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Messages - mentalist

if you, like me, practice obe's on your back, is it possible that you could swallow your tongue during deep trance?-i saw this written somwhere and now i practice with my head slightly tilted which makes things a lil more difficult-although i must say the only success ive had is sitting upright which was odd for me.
Yo people, im new to this place-pretty funky here actually, spent AGES going through everything on here.

I had my first (maybe second) successful obe last monday, like everyone, i thought it was amazing, out of this world and i was very very pleased. But i just wanted to know, what time during the day are ppl having successful obe's?-mine was in the morning after about 8 hours but im hearing that ppl are pulling it off before sleep and during the day at like 12-3pm?? is this possible, because i always thought it worked on a similaer principle to lucid dreams and u need to be quite deep consciously. I thought this deep level could only be achieved after sleeping-maybe ppl are having naps before attempts?
I found that u can actually wake up in the middle of the night just by affirmation i.e before going to sleep telling yourself in your mind that you want to wake up at whatever time. Ive become quite good at it actually, often getting to within 15-20 minutes of my desired time.

I dont know why it works, maybe there's some kind of clock in the brain, i dunno, but it definately works. Other than that, anything non alarming is the way to go, my mobile phone's pretty good at the right volume, also the radio is pretty good.

Thing is, dont use the old radio's-analogue ones because they emit radiation that can stimulate certain parts of the brain and cause negative effects-one girl had one of these in her room and felt excrement scared that there was a presence in her room-she nearly killed herself before an expert found the cause-radiation from the radio!