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I was leaning towards the motion also, but it could also be in the individual it's self. Something else that was different was some pills I ran into while doing research on effects of magnetite and the brain/body they're called the magnetic pill, it contains magnetitum extract with some other nootropics. While I knew that the makers were over exaggerating the effects of the product, I decided to give them a try since they weren't really over priced. I myself don't feel much when I take them except for a little better focusing ability which I supposed B-12 can do the same, but my wife recently stopped taking them because they made her feel a little dizzy (I don't know maybe I'm naturally smart j/k). She recently tried the Laxman again and everything went fine, but she said that she gets a feeling like if it sucks her in. The funny part is that a friend said the same thing when he tried them for about 10 minutes. I believe that the Laxman definitely has the ability to put one in a hypnotic trance, which is not a bad thing at all. I had read that theta waves can be healing for the body, and alpha waves help expand the mind (here's a good article on it As you have mentioned before, I think the next step is to get an EEG device to help monitor the brain waves before and after a session, the Emotiv neuroheadset might be the best bet , it might make my Christmas list. I think a good goal would be to have the ability to switch between brain waves with out the use of the Laxman throughout the day. I also have hypnosis mp3 tracks if anyone would like to load some on their Laxman, just pm me.
I have been using the Laxman and done various sessions, this is one of the best purchases I've done. My older brother has also used it and definitely wants one now since it helps alter his moods quickly from stressed to relaxed (He has high blood pressure). I have been using the Laxman with a pemf machine that I had purchased, together they make a perfect combination.

Now to the interesting part...

My wife has also been using it a few times here and there but not nearly as much as I. Last week early Monday morning we went together for a long drive, so I decided to take the Laxman along. She drove to our destination and I did a couple of sessions (Underwater, and Didgeridoo), as always they were relaxing and helpful. On the way back I drove so she decided to do a session, she also chose the Underwater since she had done it before and liked it. She mentioned that she wanted to try and keep her eyes opened a little more through the session, but 2 minutes into it we were passing by something I wanted her to see so I stopped the Laxman since it was only 2 minutes in(She didn't mind, and said she was already feeling relaxed). After I showed her what I wanted her to see she started her session again, after 10 minutes into it I notice slight hand movements, my first thought was wow she must really be enjoying the experience. Then about 14 minutes into it she suddenly takes off the headset pulls up her goggles looks up for a second and closes her eyes for about 30 seconds. At that point I'm thinking that the session was to intense for her to finish it all the way through. Then she opens her eyes and looks down at the goggles, and starts asking what happened. I look at her and there's a state of confusion on her face, I quickly respond and say, " What do you mean what happened?... What do you think happened?...". She still has a puzzled look on her face and can't answer any question correctly, and then all of a sudden it hits me, I had dabbled in hypnosis A few years back and she clearly showed signs of someone that broke out from hypnosis with out fully waking up the mind. I started asking questions to test long term and short term memory for most part all her short term memory such as what she did the prior day was gone, and even some long term such as her name, although other long term memory was still there such as who I was and my name. I remained collected even though she was starting to look worried I told her she had to sit back, close her eyes and relax for just a bit so she can regain her memory, so she did. I walked her through it as you would to someone that's hypnotized. She started to look more relaxed as I went through it, but after a bit in it she snapped out again, so I started asking more questions which I seen she had gained more recollection but still not fully there. I then told she had to relax again so I can help fully awaken her mind, so she relaxed, and I walked her through it. The whole ordeal must of lasted about thirty minutes, but everything turned out fine at the end. After the whole thing she said she had a headache positioned in the cerebral cortex portion of the head, and I could feel her frontal lobes throbbing when I put my fingers on them. Thankfully my wife's a good sport and we both don't think the experience is as bad as it sounds, and she's still willing to try it again, but just at home. I recommend to use precaution while using the Laxman every brain is different, and you can't know how intense the experience will be for any particular mind.
I am here to thank all that have contributed to this post. I was looking into the Laxman because of a purchase I had done on a pemf machine called MRS2000. The company that sells the MRS2000 device also has a separate light sound add-on that plugs into the initial device, but I would only be able to use it at home when using the MRS2000 device. I had seen the Laxman online but didn't find much user info on the item and since it's a pricey item you really want to hear some user reviews. This thread really help confirm my intuition on the device. I have now received my Laxman within 9 business days of placing the order and this thing is great. I have done a series of session opened and closed eyed, and yes I agree it feels like it helps produce DMT, after doing an opened eye session I stare up for a while and the texture of the ceiling seems to move in swirls for a while. I have been feeling pressure in my cerebral cortex and at the same time I feel focused and energized. I have let my wife and brother try the device and they both love it, all though my wife couldn't finish the Bionik session because of it's intensity (She actually jumped at one point, I think it must of been the thunder). Once again thanks, this thread is definitely useful for someone looking to purchase this device and finding this forum was just a cherry on the top of my sundae.