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Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Reality's Rule.
November 26, 2009, 10:14:58
REALITY'S RULE: The Covert makes the Overt APPEAR real.
The Covert or Hidden, Missing, Universe makes the Overt or Visible Universe appear real.

Realization is all about Reality trying to find it-Self.
Derealization: What MUST be hidden for something to APPEAR  real?

There is no duality in "reality": there are  only thoughts.
Thoughts are all the same – they only appear different.

Two types of thoughts create the appearance of Reality. NOT good thoughts and bad thoughts but:
Overt thoughts and Covert thoughts:
Covert thoughts make the good thoughts appear real just as much as they make the bad thoughts appear real.

the  more  Covert thoughts "stay" hidden (secret, missing)
the more they MUST make the Overt thoughts appear more and more real.

This Covert to overt ratio is not subtle: there must be a massive amount of Covert thoughts to make a few Overt thoughts appear real.
So in  reality, Universe: science tells us that the  bulk (>99%) of the Universe is "missing," hidden, Covert, to make the insignificantly small <1%  Overt Universe APPEAR real.
Science cannot access this massive Hidden Universe because Science's  seeking focuses on the insignificantly small Overt Universe.

as with the Universe so too with the Mind:

If seeking  focuses on the Overt
then the Covert  will have no choice
but make the Overt  appear more and more real.

If the Seeking  focuses on the Covert:
then the Covert will have no choice
but REVEAL  how it makes the Overt appear real.

When the Covert reveals that  it has no-choice but make the Overt APPEAR real...  there is nothing left to seek. 

- O'no
Science's ONLY purpose is to make its reality appear real
.. and for this purpose it finds better and better formulas and numbers
to make it appear more and more real
until it appears rock-solid and certain.

Language's ONLY purpose is to make its words, Fiction, appear  real
.. and for  this purpose it finds better and better words and phrases,
  even  numbers and formulas,
to make this Fiction appear more and more real
until it appears so rock-solid and certain
that it must be really, Really REALLY real.

put the SAME  purpose of science and language together
and you have a Universe of which at least 99%  MUST BE  missing,
and then some,
the more of the Universe is missing
the better this missing Universe
can make what is not missing  (<1%)
appear really, Really, REALLY real.


(if there was something "real" about this <1% Visible Universe
then science would be revealing more and more of the missing 99%
but instead
the more science makes its reality appear real
the more it increases this 99% missing-universe towards the 100%.)

-- really, Really, REALLY.
the interaction between Krishna and Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita tells us of the path the seeker takes to realize that all is Self --  Self-realization.
Stage 1:
the Seeker finds that life is unmitigated confusion and chaos --  so he seeks meaning. He uses meditation only to be  overwhelmed with guides and angels...  and out of body-experiences and other dimensions and other lives...  lives with unimaginable hells  and then unimaginable heavens ... and only when all these  different lives in meditation/dreams/OBE  become boring to the seeker – as was life – only then does the  seeker find himself in the  second-phase to SELF.
Stage II:
only when  the seeker also  rejects all these other lives – and metaphorically but adamantly  tells all guides and angels and especially gods to get lost – only then do all these other lives leave the seeker ABRUPTLY and permanently. IT is an absolute and also an extremely abrupt change.  (There is  an obvious reason for this. The SELF cannot have decoys like angels, souls, guides...  and gods  around if it is to realize it-SELF. )
The instant a seeker  reject ALL LIVES is the instant they vanish forever ... literally NEVER to bother the seeker/SELF again. 
Stage III:
very few of the greatest gurus and even gods can tell us about Stage III because metaphorically the SELF never shed all its apparent differences for them. 

the third and final stage of realization: when all the differences the SELF needs to appear to be many .. when these differences vanish  ... this becomes more and more obvious because the "sleep-dreams"  start to align with life, or compliment life, more and more .. until it becomes OBVIOUS that nothing can separate  dreams from life.
In this stage the  seeker starts to dream about the same nonduality he tries to figure out in life... and often the seeker needs his dreams to figure out the nonduality he was seeking in life and otherwise he needs life to figure the same nonduality of his dreams ... in this final stage to Realizing the SELF: the Self slowly sheds all its differences so that there is literally  nothing that separates dreams from life – they all become the same ONE dream of the ONE Self.
And even the most potent gurus and gods, like Buddha, Jesus ... and even Ramana .. Shankara ... could not -- or were not allowed --  to explain this absolute ONENESS of Self because their dreams did not compliment their lives enough to make it obvious – that  both dreams and life are the same fiction of the SAME one-SELF.
Krishna's ultimate message to Arjuna becomes clear only with an "understanding" of Stage III:
Krishna: Arjuna, you will realize you are AWAKE because there there will be  nothing left to seek or do or understand because there will be nothing to separate your dreams from life .. because they are both the same fiction of the same SELF.
-- really, Really REALLY   

ONLY when dreams become one with LIFE.
ONLY then can the SELF fully realize it-SELF
because there is no other.
-- O'no
I had a dream.

All the experts of science, religion and philosophy
worked together ruthlessly in this dream
with the same morals that make masters abuse slaves. 

These experts used their ruthless logic and methods of science
with all the  facts and figures  of their certified documents, rituals,  rote and rhetoric
and all their ruthlessly tortured text
of  Korans, Talmuds and Torahs,
Bibles and books
to prove to me that I was really not dreaming
... but I had doubts, really.

so their rage turned to the fury that whips slaves ...
their fury gave me their drugs, and ECT (Electro-Convulsive-Therapy) 
... but I still had doubts, really.

Then God himself appeared to me in this dream, really.
God appeared to me with his majestic legions of angels, saints,
to convince me that all his experts
with all his priests, bishops, cardinals and  popes were ruthlessly right
because I was really Really not dreaming.
... but I still had  doubts, really, even after a lobotomy.

... until the  devil scared the living hell out of me, after a second lobotomy,
to convince me, with Dante,  that God and all his legions of angels, popes and saints
and all his ruthless experts with all their drugs and operations
must be right because I was really Really REALLY not dreaming
which left no doubt
for peaceful sleep.

-- O'no
the most dreaded destroyer of reality
is  not a drug, it is not a disease
it is not a nuclear holocaust 
it is not even a world-ending cataclysm
... not even if 2012 is a sun-vanishing black-hole. 

the most dreaded destroyer of reality
is the ONE that makes it appear real,
the SELF of "Self-realization"

that God must really call death.

-- O'no
Kundalini is Self, Samadhi, manifesting it-Self to thoughts, Mind.

Kundalini manifests it-Self to thoughts in different dilutions, dynamics, waves and even explosions of unfathomable Bliss that most must take with terror. Very rarely Kundalini explodes in  a universe-vanishing BigBang of duality-killing laughter....

Kundalini is the so-called "god-intoxication" of Masts, lunatics and street-people... or it can be uncontrollable hysterical laughter at nothing... 
and for those experts of spirituality, non-duality, 
who think  that only celibate saints and  gurus can get stoned on Self, Kundalini,
just for these  experts  Kundalini also manifests it-Self especially well as "Permanent Sexual Arousal Syndrome (PSAS)."   
-- O'no
the Hindus of old used their Supreme Science (the use of meditation to study thoughts)
to give us nonduality, the Monism called Advaita ..  another name for Modern Physics.
-- with their study of thoughts, alias  Advaita, they figured out the two limits of Matter
that 5000 years later Modern Physics/Cosmology  gives us:

At the beginning end:Cosmology gives us the Big Bang that is the start of the Universe
At the end end: when the Universe's matter vanishes it is into Gravity, alias "Black Hole."

The Non-duality of Advaita give us BOTH --  the same Big Bang and Blackhole -- but not with anything Outside but what is "Inside" , Self, Samadhi, Physics' Time=0, Now.

Exactly like matter and its Light has a "limitless-no-control" of the  Black-hole that swallows it 
so too thoughts, mind, has the same  "limitless -no-control" of Samadhi that vanishes thoughts, mind.
just like a black-hole, alias gravity,  DISTORTS  matter like an elastic band before it vanishes into  black-hole
so too samadhi also DISTORTS  its thoughts ...
the distortion of matter by a black-hole is called "gravity"
.. the  distortion of thoughts/mind  by Samadhi  the Hindus of old called Kundalini, Shakti.

Kundalini – the distortion of thoughts by Samadhi... Samadhi can manifest it-Self to thoughts as Kundalini with limitless dilutions and dynamics, and explosions.

Very rarely Kundalini can explode with a big-bang explosion ( that only the universe's big-bang can compare)  with this rare bigbang explosion of Kundalini the Universe vanishes .. EXACTLY like matter vanishes into a Black-Hole

Thus Samadhi (that is  Physics' time=o, Now)  is not only the (Inside) Black Hole scientists are looking for outside in the universe
but it is also the (Inside) Big-Bang that scientists are looking for  outside to explain their Universe.
-- O'no
Physics and its Cosmos give us the exact same story about Black Holes
that  Spirituality gives us.

In the Universe, Galaxies appear to have  "Black Hole(s)."
A Black Hole is just an extreme force of gravity that makes matter vanish.
As "Matter," like Stars and their Planets,
get close to a "Black Hole" in the Universe
its extremes of gravity grossly DISTORT  or stretches Matter
-- like it was an elastic band --
into the Black-hole until Matter  becomes so distorted/thin that it vanishes into the Black Hole.

The Hindus of old figured out the pure "nonduality" spirituality or Advaita that also gives us a Blackhole. 

In/with Spirituality matter is not real: matter only appears real. 
If matter is unreal then it cannot have a "Black Hole": thoughts do.

the Hindus of old called the Blackhole  that vanishes thoughts: Samadhi.

Just like a Black Hole does all the work on matter; so too Samadhi does all the work on thoughts, alias mind.

"Before" thoughts metaphorically vanish  into Samadhi they can get DISTORTED 
( Actually, thoughts cannot do anything....  so
when Samadhi "influences" thoughts it DISTORTS  thoughts )
-- exactly like matter is distorted by the "gravity" of the Black Hole  --
this DISTORTION  of thoughts  the Hindus did not call gravity
but Kunalini/Shakti. 
to these Hindus the Blackhole for thoughts was Samadhi
and Samadhi's distortion of thoughts is Kundalini, Shakti.
in Spirituality matter and its Black Hole are both unreal
because both only appear real.
In Spirituality thoughts are also unreal
to make the Blackhole of thoughts
the only thing that can be real: Self, Samadhi.

in the Cosmos black-holes appear in the distant outside,
in Spirituality the Blackhole is the VERY-REAL "inside"
-- Samadhi, Self, (Physics' Time=O, Now) --
that makes the outside, body and universe,  appear real –
exactly like a Movie-screen makes a movie appear real.

-- O'no

an age is "spiritual"
when it doesn't have to appear real.
-- O'no
WARNING: The ONLY purpose for these words is to help those diagnosed with "Insanity" to "understand"  their insanity.
For everyone else these words are pure poison
. So the WARNING:
For the mental health of society, and civilization in general,
If you consider yourself as "Sane" then
because if they start making sense
it will be not just insanity, but far worse: Global Insanity.

Derealization is literally every type of mental illness imaginable – from the cloud-9 heights of hysterical mania to the unimaginable depths of so-called "Clinical Depression."

Derealization is just the "Hindu" Kundalini, alias Self,  that is  different dilutions and dynamics of body-melting waves of so-called "bliss" --  that to most appears as a derealizing terror.
Kundalini can also be a "nothing is real"  Laughter that sometimes is
an unimaginable universe-vanishing explosion of "derealization"
that only the Universe's Big Bang,
or the unimaginable forces around a Black Hole
can duplicate with dynamics.

Lots, like millions and millions, of people, especially so called psychotics and derelicts like "god-intoxicated masts"  are derealized, alias "stoned or god-intoxicated on Self"...  with different dilutions and dynamics, even explosion of Kundalini/Derealization
but it is a very rare soul whose mind somehow drifts far beyond
the obstruction called god
to "understand" that Derealization  is simply sanity's "Self-Realization" --  that is all about: "Absolutely Nothing."
exactly like the Bhagavad Gita tries to tell us with its Epic Battle at  Kurukshetra:
Just like in the song "War": WAR...  what is it good for Absolutely Nothing. So too with Self-realization, it is also good for Absolutely Nothing.

Derealization is like
robbing a child of its fantasy
that adults organize
to appear real.
-- O'no
Derealization is the Self
robbing it-SELF
of its fantasy, Maya, dream
by revealing that this maya is nothing more
and nothing less
than a  good-for-nothing hallucination.

"Clinical Depression" is simply the limit of Self robbing it-Self of its fantasy, maya:  Depression  is simply the metaphorical "Self" not wanting to get back into the agony of its body, not even to  "experience" the limits of  "War" for  Absolutely Nothing.

-- O'no
Quote from: CFTraveler on May 01, 2009, 11:46:48
I don't think....  I think they are more different than similar.
Self/Spirit's Best Secret:
seeking differences will create them
to make fiction appear real;
seeking similarities will vanish differences   
into fiction.
-- O'no
All spiritual traditions of all ages
give us a concept of "Realization,"
that is: realization of  "spirit," spirituality.
or more specifically: "Self-realization."

In the pure spiritual traditions of Non-duality
the meaning of Self-realization is all about this "spirit" being "One with the Universe."
This One that is the Universe is Self. Thus "Self-realization."

Modern Medicine defines this feeling or awareness of  "Being one with the Universe" as Depersonalization: "A state in which the normal sense of personal identity and reality is lost, characterized by feelings that one's actions and speech cannot be controlled."

Modern Medicine also gives us the diagnosis of "derealization" for anyone who "thinks" (s)he is this "One with the Universe":  the non-dualistic SELF.
Derealization: "Psychiatry: An altered and unreal perception of things and objects in space/time, which may be accompanied by depersonalization. See Hallucination." 

-- O'no
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / God's Universe
April 30, 2009, 13:03:33
God has to be a real fool to think
that the >99% Hidden Universe
has no control of his <1% Visible Universe...
– and if he knew this then he would not be a god but a physicist.

And if he was a smart physicist he would be laughing
at just how much less than 1% a universe really needs
to appear really real. 

-- O'no
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Re: O'no's Laws
April 30, 2009, 12:36:22
Quote from: interception on April 30, 2009, 05:41:36
Uhm, this makes very little sense to me...

What drug must one be on to start grasping the stuff of O'no?  :roll:

ANY drug that will lead you to someone
who really  understands the BASICS of physics and its Universe
will do the trick.
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / O'no's Best Law
April 30, 2009, 12:31:27
O'no's Best Law:

the >99% Hidden*Universe
contains everything
that makes even God
a real fool
times ten,
and then lots more.
Hidden*Universe: Dark Matter, Antimatter, Black Holes
and everything else
that needs to be discovered, including God,
to be ALSO really really missing.
-- O'no
It takes no faith to believe in God
it takes faith to go beyond Him.
-- O'no
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / O'no's Laws
April 29, 2009, 18:06:53
O'no's First Law:
A Black Hole makes fiction appear real.

A First Rule defines a Black Hole
that needs more and more rules to appear more and more real;
to make the First Rule, Black Hole,
deeper and darker to its fiction.

O'no's Second Law:
without any rules
there can be no Black Holes that
rules need to look, sound and feel
safe and secure inside appearing real.

O'no's Third Law:
The >99% Hidden Universe
makes the <1% Visible Universe appear real.

As long as the Visible Universe appears real
it is a Black Hole to the Hidden Universe.
 Spirituality's Matter
Science's physics tells us absolutely
that the observer determines what he observes
be it particle, wave, probability-cloud or... ???
This rule "the observer determines what he observes" – is Universal because it also applies to the way the observer sees his Universe, Cosmos.

If a physicist really wants to see a wave then all he has to do is really want to see waves instead of particles: this guarantees that he will always see waves and not particles.  Really. 
On the other hand, if the physicist really wants to see particles, instead of waves, then that is what he will always see, also guaranteed. Really.

as with physics and its Cosmos
so  too with spirituality
and its guides, gurus and gods:

society and its sciences and religions have all "materialized" its masses
to observe our bodies as being solid
even though physics tells us, absolutely,
that there is Nothing solid about the particles
or their atoms/molecules that make up our body,
ABSOLUTELY Nothing, really, Really.

if a person really wants to "awaken" to spirituality
then all (s)he has to do ...  what physicists do:
and voila, without any magic: all bodies will be spirits,   
and this is really guaranteed by not only Krishna, Buddha and Jesus.... Ramana
but also by all their gurus and gods, really Really.

As for the atheists
Physics and its Cosmos guarantees them
that if they also really really want to see spirits instead of bodies
then all their bodies will be spirits 
without the need for miracles or magic, not even 2012:
really, Really REALLY.

-- O'no
New Age --
we have never been in an "old age"
and yet we keep hearing words about a "new age."

We have always been in an  age that is determined
NOT by what we observe
but the way we observe it – just like Physics tells us.

So the question is NOT – when or what is this "new age"?
the question is:
how does a spirit have to observe everything 
to realize
that his body has always been a spirit?

Physics gives us the answers
but only the Hindus of old
explain these answers
with their "Supreme Science"
that gave us Monism,
or the nonduality called  "Advaita."

-- O'no

Supreme Science: "the use of meditation to study thoughts"
with the same EXACT ruthlessly godless, systematic, scientific methodology
  that Physicists use on their particles/waves.
The limits of evolution:
the size and mobility of wheelchairs
the size and security of our penitentiaries
the amount of drugs each person must take to be healthy... 
the size and number of bombs...  germ and chemical warfare that mankind needs not to fight wars because there is nobody left to fight them.
but mostly the number of victims a suicide-bomber must  kill
just to get to heaven. 

the victims of evolution
give us the end of Spiritual Evolution;
while the living need bigger and better wheelchairs and penitentiaries, drugs, bombs and germ and chemical warfare just to keep mankind evolving always forward
further and better.
-- O'no
Quote from: Alan McDougall on August 27, 2008, 06:03:17
This is a conundrum/paradox and enigma I have battled with for many years.

Is the entity we refer to as "God" a Supreme Being separate from the rest of existence?....  In other words is "God"...
after billions and billions of words
someone probably figured out how to con his fellow man 
by turning the work dog around for the word god...  religion was born to make that someone probably very rich and powerful perhaps even that "god."
... "In other words":

"after billions of words
god is just a word that all sorts of other words make a Black Hole
this god needs to look sound a feel safe and secure appearing real inside."
-- O'no

Quote from: interception on April 24, 2009, 17:37:54
Are you saying mathematics cannot ever explain quantum processes? Are you also saying math must be thrown away and we must only approach quantum problems philosophically?  If so, I would have to disagree. It is only labeled impossible because we do not understand it yet. We don't have the math for it yet.  Our people aren't smart enough. Yet. Or maybe we will never be smart enough and our "picotech AI machines" or whatever will someday understand it.  :roll:
there is nothing wrong with math, after all it keeps the universe expanding with its science.

focus on the impossibilities of  physics
and they will start multiplying more and more
to make physics more and more insignificant
just like its particles that have to vanish when the observer gets close.

Just like words: numbers can be manipulated  to do anything.
As a rule that academics/science needs to appear  serious/important:
Scientists manipulate numbers to make their "reality" appear real, and in this process their numbers expand the Universe.
If scientists  used math to make reality appear unreal
then it would be exactly what it is: unreal.

-- O'no
Spirit or Self is ALL, Everything,
there is no other.

Self/Spirit masquerades as everything in the Universe.

When Self manifests it-SELF to the mind
the Hindus of old called it Kundalini, Shakti, Shaktiput
... undiluted/unpolluted with thoughts, (dreamless-sleep)
these Hindus of old  called Self  Samadhi.

If the Mind was the planet Earth
then Kundalini would be its Earthquakes,
and rarer volcanic-eruptions
and it would also be the unimaginable earthquakes
that come with the most-rare meteor-impacts-annihilation. 

Just like earthquakes occur more frequently around the Pacific Rim
so too Kundalini occurs more frequently around certain places, animals and things
and certain individuals;
like psychopaths, street-people, so-called  "god-intoxicated/insane" Masts
and sometimes so-called celibate "saints."

Just like most earthquakes go undetected
unless the mind/body is receptive,
(that is: still, peaceful and quiet)
so too with kundalini.

(to society and all her religions/science kundalini makes the mind malfunction,  literally "insane.")

even though the kundalini that makes street-people, masts, psychopaths, insane-people, perverts and sex-maniacs appear abnormal to society ...
although their kundalini is  far more likely to trigger kundalini  than the likes of celibate saints...
most kundalini goes unnoticed unless the mind is quiet,
like in meditation,
and this occurs mostly around the rare celibate-saint
and NOT around the common street-person ...  Mast
and least of all around the less-common sex-maniac, pervert and psychopath. 

-- O'no
Quote from: Mattoid on April 19, 2009, 18:07:14
I agree to the extent that life's comparable to a screenplay in the respect that if we knew we were eternal beings it'd belittle life experiences. Our growth would be hindered if this was the case. Mortality is something to be taken very seriously.

But no, I don't believe we're here to BE entertained. That would be pointless now wouldn't it?
We're incarnated here to grow, and to help others grow.

exactly!!!! : very entertaining
Quote from: TurulMadar on April 21, 2009, 01:25:41
How can you people bash religion like that? I thought "astral projectors" of all people would respect people who devote great amount of time and dedication to what they believe in. Just because some religious people (Jeh....Witnesses) are more "pushy" than others, doesn't mean that all religions are bad or are only out to make money (which is a ridiculous statement). Come on DB, thought you'd be a little more considerate.
Religion  is "Organized Sadism" --
the sadist that gets the most pleasure/passion from upsetting the masses/outsiders the best 
by thumping the scriptures the best
always gets promoted the best: getting pleasure/passion from upsetting people is Sadism.

As Long a religion/preachers focus on the differences between beliefs -- it will never be anything more than Organized Sadism.
When religions focus on the similarities between beliefs they vanish, in "love."