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Messages - Greenrat

a balanced diet.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / yoga girl
July 03, 2006, 08:50:18
must feel good having such a tension free body. itd be funny if she lit up a fag after lol
Welcome to Astral Chat! / OOBE inducing mp3's
June 29, 2006, 10:40:33
hey purple monkey could you give me the link?
im looking for something like that too..
is it any good?
creativity is something that shouldnt be taught im afraid.
you should simply start writing in whatever style feels right for you.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / The new me
June 28, 2006, 08:22:58
if you dont care for peace then how do you find peace in being into the darkness?
harmony is a better word than love imo, everything is in harmony even if it doesnt seem so. being unable to harmonise with others shows a lack of physical, mental and spiritual maturity.
put down the anton levay books and stop pretending to know stuff others dont. :P
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Ukelele from heaven
June 22, 2006, 09:56:25
yeah he's really good..
but look at what time the vid was added..

Added on November 21, 2005, 11:11 PM  <--

ZOMg Da PRoFErcY IS Troo!!!
NEW is just a more modern energy manipulation system, its included in yoga (in terms of turning on as many nerves as you can basically) but more breath orientated, and regarded as something more mystical, which it isnt really..
so you really can do them both together, i find it helps a lot. NEW and yoga are both geared towards finding tension/blockages and releasing them- so working them together is completely logical. Dont feel like your violating any thousand year old laws on yoga if you do lol.
to be honest i think NEW is a much more effective energy system because it deals with purely that (no physical movement), with yoga you have to get to a certain degree of physical loosness and pliability before you can start getting into the energy aspects.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Commercialisation!!
June 17, 2006, 21:52:55
yeah ive seen a lot of stuff like that which say they have "secret mantras to improve and balance the spirit" for a price of £40 or whatever which really annoy me..
google "wistancia" and she promises the same thing, she talks a lot about the world and how its on the brink of spiritual revolution etc.. and how she can help you as long as you send her money..


i emailed her and she told me she's only making a living, but she also says the "helpful advice" shes charging us for was channeled through to her by the friendly spirits, so i wonder if those friendly spirits would charge her????
if anyone believes that money is more important than genuinly relevant stuff for us to know then dont bother with em.
Quote from: LaroCoppasHi
Where is here some web gallery about site creators?
I'm need it.

For example, as here - Google, I'm really have seen it

Good luck!

ummm what?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / APing and creativity
June 07, 2006, 17:58:54
i noticed the exact same thing,
some times when doing trance/energy work i could FEEL not hear, but feel amazing blissful like music, probably impossible to play on any instrument/synth we have now.
i think great creativity comes from an ability to act spontaneously, and to live spontaneously means your "aligned" with the now, the moment. not thinking about the past, future or your own self imo.
thats exactly what the zone is in music or athletics, like trancending any traning or preconceptions and just letting the creativity create itself, without "you" getting in the way...
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Alien Face
June 04, 2006, 11:05:59
*toasts 1000 pieces of bread to try and get  david bowie to sell on ebay*
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Alien Face
June 03, 2006, 19:33:55
OMG that IS micheal jackson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it must be photoshop, IT MUST BE!!!!!
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Alien Face
June 02, 2006, 17:42:52
another one for the "famous faces on stuff" catalogue:

john lennon on my toast
jesus on my pavement
bruce lee coffee stain
mother teresa on the dog
santa claus in the fire
man just train more in your tai chi!!,  try and focus on keeping the crown suspended, this gets rid of all the tension in your brain.
you'll eventually have to wean yourself off the anti-depressants too, you cant only be happy when you have a drug to look forward too cos you miss out on everything in between.
i think you know how you could improve your life situation.
Quote from: El-Bortukaliyou mean,i'd become 'god' himself? doesn't appeal to me.

i think god is an overused term and made to seem more abstract than it needs to be.
everything is god and god is everything so yes you'd become everything, but more like the place from which anything is possible.

i beleive once we realise ourself on "gods" level, we'll realise how simple it was all along.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Salvia Divinorum?
May 25, 2006, 18:18:40
Quote from: jilolaAh, water kills more people in a month that salvia has even hurt people over several years.

2cents& L&L

exactly, its got nothing to do with the danger they pose to our bodies, its about not wanting people to have these kinds of profound experiences, the ruling elite will always want to supress people from experiencing something more meaningful than tabloid stories and soap operas.

 but hey, atleast they give us ciggarettes and booze, who needs life changing insights into there own nature when you can get drunk and..
1) play chicken with a train and end up as mincemeat
2) end up picking fights with random people and getting thrown in hospital or prison.
3) waking up the next day more comatose than "awake"
Quote from: loppoppy

Supposedly it is possible to have your soul broken down and not be remade thereby you are wiped from existence. But still a new soul would be made in replacement to the obliterated one.

sketchy idea there...
i think non-existence is the highest state of being. the goal of life.
this whole game is about breaking down ones individual soul.
i would have thought that if a civilisation "moved planet" then thered be some records *somewhere* to explain such a massive event.
 atleast a mere scroll or book in a temple or whatever would say something like "earth is nice, but miss mars hope 2 go back one day" some mention of it atleast..
 i do beleive the pyramids are more than just tombs though, probably astrological devices of some kind.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / new discovery??
May 24, 2006, 17:29:37
a calculator which predicts the future???
see what you think..
the video stops at 2 seconds for me??????
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Salvia Divinorum?
May 21, 2006, 14:50:13
Quote from: The Entropic Mind
You're giving pretty irresponsible advice there...

hes right about the trip being different for everyone, id never do this stuff at a party, but thats me.
tbh a mushroom trip is more effective at opening ones mind than salvia. You tend to have atleast some reccollection of what you understand when your tripping. With salvia the trip is just a hazy memory.

taking mushrooms is like remembering to take photos on holiday.
salvia is forgetting your camera in the first place.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / 1337 ONLY topic
May 21, 2006, 14:44:24

^ excerpt from a "robocop vs terminator" discussion on IMDB.

i prefer leet speak when it was in its early stages, where it was more about noob enthusiasm instead of converting every letter... but thats me.

ah fond memories of unreal tournament 2004...
ZOMFG"")$ U LOoSE mE = PwN4Ge""!"$*&
Welcome to Astral Chat! / The HOPI Prophecy
May 21, 2006, 14:37:57
i cant imagine the world NOT changing dramatically in the next decade or so, and thats got nothing to do in prophecies, just that the rate of technological advancments is going up on a daily basis.. the prophecies which are talking about change now (mayan calender etc....) only back up my hunch.
ben k the weather changing thing doesnt need to apply to anywhere specific, the point is our climate is heating up- simple. Id guess all these natural disasters are a byproduct of that.
"trees everywhere dying" obviously doesnt mean every spot of forest in the world, its probably reffering to amount of rainforest we cut down everyday.

i dont understand why someone as adept in projection like robert bruce doesnt devote more time to scientifically proving he leaves his body, the implications on the masses- knowing that they could leave there body would play a big role in this awakening process.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Hi im new
May 17, 2006, 16:27:28
maybe the memory of the experience is causing you to have those dreams but i doubt theres actually any traces of psyclobin left in your body having an extraordinary effect on your dreaming.

how were the mushrooms?
my first trip reminded me of things i can only describe as things i knew before i was born lol
ill always want to be doing these things a few times a year.
Quote from: majour kaits intersting though.
I often wonder how physicaly big or small we actualy are on the scale of things? lol

were both completely irrelevant and the most important thing there is.