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Messages - jack rader

Hello General:

There are people on these forums that do have medical experience.  Why not post your questions that you would ask a doctor and see what replies you get.  After all, no one here knows your real name or where you live.  Any replies may give you an idea whether you need to personally contact a physician.  All of us were your age once..

Doctors are smart enough not to give a diagnosis by email.  They could lose their medical license or get sued.

Just a thought.

J. Rader

Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Belief Systems
September 03, 2002, 05:28:34
I am glad to hear that you also have discarded this so-called Christian belief system.  I thought it was a real crock of crap even when I was ten years old.
Since moving to Florida I had the interesting experience of running across a few persons I know who are into this "born again Christianity."
This evangelical fundamentalist crowd is something else.  I thought that as a mainstream Christian back before puberty that it was a bit too much to swallow, until I saw these people and saw how they behaved and believed.
It is no wonder Europe and much of the rest of the world either shake their heads at American society or just plain dislike us.  So much of today's Christianity breeds hatred and contempt all over the world.
Best to have gotten out.

Best wishes,

For those of you with big credit card debt.  Take notice.  The U.S. House of Representatives just narrowly missed passing a bill that will make it impossible to just "walk away" from credit card debt if you have to declare bankruptcy.  The Senate would have also passed it and President "Family Values" Bush would have signed it.  An abortion-type rider saved the day.
Do I have to tell you which interest groups backed this bill????
The really bad news is that come September, the Congress will take this bill up again....the odds are good that it will pass.
The cats are closing off the escape routes of the mice.  The "Big Brother" one world government people strike again.
They are the ruling, elite class.....guess who we are.
Wake up.

Jack R. Rader