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Topics - APtoVegas

My intentions recently have been to focus on phasing while lucid dreaming rather than trying to phase while meditating and full conscious. Sort of work with what I already know.

I had one previous experience from lucid dreaming to phasing. However, in retrospect, it wasn't anywhere near to this experience.

It's also worth noting that I am a very humorous person and humor has helped me through much in life. Not to the point that I laugh at funerals, but you get the idea. It plays into this entire experience and how my experience manifested and helped in this "lesson."

So I did fall asleep while meditating on an intent to phase while dreaming and I was at the vibrational stage and slipped under somewhere soon after.
The dream I started in is of no consequence, although it did have significance to me and I reflected on it later as well.

I was in a particular situation in the dream where I wanted to get away. It wasn't nightmarish. Just wanted to get out of a family situation.

I actually said out loud (in the dream), "I've got to get our of here."

And spontaneously phase! In my first dream-to-phasing experience I did something similar. And I was actually given a third-person view of how the shift looks while still feeling it. Like I was learning, "This is how easy it is. See!?!"

So back to the dream. I laid my head down on a piano I was playing because, you know, that's the most sacred place to project. I love dreams..

In my dream, I went into a vibrational state and through my closed eyelids...which is awesome considering it's a dream, I started to see white shapes and patterns, which happens to me in real life also while meditating and vibrational.

I've been reading a lot on this forum that you should actually phase after the vibrations subside and they come in cycles and I remembered this in the dream. So I waited for the vibrations to die down. Keep in mind, I'm not consciously aware I'm dreaming at this point.

So I started (in my dream of course) asking my guide to help me out of my body.

Then I could feel myself phasing one really PULLING me as I'd hoped, but also still I felt kinda stuck.

Then I was suddenly in the most magical of places ever...

...a mall fast food joint.

Yup. And here's where both consciousness and the funny start. So I thought to myself, Damn it! It didn't work. Then realization set in. WOAH...I AM IN A FAST FOOD JOINT NOW.

Then consciousness spontaneously happened.

I  realized that I had been dreaming previously, but now I had phased. I told myself not to panic and I was actually really pretty calm already, but I literally had a shifting focus from a dream as to being in a 100% astral reality. I can't explain how that feels, but it's amazing. I knew my physical body was back in bed (though I didn't return when I thought of it), but felt perfectly safe. I also felt like I'd been tutored a bit more on how the phasing feels.
Now I know why people have so much trouble conveying these experiences. I rubbed my hands together and looked at them (again, read that on these forums...thanks!) and my hands were CRYSTAL clear. Like more clear than my physical vision. Then two fingers merged together and then back to normal as if to say, "Yup, you're astral!"

I was trying not to move too quickly, but  it was so real. It was absolute clarity. Yes, The Matrix.

I was trying to focus on things to get the detail. I mean just like standing in a fast food joint and you start looking at the decor, floor, and stuff and realize the colors and patterns.

I took a couple steps and could feel the floor under me through my shoes. I could FEEL my shoes. White tennies. Basic. Though I can't say I could smell the food.

I was standing in the back of a smallish fast food joint that opened onto the second floor of a mall. Kinda like where I imagine the bathrooms would be. I can't say it's a mall I had been to in the physical, but fairly close to one near me where I grew up.

The inside walls were like a greyish-turqoise laminate with a darker blue marbled patterns and the tables were similar laminate and marbled patterns but in shades of dark orange. The benches were those kinda bucket seat type and were orange also. I ran my hand across the table and it was like cool linoleum. But the sensation was perfectly real.
It's like if you were to walk into any fast food place...walk around for a few minutes, leave, and then try to describe it to me. It was 100% tactile and real, but hard to remember every detail even when trying to.

So then I told myself to start walking and I did. I wasn't sure if I was going to glide or just walk, but I just walked and could FEEL every step when I focused on it. There was no one in there eating, but I could see other people walking around in the mall and could hear them talking in that sort of echoing garble you hear in those high-ceilinged malls. Since I knew I was in the astral, I decided to go ask for help.

And who better to ask? YES! The fast food cashier! I mean, she's in the astral, so she knows what's up, right?

I  focused on an intent here. And my intent was to get to one of the higher planes, like less physical or mall-like and a little more astral, though I thought maybe that was moving too fast and I should just take it one step at a time.

So I went up to the fast food counter...that stainless steel type and put my hands on the counter...cold steel. The cashier had a little black headset on and an orange outfit that matched the tables and chair. She was black and like early 20s. She smiled and asked, "Can I help you?"

I smiled and was kinda bouncing and said, "Yeah, can you help me find my guide? I'm trying to get to a higher vibrational state." Even now that didn't seem strange.

And she said, "Just a minute," half-turned and started talking on her headset kinda quietly. Then she pointed out into the mall where I could see a small group of three people standing with quite a few other people walking around. I told her thanks and she said, "Good luck!" She didn't charge me for that service, but now I wished I had ordered some astral fries with a side of ethereal ranch dressing. Mmmm astral fries.

So when I walked out into the mall there was like a light breeze, you know, like when the air conditioner hits you when you first step into a wide-open building with a high ceiling. And I looked around and saw all the stores and the floor was like tan with dark speckles and I said, "This is SO cool!" Very profound, I know. But how do you express it in words? There were a few people walking around. Like what you would see in a mall on a weekday afternoon. People looked and dressed normally, but the style was perhaps more like the late 80's. There was a skylight in the ceiling in some sort uneven zigzag pattern and it was sunny, but kinda dark in the mall...not like creepy dark, just subdued. I could see down to the first floor where there were plants and wooden benches, and other stores. The stores had signs, but they were more like symbols than words...that part I'm now fuzzy on.

So I see three people standing and smiling at me. There are two tall black guys and a shorter girl. The guys appeared to be in late teens/early 20s and the girl looked like she was around that age, but much shorter. The guys had on basketball jerseys, jeans, and sneakers with white tube socks...not matching outfits, but similar. The girl was white and kinda freckly and had like mini Roseanne-Roseanna-Dana hair (if you're of an age to remember her) but blonde. They just looked like regular everyday people in a mall.

I was like totally excited and asked, "Are you my guides?" Like wow...I have THREE! Score!

One of the  guys smiled REALLY broadly and glanced over to my side, but didn't say anything. Kinda like he was saying, "Not us...look there."

And there she was. She hadn't been there when I walked up. I would've noticed her. I just knew it was her. She was...

...a middle-aged overweight waitress with a tackily-dyed and uneven black bob and dimestore makeup. She was wearing a black and white waitress outfit, almost like a maid's but nothing frilly. She had a white triangular necklace that somehow impressed me as a shark's tooth. She had a headset flung over her shoulder (from talking to the cashier?) and...I love know those antenna people used to wear on their heads? She had sparkly sequined purple ones, but the part that you slide on your head was around her neck. It's like she took them off her head once she left whatever mall diner she came from and just put them around her neck for safe keeping. I was watching the sequined balls bounce on their coils and I thought...she's PERFECT!

She had  a black mole somewhere near her mouth, but I don't remember where. The mole was colored like she had painted it a bit to stand out. She wasn't smiling broadly like the other three...just sort of a small smirky smile, but I loved it.

I don't recall her having a nametag and I didn't think to ask. I just knew who she was, though felt compelled to ask. I recalled after the fact that several experiences I've read said that the guides don't have names, but they'll use one of it's easier for us. Thanks forum!

I asked, "Are you my guide?"

And she did a quick smile, then back to a straight-face, but she wasn't mean about it...she was just all-dry humor. She said, "Follow me." I liked her more and more. She immediately turned the opposite way and started walking.
As I started walking with her, one of the guys bowed down and asked, "It's Brian right? Nice to meet you," and he smiled real broadly again and I thought it was very cool that he knew my name.

My waitress guide didn't say anything and I was walking behind her and noticed she was wearing like sheer black nylons and white sensible shoes. They have sensible shoes in the astral. That's a bonus. I could even hear the rubber soles making a sound on the floor. In retrospect, I somewhat feel I should have been asking questions, but my intent was to take in as much detail and sensations that I could, so I wouldn't forget. I also realized later why. She had sort of a lumbering walk that was really funny and fit her perfectly.
It felt very comfortable. Like all this was happening in this environment with her liking like that, so I wouldn't get too overwhelmed. Kinda like when Jodie Foster met the alien as her father in Contact.

Unfortunately, after maybe 10 seconds or so I felt like this was happening a bit slow. My waitress gudie got a little ahead of me and I thought, I should try and fly to catch up. Annnd this is where I went wrong.
Because I did pick up and fly. It was like I willed myself first to start flying and I got vertical like super-duper man and then started moving and willed myself to go faster. And I could FEEL the air and the force moving me. It was AWESOME.

I zipped passed some people and they just kinda looked at me woosh by and then looked forward again like this happens often.

So then I thought it was pretty easy to fly and then instantly thought "what if I can't stop?" and lo-and-behold I couldn't. Up until now, I hadn't really manifested anything, other than having an intent to speak to those there. And I immediately realized I manifested my inability to stop flying. I willed myself to stop but really just slowed down as I was heading for these stacked black display cubes in a storefront. It was kinda like if you were slowing down a small boat, but knew you were going to hit the dock anyway. And so I did...crashed into them, but it didn't hurt at all, though I could feel the impact. The cubes just  rocked back and forth and I landed more than fell to the floor. There wasn't anything on the cubes that I can remember. I was laughing quite a bit at myself.

Then I realized I didn't see where my guide had gone and I knew she did that on purpose. And then it's a bit muddled now that I try to remember. I got lost up some stairs that I *think* were inside the store I crashed into. I'd obviously stopped observing and was trying to make things happen and was making it more confusing.
I ultimately decided that this was my cue. I'd taken this experience far enough and I told myself I need to wake up to remember this and try again later. Like I knew it was meant to be over now.

And literally snapped my eyes open in bed! And I mean INSTANTLY and it was all super fresh like that world was literally just a second ago. If I closed my eyes I'd see it again.
But it was so weird coming from such a crystal clear world (as so many posters here have said it's clearer than our physical world, which I now understand).

So many have posted about their guides giving them little tests and quests to solve as learning experiences.

Well, I knew as soon as I crashed into those cubes, I knew what was up. My guide was teaching me how to take it slow and stick with her. I failed miserably, but it was so fun and so unbelievably real. Sorry I keep saying that over and over, but it was just astonishing.

That was insanely great. In retrospect, it sounds dreamlike, but this was more lucid than any dream I've had and the control (up until the flying) was mine, though I did not attempt to manifest anything other than my fingers merging on my hands. I had intent, but not really attempting to will anything to happen. My goal was to observe, but the interactions just felt right.

So hopefully this was a great first lesson. Actually my second, but the first with my new dry-humor waitress guide.

I welcome all questions and thoughts. Thanks!
Hi everyone--

I've been lurking and reading hundreds of posts on here for several months now. I really didn't want to start asking questions or commenting until I was familiar with the material on the forum. But I should have at least said hello! :) So hello!

I really have to compliment both the administrators and contributing members! The information, experiences, and opinions have been both wonderful and insightful. I'm so glad this forum exists!

I practiced relaxation and meditation for several years in my 20s back in the 1990s and many failed attempts at phasing, although many wonderful experiences with just the meditation aspect. At the time I used the 'self-hypnosis' series of (cough cough) cassettes with guided meditation. At the time I could get rather easily to a vibrational state even before I knew what it was. I don't recall the authors I was reading at the time about astral projection, but I never saw a mention of the vibrations. The internet wasn't much at the time.

Several years ago, I became more interested in philosophy and opinions on the nature of the world and all that good stuff. However, I really never felt a connection and truth in the tenets of religions (not that I've studied many of them). After some time I came upon the Jane Roberts' series of Seth books and read most of them from cover-to-cover and was really astonished at the possibility of actual truth to them. Just the idea of explanations that didn't have so much dogma to them. From then on it was really exploring different areas of thought. And so back to the phasing arena I am!

I'm a skeptical inquirer when it comes to the paranormal and love all things that appear supernatural, but enjoy considering paranormal and scientific rationales of events. So I have an open mind, but don't
take every event to be paranormal simply because it appears to be.

Probably too late to make a long story short, but I've had two incredible lucid dream-to-phasing experiences with (almost) complete control and can't wait to share them. I've been keeping a dream diary and really feel like I'm on an incredible path. Not 100% convinced on the origin of what's happening, but going with it and it's really incredible. Regardless of the origin, I am experiencing them.

So hello again and glad to be here! I hope I can help by contributing my experiences and questions soon!