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Messages - Tara Star

Welcome to Magic! / dark magic
August 20, 2005, 14:48:54
Seems to me like that is gray magic, everyone out for themselves. A. Crowley was a the founder of that school and he came to a very sticky end did Uncle Al.  "do what thou wilt...." was his motto.

Personally, I think "playing" with demons is is a lot like playing with a loaded gun.  I know that lesser demons are around in plenty and are easy to command, I just think that will come around to bite you some day. I have been around in the magickal worlds going on 20 years now and that is what I have seen over and over again.

Since this is a forum, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and experience and you will of course go on with life and magick in your own way....

But do yourself a favor and read Ed Warren's book "the demonologist" I would love to hear your opinion after you have....
Welcome to Magic! / Question on who to summon.
August 15, 2005, 09:08:51
If you have a doubt, ask for "The highest spirit guide available to me in this moment. for the good of all and with harm to none..."

Angels are good.  So are the Masters like Jesus and Mary.

Aim high!  Call them by name. For goddess's sake don't just summon who ever is hanging around or you will get a lot of dead people and astral entities. Remember that just cuz they are spirit doesn't mean you want to take to them or take their advice.

The worst that will happen is that you will get a "face changer" from the lower astral level.  If you see one that changes it's face alot, banish it. They are bad news and often plague newbie channelers and witches.

Most of all, stay tuned into how you feel when a new spirit approaches you. If you feel good, uplifted and happy, then it is a light spirit.

If it feels yucky then it is yucky!  Tell it to go away.

Watch for ones that promise you anything or try to reward you in anyway. (That is bad! And the hallmark of the lower astral beasties)  Make them prove to you that they are really helpful by asking them what their intention in dealing with you is.

If you are still not sure who you have plugged into, then use the "Reveal" command to get it to show it's true form. (Only works if  you can actually see them with  your psychic eye, but  you should be able to feel with difference at least.)

Summoning is something to be careful about. Make sure you are standing in a salt circle and have thoroughly cleansed yourself before your ritual with the cleansing bath. Smudge your space, cast your circle and then try.

If you are a newbie, I recommend studying with a group as there is really only so much you can learn from books. And remember, magick, while it can be fun and exciting, isn;t a game and you don;t have to prove anything to anyone. If your friend is just curious, do something else. It isn;t respectful of  you or your magickal practice to play around or prove something.
Welcome to Magic! / dark magic
August 15, 2005, 08:48:10
I agree completely. Sloppy magick of any kind is a bad idea.  It always takes concentration and knowing what you are doing to be effective, just like anything else in life, right?

I am afraid I don't buy the "there is no dark magick, it's like sharks" idea at all.

There is totally black and dark magick and it is all about using our free will to choose. A shark can't choose. It just is.  But we humans can and do. And for some reason people choose to align themselves with evil.

Black/Dark magick is a choice to stand up with the bad guys. You are consciously choosing evil, the dark side.  Dark magicians do this for their own gain, to get what they want, often at the cost to someone else without care of the effects. And that is well.... evil!

Not at all like a shark who is just at the top of the food chain.

As E. Pulse has observed the outcome always sucks. The thing about dark spirits is they always LIE.  (He is called the prince of lies after all) and due to the threefold rule (the energy that you send out comes back to three times. Cause and effect really.) you always, always get whacked. Really hard. With a big stick.

Meddling in magick when you don't know what you are doing, or don't really believe in it is a bad idea. Magick is powerful (On either side) and it's easy to get burned. I have seen, known and helped people recover from some really crazy things.  Like those who think conjuring demons would be "fun" cuz they don't really believe anything will happen and don't seem to get that demons are truly evil beings whose mission is to destroy humanity.

E. Pulse, if you have really given it up, you should dedicate yourself to the light. If you have written a contract you need to get it back and burn it. If you received the dark baptism and signed a contract, you are pretty much hosed unless you do.

Going really far in the other direction is the best idea. Become a born again something. get rebapstised into the light.  You need to practically join a monastery to recover from truly joining a black magic group. (It depends on how deep you got into it..)

And by all means give up all magick and occult activities until you have sorted yourself out.

Many of the charismatic christian groups do something called "deliverance ministry" to help with hard core demon removal and breaking contracts. Try the Pentecostals.  The only deal is you have to convert.  

The worst thing about this stuff is it has long lasting karmic implications and mess you up not only in this lifetime, but in all  your next ones too.

Please make sure that demon is really gone. Often they lurk in the back ground or go dormant only to pop up again if you continue your occult activities.

If you want to know more about demons, read Ed Warren's book, "The Demonologist"  (but watch out it, it's SCARY!) or Mcnutt's book "Deliverance from Evil Spirits."

Good luck and stay in the light!  It's nicer over here....
I often see this kind of thing in my psychic students. I teach psychic development class and have for years and years.  

One of the first things people ask me is "Where is the OFF switch!"  It's important to learn to control your opening and expanding psychic ability.

You are probably a power latent clairaudient. (That is the hearing channeling) I bet all the things you have been doing to learn AP (meditation, yoga, Reiki, body work) all have the added benefit of popping open your psychic.

What can happen is that your psychic ability can develop beyond your spiritual development and cause problems.

As you have noted, it's a pain in the neck, invasive and intrusive. (Think how your Friends would feel if they knew!  You'd have none and pretty quick.)

Believe me, it's 100x worse if you have the visual channel and that opens. Yikes!

Also it's against the psychics moral code to look (or listen) unless we are asked to, so you are playing in tricky waters.

Sounds like you are doing thought reading and thought insertion. Both of these are quite possible. (BTW,  The CIA collects thought readers and insertsers! )  And that also you have attracted the attention of some nasty lower level entities.

Basic psychic self defense is required here, something I teach all my students before (Hopefully) opening them up any further. I beleive it's a rather dangerous to open psychically before one has aquired the nessacary sheilding skills and that is one if my biggest beefs about people who pop themselves open without having a clue what they are getting themslevs into into.  It's be a bit like taking a stroll through NYC without a map, a guide or a clue or any street smarts and then getting all surprised when you get rolled in Central Park in the middle of the night. (And this is particulairy true for people who play around in the astral plane!  Which is more like Harlem in the middle of the night!)

Learn to control and manage your aura. Ground, fill, clear and protect. There are many good meditations and visualizations that you can use.

Work on creating a shield around the barrier layer of your aura. This takes practice and discipline but it's pretty easy.  

Learn to control where you are going if you are going to AP.

Practice a good spiritual discipline. (Doesn't matter what, yoga, zen  the craft of the wise, whatever appeals...)

Ted Andrews has a great book called "Psychic Self Defense." So does Judy Hall.

Good luck and stay in the light!  It's nicer over here...
Personally I think AP is quite dangerous.  I can do it but hardly ever do. The lower astral plane is a pretty dark place, full of scary, yucky and even very dangerous beings.

When I travel I go way above the astral plane. It's hard to do though and takes practice. Quite frankly I am just happy for a good night's sleep when I don't go anywhere!

Unless you live a very pure life and have tremendous mental and spiritual discipline and strength, I think AP can be quite dangerous.  I often see cases (I work as a professional psychic and energy healer) where something comes into a person who is checked out during AP. Usually through the solar plexus. Habitual AP'ers seem to have problems with caved in and collapsed solar plexus chakras. I have often wondered if AP creates an energy body wound that then leaves one vulnerable to invasion.

(I am sure you can find a way to AP safely if you really want to, it's just look at all the risk you take before you figure out how to!)

Perhaps an idea is to make sure you are very, very protected before you jump out. Try a ring of salt around your bed at night. We are soooo vulnerable when we are sleeping!  Conscious APers even more so.  AP with a cross on or sleep with the rosary in your hands or some other power object. Burn incense.  Put wards under your bed. Especially cover your solar plexus. But a crystal on it. Put crystals all around your bed.

I know many of you will have different experiences and opinions then I in this matter, but I have seen over and over in my clients that when you check out, something else can check in, or follow you back home. AP seems to be a red flag, attracting the lower astral entities to you. Yuck. Go hang out with the angels instead!  

In my mind AP is in a "high risk" psychic activity right up there with Ouija Boards, seances and getting stoned and sleeping over night in the abandoned mental hospital just to see if ghosts are real.... Yikes.

Just my 2 cents...

Stay in the light, it's nicer over here....
Sounds like a "jumper" or a hitch hiker.

I see these guys all the time on my clients. (Prof psychic and energy healer...)  I always see them attached onto the spine somewhere.  Usually the back of the neck or low on the spine.  The feed on nervous system energy, usually Adrenalin (sp?). If they are attached low on the spine they might have a tentacle into your adrenal glands or sex organs.  They give them a squeeze and drink the resulting "juice." It's food for them. Yum, yum.

If you feel it higher on your back, it might be attached around your heart. Have you have been feeling alot of sadness and grief lately?  If so then that is where it might be attached.  if it is lower down on the sacrum you will feel anger or lust.  In the middle around the solar plexus one feels more anxiety/fear then usual.

They can be tricky little devils.  I pull them off my clients. but it can be quite a wrestle and I have a lot of powerful back up from my guides. (And years of experience...)

I see this one talking into your left ear.  Do you also have a buzzing or ringing in your ears?  Sometimes they try to "push" us into behaviors/thoughts or feelings that will juice them up too.

Usually just turning around and really looking at them will help get them off. Feel your power in your will (solar plexus) tell it that you see it, that you know it is there and you will dedicate yourself to getting rid of it. Don't be afraid. Show some attitude. Get ticked off and feel your power. You are strong in this dimension and it is weak. Don't forget that.

Call on a higher power. Ask Jesus or archangel Michael to help you. Call in your highest level guides to assist you.

The salt water tub will help clear your aura of ambient psychic static, but it's usually not enough to clear  off a jumper.  Smudge and sage are pretty useless too. I find them only effective in clearing left over emotional energy and completely useless on moving entities.

I do recommend a flower essence called "Crystal Clear" and "Astral Clear." You can get them off the web they are called "Petaltones FLower Essences" and they are both very powerful at entity removal. I swear by these and never go anywhere without mine.

If you are Christan put on a cross and don;t take it off.  Go to church and do your thing there too, whatever it is. Holy water works a treat. Pour some in the tub with the salt.  

Usually they only come in if you have a hole in your aura somewhere.  Find and energy worker to help you repair your aura. I think Polarity is one of the best methods.  When I see your aura there is a huge rip in it front and back of your heart.

These come from surgery or from having a heart break or trauma in your life. Or from doing something really naughty that you feel bad about. Or from doing drugs. They love to eat those shadow emotions like fear, anger, jealousy, shame etc. Your energy feels full of guilt.  Do you feel really bad about something?

Say for ex, you have a heart break and start hangin around in bars.  Good recipe for jumpers.  They come through the hole in the aura while you are vulnerable (Drinking does a bad job on the aura too) and feed off your "wound"  then when they get nice and hooked on you, they make more trouble to get an easy meal.

Also, if you have a habit of picking up these guys, clean up your life as best you can. Don't hang around in psychically "dirty" places like bars, clubs, hotels etc until you patch that hole in your aura.

Absolutely stop any recreational drug usage, if you are. Smoking pot also leaves these tell tale rips in the aura. (Which is why pot smokers feel paranoid!  They just rips holes in their first line of defense!)

A good energy worker could probably get it off for you too. Again, I recommend Polarity.  Your energy field looks like it is in tatters so you would probably need a few sessions.

Taking good care of yourself is key too. Keep regular hours, sleep, exercise and meditation are all good at aura repair and maintenance.

My point is here that once you get it off, you are still a good candidate for a free lunch unless you repair your aura and clean up your life as much as possible. Somehow they often come back to the same people so once you get one you are a bit at risk for other kinds of attachments.

Most of all remember that you are strong and they are weak here.  Take control of yourself, don;t be afraid and give it some attitude and you will be fine. When in doubt seek out a healer for some help. You might find it help heals whatever internal/emotional wound you have too!  (And that is key, when we are not bleeding emotions or energy from the inside they have nothing to feed on....) I often recommend counseling with for clients too since we need to be healthy on all levels of our beings to stay protected.

Good luck!  And stay in the light. It's nicer over here.....