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Messages - LOISEAU

Yum Eini,
My fave bud!!! Mine eyes too tire to read entire thread but will bookmark it for later.

I channeled Eini for 8 years. He wasn't finished...not by a long shot. But now he is understands Light the Universe and everything!! Got kinda mad when he ascended to a higher plane, as soon as he was through...just like a man!!!! Although he pops back in from time to time.  And no I don't have any further equations, just the understanding, it was all in a visual experiencial format.(who knows maybe in a hypnotised state I could do the blackboard thing, just never thought of that til now) But I will tell you this he took me beyond our limited concept of time and space,  through a worm hole  oh and there are at least 23 dimensions that I experienced. But heres a thought I'll bet there are an infinite number of dimensions ...Tee Hee