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Messages - Brett

I agree with you Lion. However, not all learning and change comes thru pain, but sometimes it serves purposes otherwise not possible. I'm of the opinion that it's all for the better. I see positive changes I'm making now, as well as a perspective I might not otherwise have had. My patience is perhaps one of the elements I find most difficult to find peace with. However, I can't expect everything to happen all at once.

Thanks for the L#3 program. I assume I can connect the Laxman to my computer with the USB connector and load to the internal drive? I ordered a mini SD card, but I don't know if I'll be using it anytime soon. The only downside I see to the preloaded programs is the tendency for them to shift to Beta, thus killing any vibratory state that has built up to the point. Found that out yesterday. Any opportunity for an OBE would be limited by the length of the program. This may not necessary continue to be the case though .Still, there is much therapeutic benefit to the programs, even if you don't go out of body. I guess that's why I'm looking forward to working with the L#3 program today.

I will say, the experience changes the more the Laxman is used. Archangel Haniel was right. All experiences are cumulative and changing. Nothing is wasted. It's kind of cool to have angels take an interest in our progress towards the exploration of altered states. Their interest and involvement goes beyond our imagination. We certainly are never alone as we might think we are. Have a good day everybody.

Love and Light,

Astral Pulse followers,

Got my Laxman today. Started with the "Deep Relax" program, followed with "Underwater" and "Across". I experimented with open eyes vs closed, and determined that closed eyes actually provided the greatest variation in color and stimulation. While keeping my eyes open, there didn't appear to be the variation and imagery that closed provided. Open eyes gave a great intensity, but I would have to say I prefer to keep them closed. I achieved a wonderful relaxation experience during the sessions, but did not phase today. At one point, near the end of "Across," I felt a huge surge of vibrations, much like I have felt during spontaneous OBEs in the past. It took me by surprise and my shock kind of killed it for me. I need to be a little more of an observer, welcoming sensations as they come. The program was coming to an end, so I felt to shift to Beta, killing the vibration state.

I took Lion's advice on the goggles, removing the strap altogether. This seemed to work pretty well. I draped a towel over the goggles to cut out any outside light, as well as hold the goggles in place. Never had a problem with discomfort or movement with the goggles during the sessions.

At one point, feeling her presence, I called on the Archangel Haniel during one of the sessions. It has been over a year since I communicated with this angel! She provided some valuable feedback to what I should expect. She was very comforting during the process, putting my mind at ease in my expectations of a possible OBE today. She said that the sessions will help build up my energy body and that I will achieve an AP soon enough. I've been very sick for most of the past year with pancreatitis. It is still a mystery as to how I got sick, but I'm thankful that I began to come out of it near the end of the year.  It is only recently that I have taken myself off all the pain meds. Haniel further reminded me that I am still healing, and my energy body is healing as well. The Laxman is serving as a vehicle to build me back up in mind and spirit. She encouraged me to continue the sessions, as all progress is cumulative, nothing is wasted.

This is not a forum about angels, but angel communication is a big part of my life. It is something I lost during my sickness, while I was on all the meds. Getting back to being able to communicate, as well as learn to initiate OBEs is important for me. When I got sick, I had just finished the first draft of a book I'm writing and had turned it into my editor. Needless to say, for over a year the book has remained unfinished. Angel communication, messages and inspiration fill the pages I have channeled and crafted thus far. So restoring that channel, as well as opening up to new experiences and inspiration are quite important to me. I have to feel that my sickness served a purpose. Had I not become sick, I would have probably finished the book with the same perspective I had when I started it. I would like to think that the Laxman will provide something important that I was missing, taking me to places full of inspired thought and messages that would not have been available to me a year ago. All indications seem to point to this truth.

Thank you for reading this rambling post! I will continue to experiment with the Laxman, as well as remain open to your suggestions during this learning process. I have read all your posts and feel as though I know each of you. I look forward to sharing something a little more interesting next time.

Love and Light,

The Laxman I ordered off Ebay was actually from the Marks General distributor that Lion mentioned. However, I got the last new Laxman from this distributor. Others are on order from Germany. He was also selling some used units on Ebay that came from open boxes or were previously used as demo models. Marks General is probably the best bet to buy a new or used unit if you live in the US.
#4 a matter of fact, (my Laxman I got off EBay) is actually coming from Wisconsin. Perhaps that's the North American distributor Lion was talking about!
Hey Lion,

Not sure if Mind Mods is out of business, but they currently don't have any Laxman units. They called me and asked if I wanted to wait for a shipment to get in. I declined and immediately picked up a new unit off EBay. I get the same warranty and support from the German manufacturer. I should get it either Saturday or Monday. I wasted a week with Mind Mods. They left me hanging with no follow up. Perhaps they truly are out of business and are working to get back in the game. Either way, unless they demonstrate to be a reliable dealer, I would look for Laxman units elsewhere.


Hi, I'm new to Astral Pulse. I have a history of spontaneous OBEs and have worked on initiating them on my own. I haven't been successful in that respect, but when I spontaneously wake up with heavy vibrations and buzzing in my ears, I have no problem with getting out. I continue to work on techniques I learned through Bill Buhlman's course at the Monroe Institute. I have some of the binaural recordings Buhlman created, as well as the CDs he engineered to provide a guided hypnotic approach to achieving OBEs. While I haven't initiated separation on my own, I've become very close.

I just ordered a Laxman through the Mind Modulations website. I don't know how the Laxman will help me specifically, but I'm going to approach it as an aid to meditation, then basically experiment to see what is possible. I'm intrigued by the results that people have described here, and I'm hopeful that I'll have some interesting experiences to share. I've read a lot of opinions here that seem to recommend that someone should be experienced at astral projection before using the Laxman. If that is to suggest that I should be able to initiate vibrations and sleep paralysis on my own, then I guess I'm a little premature on my purchase of the Laxman. Just the same, it can't be much harm to begin experimentation with some of the Laxman programs from a purely meditative approach. If my experimentation into these altered states leads to projection, then all the better. Am I approaching this with the wrong expectations? Just wanted to know what the consensus opinion is on this subject.