It is not a permanent state, it is moment by moment.

Fenris, yes, Freud did say as such, and Carl Jung too had a go, as have many other spiritually aware or otherwise people. It is not the grand fireworks show but rather the lights turning on inside our head, the 'ah ha' moment. Once you get this moment, and it happens with all of us at various times, we are that little bit smarter, a little bit more aware of our place in the universe.

If you want to talk about kundalini awareness and astral travel too then it means that you realise, as has been said on this thread already, that you realise that life is a place of learning and not to take it too serious.


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The marriage of the ancient arts of astrology, taoism, tantra and the modern science of psychology."
Tom and Fenris and others

your posts of warning are apt and correct.

I posted a story on another thread somewhere here about a lady who visited her kundalini guru in India for enlightenment. He told her that she was ready for kundalini awakening and that the master 'awaken' her himself. Well, she was devastated and shamed by it all, she had the biggest orgasm ever, in front of all the other devotees.

I don't know how the guru did it, but kundalini is the harnessing and the explosion of sexual energy, ching chi, so if you want it it is there waiting for you, but getting someone else to do it for you is crazy stuff.

And to pay for an instrument that emitts electromagnetic radiation, like what this machine sounds like it does, is even crazier. Go back to basics, work at it in meditation and breathing chi, and you will make it. Don't forget, God doesn't give guns to children, you have to earn the right to awaken kundalini.


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The marriage of the ancient arts of astrology, taoism, tantra and the modern science of psychology."