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Messages - Max

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Man-Made Black Holes
June 14, 2006, 13:08:26
Did anyone read the article in Popular Science about scientists creating Black holes with a particle accelerator? Over 10,000 scientists from 50 different countries are building a new particle accelerator in New Geneva switzerland. They believe if they can produce black holes it will prove the existance of extra demensions. Very interesting.
Boy some of you people I can't help but laugh at ( Nay ) because your feelings get hurt so easily. My original question was not about challenging anyone's belief but rather asking what your view point on the subject is. Which, of course, means  i am open to what you have to say. I personally don't have a belief about it one way or another. I'm simply curious about certain thoughts I am having difficulties comprehending. If this ruffles your feathers then that is your problem.
I by no means claim to be an expert on the subject of either, but I have been doing research on both and find both aspects quite fascinating. The one thing, however, that I am having trouble getting around is this: if modern man is a product of natural selection, would it not then be safe to assume that, because of the process, that we cannot have a soul ( for lack of a better word ), and , if this is the case, then how is it possible for people to have OBE's? What do you think.
Leyla, I applaud you. Finally, someone who seems to have more than just one lick of sense. I dont care about any of the mystical crap. I would just like to AP one time to know what its like. Apparently, you have a good grasp of it. Got any advice on how I can achieve an AP? Thanks for what you posted. It sure was a breath of fresh air. :grin:
Porkchoppiglet: As a matter of fact I di believe that there is something to it. One time ( about 2 years ago ) something very extraordinary happened to me in regards to projecting. I got very close but did'nt quite make it. Since then, I have had no success at all. Not sure why.
You have been projecting for 10 years? I envy you. Ive tried and tried. I dont think I could project if my life depended on it. Good for you! :smile:
Perhaps its just something to do with your vision, like closing your eyes and seeing specs of white light behind your eye lids. Just a thought. :smile:
Hi laiana...hope it works out for you :smile:
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Covelo's Chaneller
January 16, 2006, 13:26:30
I have been quite interested in the thread Covelo has going about Eloheim entitled Channeling...An amazing tool. The subject matter, however, is not what interests me most. What interests me most is how quickly people accept what they are being told as fact. What is your thoughts on this.  :shock:
Covelo, thanks for the reply. No need for reference sites. You have answered my question. Thanks.
Covelo, I guess my question is not going to be asked. thanks anyway. :sad:
Covelo, were you able to get an answer for me about the theory of time seperation and layering? I sure hope so. Thanks in advance! :grin:
On the flip side of this ( and this is merely speculation and food for thought ) perhaps the aging process is directly linked to the "silver cord " wearing over time. If there was a way to stop projecting "automatically" would the aging process stop? Just a thought.
We all supposedly project every night even though we may not be aware of it. If  "the silver cord" wore due to over use would not all of us eventually die in our sleep?
I probably should not be asking the following question because it is a sensitive issue and has not been proven or disproven. It is, for the most part, in its infancy. It is though, according to some insiders I know, quite possible. please ask these beings if they agree it is possible. A simple yes or no will do nicely. They should be quite familiar with the theory. The question is:  Is the theory of time seperation and layering a plausible theory?  Thanks in advance.
Anton; don't you have anything better to do with your time than harrassing people here? Get a life man!
OH NOOOO!!!!! The world is flat! Darn me and my beliefs! Max goes back to the stone age.  :(
I have been trying for quite some time too, and yes, it can be discouraging. I have yet to succeed myself after a couple of years. There is something I would like to point out, however. I don't believe anyone is a rookie or newbie or whatever other label you want to attach to a "first timer". According to the seasoned pros, we all project while asleep, we just are not aware of it. Its just a matter of recreating the process while being aware of it. We are all pros at it. Its just some of us don't know it yet. :D
Well, maybe there isn't anything to do in the RTZ but I sure would like to find out for myself. I've been trying for almost two years now to project and I would most definitely settle for a one minute excursion into the RTZ. I'm beginning to believe that the gift of projection is only meant for a select few. At this point, the RTZ looks real good to me. :(
Welcome to Astral Chat! / what does it look like?
January 08, 2005, 12:06:51
My, My! :lol:
I have been practicing AP for some time now, and even though I have not yet had a successful projection, I am still very enthusiastic about it and I have several goals in mind I plan on pursuing once I learn to project. One of my goals is to have a conversation with an important historical figure such as George Washington, Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein, etc., etc., etc. I was just wondering if anyone here has ever done that or if it is even possible.
If projecting is a natural thing for us, something we do every night, then why is it so hard for us to do at will? Why is consistant practice required? Now, some might view this question as negative and full of doubts. This is not the case. I believe that there is something to projecting, too many people claim they have done it. I have been practicing for about a year now, and though I have had some interesting things happen, I have not had a projection yet. It is just something I'm wondering about. Thanks in advance for any replies.
Greetings to all! Two years ago I experienced some rather unfortunate events in my life that included the loss of my job. I found myself with a considerable amount of free time on my hands so I spent a lot of time on the internet. One day I stumbled upon the subject of astral projection. At first I was quite skeptical. But, I was also quite intrigued. I researched the subject night and day and became, quite frankly, rather obsessive about the subject. After a few weeks of this, I decided to give AP an honest attempt. I practiced every night, and at first, very little or nothing at all happened. But, as time went on, I started to notice, perhaps over a period of two months, some strange and wonderful things starting to happen. At first, they were subtle and nothing earth shattering. But one night, I experienced something that, to this day, still weighs on my mind. The following is a brief summary of the experience. Any insights or comments would be greatly appreciated, as I am not completely sure of what exactly occurred.
Lying in bed, I closed my eyes and started trying to clear my mind of all my thoughts and focused on the blackness in front of my eyes. After some time, I noticed the blackness was beginning to change. It became more defined, sharper. It reminded me of velvet, for lack of a better description. As the blackness became more and more defined, it became dotted with tiny specks of bright light(?). It reminded me of a very clear night sky full of stars void of any moon light. As this unfolded before my eyes, I started to become quite infatuated with this scenery and soon lost all sense of time and myself. Soon, very vivid images started to appear. They were brief images, but very defined, almost alive. I saw a tree, a woman turning on a light, an owl, a river, and many other things. As I said, they were brief images, but very defined and full of color. As I watched these images parade before my eyes, I noticed the blackness seemed to surrond me. It seemed as though I were in the middle of some dark room or perhaps even space that had absolutely no boundaries. All at once, the images just stopped. I was viewing this wonderfully defined blackness and its tiny stars (for lack of a better description) when all of a sudden I saw a tiny spec of colors forming on the horizon of this blackness. Like a bolt of lightning, it shot across the expanse of this blackness. It was absolutely breath taking. It looked like a rainbow as it shot across the darkness. It reminded me of a bridge for some reason. When this happened, my body, which I had lost all touch with during this episode, seemed to expand at a tremendous rate. I could feel my limbs, and yet they felt very foreign. I had the sensation of rising, and it felt like I was submerged in water(?). The best way I can describe it is like wading across a river that has a mild current. There was resistance, and yet it was subtle. As I had this feeling of expanding and rising, I seemed to rush through the blackness in my mind. I became very excited and thrilled. And then, for whatever reason, I all of a sudden became aware of what was happening and it stopped, much to my dissappointment. I opened my eyes and tried to move but I seemed paralyzed. My vision was cloudy, and the ojects in my room, such as my chest of drawers, seemed to glow, and had what appeared to be a light fog around it. Though the room was completely dark, I could distinctly see every object in my room. After a few moments, the haze before me began to lift and the paralyzation ceased.
I'm honestly not sure exactly what happened. My lame attempt at describing what happened does not even begin to do the experience justice. It is something I have never experienced before or since. Shortly after that, I became employed again, and stopped my studies of astral projection. But, now that I have got my life and finances back in order, I have decided to resume my studies. This experience I described left a lasting impression on me, and I want to get back there again. I would appreciate your comments and your opinions on what exactly happened to me that night.
Good for you Bogata! I have been trying for so long to project with very little success. I hope I have an experience like yours! Keep it up!