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Messages - Brigantia

I have a couple of questions.

1. If one is successful at removing a Neg from an affected person, how do you stop it simply hooking up to the next 'path of least resistance', or vulnerable person.

2. If negs can piggy back rides across running water, then how do they get stuck in properties, making them haunted.  Why don't they just hitch another lift out?  

3. If you do the countermeasure involving placing the affected person in the middle of a circular length of hose with water runinng through it, then get them to stop out, what happens to the Neg?  Where does it go?  Won't it just re-attach?

4. What do you do with a neg that gets nastier when you try and get rid of it?  Applying further countermeasures just seems to make it worse.

5. Can one entity simultaneously possess or overshadow more than one person even if those people don't know each other.  I know that sounds weird.

Thank you Inguma.

A few more questions.

If a woman is pregnant at the time of a neg attachment, would the negs also attach the the baby once born?  Are babies more suspctible?  Would they have less natural shielding or would they be under the shielding of the parents?

Are those with mental illnesses such as schizophrenia more suspectible to neg attacks?  How do you know what is real and what is the illness?

Are there any special measures that should be taken for people in comas, or who have serious and permanent disabilities such as brain damage or being unable to communicate.

Thank you.