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Messages - Serapis

Hi Tracy,

Thanks for the advice regarding massage. So let me ask this: what kind of Credentials should I look for, because I think I am going to follow this up. I do not think it's sciatic, but I definitely have something either pinched or "out of whack".

I started checking out Dr. Andrew Weil's website, and I  became a vegetarian... my problem with began a vegetarian is that I normally don't get enough vegetables... I was a vegetarian for 8 months 2 years ago..  I wind up eating tons of Grain and Soy products.  So, I'm going to add juicing to my diet just to make sure I get the nutrients I need. I have a "pulp extracting" juicer and a Vitamix, why not go for it? :)
Dr. Weil states that if you take 300 mg to 400 mg. of Horse-Chestnut Extract (60 for $11 in my local Healthfood store - I prefer the locals over GNC.) that it will cure Vascular  problems. I started taking it, and virtually overnight it began working. No more Vascular pains, and my legs quit having that look to them. That said, I'm still continuing towalk/exercise, I'm working out a vegetarian diet that I can live with diet, and I've also added an hour a day of hypnosis via a "hypno"/past life regression CD.   A friend gave me Dr. Brian Weiss's Mirrors of Time: Using Regression for Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Healing[/u].... it is AWESOME!

So throughout the day, I'll be drinking fresh vegetable juice as well as cutting out the animal products. A friend told me I ought to consider remoing all manmade products from my diet for 2 months.  I'm not sure if I'm that radical yet. :D

So, what should I look for in a Massage Therapist?!

I know we have a local "Chinese School of Medicine" and I know that they have a program. I worked at a Restaurant/Tavern during the early 90's and several of the people who worked there were going to the Chinese School of Medicine to become certified.

Quote from: CaCoDeMoNSo health care isn't free in US?

Are you kidding?

It will cost me almost $120 just for an initial consultation with a doctor (here in North Florida).
Unless you have health insurance (and who can actually afford to PAY for that?) the doctors stick it to you. It's all because of the premiums that doctors have to pay for malpractice insurance, and the fact that tons of people file fake lawsuits against doctors all the time.

The lack of FREE/Socialized Health Care is one of the major downsides to America. And people whine about "socialized" health care, but the Rich/wealthy can afford to hire private doctors....but those of us who are poor can't.

As I get older, I become more and more socialistic... not in a communist sort of way, but I think that if we are going to spend all of this money on taxes, it should go to take care of the American people - not Funding wars that kill innocent civilians in the Middle East. (And I even voted for Bush, but I won't be voting Republican ever again. Bring on Hillary much as I hated Bill Clinton - I was GAINFULLY EMPLOYED when he was President! :idea:
I recently began to have problems with my legs. I have spider veins around my ankles, and I guess I'm starting to have Varicose Veins. I haven't been to a doctor, because I can't afford it.

I'm having what looks like the beginnings of "Venous Stasis", which is where the blood pools in your legs from the combination of being overweight, and sitting for extremely long periods of time. Eventually, the veins start to breakdown, and actually release blood into your body - so your shins and calves take on a red and/or (eventually - if it goes unchecked) brownish color - because of the iron in your blood staining the skin.
What happens is that the veins in the legs begin having problems returning the blood to your heart.... or so I've read.

Admittedly, I'm self-diagnosing here! :)

I also sometimes feel a sharp pain at the base of my spine, and a friend who has Sciatica told me what I was describing sounded like a Sciatic nerve problem.

So, I'm tonight I'm going to try to start the N.E.W. all over. I haven't been able to make much progress with it, and I've wondered if these issues were the reason why.

Anyway, any prayers would be greatly appreciated.

I'm trying to get in this social program here called "Vocational Rehab", where the state helps pay for your medical problems so that they can  get you back into the workforce. I'm going to college part time, but may have to drop out due to this problem with my legs.
I have a hard time sitting for long periods of time, and also have a hard time standing or walking for long periods of time.

I am overweight (6'1" and probably weight about 340 Lbs. I'm trying to guess a little high) and I was a smoker almost 20 years, and I know that causes vascular problems. also, my blood is very thick from smoking for all those years, so I do take a few aspirin spread throughout the day in an attempt to thin out my blood, so it's easier to pump.

I don't know if this stuff is any good, but I started using a product called "Xango" that one of my friends swears by - his daughter broke her arm , then re-broke it a month after it healed. The second time they were using Xango, and the doctor freaked out, because when the bone healed, It was completely new bone growth, with no sign of braking at all.

Another thing everyone needs to keep in mind is that each of us are working  on our own frequencies! some people work at higher or lower than whatever the average might be. for instance, someone whose brain works at a lower frequency might be able to exit/obe faster or may have stronger effects such as strong vibrations, than someone whose brain works at a higher frequency.

So just because it's not working for you NOW doesn't mean it won't work for you in the future. It's just like Hypnosis. I've studied hypnosis for years. virtually everyone can be hypnotized, but it takes the right  hypnotist using the right method/technique for hypnosis to take place, so if either of these are not in place - hypnosis won't take place, and you'll go around thing that you can't be hypnotized.

So just keep listening to the files, and I agree with gnomad completely - do not skip the files - listen to them in the order that he designed them to be played in - I only split the files to make it easier for people to DL because they were having DL problems.
Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras / H
February 12, 2005, 04:53:55
Hey Gnomad,

I took the Boxed Nirvana II files, and made three distinct mp3's out of them. So the first segment of Boxed Nirvana (using your Brainwave files) is a 14 minute Mp3, the second is a 13 minute Mp3, and the third is a 33 minute Mp3.

I've already loaded them onto my server and put them on the web page, you may want to do the same on your end.

That should make it easier for people to DL.

Quote from: EnderZis the bwgen really worth the 40 dollars to have all the extra imports?  Is there anyway to listen to them without registering the bwgen?  Someone above said something about changing the imported song names to presets or default but that didn't do it for me.


I bought it last week.
Was it worth it?
Well, I look at it this way. I've been using the "free" Unregistered version for about 6 months to create my own files, so to me - Yes, it was worth the $40.
I'm not that worried about importing other peoples files. I just  really felt obligated because I've gotten so much use out of it, and now I can continue to use it guilt free!  :D

When you lay down and close your eyes, they naturally roll up into your head. When sitting up, if you roll your eyes up into your head, it will induce progressively lowered states. I learned that about 10 years ago in a hypnosis course I took.
Why not force the skeptic to disprove God to you?

After all, the evidence of Creation is on your side.
Hey gnomad,

Why not break the files according to where you had them change.
#1 14-minute progression from 16hz to 7.83hz.
#2 13-minute chakra stimulation.
#3 33-minute deepening Theta to Delta trance

I doubt that any time lapse between the files would really have any effect, and you could burn them to a CD so that there were no spaces between the tracks, or at least with  the copy of Nero that I have you can. I've heard people complain about Nero, but so far I have no complaints at all with will even burn stuff that is LOWER than 16-bit / 44khz.  as a CD, and that's something none of my other CD burning software would do.

Anyway, with the smaller files  each Mp3 could just be either burned as tracks on a CD, or played in Winamp, or an mp3 player.

My PC is right next to my bed, so I have a pair of headphones plugged in right there and I listen to material on Winamp. :D

That way people could just download the files a little easier, and they wouldn't have to worry about trying to combine them with the bat file. I tried recombining the files the other day about 20 times, and it just kept giving me errors.  Talk about frustration! I wanted to relax, but I was just getting crankier and crankier by the minute.
My roommate started calling me Grumpy, and I called her "Grumpellina". LOL And we had an "Instant Message Flame War" (We have a network in our house, each having a PC in our bedrooms, so we just IM'd each other insults all night, and you could hear when somebody read an IM, because you'd hear a roll of laughter as the cutdowns ensued.

Welcome to Metaphysics! / the sound of hu
January 30, 2005, 23:19:04
No, it just means you're a slave to one of the Guardians of the Realm of Light. :D
Actually, if you hear it all day long, I'd go to my Doctor and get checked for Tinnitus.

My theory is that we are imprisoned in these flesh bodies, and our souls are the criminals of the Light Realm. Just as when the Sumerian Lords of Life killed Kingu to have a soul with which to create Adapa.

Something along the line of "The Matrix", but then again gnosticism is quite a bit older. :)
That sound is called the sound of HU.

Those who take Monatomic Gold aka "White Powder Gold" also hear it. It is supposedly a resonance from the Realm of Light.

It is described over and over by ancient mystics.

Hu was the Ancient Egyptian God of the spoken Word, and there are rituals regarding Hu in the Book of the Dead.

If you go to the Eckankar page, there is a link to a group of people singing HU at the same time - it sounds very...ethereal and not of this world.

I personally have always believed that our minds are nothing but a living transciever, and depending upon the things we eat, and how we treat our bodies, that depends upon how we are able to "tune in" as Timothy Leary and the Hippies used to say.

So, the idea that the sound is similar to a television or radio dial being turned strikes a resonant chord with me (pun intended.) :twisted:
Sadly, I am 35. I've just let my brother has his say for so long that last night I was ready to litterally throttle him.
Brainwave Generator and "" just took me for $40.00

To say I am "ticked" is an understatement.
They charged me $40, and didn't give me the key. The Email said "ERROR: Invalid IP address" where it should have been a Key number. And then it said to E-mail them. I am RAGING right now.
I've had a crappy day, a fight with my brother, which led to a major argument with my dad. I don't need this. I wanted to get to use the BW Generator to help me relax, and then go Astral tonight. (I've Astral Travelled before. I'm just wound up from arguing with my brother. He's one of those people who will follow you around to pester you. The problem is, I'm 35 and he's 31, yet he still tries to at like he's 8. I told my dad tonight that if my brother even comes near me, I am going to knock his teeth down his throat for him. I've had it. you can only take so much crap.
My Dad was like," You're 35 just let it roll off your back."

I told him that he doesn't get it - I shouldn't HAVE to let it roll off my back. I'm a grown man and so is he, but he can't seem to act liek a grown man and control his mouth, so I'm going to control it for him- by making him physically unable to open it for a while....

So, I told my brother the next time he comes near me, I'm going to punch him. I've had it. I've tried to love him, but when you've been told your worthless your whole life by your only sibling because it makes him feel superior - it gets to you after a while. SO, then on top of all of that. I got ripped off by these idiots.

So, now I wonder how I can get my money back?

Any suggestions?

Tim - who is about to have a coronary.