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Messages - visitfaraz

Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: 3Dness
March 11, 2007, 12:45:55
I have read a lot about nonduality and it is also becoming a part of me. I am becoming more and more detached from everything. The thing that you talk about is real. The world that we experience is really actually according to our conditioning and the concepts that we have.
But andonixto, I was unable to understand actually what you were talking about when you said that when you apply more pressure you get to a weird state.
What actually do you do? Do you mean that you force yourself to believe that the reality is unreal? And is it really possible to believe that by applying pressure or are you following certain other practices also?

i dont think think i would do justic to the topic by trying to explain something which is unexplainable and which even the masters only point towards. Because as soon as i say something about it. it becomes a concept, a point of view.

But ,anyways, i would just tell you my point of view about it. What is being pointed towards is the essence of all beings. one thing which doesnt come and go. It is not actually about the questioning i.e you are not supposed to hear the unspoken word or ask questions without using thoughts, beliefs and emotions.

The thing is to find the ultimate happiness which doesnt depend on material things or any stories.

the above sentence actually would make sense when you notice that everyone is after something or the other thinking that getting the desired object would make he/she happy. But, what happens when the desired object is achieved , the person finds out that it is useless and the happiness is very short lived. so the person goes on the quest of finding something else. thus, the person is being told , that the attention be taken away from all the stories in the mind of the person and to be focussed on the only thing which is permanent, which doesnt come and go. when the focus is done , then only one finds out that the person was actually an illusion and there is just the beingness and consciousness and nothing else.
thus the non duality.
I hope this makes sense to you, maybe you may have become even more confused. but i am not an enlightened master and the thing you were telling me to explain was actually unexplainable.

okay, so dont blame me. if you are still confused.

i had read in a book, " the power of now". It talked about dying to every moment. It said that just notice how the things that you are worried about become immaterial once you have left this world and are lying down in you grave.
well, i dont want to go and give a summary of the whole book here , but that is the whole idea. that you have to die to every passing moment and live afresh.

well, what i was talking about was non duality. I was sort of led to it .I had never heard about it, but was led from one thing to another and found that i was interested in it. I just could not forget it. at almost all times of the day i was focussing on the "I am".

If you are confused about it and not interested , then no problem. who says you have to be interested or be able to understand whatever is being talked about.
and who said that others cannot be interested in something that makes you confused .

thats all for now.
nowadays , what happens to me is that whenever a certain thought comes up in my mind , when a discussion is going on,I almost automatically know that somebody is going to speak about it now, and just after that someone starts discussing about whatever thought had come in my mind.

Its like some idea comes up in  my mind and i know that after a few second the other person is going to speak about it.

sometimes i think that i am affecting the person , but dont know if it is really so. but it has happened so many times.
hey, anything we pay for becomes more valuable to us.
thats because we are conditioned that way.
and that is why we always have to struggle hard to get something and not things handed to us on a silver plate. just because we wont value it, and we dont even expect it.
I have found that if you let your mind go around and jump like a monkey, it finally slows down and slows down and then slows down some more . But fighting it leads to just more monkey mind stuff and the monkey gets more and more naughty.

I just try and stay with the sense of "I am " . i had been doing it for some time and i felt like there was nobody else, i mean i found that there was nobody who was staying with the " i am" , but there was only the presence which did not depend on anybody.
but soon, i got involved in material things again and the presence seems to have gone away. although i know that the presence never waivers and doesnt  go away.but still here " I am"
thanks gnomad ,
I had done exactly as you have told me. i had converted it to audio cd.

but the properties have changed.

i have changed it to wav format using the nero encoder also but still there are changes.

I think it would be better to just buy an mp3 player.

do u think the change in the bit rates would matter.

maybe there is some problem with the sound card or something.

do u think , listening to it sitting in front of the computer would give any benefits as to relaxation and heightened awareness.

One more thing does this track all increase the threshold of stress like it is said for holosync users.

I have recently downloaded the binaural abyss and the boxed nirvana tracks.
they are in mp3 format.

I burned them to audio cd format using the nero burning software but the sounds have seemed to changed and the bit rate has increased from 192 kbps to 1408 kbps. Even the track gets stuck around 10 minutes of listening and it doesnt play anymore. I cant listen to them sitting in front of the computer as it is very uncomfortable because i start feeling sleepy while!

so the question is, how do i burn it to audio cd so that i can listen to it on my cd player and that too without any changes in the tracks .i.e. the audio cds should have all the sound properties and bit rates equal to the original one.

I was so excited but this problem is driving me crazy. please help.
I hope my question is clear.

how do i burn the mp3 track to audio cd using nero software without any changes in the sound properties or bit rates or anything?

thanks in advance .
