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Messages - daseeker

It maybe best if I Pm'd you a link to their site.
I'll title it what he's talking about
There is a site that offers free Isochronic Tones and needs a maintainer.
Is it against the rules to ask if anyone here could help them out?
If yes where would I post it?
QuoteWhat you also need to be aware of is that your beliefs and expectations might work against your desired outcome. You may want something, but you don't believe that you'll get it. You may want it, but you focus too much on the fact that you don't have it yet.

Basically, your subconscious creates your reality from ALL your thoughts, ALL the time, not only those you have when you do your visualization exercise. It may be that, when you visualize, you start approaching your target, but during the rest of the day your conscious, and unconscious, thoughts push your target away.

In essence be mindful?As in watching closely what & how things are done in my "dog state" then to watch my thoughts during the day  for an "anti -Thought."
It just hit me what you meant yes I got to get out there & do the steps. As in When the universe brings me the tools the precursory situation USE THEM!
@ baro-san
Yes you did touch on what I was after. Rightly or wrongly I thought that LOA & AP may have cross applicable techniques The trance state is something I'd not considered. When unable to DIY a trance state  isochronic beats is my go to method. So this is  what I will likely do.

To enact would that be eperiencing the future  emotionally & physically  in that  trance state?

Been reading your posts carefully thinking in terms of cross application just wanted to let you know  your advie is important to me as well.

Finally , dog state I like dogs too. So not trance state dog state everybody  :-D
Thank you for your prompt reply.
Now I would like to see if I understand this :
1Repitition is good and there is a high  likelihood of what i put in coming to pass.
2 that after a certain amount of times my seriousness of what I am after will be tested and that this may /will require a change in my procedures

The one thing I not real clear on is what is meant by a sneak peek.
When using ones 3rd eye to visualize a better future does repetiton help or hinder the process?
In essence does the repetiton become meaningless after X number?
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: She shot everyone but me!
September 25, 2015, 07:18:30
Thanks I'll check it out!
Welcome to Dreams! / She shot everyone but me!
September 24, 2015, 05:11:26
MAN! Have I got a strange one for you all!  Submitted for your analysis:
I'm walking on  road passing a factory that made bar-b-que sauce. It was twilight. A car drives up a beautiful girl walks out of the drivers side with a gun stares right at me, and begins shooting though not at me. I couldn't see who or what the the dream fades to black(like in the movies at scene change). Then back to the same scene as above only this time there are people around, she's blowing away everybody but me, in fact does her best to make sure she misses me. (Dream ends)

2 more items that may help
1. I LOOOOVE Bar-B-Que! 
2.Then in the name of candor the girl is from a picture from lets just say is a XXX site.

As can be seen by the content it wasn't long but it's been bugging me all day even as I type this What does this mean?!!!
In answer to the OP's initial question, In my own experience NO! Earth is not the ultimate place. Each lifeform no matter what it is or where has it's own way to teach us something.
No place is THE PLACE because we learn from all places.

Secondly, Love to me is the acceptance of a person,place, or thing as it is not as we want it to be. This also means that one accepts that this person,place, or thing can change. In the case of a person it's a choice matter by that person & this may or may not be to one's liking,(e.g. a person's politics) Places & things can be changed as we change or not. For instance repainting a room or getting a computer or smartphone update. These also may or may not be to one's liking.
In which event if the level of one's acceptance reaches shall we say a tipping point one loves or ceases to love that person,place, or thing. This is the emotional aspect of love which is why it's simultaneously strong & fragile.


I think if you reread what you wrote in #5 especially this part
QuoteWe are here to learn how to control ourselves first, learn to control our feelings and learn to control situations.
We are all young and in the earliest phase of our spiritual evolution. We do not know what's ahead.
We have to crawl before we start walking. We have to learn to control ourself before we start loving endlessly.

If you're ascended and you have to be in perfect control of a situation or a "task" given to you by a higher entity, you have to know what to do and how to do it.
Even as you ascend, I'm sure we'll all have a "training" period (it could take millenniums to be ready for your first assignment for all we know).

Something else I wanted to say... You will know when you are ready to do these things, you will understand everything that you've done had a very specific purpose.

That's my point of view at least and I know that if you're not ready you will need to further your education/development on the spiritual matter, in this life or the one after.
you may find the answer to your own question.
I'm daseeker  and  had a journey getting here! I was inadvertently tagged as a spammer and had to register twice! It was very easy to attribute a mistake like that to my use of Yahoo mail. In my travels through the interwebs many a Nigerian prince lives there :-D

When it comes to astral travel I've only done so sporadically, some accidental some with effort. My main problem is that I have it all together then forget where I put it. I'm hoping to learn here how to and then remember where I put it. From my visits here I'm sure I'll not only start AP's spiritual growth will happen too!
Looking forward to both.