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Hi folks,

Sorry that this is a long post but I am just so excited about what happened. The following is a journal entry of what happened to me last night (well about 4 hours ago)

I had one fantastic dream

It all started on a clear sunny day. My family and I (father, mother and brother) were walking very closely together and we were trying to get somewhere it seems. Our destination was to sort of escape but I am not too sure. Somebody asked (maybe it was me) where we had to go and a reply was given. At the corner of the street my father informed me (us?) that here was the place and that it was across the "kitchen". I don't know if the kitchen had any significance but it did.

We were sort of at a corner of a "curve" if you will and on the sidewalk for pedestrians. My father pointed and in the direction he pointed there was a chunk of sidewalk that was golden in colour. I just knew that this was what it was and we were going to walk on to that golden sidewalk and be transported. All of a sudden there was this fellow. I think he was a magician of sorts because there was an incantation necessary. Or so it seemed.

When we were all ready (it didn't take long) the magician said something and all of a sudden a bright green colour was burned into my mind. Along with the colour was a "trigger" word of "sunny" and a weird shape. That colour was so vivid that I knew that it had some significance. When I woke up and I thought about the shape, I realized that it was like a homing beacon in that it was showing me where I was located. The shape that I saw was vaguely the shape of Japan (where I currently live) and the bright dot/colour was about the same geographical location as my city.

We were transported into the middle of a crosswalk. There was some disorientation at first but within a millisecond or so, I adjusted and checked the signals. It was OK because the pedestrian sign was lit. We walked to one side of the street and walked on the sidewalk.

While we were walking (no more than 2 metres) I observed a taxi with two individuals who were looking at us (me specifically) with a knowing gleam. They kind of looked a little confused but they "knew" that I didn't belong here. They also had a "sly" look about them, kind of snakelike, that I felt would not be good for me.

We passed these two and my dad jay-walked to the other side of the road to get exchange some money. Then he came out and looked at the ground because there was some money there. Every time he picked up a 100 yen coin (silver in colour), another one (the original so to speak from the world/location we had transported from) fell from his sleeve. The new coins seemed a little strange and when I looked down on the sidewalk where I was standing I saw a 10 yen (dark copper colour). I picked it up and noticed that while it was the same coin but maybe twice as thick.

OBE Experience

And then I sort of woke up. I was feeling kind of adventurous and I said to myself (quasi-awake state) "Hey why not." I closed my eyes and held the vivid green colour in my eye and said the trigger word, "sunny." Immediately, my body tingled and I sort of disconnected from my physical body. At first I couldn't open my eyes even though I tried because I felt that if I opened my eyes I would wake up. A second or two later I did open my eyes and I was floating just a few centimetres above my body. I sat up and I sort of floated. I thought, "Hey, cool. I am OBEing." But I couldn't really control my of my environment because I just floated out and away. I was sitting in a lotus/cross-legged position and I was hovering in the middle of my room. The thing was I didn't have the perspective from my floating body but from my physical body. So when I saw myself floating like that, I think I must have gotten myself confused/scared and woke up! Crap!  :o

2nd Dreamscape

So I woke up again and I thought that I should try it again and so I did. This time when I pictured the colour and said the trigger word, I noticed that the sound in my ear intensified and grew to a sharp whine while all the other outside/local noises faded away. Also my body tingled all over like the first time. While I was floating away, I heard a voice (female) that asked me my name. Of course, I immediately "thought" of my name but I didn't respond right away. Instead, I asked her "why she wanted to know." She told me that she hadn't had "a chance to help(?) someone so ..." She metioned a positive word like "gifted" or "special" or "so ready" or something along those lines but now I have forgotten. I didn't give her my name because I wasn't too sure that I should mention my name just yet.

She didn't have a "physical" manifestation that I could discern with my eyes but she was there. I imagine her to be like a little sprite or pixie but her voice wasn't shrill or high as I would have expected pixies or sprites to be. It was a normal voice and it was gentle and seemed to be slightly surprised. This voice only came to me in a "transition" state between when I was disengaging from my body and entering the dreamscape.

Next came the dreamscape. I was in a forest-type setting I think because when I got there I had an impression of a camp-fire. There was also a tree by where I manifested and there was a little jail of sorts in the trunk of the tree. Behind the bars, there was a little FreeBSD daemon asking me to help him/it. I knew it was playing a trick because when I turned to look at it it had the key to it's cell.

This whole dreamscape was kind of cartoonish because I saw Woody Woodpecker! Near the end of my dream, I was in a house (probably Woody's) and there was this big (rotund) fellow (cartoonish black fellow with stubble) who was crying and clutching my leg and asking me to help him. I kind of felt like this was a bizarre twist on the Alice in Wonderland landscape.

It was bizarre but cool. I think this was my first experience of that sort.


Sorry this may be long and obvious but if you have time would you give me your thoughts on the following questions? And your impressions regarding the whole post?

1) Was what I considered to be the OBE experience an actual OBE experience?

2) Those snake-men in my first dream kind of made me nervous and I just want to know are there some sort of negative personas that may be present in my dreams?

3) Who or what would that female voice be in the transition to the 2nd dreamscape?

4) Why do I have so many cartoonish influences in my 2nd dreamscape?

5) Do you have a trigger colour or trigger word that you use to go OBE?

Thank you for reading.