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Messages - Ben K

Quote from: Eldanen on December 27, 2007, 06:51:44
Hi there everyone,

I've recently been exploring out of body experiences, astral projection, et al., and I came across this site.  And then the idea of phasing.  It seems like a simple base idea to me, just switching a person's focus.  One thing I haven't understood yet is whether this is generally regarded as subjective, or objective?  When phasing, I've read that you're turning your attention inward.  Within the concept of phasing, are you tuning yourself into anything objective, or where you can interact with other people?  My ideas up to this point was that there's the physical, etheric, astral, etc.    Is it possible to phase into the "etheric" plane?   :?
My understanding is that phasing can be either subjective or objective depending on what your intent is as well as your overall state of mind and ability to control yourself in the lucid/oobe state. It also depends on what your personal definition of subjective and objective is. Waking life could be considered as subjective insomuch as it is the results of your personal associations, beliefs, expectations, and other influences that decide what you experience. it includes objective imagery and "things" but so do lucid dreams and OOBEs. So personally my opinion is that everything is a subjective state in one way or another, and any divisions between such states are just divisions we create for categorization and objectification. You can interact with other people just as you can in waking life, but thats not to say they will remember the experience or hold any objective memory at least. Its difficult to draw the line between real and not real but from my experience i can suggest that doing away with the line altogether will fetch you the "best" results.

gl Eldanen :)
QuoteSo would it be possible to phase into what is commonly called traditionally the etheric plane, or real time zone, from wherever you are?  Or possibly what others call the astral plane, where you can interact with others?  Am I getting all this right? :P

I've also read on one website, Erin Pavlina's blog, that she managed astral projection through lucid dreaming.  This seems like somewhat of a mirror to me of what I've read here....  ?.?
You can, in actuality, move your attention from any area of consciousness to any other area of consciousness under any condition. But like a muscle that needs exercising, you cant expect to fetch these results when you start out just like you can expect to run a 3 minute mile when you start running. advanced maneuvers require advanced techniques, in my opinion.

I personally dont like all the talk of "etheric planes" and "astral planes" and "real time zones" and all this other stuff. I find that when you just let the experience happen and then try to find your individual meaning, why you experienced it and what meaning you will extract from it, you have a much better system of benchmarking yourself and your abilities. Especially when just starting out, all sorts of weird stuff can happen that alot of people try to catagorize and explain, but cannot be explained.

In truth there are probably an infinity number of planes and zones and areas that exist, and its up to your energy and intent in the moment which of these your attention moves to. Nothing happens "to you" in other words, you CREATE the experience as you create a mental picture in your head or as you create a thought in your head. Same principle on a much larger scale.

my personal perspective :)
QuoteCome on....Can someone give the 'Cliff Notes' on all of that? Cheesy
My head hurts...

dont say he didnt warn ya!

QuoteI was a bit disappointed that he wouldn't give anything other than a cursory mention of F4 -- although his rationale made sense -- we wouldn't be able to comprehend it as we are now.

:lol: :lol:
hey selski

yes, that was quite a relief for me to find out as well. i had been practicing LDing and OBE work for awhile when i came across elias and i was unknowingly allowing all these various beliefs to affect me, and as elias says, BELIEFS CREATE REALITY. Then i found out how beliefs work, that they are more like TOOLs for CREATING reality than they are GUIDELINES on how reality ALREADY IS. When you look at it from that perspective suddenly you stop becoming victim and you can allow yourself to create your reality (physical AND non-physical) EXACTLY how you want it to be. You put yourself in the pilots seat!

Quote from: jub jub on November 01, 2007, 12:19:26
Pretty much the same for me as well. I have never experienced emotion while out, just a sense of curiosity and wonder. Maybe if I could stay out for more than a few minutes at a time, I would experience emotion.
im with this crew :(
I believe at first, the deeper into a "trance" you can get without falling asleep will fetch you the best results.

Really phasing is all about relaxing and going with the flow. Relax your attention. Relax every bit of awareness in your body, but retain your consciousness, and it will start to alter and morph and crazy things start happening. Then you hit some magical point where your mind just comes to life right in front of you. I've only been there a few times and it really was amazing how easy it was once i got into the right frame of mind.
PSS- about the animal thing. its very complicated because you have to be familiar with the terminology that elias uses and you have to know what hes talking about when he says emotion.hes not talking about it strictly in terms of feelings, as in you feel happy or sad. his terminology of "emotion" is very different than what we have collectively come to believe about emotion. Animals possess FEELINGS, but they do not possess emotions. They can be happy and sad, but that is not an emotion in the elias terminology. Emotion is much deeper. If anyone cares to read here is a great digest with some stuff on emotion:
Ah Elias!

I got heavily into seth and elias about time i started visiting astral pulse, when frank was still around. Id be glad to answer any questions as i've come to learn quite alot from him, and treasure his teachings. All of it is perfectly valid in my experience and it also matches quite well with what frank did and alot of the stuff monroe came across. He also says some interesting stuff about monroe and his levels that relates to franks model as well, here it is.

JENNY: We came from the Monroe Institute and we were - how do you say this? - exploring other levels of consciousness or whatever they call that, feeling other energy, feeling myself in different vibrations. I don't know what to call it.

ELIAS: Allowing yourself to explore other areas of yourself. These are not levels.

JENNY: Why do they call them levels?

ELIAS: These are expressions of your beliefs.

I may express to you, within the expressions of religious beliefs - of which your creation of metaphysics in this time framework is merely a new religion, a new persona of religious beliefs - in this, within the aspects of religious beliefs, it is expressed that there are levels of movement, higher and higher levels of achievement, of attainment, of movement. There are hierarchies.

JENNY: And higher energies and lower energies. What is that about?

ELIAS: There are no higher energies and lower energies. You ARE consciousness.

JENNY: I was thinking when I was at the Monroe Institute that none of that made sense, but somehow everything ... it's like I said, I'm rebellious about everything. It's just this part of me that is like, this doesn't...

ELIAS: Allow yourself the recognition that these are merely the expressions of beliefs. This is not to say that the concepts are not valid or that the movements are not valid, for they are. Information is communicated, and this is not necessarily invalid. All of your reality is intertwined with beliefs. The movement of this shift is merely to RECOGNIZE these beliefs, not to eliminate them, not to perpetuate them by expressing that they are good and bad, or that they are right or wrong.

JENNY: We still function under a belief system, and that's okay.

ELIAS: Correct.

JENNY: Because I used to think, "Oh, this belief system is programming me; I just wish I could take it away."

ELIAS: No. The point is to be recognizing and accepting that these are expressions of your reality in this physical dimension and (deliberately) not to allow the automatic response to them to dictate your choices.

Anyway im just stopping by at Astral Pulse and saw a thread on elias, had to chirp in. his stuff is great.  :-D

PS- gandalf alot of the information that comes out of a channel is related to their own beliefs, as well as the type of energy exchange that is happening. I think that in a light trance, where the channeler is still somewhat conscious, there is a much greater distortion level than say, how elias does it with mary ennis, which is a deep trance. it allows him to bypass alot and is a much more efficient method of getting information across...albeit a little tougher on the physical body of the channeler. another "essence personality" that does this deep-trance style channeling is Kris and i believe Ramtha as well. Theres tons of em out there and they are all valid in their own way ;)
Hey guys... Ben K here...

I left around the same time frank did, and my interests waned as i got more into philosophy and less into what could be called "esoteric" interests...but what philosophy is NOT esoteric, eh? ;)

Anyway im back, hopefully for good, ive been getting some lucid dreams lately and my interest is now back into consciously creating these experiences. I come from the moen-frank school of thought, i've been studying dreams/psychology/reality for awhile and hopefully i can share some experiences, help some folks out, and get helped myself along the way!

good ta see ya astralpulse :)
Quote from: El-Bortukaliif you don't like it  you can always die lol.
are you serious?

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Favorite Lyrics II
June 08, 2006, 20:05:50
Good call on hendrix's "mermaid."

Heres a good one-

311- "Still Dreaming" (bold put in by me)

No I'll not renounce my views do what others do
I'd rather drink the hemlock than be like you, to my soul untrue
It never gets easier so quit tryin pleasing her
Everything is a choice so let me hear your voice

Born in October night
feeling was out a sight
skin I'm in now and then
moves like a meteorite

noise in our culture
is built in our nature
another era will decode
as we head toward rapture

suppose we're all gifted
suppose that the mist is
a metaphor for change
suppose the veil will be lifted

sacrament that I hold
close and I feel noble
solar marigolds light the souls
return from that other world

Sometimes when I'm awake
I can't tell if I'm still dreaming

There's so much here at stake
When every moment is just fleeting
Sometimes when I'm awake
I can't if I'm still dreaming

It never gets easier so quit tryin pleasing her
Everything is a choice so let me hear your voice
rip up the evening post
kill parasitic hosts
we can shoulder all the karma
that came with Los Alamos

return the sky bottle blue
return that forgotten hue
a looking glass world
seeing into and through you

soul and body are my twins
the latter will give in
when the former views the ocean
as not too cold to get in

to martian life forms
these waters are real warm
but beware we can change the weather
and create a snowstorm

Sometimes when I'm awake
I can't tell if I'm still dreaming
There's so much here at stake
When every moment is just fleeting
Sometimes when I'm awake
I can't tell if I'm still dreaming

No I'll not renounce my views do what others do
I'd rather drink the hemlock than be like you, to my soul untrue
It never gets easier so quit tryin pleasing her
Everything is a choice so let me hear your voice
i would say enlightenment is being able to say "i am enlightened" and really believe it.
Quote from: runlolaThe Hopi People long ago predicted a "Great Purification" would follow several signs:

* 1. Trees everywhere would begin dying.
* 2. People would build a house and throw it into the sky.
* 3. Cold places will become hot and hot places cold.
* 4. Land will sink beneath the sea and rise above it from below.
* 5. The appearance of a new blue star.

These signs easily relate to reality: 1. In an article in "Earth Island Journal," Charles E. Little calls our dying trees a pandemic -- an epidemic that is everywhere. From the cedars of Alaska to the palms of Florida, from the maples of Canada and New England to the pines and incense cedars of the Sierra Nevada, the incidents of death and decline are increasing at an alarming rate. The trees are dying on the ridges of the Appalachian mountain chain and in the sugar bush of Vermont. They are dying in the mid-South border states, in the thick forests of central Michigan, on the mountainsides of Colorado and California, along the Gulf of Mexico, in the deserts of the Southwest and they are dying in the Northwest.
The article says trees everywhere will be dieing. it doesnt say trees in alaska, florida, canada, and new england. when i see the trees outside my house dieing i will start to worry.
Quote2. House in the sky = the space station.
We have only had space stations for what, 10 years now? this prerequisite could mean any time from the 90s to thousands and thousands of years from now.
Quote3. Weather conditions are shifting all over the world.
Again, when florida starts becoming cold and alaska starts becoming warm i will start to worry. for now its obvious that florida is still hot and alaska is still cold.
Quote4. I don't know about land rising from below the sea, but plenty of land is sinking.
Well that throws that one out then, doesnt it?
Quote5. In a sub-galaxy of the Milky Way, the brightest supernova in 400 years erupted a few years ago. It is 200 million times brighter than our sun at the peak of brilliance -- the new blue star.
Can we see the blue star with our own eyes? If not how do you expect indians from thousands of years ago to know about supernovas erupting millions and millions of miles away? again, i will start to worry when i look up in the sky and see a big blue thing, or even a tiny blue thing. any blue thing at all. but there probably isnt any blue star because most prophecies are B.S.

^imo :)
why dont you just record yourself falling asleep at night? it would be the same effect i would think.
batman is not stupid!

welcome to AP, im sure you'll like it here :D
this struck a chord in me-
Quote from: eliasDON: "Is it possible that this huge power of the sexual experience is part of the reason we've built up all these taboos about it? Do we fear it? Do we feel that we're close to something, and build up fears and taboos?

ELIAS: Absolutely. (Don says something inaudible here) Absolutely. It is creating of much fearfulness, for it is an expression unbounded of yourself within physical focus which holds MUCH powerfulness.

DON: So maybe that's the reason that humans and animals have such a different reaction to sex? Because animals don't feel that power that we feel. For them, there's no aspect to sex other than the physical aspect.

ELIAS: Not necessarily. Your creatures also do not hold belief systems. Therefore, they do not place judgments upon their sexual activity. But look to your creatures. They display tremendous ritual, and they also are accepting of their sexual actions. They place no belief systems and judgments upon them. They accept them for what they are. They do not hold quite the same action as do you, for they are not responding within their sexual orientation to elements of essence as are you, but they hold less difficulties and conflicts than do you, for they do not hold the belief systems. They also hold intimacy.

DON: Are a lot of our belief systems built on fears that we will experience coming too close to something that's essentially true?

ELIAS: Correct.

DON: And animals can't experience that, so they couldn't develop belief systems.

ELIAS: They have not been created in this manner. Your creatures are not essence. Therefore, they have not been created in a manner that you endow them with all of your belief systems. This is not necessarily limiting of them. In many aspects, they experience more freedom than you allow yourselves.

DON: There's not much correlation. You look at dolphins and other very intelligent animals, and there's really not much evidence that they develop any of the belief systems that we have.


DON: So I guess my question is – what I'm trying to get to is – is there a direct correlation between the fact that we are central creatures and that we do develop belief systems? Are the two related? I mean, are we fighting ourselves in that way?

ELIAS: Yes, you are conflicting yourselves, but you are conflicting yourselves within your belief systems. You are limiting yourselves within your belief systems. You are no closer to consciousness than a dolphin. A creature merely holds no fearfulness of consciousness, for it has not separated itself as far from consciousness. There is an allowance of more subjective activity within creatures, for they do not block their subjective interaction. You hold fearfulness of what you term to be unknown; that which you have separated from, that which you do not remember.

DON: Is it because we do remember it on some level that we're fearful of it?

ELIAS: No. It is that you have forgotten, and THIS creates the fearfulness; but as you move into a remembrance, the fearfulness dissipates.

HELEN: In other words, our belief systems are what keep us at a distance from our essence, so we can have purity of experience ...

ELIAS: Correct.

HELEN: ... in physical focus, and that's why they were developed in the first place?

ELIAS: Correct; but it is becoming unnecessary for this separation. Therefore, you create this shift in consciousness to be exploring new aspects of your reality, incorporating more of your remembrance and of essence.

HELEN: And less belief systems.

ELIAS: Less separation.

HELEN: Less separation. But belief systems create the separation.

ELIAS: In accepting the belief systems, you create less separation."
I like this elias guy. i dont think his words are to be shrugged off with Xarxas from planet nebular as he seems to be quite knowledgeable.

very similar to seth, hes got some good stuff and goes in-depth on topics frank couldnt get into on the board. he talks alot about the consciousness shift frank mentioned and about how we are all going to be learning how we create our own realities and shifting our awarenesses into different areas of reality and stuff like that.

a good read, imo ;)
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Eyes
May 15, 2006, 21:19:16
whatever works best for YOU ;)

there is no "right" and "wrong" with this stuff
those would normally be what we call "thoughts" ;)

so deal with it like you would a normal "thought"
Why dont you just pray to allah to have him strike down osama with lightning?

if you cannot do this i must mantain the opinion that islam and all other organized religion is a crock of BS.
Quote from: just_meFrank is sure a well advanced "mystic", but he don't knows the truth. He didn't past over F4 because he was still engaged there, lost in abstractions. He condemns so much the other "mystics" because he has not read everything that is worth about. In F4 the "dreams" are still individual. Further there is collective dreams in the true sense of it. Once you realized the ultimate focus, you can relax in existence, and thus occurs what is called 'enlightenment' of the physical body. Frank was, until he had gone, definitely not enlightened.
You have no idea what your talking about, and probably no idea what F4oC (in franks model) is.
Quote from: Astral Projection
QuoteIt depends on the part of your consciousness continuum you choose to change focus to. If you end up in F2oC, that is an area of concsiousness set aside for just yourself.
So F1oC is actually 'part' of collective consciousness? The physical reality is same for all...
F1oC is your perception of a collective consciousness. The real "link" between all of us is further down the road at F4oC i believe. That is when reality stops being about "things" and "objects" and the whole network starts coming together, so to speak.
Quote from: Astral ProjectionI'm curious about phasing, so I got a few questions for you all.

* I understand that we do not actually leave the body during "astral projection" but traveling within our selves, we phase into another focus of consciousness. So is that our individual consciousness or collective one? (You know this concept that we all belong to *one* (collective) consciousness, and that our individual one doesn't really exists...)
Hello AP,

It depends on the part of your consciousness continuum you choose to change focus to. If you end up in F2oC, that is an area of concsiousness set aside for just yourself. So that would be your "individual consciousness" i guess. If you end up in F3 or (rarely) F4, these are areas of concensus reality much like the physical world. You will run into beings seperate from yourself.
Quote* My next question is about reincarnation and phasing. So all 4 Focuses oC (Frank's model) interact with each other. So when someone die he is actually going to this Transition area. That's OK. But can F3oC and F4oC exist alone without F1oC and F2oC? Is reincarnation possible only to rebuild these focuses? I heard that people do regression ant that's why I asked this.
But on the other hand it would be meaningless that reincarnation happens forever. :roll:
"Reincarnation" is actually a belief construct and has nothing to do with focus levels. Il give it to you straight from the horses mouth, so to speak  :wink:

Quote from: FrankReincarnation is a religious/mystical belief construct and has nothing to do with focuses, "levels" or otherwise. I have said repeatedly that the focuses I present are NOT levels or places they are focuses of attention. There is a difference between a focus of attention and an individual focus personality.

A focus personality is a person who engages particular focuses of attention within their available consciousness continuum, and is an individual focus of their Primary Essence. But they are NOT the ONLY focus of their Primary Essence. We each have many, many individual focuses of our Primary Essence resident within many, many other physical-like dimensions including this one. Many of us will have a small number of either "parallel focuses" or "near focuses" resident within this dimension of reality. This is only normal.

In a very simplistic view, looking at it from the point of view of thinking within linear time constraints, I can see how the notion of "reincarnation" could have come about. But that is just mystics and other religious types making the same old mistakes of the past.

To understand the reality of this issue entails a complete understanding of the functioning of what are known as Trans-Dimensional areas in consciousness. As I have said a number of times, I cannot yet provide a full explanation of the workings of these as the understanding of these areas is darned tricky and it is a subject I have been working on only for about a year. It's a Focus 4 thing and it would appear that anything to do with Focus 4 stretches the ability of people to explain in mere words. Little wonder Monroe left it alone.

I am hoping to provide some computer graphic simulations within a year or two that will explain things better than mere words. Well, this depends on other things falling into place. Last week the Frank Kepple Foundation was set up, but if no one subscribes to my Virtual Classroom and no one were to buy my book, then I'm gonna be stumped as I am not a wealthy person. I live a very frugal life and I am hoping to plough back the lion's share of any profits into further research for the benefit of us all. In a few years time I am hoping that the answers to these basic questions will be known to a substantial number of us. Not just in terms of learning, but in terms of actual hands-on experience.

Essentially, you are a focus personality adopting particular focuses of attention. You never "cease to exist". There is NO TIME within subjective reality. As such, there can be NO beginning or end. I keep trying to stress this but people are SO transfixed with the idea of linear time they just cannot seem to step out of it in their thinking.

As regards Monroe and the translation of respective focus states between my model of consciousness and his, I have posted on this a number of times but it is a subject I will be covering in the next edition of the newsletter due out at the end of this current month.

Quote from: FrankThese are excellent questions that I must have overlooked on the other thread you mention.

I freely admit that I (for one) do not have the full answers. I will not get them until I can take in the full picture of Focus 4 of consciousness. I am not even sure whether it is actually possible for a physically focused individual to take in that full picture. Focus 2 and Focus 3 are easy by comparison, as they are so "earth like" or "human like" and people have usually just made something up for the rest. In the olden days they called it "god" in significance of all they couldn't explain. But technology moves on, our understanding widens, and this topic is no different.

Listening to some of the mystics anyone would be forgiven for thinking we were still in the Dark Ages. Dunking witches, burning people at the stake and wearing garlic necklaces to ward off demons. But today we are attempting to broaden our understanding and pave the way for the new paradigm. So here we are calling it Focus 4 of consciousness. An area in consciousness that we can now learn to experience for ourselves (with a little effort in the right direction, of course).

Now, anything involving Focus 4 of consciousness is completely mind blowing, and I do not say this lightly. It is an area I have not been able to "explore" as fully as I would like. It is my current challenge, you could say.

The BIG difficulty with Focus 4 is that it's an area of fully subjective reality. There is no notion of Time, so in turn there is no notion of Space either. Focus 4 occupies no Space at all and yet it encompasses the other areas, namely, Focus 1, 2 and 3. So our whole physical universe (and all the other universes besides, but let's put them aside for a moment) is encompassed by Focus 4. Yet "outside" of Focus 4 there is nothing because Focus 4 encompasses all that is within our system. Focus 4 occupies no space, yet it encompasses our whole physical universe. Okay, so that's the first hurdle. Problem is, to us, if something occupies no space then it cannot possibly exist. Reason being we are so attached to "things".

Second hurdle: to understand Focus 4 it is necessary to take on board an understanding of infinity. This latter aspect is perhaps the most mind-blowing of all. Because, in infinity, everything happens an infinite number of times. Which means everything that has or will come about, has already happened.

From our somewhat limited linear-time perspective, we may consider a life began, it ended, and it began again. But from the perspective of Focus 4, nothing has begun and nothing has ended. All simply IS. The whole notion of beginning and end is a physical construct. From this restricted, highly limited viewpoint, people make far-reaching assumptions about the Wider Reality. Thus, constructs such as "reincarnation" come about. But when you actually look at the FACTS of the matter. When you actually step within Focus 4 and experience it for yourself, all begins falling into place. Well, that is what is steadily happening to me and I cannot be the only person in the world today who has stepped into Focus 4 of consciousness. I realise this kind of thing is quite rare and, hopefully, it will start to become more common as people begin duplicating my work.

Most "life regression" if you wish to call it that (I personally don't mind as I can see what you mean) comes through in the way it does, simply because people present themselves with the opportunities to notice what they choose to address. In that sense, people develop a tastefulness for certain aspects that resonate amongst us. We feel it "makes sense" so we believe it. But this phenomenon can readily occur entirely independently of the facts of the matter in hand; as it does in this case in the light of my hands-on experience.

When we project within subjective reality, each of us typically places ourselves in the position or anticipation of facing objects. But when you enter Focus 4, you cast off all notions of "things" and begin merging with the underlying subjective energy. That same energy, down the line, as it were, will ultimately split off here and there (again all in a manner of speaking) and create a "thing". That thing could be a soccer ball, a human being, a house, a plant, a giraffe, or whatever.

Now, in merging with energy, I do not mean you are merging into a vast pool of nothingness. On the contrary. Typically you are merging with a specific action of energy. I suppose you could say, in a very broad sense (and only in a very broad sense) you are merging with a "thing" but a thing in terms of its conceptualisation, or it's source in other words. And that source of all that is within our system is Focus 4 of consciousness.

So, ultimately, all "things" can be traced to an action in energy, the ultimate source of which is Focus 4. In other words, you could say, Focus 4 is the area of the action of the thought before it is created. But again, only in a manner of speaking because, from the Focus 4 standpoint, there is no before. All simply is. The concept of "before" comes into it as the action is engaged further "down the line" as it were... and that is where the primary mistake is made regarding the notion of reincarnation and past-lives.

All our sense of objectivity revolves around a linear time framework. To the extent where it is, currently, virtually impossible for a person to "step out" of this mode of thought.

It is FAR EASIER to believe in the false notion of reincarnation, and so it becomes! (Better the devil you know, I suppose.) Myself, I am currently finding that disassociating myself from the notion of linear time is next to impossible and takes tremendous mental effort. Okay, maybe I'm just a bit thick and other people would get it more quickly. Either way, the pursuit of this type of experience is not to be sneezed at.

Naturally I am hoping that, at some future stage, a clear set of guidelines can be presented that would make it easier for people to encompass and understand the Focus 4 experience.
