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Messages - essence

Quote from: Gandalfpeople keep saying 'well you cant know either way'.

All I would say is instead of reading all about '2012' and 'demon wars' on dodgy websites and dubious 'researched' books... go and look at the *facts' ie look at what reputable archaeologists and historians have to say about the mayan calender, what it actual refers to and what it doesnt...
You may be in for a slight letdown with regards to your apocalypse fantasies.. You see, I am one of the few who actually bothered to look into the reality of it.. and its not overly exciting... so yes, i can quite happily say that nothing is going to 'happen'...

I'm not going to bore you with the actual facts of the Mayan calender as its something you should read about yourself and those who are actualy interested will find out.. all those who base their info on dodgy websites and books are not going to be convinced so there is not much point as far as they are concerned!

In the end they will learn the hard way, as has happened so often in the past! But by then the 'apocalypse' torch will have passed to a new generation with an all new date to worry/fantasise about.


I would appreciative if you posted the links that you found on the Mayan calender, I want to know more about the subject.

I don't think you can know either way, look at the all people that just died in the tsunami to them it would be an end or an transition on a mass scale.
I am a newbie to all of this. I would like to know the best way to OBE I have project with success, but sometimes have a hard to maintaining my state of conscious.

Is this common?  I always seem to get mixed into a lucid type dream.    

Do things look exactly the same when we OBE?  or do they start to take on a different appearance?  

Things never look the same in my room when I project is this normal?
Quote from: SpectralDragonI think neither side has the right to say they "know." Who can tell what is or is not going to happen in the future? IMHO it is best to keep the possibilities of both sides in mind cause the future is never written in stone and nobody, not even some of the greatest fortune tellers or predictionists know for certain what is going to happen.

That is the wisest statement I have read out of all of the threads, on this whole topic!

What do I believe about 2012 or the near future?, well things are changing very rapidly and I feel something big is going to transpire, but the exact day or date I don't know.  I will read the links posted because their is some truth in all information.

I come in with an empty cup......what I find to fill it with is why life is so wonderful.....

Essence :)