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Messages - gnomad

Yes a 2GB iPod is big enough, as long as it's not already filled up!  The file is about 80MB, so you could fit 25 of them in 2GB.
It should be a drag-drop with iTunes as far as I know, but I don't use iTunes.  Download it from and chuck it in the same folder as your other iTunes music.

Otherwise yes, you can burn it to a CD using Nero or Windows Media Player.  A CD-R or CD-RW should both work, but some CD players prefer CD-R so you may have better luck with that.  Choose "Burn Audio CD" with Nero, or equivalent in Media Player, then drag the MP3 into the track listing.  Check the software help files if you get stuck!
Hi DarkCloud and luffy28 -
there are no hard and fast rules for the "best way" to stimulate your energy centres or project.  There are a hundreds of different techniques discussed in this forum, so for me to list them all here would take me most the day ;)

All I can recommend is to experiment, find something that "resonates" or feels right - and above all practise, practise, PRACTISE with it!  

Try not to become a "technique tourist", giving a method one shot and then moving onto the next one when it doesn't work immediately for you.  Stick to a few techniques that feel right and show some dedication - only time and intent can embed the desire into your subconscious and prove to your higher self that you really want to get there.

My two cents..
Abyss was developed by another former member of this forum called altx0ff.  I asked permission and got an endorsement from him to host it on my site back in Feb '05.

Adrian Cooper says that the version of Abyss provided with his package(s) has some enhancements over this.  Not having heard it, I don't know what they are.

Definitely both tracks are great for achieving deeper trance states for visualization work - in Boxed Nirvana's case, that's precisely what it's for!  Yes, some frequencies have been added that assist in the projection process - but as I've said in previous posts, it's visualization that is most important in achieving this.  So if you're visualizing something else instead, I'm sure that would be enhanced too.

(as long as you can stay awake :wink: )
Breathethelife: not an effect I've seen - maybe just a result of having your eyes closed meditating for an hour, or to do with more energy rushing through the body

Elbuscador: don't think it will make too much difference, but I'd recommend leaving EQ off - the binaurals were originally mixed with no EQ, so adding EQ might diminish some sounds, etc.

Meg, Aaryn, Altraluminated: you're welcome - glad you find it useful!
I'm hosting Inner Voice, but it was Rajeev Upadhye that developed the track - you can ask him directly using the email address is listed on the web page.
Well, the intention of the track is to help take you into trance, and then provide some audible cues for working with the chakras.  

Robert Bruce recommends not working with the chakras until you've practised for a few months with general energy body stimulation - so if you like, you could adapt the audible cues for this purpose instead.  For example, when you hear the first sound change, focus on the feet - then legs, lower spine, upper spine, arms, hands, full body (or similar).

Just passively listening certainly isn't going to do you any harm - you need to be doing visualizations and actively trying to work on your energy body to bring about effects.  So maybe ease yourself into it.. listen passively a couple of times and just get used to the feeling of relaxation it induces.  Then start to bring in visualizations of simple energy exercises - eg, see Robert Bruce's tutorial here.  Then only when you feel you are ready, bring in chakra work and AP visualizations.
Hi Cereal-N-Milk,
I've heard that experimenting with Kundalini energy can be ill-advised before you are "spiritually ready" for it, but I can't see any harm in general energy work and/or meditation.  Indeed, I would have thought the earlier you start, the better able you will be to continue the practice into adult life..

However, having said that, I self-confess I'm not an expert of any sort.. can anyone else provide any advice or experience on this?
Click on the Boxed Nirvana menu item (top right - gets you to

Download link for the zip file is halfway down on the left, under the title Download.

Similar steps for Abyss - click the menu item to take you to
Crystal: the track itself definitely doesn't contain any voice samples. If you play back to the same point, I'm pretty certain you wouldn't hear the same thing again.  This leaves the question.. who or what were you hearing?  intriguing!

Orygbus:  Abyss vs Boxed Nirvana - try them both & judge for yourself!  The only difference between BN I and II are slightly "nicer" chakra tones.

Mart: what's electrokinesis?  
Any meditation will be good for spiritual development, but ultimately it's up to you what you want to practice/visualise/work on during it.  BN will help you get into a trance state which is probably also conducive to things like practising telekinesis and other "psychic" pursuits - but I haven't researched or introduced any frequencies that are specifically for them.
You can get Abyss and my own Boxed Nirvana from
Hi Kobot -
Robert Bruce's NEW Energy Ways article available from is a good place to start, as well as other threads in this topic, especially some particular aimed for newbies.  If you check the details given in the first message in this thread, the frequencies for OBE kick in during the last half hour of the track - however as discussed in other messages, the track is an aid and won't neccessarily trigger an OBE in and of itself - you need to work at it!  

Again, there plenty of other threads here which discuss various techniques you might try for this..

Hope that helps a little!
Infinity, what do you mean by "the wobing"?
Various schools of thought as to how loud.  I think you should be able to hear the binaural beating (wavering effect) fairly clearly - just not too loud that you are unable to relax to it.

Cheers, gnomad
Sorry I can't help with your Nero issues - I guess your soundcard might be related, but not sure.  Alternatively, you could try WinAmp which can also burn MP3s to CD - or for Boxed Nirvana you could get BwGen and recreate it as a Wav file yourself..

I would have to say that any repeated time spent in a relaxed trance state helps you cope with stress, so yes, taking an hour out regularly to listen to either of these tracks should definitely help  :)
Hi all,
I'm planning to turn into a directory of free online resources for spiritual exploration & growth.  So if anyone has links they'd like to share, please post to this linked topic within Book Recommendations (for want of a better spot).

.. and, to catch up on a few missed messages:

Qaz_Azaran, you're more than welcome - glad it helped you  :)

Tyciol, feel free to put Boxed Nirvana on BitTorrents - however, I've paid for 2 high bandwidth sites now (1 year anyway), so we may as well use them!

Serapis - I think one large file shouldn't be a problem now, as long as people follow the recommendation to use a download manager (as mentioned on the site).  Note that if you have downloaded the separate tracks from Serapis' server, I'd recommend not jumping to track 2 or 3 without listening to the previous tracks consecutively - otherwise you won't give your brain a chance to "entrain" down to the intended frequencies.

Thanks Christian for letting me know about the Akashic Construct CD.  I did get in touch with 11.11 Publishers, but unfortunately George Barnard declined permission to put the tracks up on the site.  The CD can be purchased from if people are interested.

Cheers, gnomad
in the absence of the old Astral Pulse file library that we used to have, I set up to publish an MP3 I produced to help stimulate the chakras and induce OBEs.  This site also houses an MP3 produced by alt0xFF for similar purposes.

My plan is to expand this site to become a directory of free downloadable resources (a spiritual so I am hoping to gain a comprehensive list of links and short reviews for inclusion into the site.

So - it would be great if people could suggest links with:
1. a one or two sentence description or review
2. your rating out of 5 (if you've read/used it!)

To start the ball rolling, I know there are a number of eBooks that have already been reviewed in this category, so no need to re-hash these unless you want to add a rating:
    eBooks from with two reviewed here and here
    The Science of Getting Rich with review here
    Revolution in Common Sense or Quantum Metaphysics with review here
    Creating Your Reality with review here
      (I've also started reading this - very thought provoking!)
    Carlos Castenada's Don Juan Teachings with review here
    Osho's transcription of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras with review here
    The Handbook for the New Paradigm with review here
    Creating the Value of Life with review here[/list:u]Some other resources I know of are below. Most of them I haven't had the chance to review yet, so comments or ratings of them appreciated!
    Lucid Dream and OBE Guide by Saltcube (member of Astral Pulse) - Saltcube's theories and very effective techniques detailed in his/her usual clear manner - 5/5
    eBook: Robert Peterson's OBE Book - read this years ago, page turner but can't remember it well enough to review properly
    Audio: Free binaural/subliminal mp3s - for physical and mental health, altered states of consciousness.  Generally well produced, some sounds a little grating for my tastes - 4/5
    Audio: LucidQuest's binaural soundscapes - to induce different states.  Some good, some a little overbearing - 3.5/5
    Audio: Brainsession's mp3s - annoying voiceovers - 2/5
    Video: The Elegant Universe - multiple dimensions and string theory
    Software: OBE Journal from Brian Mercer of Mastering Astral Projection fame
    Software: SBAGEN - free command line binaural generator with features similar to Brainwave Generator
    Software: Virtual Hypnotist
    Articles: International Academy of Consciousness
    Articles: Lucid dreaming reference texts
    Library: downloads
    Library: James Spottiswoode and Associates - parapsychology technical papers
    Library: C.W. Leadbeater's works
    Library: Hermetics Magical & Mystical Library
    Library: Plotinus' esoteric archive
    Library: Rosicrucian teachings
    Library: Moonspell's esoterica
    Thanks, gnomad
    Strange.. never had any problems with Nero.
    But your comment about bit rates makes me uncertain whether you're trying to create the right type of CD?

    Double-check you've tried the following steps:
    1) Open Nero
    2) Create a standard Music -> Audio CD (note: don't select MP3!)
    3) Drag the mp3 from Explorer straight into the track listing window

    If that still doesn't work, try converting the mp3 to a .wav file first (using FreeRip or similar - and then try the same 3 steps.

    Hope that helps.
    Hi Oddity (& mircoacc)
    the zsp files that you got hold of were when I had split the files into 20MB components, to try and help with failed downloads.  The current site (and mirrors) are now back to having the full zip file in one hit - so your probably best off re-downloading that.

    Alternatively, if you've already downloaded all four components, there is a simple batch file that you need to run to join them back up & create the zip.  If you didn't get this, PM me & I'll send it through to you.
    Hi Willis,
    were you trying from microacc's server?

    If so, the main link is back online now, so give that a shot - there should also be a couple of extra mirrors within the next couple of days.  If you still have no luck, I'd suggest trying Fresh Download, or a different download manager.

    Cheers, gnomad
    Yep, sorry guys - it's down again.  Seems the host ads for "unlimited bandwidth" were a bit of a misnomer.  Watch this space for updates..

    mircoacc has kindly offered his PC, but is only able to server 2 connections at a time and has limited bandwidth.  You can try to access it at

    Any other offers for mirror sites appreciated!
    Hi all,
    we're back up and running!  
    For now anyway :roll:

    I've knocked up a quick download page at my site - click the WWW button on this message.  Updates to come.

    Thanks for all your suggestions.  For anyone with additional servers that we can store the files (eg, mircoacc!) - just let me know via private message, and I'll post your link up on the download page.

    Enjoy!  gnomad
    Could do - but my link is only broadband, and is shared. So I couldn't provide much bandwidth and downloads would be really slow - not to mention my own internet access would get pretty sluggish   :wink:

    However, you're more than welcome to share Boxed Nirvana on these networks if you like.  You'll have to check with alt0xFF regarding Abyss, but I'm not sure if he/she is still active(?)

    Anyway, I think I've got a solution to the issue (at least temporary), so the site should be back up again over the weekend!
    No problem  :)
    If you read back through the pages on this topic, there are some good links to other research worth pursuing too..

    Also, I'd recommend joining the BWGEN Yahoo group if you're interested in this - you get a lot of posts which you'll just delete, but you also get some very useful information from people experienced with sound files - including the occasional "company secret" :wink:
    Hi Arnfinn - thanks for the Monroe link!

    Question 1 - Frequencies used?
    No Solfeggio frequencies were looked into (unless the DNA stimulation of 3.5Hz is one?), but here's the listing:
    Segment A

    1) A constant pitch of 136.1Hz is used
    This is the OM sound corresponding to the 32nd octave tone of the Earth year. Also the "frequency of the soul" - relaxing, soothing, balancing, harmony with the cosmos.

    In conjunction, the binaural beating of this tone goes through the following:
       16.4 - Spirit, liberation, transcendence
       14.0 - Schumann resonance
       12.0 - Centering, mental stability
       10.5 - Frequency for healing of body, mind/body unity
       9.00 - Correction of body imbalances
       7.83 - Schumann resonance, grounding, rejuvenation
    2) The tone which starts up at the 11minute mark is a higher octave of OM at half volume. Binaurals used:
      33.0 - Christ consciousness and pyramid frequency. Coincides with voice 1 at 9Hz for some of the "weird effects" Michael Triggs talks about.
      35.0 - Awakening of mid-chakras, balance of chakras
    3) Another pitch at 70Hz - associated with mental & astral projection
      Binaural beating of this is at 4.5Hz - Shamanic state of consciousness and Tibetan Buddhist chants
    Segment B - 13 minutes
    1) Constant pitch of 136.1Hz beating at 7.83Hz (Schumann resonance)
    2) Continuation of 35Hz (chakra balancing)
    3) Sequence of 7 notes for each chakra using Mesopotamian tuning
    Segment C - 33 minutes
    1) Om 136.1 Hz, binaurals from:
       5.50 - Inner Guidance, intuition, heat generation (2.2 mins)
       4.50 - Shamanic state of consciousness and Tibetan Buddhist chants  (6.6 mins)
       4.00 - ESP, astral projection, psychic abilities, "mystical truths" (11 mins)
       3.50 - Feeling of unity with everything, whole being regeneration, DNA stimulation (7.7 mins)

    2) Tones stepping from:
       38.0 - Endorphin release
       39.0 - Schumann resonance
       40.0 - Astral projection in conjunction with 22Hz

    3) 70Hz beating at 1.6Hz - Astral Projection
    4) 63Hz beating at 0.7Hz - AP
    5) 40Hz beating at 0.35Hz - AP
    6) Beating at 22HZ - AP

    Question 2
    I've tried out Deep Mind Ultra II, and in fact a lot of the astral projection frequencies used in Boxed Nirvana were based on this.  The only thing is that Deep Mind steps down from waking to delta trance frequencies very quickly - I think Ultra II is only 20 minutes from memory? - and unless you're an experienced meditator your brain may not be able to "keep up", and you might not get the full effect.

    Question 3 - Other Stimulation Methods
    Haven't tried the ones you mention there sorry..

    Question 4 - Chakra Frequencies
    Use the tones as a supplement to visualization for stimulating the chakras.

    Sources disagree on frequencies for each chakra, and the number and placement of the various chakras is even disputed.  Some suggest that if there are any frequencies which affect the chakras, then they are probably different for every individual.

    Hence to my mind, visualising the stimulation of your chakras is the most important factor - imagine, and literally feel energy flowing up from your base chakra and charging each one in turn.

    So just use the 7 tones played as a cue to move your awareness to the next chakra, going through them in your preferred order and positioning.  And yes, my preference is to follow Robert Bruce's convention:  Base, Navel, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown

    Until I identify particular frequencies that have an effect (on me anyway!) without additional visualisation, I've decided to go with the ancient "Nis Gabri" Mesopotamian tuning (for the musos, even more "natural" than Just Intonation), using a reference note of C at 256Hz.  The binaural beatings match those listed at lunarsight in the 8-15Hz range (just in case it helps :))

    Hope this helps!
    Sorry all, but my site has now been taken down for excessive traffic - and the tally was already 200 downloads for the first 5 days of this month..

    However, rest assured that I'm seeking out alternatives to put it up - but I'm finding that reliable hosting with bandwidth like that, you really have to pay through the nose for :?  

    Note that once I get it back up, I definitely won't start charging for downloads.  But I might leave the donation link up - anything to help out with the hosting will be really appreciated.