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Messages - Kitsune

Thank you. I Have managed to find an intrigiuing Pagan religion, as a matter of fact. But you replies are apreciated.

  For quite a while, I have been attending a Baptist Church, and doing a lot of their activities and gatherings with them. For quite some time, I have also noticed that Baptism is very confusing... It's so negative, or so it seems. So I started this topic to try and get some clarification.
  Why is it, that the Baptist belief system beliefs so zealously in the "fact" that any and everyother religion, whether it's a denomonation of Christianity or not goes to Hell?
  Why do they blame women for the down fall of man (I'm a guy, btw)? They think women are mans helper.And that the man is always right. And I can tell you from experience folks, us guy stend to be wrong a lot of the time. 
  Why do they humble themselves so much? Dimish the confidence of their followers.

In short, is there anythign Baptist have to say that isn't pig headed or arrogant?
Are any of your books not in paper form? I do not have an electronic means of paying you, and I would REALLY REALLY REALLY love to read them all. Especially "Our Ultimate Reality".
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: I Need Advice
September 10, 2006, 20:21:57
Thanks Joe. I mean it man. You're so right. Well that takes a load off of me, phew!
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: I Need Advice
September 09, 2006, 21:31:42
Ya, I'm young 14. I know Religion is POS, lol, especially Baptism. And I'm probably gunna kick the excrement out of him. He's like 5'1" dude, lol. I didn't become very good in martial arts for nothing anyway. :)
Welcome to Astral Chat! / I Need Advice
September 09, 2006, 19:38:14
  I go to a Baptist Youth Group, ok? So you're supposed to bring as mnay of your friends as you can. I did so and it was alwasy a good thing 'til I brought one friend, he'll be known as Joe. To put it simply, I had no idea Joe would act the way he does. He's more disrespectful than me. Which is hard, but the worst of it is (Pardon my French here kids) he talks excrement. CONSTANT excrement. Behind my back, infront of people, anywhere he can. Especially to girls. I'll be talking to a few girls, just casualy. And he'll come up out of no where and say something realllllly inappropriate, usually sexuly about me, or just say something to try and imbarass me. On Sunday school he waers Gothic Style Clothing to SUNDAY SCHOOL. It's just about the worst mistake I have ever made bringing him there. What can I do to fix this?
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Re: Psionics
September 09, 2006, 19:20:25
Wow man, thanks a bunch. Atleast now I know. Well, I WILL take what you said into VERY serious consideration, believe me. But is it wrong in this situation.

THere's some kid or adult in in school or work being bullied. Is it wrong to send them positive energy, or to send energy to the person bullying them to stop?
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: Astral Learning
September 08, 2006, 21:43:22
Not to be cocky, but I can do whatever I set my mind to! ^_^
Well. I guess I'll find out in due time. :) I'ma start getting more sleep though. 7 Hours + Meditation before hand feels like CRAP.
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Re: Psionics
September 06, 2006, 21:09:30
Well I'm not going to lie to you, anyone here, or myself. I want power. Probably cause I'm very insecure and had a fairly difficult early childhood. Mom was an alchoholic, and no she's deceased, she's passed last year. I'm moving away from using it out of anger. Now if I get angry, or want to get rid of energy I just visualize it flowing out of me, and I feel better.
My motives for AP and LD are learning, mostly. Seeing other worlds, and ofcourse, fun. Meeting so many wonderfule things/people. So, I'm not being a jerk when I say this, but if I didn't stop using psionics as a method of getting people back, or giving back the emotions they sent me, what's the worst that can happen? As I said, I mean thta sincerely, not sracasticly.
I'm 14, so I drink coffee every morning. To enjoy it mind you. My diet is crap, and I don't get enough sleep.  >.< But like, could I not use this to help me???
  It's not like a voice I hear with my ears. It's more like the samething I would hear if I was thinking. But I can usually tell when it's my imagination, or something else. What are the main things I should look for/do if I know or think that I'm being, erm, 'raped' as it were by a (Can't say this without loling') shape shifting troll, so to speak a related enemy.
  There have been times when I know that it's an evil voice, at which point I think it is, I command that mofo to get out of my head, lol. But this did start right around the time I started doing energy work. But there's also another interesting thing that I just remembered...
  Back when I used to be into Ufology (ET, Aliens, all that) I figured that if there were advanced civilizations, they'd probably be more psionicly advanced that us. So I figured I'd focus a bunch of energy and send out a becon of sorts. Well a few days after, I started to hear the voice/voices in my head. NOT with my ears, lol. ET, Spirit, what?
  Thanks for helping me guys.
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Hearing Voices
September 03, 2006, 18:03:33
  Now, I'm typing this HOPING that I won't become the laughing stock of Astral Pulse, lol  :-P

  For a little while, after I started practice energy control, and what not, I started hearing a voice in my head. Yes a voice. Not like, Burn the Nieghbors House down, or a voice like that, but like, it'll answer questions I have and is almost alwasy right. And when I'm trying to decide something quickly it'll tell me what to do and the outcome is usually good. Also, I'll get a feeling of when things are going to happen. What is that voice? Insanity? I Hope not, lol. Dead People, Spirit Guide, or just me?
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Re: Psionics
September 03, 2006, 18:00:31
Attack a part of God????
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: Astral Learning
September 03, 2006, 17:58:29
  So then once I actually manage to AP, it's possible? Or atleast, after a few times.
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Re: Psionics
September 03, 2006, 12:30:12
  Attack God??? Huh?
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: Astral Learning
September 03, 2006, 12:28:59
  Ya, lol, there is that rule that 'Anything' is possible. So I guess it would work. But would be what YOU thought it was, and not the actual physical plane information? I'll have to try it.
  I hear a voice, lol, I don't know if it's an innner voice or what. It tells me what's gunna happen, or like, kinda tells me what to do in a quick thinking situation. Spirit Guide, Dead People, Insanity, I don't know. I'll have to make a topic for it... lol
  But ya, it is possible I suppose. I wonder though, do any of you guys AP and are willing to try it?
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Psionics
September 02, 2006, 18:08:24
  I recently read an article on Those of you know what it is are gunna be surprised at the nature of this article, especially since it held a lot of truths.
  It was something a long the lines of "So and So's Guide to Psionics". I forgot the authors name. I figured that I'd read it, since there was really nothing to loose. I was shocked. I read it over the course of several days due to the size of it, and it was basically telling you how to use energy and what not.
I started practice at directing, absorbing, and controlling energy. You know, just like, focusing it towards goals to make them happen. Every single time I do this it works. Even if only in a mild sense.
  I don't like admitting this, but I have used it several times to attack other individuals. The only thing I really do is direct all of my anger and vengeance towards them. Usually something bad happens to them. Mind you, I only do that in extreme cases but that's beside the point.
  Anyhow, now I'm becoming more clairvoyant, and help people all of the time, usually by directing good energy towards them, or just talking to them.
  Basically, I just want to know what I can do to further enhance my abilities to the point of telekinesis or teleportation. Don't tell me it isn't possible either. :D
 I'll have to try that. I just can't meditate or concentrate with a sore throat, a headache, or body aches. But you could also have taken too much Cough Medicine if you have visions or hallucinations. Depending on the brand, that is. If it has "Dextromorthanaphan" or something to the likes of that, or it sas DM, or DXM then you can reallly messed up (High as a kite) if it's in there. It's called "Robotrippin" or something like that. It's extremely dangerous though.  :-(
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Astral Learning
September 02, 2006, 17:51:47
  I was in my Martial Arts class (Ji Do Kwan Family Style Tae Kwon Doe) when I thought of something... Would it be possible to sort of 'download' entire languages, martial art styles, and other huge packages of information from the Astral Plane, or another individual on the Astral Plane.
  In "The Matrix" Neo was able to download Kung Fu from The Matrix. Would that be possible in real life? Just having someone 'send' you the information, or simply downloading it from the very ether of the Astral Plane.
  Not just Martial Arts, or Languages, but how to do certain things, like Telekinesis, Teleportation, and other things like that.
  Do you guys thinks it's possible? Or is it merely a matter of finding someone willing to give you such information?
What do you mean by Energy Raising? Simply getting Psionic Energy? If that's the case, then just visualize Energy flowing into you from sources like teh Sun, Stars, Earth, Moon, floor, air, use your imagination.
I'm friends with an  individual who has recently stated to seeing "Shadow People". According to him, it's been happening since he was 5. With more and more sightings occurring yearly. He gets a bad feeling right before he begins seeing them en mass. He sometimes wakes up with scratches on his body, though mostly on his hands. He has also had trouble getting to sleep. I've already done a psionic exercise that may or may not solve the problem. I won't know until he contacts me later on today, or near the end of the week. If this does not solve the problem, I'll need a few suggestions on how to get rid of them. Thank you so much!
Welcome to Dreams! / In Dream
March 10, 2006, 18:18:58
I noticed that when I used a meditation CD prior to go to sleep, I had a much better dream recollection ratio. So, I think I should keep doing that.
Welcome to Dreams! / In Dream
March 08, 2006, 18:53:43
Once one masters Lucid Dreaming, so to speak, is it possible to make the dream reality as realistic as the one we're using our computers?

 How hard is it, really.

 And, how many of your know where I can find  TRULY good book.
I was leaning in that direction, but the problem is that I have Mac OS and not Windows, so what should I do there????