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You play the full length, trying to turn it off would just interrupt the process :D The volume should depend on you, not too loud and not too quiet so you can relax and follow the waves. Personally, binaural beats didn't work for me, not sure why, but I must be doing something wrong, or just need to find another source for beats. And for astral, yes you do meet other beings, which you can also start a conversation with :P
If it still keeps happening, record it with a camera and share it with us
Do you sleep less since school started?
I don't know how to explain this, but during my dream I knew that it was a dream, but somehow I wasn't aware of it. It was like a regular dream played by my mind, because I'd have done better things than sitting on some roof made of floor tiles while knowing it's a dream. I'm pretty sure I did something else, but that's very blurry to remember. The ending of the dream made me consider if it was lucid or not, as I looked at the sky and I saw dark blue storm clouds coming towards, so I said to my self I have to wake up before it starts, I lift my right hand to the sky as if I was about to take off, but I just stood there, wondering why it's not working. Well that's the most I remember  :-D
I'd love to master it, but I have no idea how to experience that again, since it happend accidently and my countless attempts never got me to this state :-D
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / What happend to me
September 24, 2012, 13:00:27
This night I randomly woke up at night for seeing a weird dream of me doing usual things in a different way and it wasn't that vivid. Then I went back to sleep after drinking some water until the morning alarm rings. In the morning everything went fine, I slept that night for about 5:40 hours. I went to school and apparently I didn't have my first 2 classes, so I went back home and didn't have much to do, so I thought of taking a nap even though I wasn't sleepy. I set my alarm to ring after 1 hour and 30mins and I laid down on my back. While I was lying I was thinking about the usual stuff for about 20mins without being able to sleep, so I turned on my side and then I lost my consciousness(fall a sleep). I wasn't in a deep sleep as I woke up and checked what time it is and it was 5mins before the alarm. So I kept lying. When it rang I clicked snooze( for 10min) as I still had some time left. While I was lying I was waiting for the alarm with my eyes closed. I could hear my family walking in the other room, when all the sudden I lost my consciousness, after a few minutes I started seeing things in my mind, I wasn't really in control of it, but what I remember is that I was looking at a photo of a person when suddenly the photo started doing motion, spinning and I started hearing really loud buzzing noise in my ears, my mind woke up. (I've read about this buzzing noise before, that it's a stage of AP, but I never really thought that It will literally be that strong.) As I was in this state I was still able to hear some noise from the other room and I would have tried to go deeper with this state but I didn't have much time left, so I tried to move and I couldn't! I freaked out, I didn't know for how long I'll be stuck like this and if it's not something wrong happening with me, because I've never been paralysed before. I wasn't seeing anything, just darkness and I felt my leg sliding down even though I doubt it physically was. Then somehow after 30 seconds I fully woke up.