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Messages - Kelmactor

Id had a funky energy dream experience a few days ago.

I had fallen asleep whilst stimulating the soles of my feet and was happily dreaming away.  In the dream I was part of a group of actors performing privately for some king or something when suddenly the floor started rising about 2 metres high and falling down again as though it was part of the play.

There was no reason for this to be happenning in the dream but it seemed normal at the time, like if you are dreaming and you hear the phone ring you might dream an ambulance go past.

But I felt wierd and forgot all my lines and went to lie down on a wodden floor in a different room.  When I closed my eyes I felt my body rising and falling as the floor had been.

I sort of figured out that I was dreaming at this point and that what was happenning was not dreamt up. It started out as large and slow movements but steadily got faster and smaller until I was buzzing and vibrating around on the floor.  I'm sure my physical body wasn't moving at all.

Eventually the sensation became solid and I felt really powered up, like my whole body was suffused with energy.  I had to get up and go to work at this point and the juiced up feeling lasted for about 20 minutes.

I believe it was a case of an energy body sensation intruding on a dream, but I don't have a clue as to what my energy was doing, or why.  Can anyone tell me what this was ???

I have only just started doing secondary energy development so my experience with this is nothing.

General Army I know what you are saying but you are assuming too much about the controllers of our simulation, like they are interested in studying the same things as we are.  It could be that they planted a few bits of DNA in the ground and then time travelled billions of years into the future to see if it took, leaving their super artificial intelligent nanobots in charge?? :O

Maybe they did it on every planet in the solar system with a slightly different DNA recipe each time.  And the person who did it might have had to do it for a homework assignment and didn't really care enough to come back and check on all of them.  The controlling mechanisms could be of such a different technology to ours that we wouldn't recognise them. They could be totally invisible.

We could be the equivalent of a carrot top left in a saucer of water that someone forgot about and here we are sprouting away.

If you want a film to watch about this stuff its definitely  Invasion of the Body Snatchers.  There are 3 remakes of it too its such a classic!!

If you want to consider a less accidental reason for our existence take a look at

Someone posted this site elsewhere on this message board but I can't remember who or where.  Its an excellent example of thinking outside the box we live in.  

I've just had a thought, its bourbon that is controlling us!

No mustn't drink!
must resist urge....

I Love You
Sail On Through Me
Mmmmm brownest of the brown liquors...

This idea of our life as a simulation controlled by someone unseen is not a knew concept if you think about it.  In times past if there was an earthquake or a volcano erupted or if it rained it was the gods punishing or blessing us.  Nowadays we have science to explain the world and put an unemotional slant on the meaning of life.  

When you start to think about the motives of the force in control is when it starts to get fun.  I used to daydream that our universe was a tiny speck of dust wedged down the crack of an immense lounge chair of some guy who never cleaned, and I dreaded the day he would finally decide to vacuum cause the end of the world.

When you get down to it there is no assurance that the world is real which cannot be faked by a higher power to fool us for whatever ends.  All the senses we have can be decived easily enough by us mortals so whats to stop someone with enough power to construct a simulation world of doing the same and more :O!!

The only thing we can really be certain of is our doubt....

and of course the bourbon

I Love You
Sail On Through Me
I would love to be able to do all those energy raising exercises while I sleep :)
It'd save lots of time

The problem I have with this experience is that the sensation was not one that I have ever had when doing NEW and its not one im familiar with.  I have not been doing NEW for very long at all, and I don't remember something like this specifically mentioned in Astral Dynamics.

Specifically it's the oscillation of what feels like my energy body metres out of my physical body, which steadily decreases in distance and increases in speed until its so fast that it doesn't appear to be moving or doing anything but for a powerful buzzing.  

It was so intense that im sure it was significant in some way and I was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience, or knows what it means.

I Love You
Sail On Through Me
Hey Adam

Those links from Mobius really have more info than I have.  You should try to be sure the source of the information about chakra correspondences is credible.  Depending on what book you read a crystal might be used for any chakra.  Clear quartz is one that is generally aggreed to be suitable for any chakra.

I am sure that many new agey crystal shops make up a lot of what they say about crystals and their powers can do.  The fact is if you go to the trouble of going out and finding crystals you can say what you like about their properties and sell them for a huge profit to the gullible, and of course people will do that.

If you can feel energy in your body, (i assume that you can from an experience with NEW) you should be able to feel if a certain crystal is blocking or enhancing energy after a short time.  So the best thing to do is research and experiment and you will soon feel what crystal is best for what.

Be inquisitive  :)

Hi everyone

This is my virgin post :)

I read Astral Dynamics and loved it and I have to say that this is a fine message board you have here and it willl take me some time to go through all this info.

About the crystals, I have read a lot about how they can be used in healing chakras because of the vibrations they produce.  If I understand it properly all matter is basically energy vibrating at specific frequencies, as well as sound and light.  The energy points of the chakras also idealy vibrate at specific frequencies.

So crystals that vibrate at sympathetic frequencies to chakras can be used in healing and meditation.  When a crystal is placed over a chakra the vibrations of the crystal will synchronize the energy of the chakra and bring it up or down to a corresponding frequency.  

Most crystals are sold with information about which corresponding chakra they can be used with.

I have meditated, laying down, with an amethyst on my thrid eye chakra and I definitely felt it do something, I believe it was positive cause I felt pretty good after that.

I've also done the same but apparently the amethyst was not cleansed or charged properly at the time and I fell asleep and woke up with a nasty headache :P

I hope this has helped :)