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Messages - Redwolf

As I travel from UK to the us to see my lover. Who I havent seen in Meany years I carnt help but see my money. Falling out off my account
I soon must desicde wather its worth it financaly to carry on the jurney
As I get off the train. I already see her thinking have you got my money for the Drugs. I need as she opens her Mouth to speak the words start to form give me cocaine or im leaving. Then I say why should i. i hate Drugs and a big fight erupts

As I was coming home from work on Monday driving down the motorway,
I wasThinking about the Nighte before seeing the girl in the station I realy liked.
But to shy to see what would happen if I mayed the first move. I got home from work,
I unlocked then opend the door put the keys back in the lock. It was about 30 minites ago since I got home and the phone rang as I picked up the phone I could see the girl   she had blond hair wihte top dark jeanes she was the one everey body whanted.
It was She was wondering if I liked the the nighte out we talked for hours I feelt
There was some think more she whanted.we hung up the phone and i heard nothink from her for a week, I whent to work the following week I came home and the phone rang agen asking if I whanted to meet at the pub. We where at the pub I got her a drink and got talking first we started talking about the weather and all that usule nervers first date rubbish. There seemed to be some think in the air some think we both could feel it she asked me to dance and I sed yes a few hours later the last orders, bell Rung it was 2:30 in the morning. I was to shy to follow her home that night so I give her my home address as she already had my number from last week we both headed for the door I got my coat and she got hers I got in my car and she got in a taxi
It was the weekend a Saturday at 10:30 pm at the crow's nest a pub in New York
There was a party going on I was suppose to meet my girl friend at the pub
what do you think off this so far im to change it later on.

As I travel from uk to the us to see my lover. who I havent seen in Meany years I carnt help but see my money. falling out off my account
I soon must desicde wather its worth it financaly to carry on the jurney
As I get off the the train. I already see her thinking have you got my money for the Drugs. I need as she opens her Mouth to speak the words start to form give me cocaine or im leaving. Then I say why should i. i hate Drugs and a big fight erupts
can you name any good guide  books please
and are a lot off vistors on the sites

can you list some good ones
i meen in hours
online course that would be so cool and it would be good for those who carnt get Robert Bruse is books
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / The book is out!
September 30, 2004, 12:50:18
on its still onley says pre order
is it still out on november 4th for the uk ?
not bad keep going
Sorry im dislecsic. but im working on it thanks for the feedback
Originally posted by Redwolf

i meen in hours

                                                               yep thats what i meen practice deep relaxation as part of an attempt at acheiving OBE
any new updates on whats happening i carnt waite for this book [:D]
im going to save my penneys to get mastering astral projection [:D]