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Messages - bproulx12

Well, I just wanted to see if anyone had any other information, seems they have a lot of different "tools" which I do not need. ANd yes I can find this information on the net. Once I jumped on Tom Campbells MBT I look at a lot of things differently. And yes other than cheating with Hemi-Sync I have yet to get out there, so I am learning to meditate. Try to focus my attention on point consciousness with out any thought. Findign it touch as I click out a lot.
Hello everyone,

Was wondering if anyone has any information on these guys? They offer a online Consciousness Development Program.

I just returned from TMI Lifeline Program 18 - 24 Mar 13. There retrieval program. During the program we did 5 actual retrieval exercises. It was not until we wrote a name on a piece of paper, and drew a name. That I was convinced that retrievals were real. Even thou it was the only validated retrieval I had, I knew I could not have made up the information I received from the name I drew.

Being a beginner I still have doubt, and performance anxiety, and yes it still is in the back of my mind if it is real, I would say it is more subjective. I have never had a OBE, AP, or whatever. I have been "close" to phasing but my impatience led me to going to TMI. My visual perception is crap, so I have to rely on other non-physical senses.

So the only way to find out, is to go and try to do one. There are several resources on the net. If you can go thru the Phasing route I am sure a helper will show up, and if you ask will guide you to do a retrieval.

Probably the best books I have read where by Bruce Moen, and he even has a Book called "The Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook" which is a how to for exploring the afterlife, as well as performing retrievals. Every once and awhile he gives a class. For more info go to his website, they have a forum as well.

Do a search for the board member Ginny here or Bruce's Forum. She is very knowledgeable.

Will be there!! Looking forward to it!  :-D
did not work, wanted me to pay.....
seems is down anyone have the book?
Quote from: Lionheart on January 06, 2013, 20:47:36
Instead of trying to climb out of your body, why not change your approach and try to get into your consciousness. Turn in, not out.

When you are in SP or trying to AP, try to create a scenario and join it. Start simple, this could be as easy as shooting basketball. Just visualize the ball coming out of your hands and into the hoop. Play this over and over again until you NOTICE that the scene is starting to take on a life of it's own. This is when you stay the course and see it through.

Try some kind of Hobby or sport you enjoy. Try a walk on a beach or in a meadow. Experiment with it.

Sometimes we put so much effort into physically climbing out of the body that can't see we are already there!  :wink:

Check out the many helpful Stickies found throughout this site.

Good Luck and Safe Travels!  :-) 

Never thought of it that way.....I am in the same boat, relying too much on what I am feeling..
Quote from: Xanth on December 19, 2012, 22:05:06
Actually, there really isn't any "point" when you "do" anything... projection is all about ignoring the physical and *allowing* yourself to shift.
There is no right que... it just takes experience and what I mentioned above.
You're entirely correct.  Intent is what's required.
You can test this yourself quite easily.  Sit down and simply "listen" to a binaural beat... listen to it like you would listen to music or the radio.  Listen with no Intent behind it other than to simply listen.  Then listen WITH Intent...

See the difference.  This might actually be a difficult experiment to pull off... but it illustrates the difference quite easily.

Now you have to identify the meaning of "Intent"....What is Intent? is Intent just verbally telling yourself that "I am going to Phase now"........Is there a feeling behind it as well?

For me, I am trying to figure out, what is Intent......
I have yet to project/Phase. Still trying to learn how to meditate, a mantra to stop the chatter does not seem to work for me, but I am switching to visualizations. I have no clue on what "feelings" to experience so I am just trying to think about it.
Congrats, I seem to have fallen back, when I first tried to phase I would get "astral screens" but now nothing. Have been trying to OBE/Phase since July. I spend 30-40 minutes each night practicing. One thing I have had several "click" outs the longest around 40 minutes, and had one last night which was about 15 minutes.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: Intent?
October 24, 2012, 09:32:34
got it!
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: Intent?
October 24, 2012, 07:20:25
Quote from: Xanth on January 06, 2012, 22:22:44
Intent works kinda like this...

Stare at your hand and place the "Intent" to move it.  It won't move.
You can intend to move it all you want and it will never move.

It won't move until you actually MOVE it.

That "actually moving it" is the action of your Intent.

Think about the action BEHIND when you use your intent and apply it this.  :)

So what you are saying is I have to actually think I am phasing?

From my understanding anything to focus on and keep your mind from thinking about your physical body. (someone correct me if I am wrong) I am learning to meditate that way, I have problems with my mind wondering...
Quote from: Lionheart on October 15, 2012, 15:26:37
Hello, I just wanted to intervene here for a minute. Most people that Phase don't experience a "out of body" separation. We are getting deeper into a Non Physical Consciousness instead of trying to separate from the body. First you start noticing, then you get the Hypnagogic Imagery, then you make your intent to join the scene manifesting before your eyes. You are not trying to systematically separate. Very rarely will it lead to a RTZ experience. I have had RTZ scenarios doing this, but many more experiences that led to a quest in a far away area, usually interdimensional.
You seem to be mixing the two. It can be done, but is very difficult to do for your first successful AP. Sometimes when we try to many things, we confuse the process itself. All techniques lead to your goal though, which is to reach a Non Physical awareness.

threemoons, I wish you the best of luck, It has been 3 months for me.

So if I wanted to go visit my parents (They live in California) The Phasing method would not get me there? I was comming to the understanding that Phasing, AP, OBE where all the same.
Cool....what combinations did you use?
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: The DreamGenieâ„¢
October 12, 2012, 22:02:11
a rubber band will work just as well, better just use a needle.....
I have gotten jerks, that are more than a muscle twitch, just last night my right arm "jerked about 1 1/2 feet up from the bed, but I was not pulled out.....weird.
tried it last night, maybe I am just not understanding it, I should imagine my energy body a few inches above my physical body?

Never said I was the sharpest tool in the shed....
Quote from: Stookie_ on October 02, 2012, 15:16:00
I wouldn't worry too much about what might have happened... either way, it happened, and it's a pretty normal occurrence when attempting AP. No confusion is necessary. If you try to make sense out of everything that happens during this stuff you're going to go crazy.

But hey, you're making progress. :) Clicking out is a good sign, and now you know you just need to tighten the thread that connects your unconscious and conscious mind together. It's a tricky mental balancing act.

Thanks, I hope I did nothing stupid, my reasons for AP'ing are purely spiritual, not running around naked in the Astral.....
Quote from: Lionheart on October 01, 2012, 17:25:00
Hello, you likely were very relaxed this time and just lost Consciousness. This is the battle between keeping a deep trance state with total awareness and losing consciousness totally. You also may have stayed in the Astral too long in that visit and lost total recall of the events. When I first started to Consciously Phase, I was told in one of my sessions to keep my visits really short. Sometimes I had just Phased successfully, peeked in and immediately came back. It was frustrating, but now I can understand why I was instructed to do it.
I have had many times where I am Phasing and I just click out, sometimes it's for a brief period like a couple of minutes, other times I wake up an hour later and ask myself "what just happened". Nothing is 100% concrete with this practice!  :-)
Good Luck and Safe Travels!  :-)

OK as far as I know I have yet to have a conscious OBE........So from my understanding I may have had one, but just did not remember it? Per Bruce's book, the Interpreter can not translate what the Perceiver has gathered.

Just confused about this...
Quote from: todd421757 on October 01, 2012, 17:45:14
It would be the same thing as the soul.

Below is a picture to show what it would look like.

A translucent me?
I am on it! Not real sure what you mean by energy body, have not done any energy work....
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / "Click Out"
October 01, 2012, 17:10:48
Well, as progress goes, I have been practicing nightly before gong to bed, yah I know not a good time, but I was focusing, on keeping my focus on a visualization for a extended period of time. I usually practice 30 to 60 min, using a binaural beat I picked up from Tom Campbells Forum.

Anyway, for the last week the strangest thing would happen, I would prep up to Phase, relax, deep berths, etc, visualize myself and my dog in a field walking, etc trying to get a realistic feeling. Well I have been loosing time...last night I lost 45 minutes. I did not fall asleep, The Binaural ran out and I looked at the time and I go, wow, what happened. I could not figure it out.

All I read is OBE, AP, Afterlife related books, While reading Bruce Moens Afterlife Knowledge Guide he explained it. I have not gotten any further in the chapter to figure out how to prevent it if there is one, but wanted to throw it out there and get opinions or help on how to prevent this.

BTW When I finally became aware and check the time, my pants where still on....

Very Strange.....
these just pictures?

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: not sure what to think
September 07, 2012, 21:19:38
HHHMMMM, now I have heard of "The Shadow People", I have yet to project, so I have not seen them, but from reading on the subject of AP, it does sound like it could be a manifestation of some form of fear, maybe you were Lucid at the time....Do a google search or search As far as the orb, could be the same thing...