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Messages - Ankhrekhu

I must admit I too am disillusioned with the church. But I think its a pity that in many cases ALL christians are tarred with the same brush. During my life I have held just about most interpretations of Christianity. I believe that the time is long overdue to get rid of the traditions that have been handed down without question and look more to the founder of the faith than those who had an axe to grind in forming tortuous doctrines that help no one. There is much in the man Jesus that I admire; much that is lost in the church. And I agree that the church has developed stratagies in the past (like hell) to frighten people into its ranks by inventing all manner of concepts presented by 'infallible' beings who just like power and position.

In my view God is in all, and we must experience him where he is most real to us. That might be in a church or on the mountain tops. For my own part, all my true spiritual experiences have come from being with nature and not inside a cold lifeless building.