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Messages - kwhiggins

Saw this topic and it reminded me of something I read. I have inclued some of it below. This was taken from a channeled session with an Arcturian.  Not sure how it relates, but interesting stuff none-the-less.

"The assemblage point is related to the section of the galaxy that you are living in and it is also related to the culture that you are in and it is related to your incarnation, to your past history on this planet and to other aspects, even of your genetic codes. The codes themselves actually can be spoken and can be toned... I am referring to specific codes and tones that will shift your assemblage point. The awareness can immediately shift. Your culture, as was explained beautifully in this starseed movie "What the #$*! Do We (K)now!?", showed that the culture programs an assemblage point that will predetermine how you will perceive the reality. What that movie also shows and what is obvious to us is that in this time period of 2004, there is a huge opportunity to: 1) become aware of these assemblage points, and 2) to shift them and to shift them dramatically both by internal codes and by the external shifts caused by the Central Sun energy field that is coming into alignment. This will create and set up a chain reaction that will shift the assemblage point. Those shifts in assemblage points will only be occurring for those people who are activated and pre-programmed to allow this to happen. It will only happen to those who are starseeds or who are preparing themselves to be starseeds and can incorporate the energy and the new balance that is required. To shift the assemblage point during an incarnation requires a major effort and it can be traumatic. Most people's assemblage points are shifted in between incarnations and they come back with a new view or the program for a new view. To shift the assemblage point during a lifetime can be considered a major accomplishment but also can be considered a trauma if the person is not properly prepared. The appearance of an extraterrestrial being, a fifth dimensional being in your reality, in your physical space, will automatically shift your assemblage point. That is why it cannot be occurring immediately, instantaneously. There needs to some preparation. More important, it needs to be determined if the psychological energy field, the emotional energy field, the spiritual energy field of the third dimensional person on Earth can accept the shift."

Entire Article:

[:)] Cheers!