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Messages - poppino

I ve just recently figured out how to astral project using the rolling method and now ive got it down pat especially if i cant sleep well.So this morning i kept on projecting but each time the realms got more and more empty and creepy u could almost not find anyone then i projected one more time and while i was rolling out some shadows of hand were doing something to my body then suddenly the scariest ugliest almost want to describe as an alien looked right over me was and was so frieghtened i kicked at it as hard as i could and woke up to actually kicking. Anyone seen any alien looking creatures before?
Ive recently mastered astral projection and bout a month ago i thought about my granfather who passed away not long ago in order to try and meet him. I was taken across large body of water to this beautiful island in which you exactly describe ,it was very tropical and had a pyramid wich at one point i got close to, i never ended up seeing my grandfather but my jaw dropped when i found this website and read about this island. Its to the T exactly what there talking about.