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Messages - bigimpact

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Hi DrShaman
January 02, 2005, 19:38:56
The Spirit thing is a moot point; *ANY* being of sufficient development has access to knowledge outside of physical time-space. Whether the event is global or not is completely irrlevant.

Regarding how many Swedish tourist were affected; are you frikking serious?  150,000 dead already, millions to come and you consider Sweden had a rough ride with 2,000? Personally I would be grateful for *only* having 2,000 caught up in the incident; indeed the raw power of love and good in the universe ensured that *only* what did happen, did.

Your own mind isolates those killed from your country as a special case; which means your own individuality has been moulded by nationalism and also by ownership of a higher energy (controlling country), When you (actually, everyone) develop sufficiently; they will no longer see any such divisons and maybe the pile of crap humans have put the world through in the name of nationalism (even to alleged neutrals) can begin to calm down.

Finally, my integrity (regarding many prophecies, not just recent events) with those who count is absolute; i.e. myself and those who need to know me. There would have been no benefit to me posting details here; other than to draw unnecessary attention to myself; which for reasons which will be come apparent is not possible for the next year and a half.

You may find it useful for your own development to ask why you would like this to have been posted here before? Does it help your own personal development in any way?


Mark :wink:
Hi DrShaman,

It isn't harder to predict global than personal events. However, because an individual is closer in time-space to a higher proportion of casue and effect, most events are seen as a product of other localised events.

The ability to predict accurately depends on your ability to understand all the causes and effects which could afect the outcome of any event. At certain levels of training and development,  the ability not just to "guess" or "intuit" higher and further reaching energetic disturbances is a simple enough process.

In answer to your question; this means it is not harder in "perfect" theoretical terms; but because most humans are of a lower overall level of development than is required to do the "bigger" things, there is a general - false - perception that such things are harder.


Welcome to Metaphysics! / Simply put: It isn't
January 01, 2005, 19:13:00
Hi All,

It isn't difficult at all to foresee and predict disasters; I observed the present tsunami around a year and a half ago as prophecy is a particular skill of mine. It is more important that you understand, that were I to go to any authority and say 200,000 people will die in a year and a half and millions will die in the aftermath then simply put I would be locked up or ignored. Incidentally, the prophecy has been logged and verified from my hermetic training diary.

The skills involved depend on your energetic abilities and overall centeredness; higher than tiphareth and prophecy becomes much like second nature - depending on the individuals' elemental balance.

On a final note, the Tsunami was meant to happen and for very good reasons. I sympathise with all those affected, but it is a damning indictment of the species when millions are left to die from poverty, starvation and "political" war, and are seldom thought of - but the moment nature displays a direct result of cause and effect and suddenly... well... I would prefer the out-pouring of sympathy to be spread evenly when there aren't disasters around to stir the publics normally apathetic state.

Unfortunately, that is one thing I don't see in the near future ;-)


Hi Guys,

Recently got Robert's latest "Psychic Self Defence" suddenly the world is beocming a lot more clear. A few weeks ago I had one of teh worst days fo my life after a heavy boozing session that ended around the house of a group of friends who are heavy drug takers / drinkers. I was the worse for wear and had smoked. There was a weird atmosphere for a party and when I was tralking to one of my friends I didn't feel as if I was talking to him anymore, but a very ancient energy. At the time I thought it was said friend. Last person in the world you;d expect to haev a maor history or any psychic inclination.

The day after was the killer. Bedbound, stomach cramps, bloating, severe lower back aching and pain - you name it. Doctors didn't have a clue and I was popping more pills than a raver at Glastonbury. All day, hell on Earth, the day after? It was like nothing had happened.

Of course, I didn't think any more about it and assumed that my feelings about this friend was a combination of some strong wacky backy adn a whole lot of beer. It seems the symptoms and also the recognition of the encounter with said energy lead to this attack which was rooted in the non-physical.

Now, four weeks later, I got the book - actually on order for about 3 weeks (groan, could have done with it earlier) and it's explaining a lot - but moreover about the intense feelings of conflict and parasitic energy I've mentioned in other posts previously.

So my question to you guys is...

I wouldn't say that this day of complete debilitation would be the result of some lower level neg. This was full on nasty, and combined with the intense feelings / recognition of the other parasite the night previously, does anyone have an idea what kind of negative spirit this could have been and also what a good way would be to prevent such things in the future (other than the obvious...).

Also, how many others have had major incursions and how did you find the best way to deal with it (other than suffer, like me - painkillers helped, but not by much!).

Oh, and pushing the boat out one level further - could there perhaps be this neg conflict going on (as clearly is) but the whole thing be a lot more organised, I couldn't help but feel (with my friends powerful neg) that he was the big guy for the area, like it was his territory and when attacked I was his "grump" for want of a better term. That's what it felt like, any comments - please do!

Many Thanks,

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Hi Robert
March 27, 2003, 10:02:51
Long time no speak (harddrive meltdown, lost all email addresses - ugh), it's that guy from England who was talking to you about a year and a half ago about participation in a documentary. Seemes with work and all, it's been harder gettign to Oz than previously expected - although two friends have just started living (hell, lets face it, drinking) in Melbourne, so we're still hoping to get down some time in the not to distant future and would love to film you on the subject of OBE's. Apologies for it not happening sooner (hell, it still hasn't yet!) but there's always something coming up and for a non-commissioned project, it's hard to fit in.

Just ordered Psychic Self Defence, looking forward to it - you can get one of my books if you need to learn anything about digital video, Complete Guide to Digital Video by me! Authors unite...

On a completely different tip, and more focussed on altered states of consciousness rather than direct OBE's, if any of the following makes any form of sense to you, I'd love for you to prove that executive stress hasn;t turned me into a paranoid fruit-loop ;-)

Recently I've had the time to re-awaken my OBE / far seeing / altered state abilities and have been a little unnerved at certain sensations / dreams / emotions that all appear to be linked to some form of severe cyclical conflict which nobody a)remembers and b) is aware of and c)Seems to be something to do with parasitic energies and other non stable existances. Given you (or anyone else listenings) experiences, are there any foundations to some freaky malarkey going on in the non-physical, or as I put earlier, have I gone mental with too much work! Probably the latter, but I learnt a long time ago not to distrust what I know. Etc. Etc.

Anyway, look forward to recieving the book, I'm sure it's a cracker, just like the last one.


Welcome to Metaphysics! / question about angels
September 04, 2003, 01:12:58
A direct reply to Jilola that would be best for all to see, they aren't stuck up prudes and do enjoy themselves; thoroughly. Some in different ways, but I note that many people here seem determined to view divine activities from a human perspective. One or two enjoy themselves just like like people do; so take a pill and chill
Hi Guys,

Got to agree with Kakkarot, you can't classify entities in terms of stereotypes. I would suggest to enderwiggin that sometimes focussing too much attention on something, which can indeed be real, is actually a major source of giving it the ability to trouble you. By your constant focussing on all sorts of metaphysical related issues I think you are unduly attracting a lot of neg attention and they are clearly able to manipulate you, with considerable success, due to certain ingrained stereotypes you foster.

Given this, it is likely you are being fed stereotypes that you will obviously recognise and assuming too much; I have never heard of anyone with so much neg attention; you are either very unlucky or actually desire the attention they foster on you more than you are willing to believe and let on; it appears to give your life a considerable focus which I believe you enjoy.

I'd be interested in your comments (enderwiggin) also any feedback on my previous post "My first major psychic attack, how cool is that?"

Good luck with whatever is getting you! And don't forget - at least with a succubus you get a monster orgasm, can't be all bad!

Hi K,

Thx, I wasn;t that drunk (a meagre 3 beers!) - but people in the room where much more "GONE" and on significantly harder substances. I have been OBE'ing sporadically since I was about 8, have had verified precognitions and the like; I'm not dabbling and hoping for some psychic contact! Not trying to blow my own trumpet, just some background, not a psychic wanabe etc. There was a very marked difference in my recognition of his energy field, I have never before felt like this around him (or anyone else, hence my excitement when fitting the pieces together with some post fact knowledge) and it appeared to me that this guy had really been around a while and was also very unhappy that I had recognised it.

Also, after the incident I felt "purged" and absolutely on top of the world, it was like the day before there had been an attack but I had never been aware of the possibility of that kind of attack before. I had figured I had just got ill (not off the beers, I can't be a lightweight in my industry!) but it was a really intense and looking back it kind of felt as though I was being attacked; but without education it's always possible to add 2 and 2 and not get 4, which I have only done recently.

Also, I had (around this time) many of my dreams particularly disturbing. I lucid dream several times a week and always love my flying dreams, evenscary dreamns as I haev good control. But I noticed a lot of negative imagery, some of the friends from said party were in the dream and there were images like me being in a fairly oppressive housing estate, grafiti etc,. the works, and I saw a healthy tree being choked by some large parasitic thing around its roots. My dream symbolism and imagery is normally fairly incisive and with everything aroudn this time, things have kind of clicked.

Of course, it would still be very handy for this to be non-metaphysical, but my wife and I have stopped seeing any of these friends (whom we have since found out, after setting a Czech girl up with one) that he was a sexual deviant (inviting another guy in his room, later same night as the party whilst she was in bed with him and spraying whipped cream over his  knackers - ugh ) I'm figuring that these friends who drink and do a lot of drugs could house the perfect "breeding ground" for negs to swap energy sources.

Do you have any views on any of the above; and thanks for your help!

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Hi Robert
March 29, 2003, 14:50:20
Hi Grey,

Got the last two sentences of the third para the wrong way round (and apologies all round for the typos, long message). Hitler was a monster, but what if we were seeing the successful removal of latent negative energy influence and we promptly stomped the guys who actually saved a savage non-physcial invasion, as the victims who were actually killed would have eventually cost the world worse than actually happened. I am not condoning the way history went, hate conflict, murder etc. and loathe those who carried out such barbarism, but history writes erveything to do with such cases in a very black and white fashion, and us Sheep (present company excluded) swallow everything hook line and sinker. Only the victors ever write the history books, and lets not forget that we all know we are / were all on the "right" and "Good" side, but lets not forget that this is the most powerful way of getting people to commit atrocities, as long as its for the good (or as long as we are convince we are doing the right thing), its fine...

Hope I'm not rambling, but the non-physical influences our everyday lives so much more than modern science allows any peons to even potentially comprehend and society in general as the worl dcan clearly see is paying the price.

I don't normally rant, many apologies, again - anyoen with any comments on this, I would be very inetrested to read, please taek some time if you have something contrsuctive to add.

Incidentally, if you;re in contact with Robert, I'd be grateful if you coudl tell him to read these posts and get in touch re the documentary.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Hi Robert
March 29, 2003, 14:32:23
Hi greytraveller,

Very interesting, thx, equally interesting that the threads have disappeared (don't worry i'm not a conspiracy monger, I know better). Theorywise, I haev been looking (and experiencing) things in this field for some time, fortunately even though my OBE / altered state of consciousness control is poor, my strength in non-phsyical encounters is generally powerful. I have been trying to formulate some conclusions (haven;t read psychic self defence yet, so I;m not sure as to which of these conclusions may or may not be ratified).

Basically, as most people here are well aware, we are all "ghosts in a shell" for want of a better phrase. The idea of humanity is simply a man made concept meant to encompass all, but the actual controlling energies (which differentiate races, creed, belief etc) for example, when we look at the Iraq situation at present, the shell of the people is the same but strip away everything physical and the actual brass tacks energy left over is an entirely different beast. I have been long under the impression that what we consider to be our "individual" selves is indericetly adn sometimes directly influenced by other energies. Occasionally, kind of cyclically, other non-physical energies "alien" (but obviously not in the x-files way) influence certain actionas and individual events, often for negative means. These energies focus on certain groups in which they have the best ability to influence "parastically". In such times, as has been shown in the past, there is correlation to these times and great wars as these energies attempt to  at best (from there point of view) destroy the relative harmony and stability we have (tenuous and thin though that is most of the time) and at the leats provoke other actions, as lets face it, as a parasitic energy, the actual aftermath in the physcial is neither here nor there for them. These parasitic energies appear to control mass groups who can be commanded via a few individuals (top generals in armies, per say) and forced to play out confliucts that are completely apart from "humanity". Whereas the example you are all thinking of is obviously a large scale war, it actually ties in with many other non-physical energy theories about why we react in certain ways to certain people at certain times; are we more vulnerable at different biorythmic states etc. etc.

Hmm, actually thsi has kind of gotten a littel conspiratorial; one thing I'll tell anyone listening for nothing is that bald US guy (I think he;s called Schneider) scares the bejesus out of me, and I haven't got the foggiest why. It's just recently I had a king of semi-wakign vision (last thursday, first thursday of the war) and I was watching TV, in this one it wasn't "We're winning, we're right in trackj" it was "Their slaughtering us, we're dropping like flies" you get the idea, it seemed I was seeing through to either a parallel negative existence or seeing the reading between the lines which appears to be slowly being borne out in the present conlflict. It makes me wonder if under certain situations in the past (Second world war and hitler) if there wasn't something more to the culling of specific peoples. NOt saying "yay hitler" but what if the conflict wasn't Nazi Jew, but controlling energy A (the threat nobody else saw) and the potential threat B whom the history books see as the victims. Nasty piece of work hitler, but the concept adds a further difinition to the way war and suchlike could be a direct result of negative non-physical influence on our shell and controlling ghost.

Hmm, when I started writing thius, I didn;t think it was gonna come out so weird, but I haev recently been becoming awar of attacks on my person, they aren't as subtle as otehr readers might think and explain an awful lot of our negative character traits. As in the previous post, I look forward to checking out Bob's new book as it's no life when you are physically aware of certain unseen thnsg attempting to influence your behaviour.

The scamps!

Anyway, does any of this haveany relevance to the posts you couldn't get hold of any more? I'd love to hear, as at the moment the "interested and able" community is able to learn and possible prevent such negative influences in the physical which ultimately could chaneg the course of humanity. In terms of blank shells, of course! One otehr thing, I had an exp[erience recent;y which seemed that certain non-physical energies were "l;eavinG" seemed to be an xodus for safety, and about the tiem you described - 3-4 months back. Is any of this borne out by what you haev read also?

Regards, MT
Might be useful for Tom to be a little more helpful. I can recommend the Monroe gateway CD's most of the first pack (6 Cd's) is geared towards this state, known to them as Focus 10. It's easy to get in to, after about 10 listens to the second exercise on the fiorst CD you should be able to enter the state without a CD, but just achieving this level of focus isn;t in itself going to get you out of body, its a very useful tool though. Don't use it at night before wsleep, as you'll have a bag of energy by the end.

Incidentally, for each exercise, do it 10 times, 1 every other night before moving on to the next - even if you have mastered the lesson, trust me on this one.

But Monroe institute is now more about altered states of consciousness than specifically OBE, remember OBE is only a very small slice of a very big pie. Good luck.