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Messages - Quo Animo

Note: These are my own personal methods...They came to me last year through insight so I'm just sharing them with you all in hopes that it might work for someone

First you have to know what Tactile Imaging is..(I was doing it before I found the appropriate name for it):
Tactile imaging (T.I. for short) is the active use of body awareness. This is used to directly stimulate and manipulate the energy body in a controlled way. T.I. is a simple extension of M.B.A., and is very easy to learn and do. When body awareness is focused in a specific area, and that point of awareness is given motion, this motion stimulates the energy body in that area. When this motion is done at the site of a primary or secondary energy centre (major or minor Chakras), that energy centre will be directly stimulated. Individual energy centres can thus be targeted and stimulated in a strong and dynamic way.

mental rundown is an engaging scenario which captures the attention of the mind...

Meth. #1:
what i did first was close my eyes and daydream about anything random but the technique won't work if your actually trying to force yourself to what i do is completely forget about daydreaming and just do natural breathing for a minute or two...than i notice i start to daydream so basically i catch myself inside the daydream and i utilize the daydreaming state by doing TI on my crown chakra as a warm-up because it is the easiest to do TI on....than while doing TI going from my crown chakra to my shoulders, cheeks, than eyelids..after, i do a mental rundown where i play wallball and i am in first person perspective...the ball should move fairly fast...i picked wall ball because it engages the senses a lot to me....the first time i experimented with this technique i just did the wall ball mental rundown...i did this for a while and started to drift off but i was still doing the mental rundown....than the ball was moving fast than i noticed it started coming towards my face quick as hell and it seemed so lifelike that i actually almost jumped out of my bed...i was startled, I actually went into the scene...than i tested it with TI involved and it worked too...after a few minutes of doing this i entered the 3d blackness and viewed the usual symptoms of it like the starry background and got up immediately to write this technique and my experiences in a book so i could keep testing it..This technique brings you smack in Focus 2 of Consciousness( the imagination).

Meth #2:
The method for entering the 3D Blackness is to do Tactile Imaging on the whole face...start with the forehead (I concentrate on my third eye), do both eyes, and the cheeks..i also do the back of the head if I feel tension..than what I do is relax the shoulders through intent and relax my arms..Some point while you are doing this exercise you should end up in the 3D Blackness...I haven't used this method in a while because I wasn't interested in Phasing just Dream Yoga but I used it today..was kind of rusty but got the hang of it...I didn't try to reach the 3D Blackness I just went into the Alpha state to sort out some problems and think of can use this method for that too

I came up with this technique last year..It seems confusing when first reading it so ask if you have any questions,
Quote from: Ginny on November 16, 2002, 01:32:37
Hi everyone,

Here's what I've learned to do regarding phasing or focusing my attention away from the physical and into the nonphysical, to explore the afterlife. From what I've been able to determine, we can use whatever methods seem to resonate with us...but I have discovered that becoming acquainted with and *feeling*  the stages we use to  get into the afterlife can be important. Also, paying attention to what we're *feeling* while in the afterlife, using the nonphysical senses, is just as important. In the beginning of exploring I subscribed to the, "if I can't see it I don't believe it" idea,  and my progress was slow. But this is how we learn: by just doing it, going there, learning first hand.

I started in the late 80's with the TMI Gateway tapes and used those methods (but at that time I thought I had to go OOB to explore) but discovered two years ago that Bruce Moen's simple techniques worked much better for me. I spend less time now preparing to go into the afterlife and get much better results while there, including many afterlife experiences wherein I was able to get verifiable info to really prove to myself that all this was very real ( I was a major skeptic til I got irrefutible proof that even I couldn't somehow rationalize away!---LOL!).

There are 4 basic steps I use to focus attention away from the physical to explore within. **And just a quick note here to Focus 15---when you attend Bruce's workshop soon he'll not only explain these steps  (plus additional techniques) but guide you and the small group into them, several times as you experience afterlife journeys. I'm just a student of his and believe me, he's the teacher and a good one. What I'm describing here is a brief overview---at the workshop you'll get a much more in-depth idea and feel from him on these steps.**

Step 1--Breathing for relaxation
Step2--Energy Boost
Step3-- Filling with love for better perception
Step4--Placing Intent

Step1---Sitting in a chair or lying down, I close my eyes and begin to gently breath in (let your inhale be normal) and as I feel my lungs fill I then gently roll that inhale into a gentle exhale (once again just exhale normally--no forceful breathing, just let each inhale flow into an exhale and gently loop back again). I do this 3 times or as many times as needed so that when I FEEL myself relax (which is a slight phasing or shift of attention in itself) I then can move on to the next step.

Step 2---In this relaxed state, see  with your mind's eye or feel a large pool of sparkling clean energy below you. As you begin to gently inhale, breathe in and see this energy enter your feet and travel up through your body and out the top of your head...and then see this energy curve out and down back to the pool below. Repeat this 3 times, cycling the energy back up through you and back down to the pool,  or as many times as you want. Now see a large pool or body of sparkling energy above you. At the top of your head locate or feel  a spot, perhaps where the center may be...and then as you inhale, breathe in and see this energy enter that spot and travel down your body, exiting your feet...arcing back up to the pool above. Repeat this 3 times or as many times as you feel is good for you.  When I do this I choose to see the cycling energy as something similar to what fireworks sparklers look like when used at night. This is just my preference. What's important is what this does for us regarding gathering energy: it's a great boost. You may want to pay attention to what this feels like too.

Step 3--I know there's been a lot of misunderstanding regarding the use of 'love' in afterlife exploration. I for one, years ago, literally got tired of the word because it was over used, misused perhaps. When Bruce talks about PUL, pure unconditional love, he's not saying to get emotional, sappy or sexual...and especially, he's not talking about intellectualizing it, or seeing love as a concept. Experiencing emotions or other feelings can be the results OF accessing this energy. Bruce  learned in the afterlife that unconditional love is a real energy/consciousness...quite possibly the energy/consciousness that we not only come from, but it's what we are, now. Being the kind of explorer that has to prove to herself through direct experiencing what is real or not,  I have accessed this energy many times, not only to improve my perception for exploring, but to help others while There and even in my conscious physical daily life...and it's impossible to explain the experiencing of it: it's something that has to be directly experienced to KNOW what it really is. While in the afterlife I have unexpectedly been on the receiving end of this energy and it was without a doubt the most incredible knowing/feeling I've ever experienced.
How to access it is not difficult. This energy/consciousness is not exclusive: it does not belong to the 'spiritually advanced' belongs to all of us. And once again, FEELING it is the key.
Remember a time when you either felt love for someone or something, or a time when you felt loved by someone. Feel that love and hold it within you, let it build as you recall more moments or people you've loved or been loved by. Bruce recalls the love he felt for his newborn babies when he held them for the first time in the hospital. I always bring to me the love I have for my husband and two chihuahuas, as well as the love I felt from my mother. Whatever works for you---just FEEL  this love and let it build up and remain within you.  I could go on and on about the numerous benefits from accessing this energy, especially for afterlife retrieving and exploration, but it's something each preson has to experience, to understand.

Step 4-- When I was using the TMI Gateway tapes over 13 years ago, if I had known then what I know now about the placing of intent, I never would have spent so many hours hanging out in that inner 3D blackness--while using a tape---waiting for something to happen. I would get to a focus level and then just wait for someone or something to happen, having no idea that all I had to do was mentally state my desire---where I wanted to go, what I wanted to do. Now I know that placing intent is a simple thing to do. Actually we do it constantly and really never give it much thought.
What Bruce calls, The Little Finger Exercise: this is where I am now going to FEEL that place within where we actually place the intent for anything. I use this everytime I want to place the intent to explore because it works. As I remain relaxed, knowing I'm going to move, say, my index finger in a few seconds, as I approach that moment of actually moving my finger I first just feel and become acquainted with that area within where we make things happen. Some people 'see' color or perhaps an image, some just feel that inner place. At Bruce's workshop I 'saw' a soft orange color (why I don't know)...but most importantly, I became acquainted with what that area of consciousness *felt like*. And when you're there, move your finger. And then do it again but instead of moving your finger, place your intent (desire) on where you want to go in the afterlife, who you want to meet, etc.  I must say here that I don't feel I'm explaining this step well....but I hope you guys can get the drift. There are times in the afterlife when I just relax and send out a mental my intent. I hope I'm not making it seem more difficult than it actually is. I think Frank has a good handle on intent---perhaps he can explain this better.

So this is pretty much what I do each time I want to Phase or Focus My Attention and move into the nonphysical.  There are a few more techniques I learned, such as Heart Intelligence, but this is probably enough.

My Focus 27 special place:
Two years ago while reading Bruce's first book, he descibed creating his own special place in F27. Since I was so anxious to get going with exploration (and especially since I discovered through his books that anyone could visit all the focus levels at anytime, and that OOBEs were cool but completely unnecessary to explore and retrieve), I decided that if he could create his own place, so could I. Once placing the intent to go to F27, I was then in that 3D blackness,  just floating.  I decided to *trust* that my intent was the key in getting me there, to F27. I then borrowed the image of a city park I had loved as a child, complete with pond, trees, a park bench, grass, sunshine....and just 'saw it there' in front of me. I then walked into it. I sat on the bench and felt the wooden slats on my butt. I felt the soft moist earth and grass between my toes. I looked at the sun twinkling between leaves and branches above. I sat and looked at the water, and then decided on what flowers I wanted and where. I played with different kinds, on that first visit as well as later. All I had to do to return to my park was to just place the intent to be there (and it really helps to recall the feel of the place  too---this is another Bruce technique but I don't want to overload here). Thought, intent.. creates matter and all dimensions, physical and nonphysical.

All righty's late and I hope I've been able to explain well enough. Sorry for the screwed up replies to the wonderful posts from you guys. What can I say?---I'm a certified computer dummie!----:O)

Much love and happy trails,


extremely helpful. thank you.
up...i am going to try this tonight
It would fit in well with my method because mine has to do with using the imagination. I'll try it.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: Frank
September 18, 2006, 00:09:30
I'm going to try Phasing to Focus 3 so I can see if I can contact him.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: Frank
September 17, 2006, 00:13:38
You don't know what the hell you're talking about.

Anyway, I had a dream like 2 months ago that Frank helped me Phase. I said that I was having trouble & he said "Here let me help you." I felt a pulling motion and than ended up in Focus 2 than I had the thought of going outside of my house than BAM. I was instantly outside of my house than I had the thought of flying than BAM I was in the air. I think that I had contact with Frank in that dream.
I've tried different methods in the past and none of them seemed to appeal to me. So I was watching TV and thinking of my own ways to project. Than I started thinking about the imagination & how to use it to phase/project. I came up with my own method that appealed to me. I figured since I do a lot of writing and use the imagination a lot I should come up with my own method so that it actually has a connection with me. So I decided to use my method right there on the spot. I had the lights on and the TV on. After 15 minutes I started to get hypnagogic imagery of the stuff I was imagining like it was the actual scene I was imagining. With the lights in my eyes and everything. I stopped because I just felt like having regular sleep after that( I needed a long sleep & didn't want to project and end up being snapped back into waking consciousness ).  I won't put up the method because it wouldn't fit with the purpose of the thread. Most of the greats had their own method of projecting created by themselves. So do you think if more people came up with their own unique, tailor-made method for themselves more people would get projecting at a higher success rate?
I've read posts on this forum and on your website about a trance state that you always go into before projecting. What is the method that you use to enter this state?
Yes, I tried it than my eyes started to sting. I relaxed them really quick and I felt a really large shock in my brain. it stunned me for 10 minutes. that was a crazy experience for me.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / THE method
July 10, 2006, 16:27:30
listen, all you need to project/phase is to relax the body. i reached the mind awake body asleep state 2 nights in a row (8-15 mins each) by relaxing my body using this method that consists of resting your body in individual parts:

(might seem long to read but its not.. read the whole thing and you'll be smooth sailing)

<  relax your body  >

GREGORIA: "My question's a lot simpler. I need to know or learn how to relax so I can THINK about what my purpose is. I'm not even that far, as far as ... I need to relax. I just changed jobs recently from a lot of pressure and now I have zero pressure and I don't know what to do with it. ...

ELIAS: And this is quite significant to you all, for the incorporation of freedom is quite unfamiliar. Once you offer yourself the expression of freedom you become confused and floundering, for you are quite accustomed to structure and the dictates of other individuals. Your question incorporates relaxing, and this also applies to you all.

The method in which you allow yourself to incorporate relaxing is quite simple. Allow yourself to pay attention, be aware of YOU in the moment. Within the moment initially you shall not be aware objectively of your process in generating tension, but once you have generated tension you shall be aware that you are creating that. In this, as you practice, eventually you shall be aware BEFORE you generate the expression of tension or as you begin to generate it.

But within this present now, turn your attention in the moment that you notice that you have already generated tension, and once you are noticing, focus your attention upon your physical body expression. Do not attempt meditation or visualizations or chanting or affirmations, for you have already generated the tension and therefore your concentration is focused upon that, and these other expressions shall fall by the wayside. (Chuckles) But you may quite efficiently divert your attention.

Focus your attention upon your physical body. Focus your attention upon your physical muscles and their expression of tension. Individualize your muscles. Recognize each expression of tension that you are physically incorporating. Begin with your shoulders and allow your attention to move from your shoulders, INTENTIONALLY DIRECTING THEM to relax and allowing that relaxing.

Move your attention to your solar plexus, for generally speaking this is the second most intense expression of tension that individuals within your physical dimension incorporate. You hold tension within your shoulders and that which supports what? Your thinking, your head, your neck. Beyond that you incorporate the constriction and tension of your yellow energy center, for this is the seat of your communication to yourself, and therefore you stifle this and restrict it and create tremendous tension within your solar plexus, attempting to silence your own communication.

Once you have relaxed your neck and your shoulders physically, and you have moved to relaxing your solar plexus and your yellow energy center, focus your attention upon your physical back, for this is the expression of the supportiveness of yourself and you incorporate tremendous tension in this physical location. In relaxing that physical area, in these three actions you have already sufficiently diverted and distracted your attention and efficiently allowed yourself to create a relaxation.

Thusly, focus your attention upon your physical breathing, for this also generates tension. As your breathing becomes more shallow, you allow yourself to incorporate tenseness. It is quite difficult and challenging to incorporate physical tension within your physical body if your breathing relaxes.

This is the reason that individuals incorporate the action of weeping, for you have incorporated such an extreme of tension within your physical body it automatically responds to release that tension, and in the action of weeping you incorporate breathing. In continuing weeping you restrict your breathing; but if you are allowing yourself the action of breath in volume, I shall challenge you to attempt to continue to weep, for you shall not incorporate this action if you are incorporating tremendous breath. You dissipate the tension and you may not continue the weeping. It is merely in the action of continuing that tension and shallowing your breath that you allow yourself to continue to weep. The weeping itself is an automatic expression of your physical body to release tension.

In diverting your attention to your physical body and its incorporation of tension, addressing to this and intentionally relaxing physical muscles, your attention shall be sufficiently distracted to allow you to relax. Once you have incorporated that action, merely express to yourself, 'I incorporate choice. It is unnecessary for myself to be holding this tension. What is occurring within this moment? What am I generating within this moment that I need be incorporating this tension?' No action. Practice with this action, my friend, and you may surprise yourself at how efficient you may become.


ELIAS: Very well."


to reach the non-physical you have to relax the physical.
i think Frank connected with this energy essence in focus 4.
i threw away all of that terminology last night and have decided to make this a personal journey and make observations and progress based on my observations of the past. i am starting from the ground up. my mind was racing last night. i wrote over 4 full pages on observations alone and diff. theories and i almost entered my mind(3d blackness) today which i haven't even came close to doing before. what works for another person doesn't mean it works for everybody which is why people like frank and monroe where so successful in phasing.
reminds me of focus 4.

"In examining other consciousness, you explore other parts of yourself. You have each felt other focuses, of other dimensions and other cultures. This may serve to widen your awareness of your essence. Your essence incorporates all focuses.
did this happen to be him?

Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Body asleep
June 01, 2006, 16:33:16
IndigoRains. If I try that and I am in the mind awake/body asleep stage can I go to Focus 2 of consciousness from there? In Focus 2(check Astral Faq) all of the senses of the body are intact, your in the imagination. Would it be possible to reach that state from the MA/BA state? Can you also reach the 3D Blackness from that state?
do you think there is really a focus 4? frank said himself that he discovered focus 4 after he had trouble reaching f27.... so do you think that he is imagining a place that seems greater than f27 to make up for his troubles?
How do I reach it from Focus 2 of consciousness? & how do I do a direct transition?

if you don't skip numbers purposely it is working... keep counting and if you noticed you already counted something, our skipping, counting backwards, or repeating  than it is working... your mind is drifting...
anytime you inhale count 1 once
lay down and try to keep your mind awake and let your body fall asleep..keep counting and focusing on your breathing..if you start skipping numbers all of a sudden than it is working...focus on the black in front of ypur eyes..... another way you know it's working is when you see imagery ...i can reach this state within 15 minutes...EASY!!.. don't make any movements though.. that way your body can fall asleep while you are counting


you can just change up your sleep patterns....
yo b... i found a way to reach it in 15 minutes forgot where i typed it at but it's not at this site.. i'll find it for you...
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / ASTRAL PORTAL
February 18, 2006, 16:06:40
how did it work for you?
i thinks that's your subconscious trying to communicate with you...
i read it... but why not just give it out for free?.... there are probably thousands of people that could use it but don't have the money to buy it (like me)... it could help a lot of people out...