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Messages - Astpro

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Orb
December 29, 2003, 13:20:45
The fact that the aparent orb is in front of all other objects suggests that it is not really an orb. If you look where it is supposed to be (in front of the house) it is in front of all other things and nothing is between it and the camera. This is the way UFOs and ghost sitings are dismissed. But if you look at it, it does look very small and close. [;)]
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Auras Of Colours
December 29, 2003, 12:52:47
I've recently been attempting to see auras. I have been practicing on colours to begin with but I'm having my doubts. I tried at first on a red piece of card stuck to a piece of furniture across the room. At first I could see nothing, but then I tried to use the brow centre opening exercise combined with trance meditation. As soon as I felt a level of trance (quite light) I began to see what I thought must be the aura of the colour (green). Although the need for trance meditation seems to suggest that I really did see the aura around the object, I also began to see green in other parts of the room. I did not see other colours from other objects, only green. This suggests that my eyes merely saw an after image of a colour and not an aura at all. I also felt like I was looking at the colour in a different way to the normal way I look at things. I'm not sure whether this is because I was seeing it with my brow centre as well as with normal vision. Has anyone else experimented with auric vision here that could help?
In what ways do astral wildlife, other psychic beings attack people? Do they attempt to make people commit bad things in their life?
Has anyone tried any of the homeopathic resonanse type devices you can now buy?

These include the:
>Wellness Cards
>Food and drink energisers

Or any of the other devices seen on the following link:

What a relly would like to know is, do they work? Do you get any massive benefits from using them? The Atlantis High Life seems very impressive, I really would like to get one of those, but at £3000-£5500 their very expensive.
At times of trance I have felt a surge of energy around my forehead. I assume this is the crown centre. Is it a good idea to encourage this activity, or should I work on the Navel centre first? It suggests in ADynamics that you should fill the lower storage areas first and then they will overflow into the higher ones. So far I have just pushed this energy away because I felt it was dangerous to continue. What should I do?

I would like to change my username. My current username as you can see is Astpro. How can I do this while maintaining my post count and log of messages. I may just change the username by creating a new one, but it would be helpful if it could just be changed.
What does meditation actually do to the body? I have been meditating for over a year now and whenever I wake up in the night I go into trance, or a body awake/mind asleep state. This never used to happen before I started meditating, why does it happen so freely now? Is it because the energy circuit has been strengthened, possibly breaking through some blockages around my body?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Eternal Life
February 19, 2003, 13:01:08
I found this website interesting, its all about Eternal Life rings. Could you tell me what you think of the website, is it genuine? I think its very likely, but whether the rings will actually give you Eternal Life, I doubt.

Copy and Pate the link if it doesn't click properly:
When I first began meditating it was great. I used to feel a pressure or heaviness after I'd finished. After several months this feeling went away probably because my body had adjusted to it. But now I can't seem to meditate properly at all. I don't get a good feeling of trance or rarely and I can't stay there for long. I also have a problem because I can only do it lying down. This isn't good because it messes up my sleeping patterns and I usually wake up several times during the night after meditating. I can't think of a way out of this. I have tried to meditate while sitting but it doesn't help and when in a semi laying down state, "breakfast in bed" if you like, I have fallen asleep twice. Help me!
Hi, i have been meditating for about a year now and have got to the stage now where visualisation is good enough to visualise a projection technique. But im afraid to ODE. What happens when you do? Is it violent the first few times?

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Orbs
December 29, 2003, 13:27:45
The fact that the aparent orb is in front of all other objects suggests that it is not really an orb. If you look where it is supposed to be (in front of the house) it is in front of all other things and nothing is between it and the camera. This is the way UFOs and ghost sitings are dismissed. But if you look at it, it does look very small and close.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Orb
December 29, 2003, 13:25:44
[I accidently clicked the New Topic button and not the Reply To Topic button. Could a moderator please delete this topic.]
I have felt this also in my hands. Some people might say that this is because you can feel your astral body, (or your energy body) that was certainly my assumption.
This is my last call for help.
Aren't you getting a little carried away, that is what happens in film. Do you have any exidence that it has happened in real life.
Now your just confusing me. Mind Awake/Body Asleep.
I obviously didn't work out the abbreviation before. If telekinesis can happen, is it a good thing to do? I read somewhere else that doing telekinesis could be detrimental to energetic development, should people really do it? I think it is useful to do to convince you in a short experiment. But the long term effects could be contrary to what you want to achieve energetically.

Try drawing up the energy from the feet up through the legs using a sponge tequnique. That is one of the more easy tequniques and could be a good starting point. It is hard at first and you can develop a lot of tension trying to visualise and move the energy. (I know I keep mentioning Astral Dynamics in every post I make but,) if you try reading Robert Bruce's descriptions just before you do the teqnique it can help. Looking throught the pictures in Astral Dynamics it can help visualisation a little more.
Could someone please enlighten me on what we are talking about?

I have Astral Dynamics, but not new energy ways, is this covered in that book?
1) Yesterday I put the wrong link in my post. The correct link was if anyone was interested. If only editing was possible.

2) Also how do you do a poll on these boards, I have seen topics about polls, but I can't find a link to start one. Could someone please tell me where it is?
I may not have explained the question in great detail last night.

>When I began to meditate I did not achieve the same ease of trance I now do when I wake in the night.

>Sometimes when I wake in the morning I find myself in a mind awake/body asleep state (could I just say trance?) I find this state difficult to break out of but not impossible, some could even call it waking paralysis.

My question is, what has changed that caused this trance effect to happen now, when before any trance work it would not?

I hope it is clearer, it is difficult to explain and make clear, I feel I am going in circles typing this.
Technically you shouldn't use music for trance and astral projection. But if your going to listen to something, why not make it, "Astral Porjection." Astral projection are a Trance group, they produce a very unique electronic sound. I think they must project themseves for them to be called Astral Projection.

Having said this, it's not very suitable for the purpose. I doubt it would relax you or put you in the mood for projection, I thought I would just inform you about them.
I understand for broadband/cable/T1/T3 etc that the forums will just zip up onto the screen. But with us 56k users this just doesn't happen. These forums are dreadfully slow, and it takes me the same 15-20 seconds per page. This happens even if I backtrack to another page, this should just put the page on the screen because there are no changes. I don't know why the site uses its own forums because they are inadequate. If you go to you'll see real forums at work. Invision is what this site needs.
To silence the internal dialogue I forcible holding it away, don't just expect it to happen, try as hard as you can. Focus on the room your in and look all around you, this will create an awareness of the space your in. Any sound in the room (not music) will help. Hold your point of awareness on this sound and feel what it sounds like. Breathing is the easiest sound to focus on because the sound is always there, but it is also one of the hardest for any length of time because it is usually subconscious. Look at textures in the room and look closely and as consciously as you can at them. What I am trying to say is, try to feel as alive as possible.

Work on holding the thoughts away completely for 5-10 seconds to begin with, or for as long as you can. Then with practice build it up. After a while you will develop a feeling for this. You will be able to turn on this feeling and silence your internal dialogue. To me it feels like heaviness, especially around/inside the head. This is like what you would feel when you mediate for the first time, only weaker.