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Welcome to Dreams! / Dream feelings
June 18, 2004, 08:44:36
Before I started practicing Telekinesis I had about 3 dreams where I could move objects with my mind, each varying in intensity.  Sometimes I could only move small objects, sometimes I could move larger objects, and each time I had these kind of dreams I would wake up remembering what it was like to actually move them, what I felt in my body while doing it.  When I actually achieved Telekinesis properly (in the physical, not a dream) the feelings I got were the same as what I had felt in my previous dreams.  If I try and explain this feeling, I would say it felt like my body was familiar with the object, like Robert Bruce's body awareness, I guess it felt like that, a connection to the object, I felt the object, it's very difficult for me to explain.
Anyways, as time passed on I have had other dreams where I could walk through objects, fall *inside* of them, things like that.  All these experiences in my dreams I can remember when i wake up, what it felt like to do it.  I have never consciously AP'd before, so I don't yet know if what I felt was real or just a "dream" made by the mind.  The feelings I got when i passed through objects felt as though the object would shape itself around my flesh, as though it was allowing room for me to pass through.
My other type of dream, which I had only two nights ago, and got me thinking again was an AP type dream.
I remember explaining to someone in my dream what I had felt when I AP'd in that dream, I was explaining that through my eyes I would see the world pass to the left and I felt a disconnection, where I could perceive from another location while still aware my physical body was somewhere else.
I wonder if that's how it will feel?

They were very nice and exciting dreams, each time I wake up after a dream like that I am excited and try to think exactly what happened.

Any views on all of this?  Anyone felt similar?
I admit to myself, I don't meditate half as much as I would like to, and because of this I am sure it gives me troubles, and I have trouble switching into a trance.
As I relax, after a while I will feel a switch in my mind, it's as though i can be aware of everything (including my body and noises around me), then I will enter a void where I sort of lose track of everything, almost like the initial stages of sleep.
I just can't help it, each time I try and stay in this state my eyes will move or something will happen and I am brought out of it straight away and a kind of mini shock is sent through my body.
I have never consciously projected before (apart from in dreams where I felt I have).  Does anyone have any advice on how to get over this?

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Mediumship troubles?
August 31, 2003, 04:26:09
I have 2 questions really.
I have been reading Roberts new book, and it makes me ask, statistically speaking, how many neg attacks are there in relation to the number of people in the world?

My second question is this.
Say for example, a person dies.  A person from their family visits a medium, and they talk to the deceased spirit.  *But* what if the spirit has already reincarnated?  Will the medium still be able to communicate with the spirit?  If so how?

P.S. Sorry if this is the wrong forum
I have just finished doing a 45 minute meditation, with an aim to OBE for the first time.  I set off with the intention "today's the day" attitude.  Only one thing stopped me when i did and that's what i want to ask about.

Slowly i lost the feeling in my arms and legs, and decided to start drawing energy.  After this started by feet did not stop tingling until i broke out of meditation.
Not long after starting to meditation i would get lots of pulsing under my feet, then it moved to my left hand, then to my right.
This is when the worst thing started to happen.  I got these unbearable pin prick feeling in my face, on my chin, cheers, upper lip area, a lot on my nose, and on my fore head.  I put up with them for a long time, i would fight the pain best i could, until it got too bad and i had to clench my teeth together.  They were just driving into my face.
I have heard of your subconscious trying to put your off from seeking a quiet mind, but i didn't know it goes to such extremes to actually cause physical pain.  I can still feel it now.
Apart from that, i felt nicely relaxed.  I couldn't feel my hands, i knew they were there, but i couldn't tell which way up my hands where, they were numb i guess.  Legs and feet felt the same.
I think i felt slight vibrations many time.  They would come from the feet and rise up through your whole body getting to the head last of all.
I tried the rope techniques and the point of awareness one (where you bounce it off the walls) but the vibrations soon subsided, and i continued meditating, hopeing they would come back.  I never actually did the OBE, i had to stop because of the pain in my head.

Any advice would be great.

Thanks all!
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Entity visits me
August 27, 2003, 16:32:38
Hi all!

Just thought i would share a little experience i had a couple of months ago.
My mum had friends staying in the house, and they needed a bed, so i agreed to sleep on the sofa downstairs in the lounge.
Sat up, chilled out, watched tv, eventually got tired and fell asleep.
The next morning i awoke to my mum drawing the curtains.  I sat up, turned on the tv and started to watch a programme about hauntings.  I can't rememeber exactly what it was, but i saw something on that programme that triggered a memory of the night just passed.  I rememeber laying with my head tiltered up slightly, opening my eyes and seeing a male figure standing before me, quite near, i'd say about 2 feet, if that.  I felt as though this figure was mostly composed of the color blue.  Something else which stood out in my mind even now is the mans structure.  He wasn't solid like us, he was made up of what i would say are thousands of molecules.
I didn't feel scared, i stared at him for about a second, then i have no memory of it after that.

I have tried to tell my subconscious before going to sleep that i want to communicate with the entity in my dreams.  But i always wake the next morning not rememebering any dreams at all.  Usually i am pretty good at rememebering dreams.

"Practical Psychic Self-Defense" was delivered to my house this morning, and i have been reading it.  It's really entertaining, i don't want to put it down.  One thing i came across when reading it was when Robert Bruce descibes being attacked by a Neg and he described the entity as being composed basically the same as i have said.  Which reassured me even more that i had experienced it.

Any thoughts/comments would be great.
A couple of nights ago i ended up sleeping on the couch at home.  In the morning when i woke up i watched a bit of tv, there was a programme on about hauntings.  As i watched it triggered a memory i had had during the night.  I saw a figure infront of me, maybe 3 foot away, just standing there, wearing blue i think, it was a man, a spirit, my memory was only about 3 seconds long.  I think i woke up during the night and saw this person standing infront of me and was too tired to rememeber anything else.  I do rememeber not feeling scared, i felt confortable.  What does everyone think?
Welcome to Dreams! / I am getting there...
April 02, 2003, 05:02:20
I think i am getting better with my dreams, lately when i dream, i am usually aware that it is a dream, but don't have the power to take control of my dreams completely yet, but i think the time will come, it's drawing near.
I was recently admitted to hospital with a problem with my small intestine (still here, am using the patient library internet connection).  I was asleep, but i do rememeber having a "dream" where i was walking down the corridors of the ward, looking around, don't rememeber much detail but the hallways themselves, somethings were different.  Just wondering if you people think it might be a dream or an OBE, what do ya think? [:)]
What do you people figure the most benificial energy exercises are?
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Meditation
March 09, 2003, 08:21:42
OK.  Here goes.
I have just recently found out about the 5 levels of consciousness.
Basically, my question is, how do you know when you are in a trance.
Level 2 i guess is fine, i will be laying there and just...laying, when level 3 comes i know about it, because, when i fall out of the trance i think to myself "ok, where did the time go?", you know that you had just lost contact with everything.
Say, i get to level 4, which i am trying to do, how do you know when you are at that point, because when i am meditating, apart from level 3 because like i said, your mind goes completely blank, i feel as though i could open my eyes at any time, move parts of my body.
OK, most the time if i meditate for a while, my whole body becomes very heavy, but it doesn't mean i can't move it, i could move it if i wanted it...

I just want a detailed explaination that i could relate to so i know how far i am getting...

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Vibrations
February 19, 2003, 10:13:13
Hey people.

Can any of you tell me how the vibrations feel before you OBE please?

Also, any recommendations on meditation techniques, i currently just focus my breatheing, and it takes me *ages* to get into a trance, that's if i even make it at all!

I can goto sleep 10 times faster than it takes me to trance, and like i said, that's if i actually do it, which is rare...
Could anyone that has their own explaination on how AP and/or OBE works post it.
I would like to compare it against my own.

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Theory regarding TK
February 12, 2003, 10:02:44
Can everyone tell me their theory on how TK works.
I would like to compare them to mind.

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Death
July 08, 2002, 19:24:07
Some say if something dies, for example being shot, then the spirit will say in the real-time.  If so will the spirits be able to make their way up into higher realms?

OK.  I know this is off topic, or if i should actually post this in this category.

Well, i am just wondering about RVing.
Is there any reader that is actually good at RVing?
Maybe can give me a few pointers on how to do it accurately and effectively.

Thanks a lot.

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Plant Auras
June 20, 2002, 11:03:17
I started trying to see auras, after a while, i look at the edge of a leaf, and i see nothing, then suddenly, there will be a small gap and i will see a grey area about half a 1/3 of an inch from the edge of the leaf, then if i keep watching i will see a sudden flare of white light shining outwards from the grey area, as though it was beams of light from the sun.

I don't see colours, do you think this is an aura, or?


Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Spirits
June 19, 2002, 11:31:13
Does anyone have any idea how new spirits may come to be?

A while ago, i had a dream, well, which i think started as a dream, then ended in something not like i have ever experienced before.
Well.  I was in a place, that looked like egypt.  Walking on sand, rocks around us etc.There were thousands of humans, lined up, as far as the eye could see, it was like slavery, but i could feel it wan't actually slavery, it was more like we were lining up to find out our destiny.
The idea of this mission was to climb a big rock, shapped like an extremely steep pyrimid, a small one too.  There was a lady walking infront of my, i was quite fond of her, she had been told she would make the climb, but i was told i would not make it.  Who told us, i can't rememebr.
The girl in front of me starting climbing, then i started, as i climbed i could see humans lined up as far as i could see.  I watched the lady climb to the top, swing her leg onto a bar, and climb off the rock, onto the next level.  Sure enough, i tried, and slipped down, just as i had been told i would.  As i slid down the front surface of this rock, i got to certain point, and i fell through the rock, but not my physical body.  It is as though the rock had seperated my spirit from my physical body.  I started to fly upwards, it was very very crowded in here, lots and lots of other spirits all flying upwards, some look back at me and smile, this place felt so happy and complete.  That part of the dream felt so real, nothing like i had ever felt before.  I can't explain the sensation.

I just wanted some feedback, what you think it might of been.

Thanks a lot!

I have only ever really heard people talk about doing OOBE on earth.
I mean, there must have been people that have gone beyond our planet!
If so, what have they seen?  Who/What did they see?

I mean, when i get my OOBE under control, i will visit these places myself.

I would like to have some feedback on other peoples experiences..

You travel towards to sky, out of the atmosphere, into space, maybe goto the moon, then head for the stars.  On the way pass a galaxy, i don't know, anything, just want to hear peolpes views, experiences etc.

I have been working my way through Robert's book.  I am doing the energy exercises at present.
I want to describe a feeling i get in my foot, because he didn't really mention it as a feeling you get when you are stimulating parts of the body.

You know that feeling when you are really really tired and you feet just get all twitchy, and you have to keep moving them all the time to stop them getting on your nerves?

That is what i get in my feet when i do the feet work.
My right takes a while to activate.  My left foot, well, all i have to do is swirl my awareness on my undersides of my foot a couple of times and i can feel a reaction.  I can put up with the feeling in my feet, but it is incredibly annoying.

Has anyone else had this kind of sensation?

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Shades
May 30, 2002, 07:35:30
I am still reading Robert's Astral Dynamics book, and am just getting curious about questions i've had in the past.

I was read a website about Shades (Entities that try to upset you so they can feed off your negative energy) a while ago.  Do they exist in the Real Time or is it the higher realms?

I am still lost as to the difference between Astral Projection and Out-of-body experiences.

Could someone clear this up for me please?

Thanks all for the responses.  I did try using some tones and such from the brain wave generator program about a year ago, and that was the only time i felt my body get to the vibration point and i could hear a popping noise in my head..

I figured i would just meditate in silence as i don't want to get used to having the music around me to meditate and start to feel i can't meditate without the music.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Farsight RV
September 14, 2003, 08:15:33
I have them all, except maybe two.  I am having trouble with my hard disk drive but when i get it working i will set up and FTP for you.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / i need help with telekinisis
September 14, 2003, 08:13:40
beavis, would you mind elaborating on this dimension thing you are talking about.  What would be a valid visualisation?