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Topics - BoscosFriend

Hello I dont have much experience with obe's, but I have had two spontaneously. In both occasions I was able to hear everything in my physical surroundings. One of the times was at my friends house. I had dozed off on his couch and had an obe. It was like I just stood up and started floating away, but I way completely aware. I could still here everything, eventually I heard my friend trying to talk to me. I couldn't answer him, because I couldn't move my body it was really hard it was like I had to get back in before I could get up and talk. Anyway the whole point of this is that I'm wondering was I hearing with my actual ears? If not then it seems it would be possible to listen ti things far away without physically being there or using the other sensing like maybe see things without actually being there.
Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / 1+1=1
January 05, 2006, 19:38:29
When you pop a candy in your mouth the sensation of taste arises. Now that taste is something totally other than the candy and tongue. Taste only comes into existence when the candy and tongue make contact. Like man and women have sex and create a child, that child comes into being dependant on the contact of man and women, but the child is its own unique thing. Taste is the child of the tongue and the candy. Hearing is the child of sound vibrations and the ear. Feeling is the child of the body and an object. Smelling is the child of the nose and an aroma. Seeing is the child of the eye and an object.
Tasting is an aspect of our awareness, hearing is an aspect of our awareness, feeling is an aspect of our awareness, smelling is an aspect of our awareness, seeing is an aspect of our awareness. The total accumulation of all those aspects is our awareness. Awareness is the child of the senses and reality.
Awareness is all there is, no way around it. You can point to anything you want or describe anything you want, but all you are doing is pointing to awareness. A mirror(senses) contacts an object (reality) and there arises the reflection(awareness). The reflection is its own thing, it is not the mirror neither is it the object being reflected. For you to identify yourself with an observer, saying "This here is me, the observer." that would be like the reflection identifying itself as the mirror. Identifying anything as yourself is deluding yourself (I know that sounds like a contradiction, ahhh the limitations of language.) Really, there is nothing to identify yourself with. You are awareness, nothing else. Actually there is no you to be awareness. It just is.
hello, i been having the pressure on my forehead for a while now. it came when i started fooling around with lucid dreaming about 5 years ago. but now i have been practicing meditation for a year and the felling in my forehead has intensified greatly, mainly during meditation. but the feeling will come if i just think about it. the feeling is strong like heavy pressure, the most intense is slightly up between the eyes, but spreads  down the bridge of my nose and up to my hairline. recently i have been starting to feel slight tingles on the crown of my head. not too intense until today. during meditation the pressure became really intense on the crown along
with the forehead.when the crown became intense my whole body became tense and tingly and warm. the thing is i dont have any of these feelings at any other chakra spots. I'm not trying to activate the chakras, it just happens. what does this mean, i dont know much about chakras. what is the point in opening chakras? appreciate any advice.
i had a deep realization recently that i would like to share. the post may be long but please read it. i find it pretty amazing.
First i will make this statement: Everything exists. nothing can be excluded, there isn't anything that cannot exist, simply because everything exists. Simple logic. Get it?
OK now, some people, well most it seems believe in a god that exists outside of our reality. A being that created everything.
So tell me, how can something exist outside of everything? if something exists weather inside, outside or whatever side of everything, its still part of everything. it would be like having ten marbles and then placing all ten in a jar, and then saying "all ten marbles in this jar represent everything that exists, but there is still one on the outside of the jar." that would be ridiculous, it just doesn't make sense.
OK, so it is impossible for anything to exist outside of everything. So if god exists, he has to exist within everything and since he would exists within everything he would also be subject to the law of nature (cause and effect). I'll explain this law. Everything that exists, exists because of previous causes.
Lets say a wooden chair, what is this cause if this chair? we can say a tree, the tree caused the chair. so what caused the tree? sun, rain, seed, earth. so all those causes caused the tree which caused the chair which causes comfort when i sit on it,which causes a scuff on the floor and on and on. we can also go back further and ask what caused the sun, the rain, the earth, the seed and keep going and going for infinity it will never end. you will just keep going with the causes until it connected all of existence. everything is connected by this law. so, if god exists within everything, and nothing can exist without a cause, then god is subject to the law of cause and effect. so god would have to have a cause in order to exist. just like everything else. and you see how everything is connected through this law. everything is the cause of everything. what it comes down to is that i exist because everything else exist and everything exist because i exist. same with you, same with a rock a tree and god. god is no different than a rock. there is no god entity that created everything, instead the only thing you can say god is, is everything. every object, thought and action is like a brick holding together an infinite wall. the wall being god, every brick a part of god.
Wait! there is more.
Going back to the wooden chair. So there is this chair that was made from a tree, this tree no longer exists in the forest.
But it still does exist, only in the form of a chair. When the chair breaks down and decomposes, the chair no longer exist in the form of a chair but in the form of whatever a decomposing chair turns into. so the tree never stops existing, only changes forms. same with the chair, it will always exist. see even before the chair existed it existed within the tree. before the tree grew it existed in the form of a seed, the chair existed in the seed also. and remember how everything is connected through cause and effect? i am the cause of the chair, just like the tree is, just not in such a direct way. but this means that i exist in the chair and the chair exists within me.
everything is connected, we all exist within each other. there is no separation. separation is an illusion created by the ego. we have the false idea that we are separate beings. there is no separate anything. all objects, life, thoughts, words, actions, everything is the same. i dint want to say all is one, i think that is incorrect, it seems that if there is one, then there can be two. i think all is nothing is more fitting or all is infinity, which ever you like. there is no difference.